197 lines
8.7 KiB
197 lines
8.7 KiB
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using dnSpy.AsmEditor.Hex.PE;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Documents.TreeView;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Hex;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Hex.Files.DotNet;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Images;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Text;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Utilities;
namespace dnSpy.AsmEditor.Hex.Nodes {
sealed class MetadataTableRecordNode : HexNode {
public override Guid Guid => new Guid(DocumentTreeViewConstants.MDTBLREC_NODE_GUID);
public override NodePathName NodePathName => new NodePathName(Guid, index.ToString());
public override object VMObject => Record;
protected override IEnumerable<HexVM> HexVMs {
get { yield return Record; }
protected override ImageReference IconReference => DsImages.Metadata;
MetadataTableNode MDParent => (MetadataTableNode)TreeNode.Parent!.Data;
MetadataTableRecordVM Record => MDParent.MetadataTableVM.Get(index);
public override bool SingleClickExpandsChildren => false;
readonly int index;
readonly (int[], Action<ITextColorWriter>)? infoTuple;
public MetadataTableRecordNode(TableInfo tableInfo, int index, HexPosition startOffset, HexPosition endOffset)
: base(HexSpan.FromBounds(startOffset, endOffset)) {
this.index = index;
infoTuple = GetInfoTuple(tableInfo);
protected override void WriteCore(ITextColorWriter output, DocumentNodeWriteOptions options) {
output.Write(BoxedTextColor.Number, (index + 1).ToString());
if (infoTuple is not null) {
output.Write(BoxedTextColor.Operator, "-");
public override void OnBufferChanged(NormalizedHexChangeCollection changes) {
if (infoTuple is not null) {
var tableInfo = ((MetadataTableNode)TreeNode.Parent!.Data).TableInfo;
foreach (var index in infoTuple.Value.Item1) {
var col = tableInfo.Columns[index];
var span = new HexSpan(Span.Start + (ulong)col.Offset, (ulong)col.Size);
if (changes.OverlapsWith(span)) {
(int[], Action<ITextColorWriter>)? GetInfoTuple(TableInfo tableInfo) {
switch (tableInfo.Table) {
case Table.Module: return (new int[] { 1 }, WriteModuleInfo);
case Table.TypeRef: return (new int[] { 1, 2 }, WriteTypeRefInfo);
case Table.TypeDef: return (new int[] { 1, 2 }, WriteTypeDefInfo);
case Table.FieldPtr: return null;
case Table.Field: return (new int[] { 1 }, WriteFieldInfo);
case Table.MethodPtr: return null;
case Table.Method: return (new int[] { 3 }, WriteMethodInfo);
case Table.ParamPtr: return null;
case Table.Param: return (new int[] { 2 }, WriteParamInfo);
case Table.InterfaceImpl: return null;
case Table.MemberRef: return (new int[] { 1 }, WriteMemberRefInfo);
case Table.Constant: return null;
case Table.CustomAttribute: return null;
case Table.FieldMarshal: return null;
case Table.DeclSecurity: return null;
case Table.ClassLayout: return null;
case Table.FieldLayout: return null;
case Table.StandAloneSig: return null;
case Table.EventMap: return null;
case Table.EventPtr: return null;
case Table.Event: return (new int[] { 1 }, WriteEventInfo);
case Table.PropertyMap: return null;
case Table.PropertyPtr: return null;
case Table.Property: return (new int[] { 1 }, WritePropertyInfo);
case Table.MethodSemantics: return null;
case Table.MethodImpl: return null;
case Table.ModuleRef: return (new int[] { 0 }, WriteModuleRefInfo);
case Table.TypeSpec: return null;
case Table.ImplMap: return (new int[] { 2 }, WriteImplMapInfo);
case Table.FieldRVA: return null;
case Table.ENCLog: return null;
case Table.ENCMap: return null;
case Table.Assembly: return (new int[] { 7 }, WriteAssemblyInfo);
case Table.AssemblyProcessor: return null;
case Table.AssemblyOS: return null;
case Table.AssemblyRef: return (new int[] { 6 }, WriteAssemblyRefInfo);
case Table.AssemblyRefProcessor: return null;
case Table.AssemblyRefOS: return null;
case Table.File: return (new int[] { 1 }, WriteFileInfo);
case Table.ExportedType: return (new int[] { 2, 3 }, WriteExportedTypeInfo);
case Table.ManifestResource: return (new int[] { 2 }, WriteManifestResourceInfo);
case Table.NestedClass: return null;
case Table.GenericParam: return (new int[] { 3 }, WriteGenericParamInfo);
case Table.MethodSpec: return null;
case Table.GenericParamConstraint: return null;
case Table.Document: return null;
case Table.MethodDebugInformation: return null;
case Table.LocalScope: return null;
case Table.LocalVariable: return null;
case Table.LocalConstant: return null;
case Table.ImportScope: return null;
case Table.StateMachineMethod: return null;
case Table.CustomDebugInformation: return null;
default: throw new InvalidOperationException();
string ReadStringsHeap(int index) {
var mdt = (MetadataTableNode)TreeNode.Parent!.Data;
var tableInfo = mdt.TableInfo;
var s = SimpleTypeConverter.ToString(mdt.MetadataTableVM.ReadStringsHeap(ReadFieldValue(mdt.Buffer, tableInfo.Columns[index])), false);
Debug.Assert(s.Length >= 2);
if (s.Length < 2)
return s;
return s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2);
uint ReadFieldValue(HexBuffer buffer, ColumnInfo col) {
var start = Span.Start + (ulong)col.Offset;
if (col.Size == 2)
return buffer.ReadUInt16(start);
else if (col.Size == 4)
return buffer.ReadUInt32(start);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
void WriteModuleInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.AssemblyModule, ReadStringsHeap(1));
void WriteNamespaceName(ITextColorWriter output, int nsIndex, int nameIndex) {
var ns = ReadStringsHeap(nsIndex);
var name = ReadStringsHeap(nameIndex);
output.Write(BoxedTextColor.Type, name);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns)) {
output.Write(BoxedTextColor.Operator, "-");
var parts = ns.Split('.');
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) {
output.Write(BoxedTextColor.Namespace, parts[i]);
if (i + 1 < parts.Length)
output.Write(BoxedTextColor.Operator, ".");
void WriteTypeRefInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => WriteNamespaceName(output, 2, 1);
void WriteTypeDefInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => WriteNamespaceName(output, 2, 1);
void WriteFieldInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.InstanceField, ReadStringsHeap(1));
void WriteMethodInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.InstanceMethod, ReadStringsHeap(3));
void WriteParamInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.Parameter, ReadStringsHeap(2));
void WriteMemberRefInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.InstanceMethod, ReadStringsHeap(1));
void WriteEventInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.InstanceEvent, ReadStringsHeap(1));
void WritePropertyInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.InstanceProperty, ReadStringsHeap(1));
void WriteModuleRefInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.AssemblyModule, ReadStringsHeap(0));
void WriteImplMapInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.InstanceMethod, ReadStringsHeap(2));
void WriteAssemblyInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.Assembly, ReadStringsHeap(7));
void WriteAssemblyRefInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.Assembly, ReadStringsHeap(6));
void WriteFileInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.WriteFilename(ReadStringsHeap(1));
void WriteExportedTypeInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => WriteNamespaceName(output, 3, 2);
void WriteManifestResourceInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.WriteFilename(ReadStringsHeap(2));
void WriteGenericParamInfo(ITextColorWriter output) => output.Write(BoxedTextColor.TypeGenericParameter, ReadStringsHeap(3));