123 lines
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123 lines
7.2 KiB
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using dnSpy.Contracts.App;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Scripting;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Scripting.Roslyn;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Text;
namespace dnSpy.Scripting.Roslyn.Common {
sealed class ScriptGlobals : IScriptGlobals {
readonly IScriptGlobalsHelper owner;
readonly Dispatcher dispatcher;
readonly CancellationToken token;
readonly PrintOptionsImpl printOptionsImpl;
public ScriptGlobals(IScriptGlobalsHelper owner, Dispatcher dispatcher, CancellationToken token) {
this.owner = owner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(owner));
this.token = token;
this.dispatcher = dispatcher ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatcher));
printOptionsImpl = new PrintOptionsImpl();
public event EventHandler? ScriptResetting;
public void RaiseScriptResetting() => ScriptResetting?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public IScriptGlobals Instance => this;
public CancellationToken Token => token;
public IPrintOptions PrintOptions => printOptionsImpl;
public PrintOptionsImpl PrintOptionsImpl => printOptionsImpl;
public void Write(string? text, object? color) => Print(color ?? BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, text);
public void Write(string? text, TextColor color) => Write(text, color.Box());
public void PrintError(string? text) => Print(BoxedTextColor.Error, text);
public void PrintError(string fmt, params object[] args) => Print(BoxedTextColor.Error, fmt, args);
public void PrintLineError(string? text) => PrintLine(BoxedTextColor.Error, text);
public void PrintLineError(string fmt, params object[] args) => PrintLine(BoxedTextColor.Error, fmt, args);
public void Print(object? color, string? text) => owner.Print(this, color ?? BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, text);
public void Print(TextColor color, string? text) => owner.Print(this, color.Box(), text);
public void Print(string? text) => Print(BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, text);
public void Print(object? color, string fmt, params object[] args) => Print(color ?? BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, string.Format(fmt, args));
public void Print(TextColor color, string fmt, params object[] args) => Print(color, string.Format(fmt, args));
public void Print(string fmt, params object[] args) => Print(BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, fmt, args);
public void PrintLine(object? color, string? text) => owner.PrintLine(this, color ?? BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, text);
public void PrintLine(TextColor color, string? text) => owner.PrintLine(this, color.Box(), text);
public void PrintLine(string? text = null) => PrintLine(BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, text);
public void PrintLine(object? color, string fmt, params object[] args) => PrintLine(color ?? BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, string.Format(fmt, args));
public void PrintLine(TextColor color, string fmt, params object[] args) => PrintLine(color, string.Format(fmt, args));
public void PrintLine(string fmt, params object[] args) => PrintLine(BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, fmt, args);
public void Print(object value, object? color) => owner.Print(this, color ?? BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, printOptionsImpl, value);
public void PrintLine(object value, object? color) => owner.PrintLine(this, color ?? BoxedTextColor.ReplScriptOutputText, printOptionsImpl, value);
public void Print(Exception ex, object? color) => owner.Print(this, color ?? BoxedTextColor.Error, ex);
public void PrintLine(Exception ex, object? color) => owner.PrintLine(this, color ?? BoxedTextColor.Error, ex);
public void Print(object value, TextColor color) => owner.Print(this, color.Box(), printOptionsImpl, value);
public void PrintLine(object value, TextColor color) => owner.PrintLine(this, color.Box(), printOptionsImpl, value);
public void Print(Exception ex, TextColor color) => owner.Print(this, color.Box(), ex);
public void PrintLine(Exception ex, TextColor color) => owner.PrintLine(this, color.Box(), ex);
public ICachedWriter CreateWriter() => new CachedWriter(this);
public void Write(List<ColorAndText> list) => owner.Write(this, list);
public Dispatcher UIDispatcher => dispatcher;
public void UI(Action action) => dispatcher.UI(action);
public T UI<T>(Func<T> func) => dispatcher.UI(func);
public void Break() => System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
public T Resolve<T>() where T : class => owner.ServiceLocator.Resolve<T>();
public T? TryResolve<T>() where T : class => owner.ServiceLocator.TryResolve<T>();
public void Print(CachedWriter cw, Exception ex, object? color) => owner.Print(this, cw, color, ex);
public void Print(CachedWriter cw, object value, object? color) => owner.Print(this, cw, color, cw.PrintOptions, value);
public void PrintLine(CachedWriter cw, Exception ex, object? color) {
Print(cw, ex, color);
public void PrintLine(CachedWriter cw, object value, object? color) {
Print(cw, value, color);
public MsgBoxButton Show(string message, MsgBoxButton buttons = MsgBoxButton.OK, Window? ownerWindow = null) =>
dispatcher.UI(() => MsgBox.Instance.Show(message, buttons, ownerWindow));
public MsgBoxButton ShowOKCancel(string message, Window? ownerWindow = null) =>
dispatcher.UI(() => MsgBox.Instance.Show(message, MsgBoxButton.OK | MsgBoxButton.Cancel, ownerWindow));
public MsgBoxButton ShowOC(string message, Window? ownerWindow = null) => ShowOKCancel(message, ownerWindow);
public MsgBoxButton ShowYesNo(string message, Window? ownerWindow = null) =>
dispatcher.UI(() => MsgBox.Instance.Show(message, MsgBoxButton.Yes | MsgBoxButton.No, ownerWindow));
public MsgBoxButton ShowYN(string message, Window? ownerWindow = null) => ShowYesNo(message, ownerWindow);
public MsgBoxButton ShowYesNoCancel(string message, Window? ownerWindow = null) =>
dispatcher.UI(() => MsgBox.Instance.Show(message, MsgBoxButton.Yes | MsgBoxButton.No | MsgBoxButton.Cancel, ownerWindow));
public MsgBoxButton ShowYNC(string message, Window? ownerWindow = null) => ShowYesNoCancel(message, ownerWindow);
public T Ask<T>(string labelMessage, string? defaultText = null, string? title = null, Func<string, T>? converter = null, Func<string, string>? verifier = null, Window? ownerWindow = null) =>
dispatcher.UI(() => MsgBox.Instance.Ask(labelMessage, defaultText, title, converter, verifier, ownerWindow));
public void Show(Exception exception, string? msg = null, Window? ownerWindow = null) =>
dispatcher.UI(() => MsgBox.Instance.Show(exception, msg, ownerWindow));