640 lines
22 KiB
640 lines
22 KiB
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Hex;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Hex.Files;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Hex.Files.PE;
using dnSpy.Contracts.MVVM;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Utilities;
namespace dnSpy.AsmEditor.Hex.PE {
[DebuggerDisplay("{Span} {Name} {DataFieldVM.StringValue}")]
abstract class HexField : ViewModelBase {
protected readonly HexBuffer buffer;
public string NameUI => UIUtilities.EscapeMenuItemHeader(Name);
public string Name { get; }
public string OffsetString => $"0x{Span.Start.ToUInt64():X8}";
public HexSpan Span { get; }
public bool IsVisible { get; set; }
public HexPosition Size => Span.Length;
public abstract string FormattedValue { get; }
protected HexField() {
IsVisible = false;
Name = string.Empty;
buffer = null!;// Never accessed since the field is not visible
protected HexField(BufferField field)
: this(field.Data, field.Name) {
protected HexField(BufferData data, string fieldName) {
if (data is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
buffer = data.Span.Buffer;
IsVisible = true;
Name = fieldName ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fieldName));
Span = data.Span.Span;
protected HexField(HexBuffer buffer, string parentName, string name, HexPosition start, int size) {
this.buffer = buffer;
IsVisible = true;
Name = name;
Span = new HexSpan(start, (ulong)size);
public abstract DataFieldVM DataFieldVM { get; }
public void OnBufferChanged(NormalizedHexChangeCollection changes) {
if (!changes.OverlapsWith(Span))
var newValue = ReadData();
if (!DataFieldVM.HasError && newValue.Equals(DataFieldVM.ObjectValue))
var old = disable_UpdateValue;
try {
disable_UpdateValue = true;
DataFieldVM.ObjectValue = newValue;
finally {
disable_UpdateValue = old;
protected virtual void OnBufferChanged(object newValue) {
protected void UpdateValue() {
if (disable_UpdateValue)
if (DataFieldVM.HasError)
var newData = GetDataAsByteArray();
Debug2.Assert(newData is not null && newData.LongLength == Span.Length);
var origData = buffer.ReadBytes(Span.Start, newData.LongLength);
if (Equals(newData, origData))
buffer.Replace(Span.Start, newData);
bool disable_UpdateValue = false;
static bool Equals(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
if (a == b)
return true;
if (a is null || b is null)
return false;
if (a.Length != b.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i])
return false;
return true;
protected abstract byte[] GetDataAsByteArray();
protected abstract object ReadData();
protected virtual void OnUpdateValue() { }
sealed class ByteHexField : HexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly ByteVM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X2}";
public ByteHexField(StructField<ByteData> field, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(field) => data = new ByteVM(buffer.ReadByte(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
public ByteHexField(HexBuffer buffer, string parentName, string name, HexPosition start, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(buffer, parentName, name, start, 1) => data = new ByteVM(buffer.ReadByte(start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => new byte[1] { data.Value };
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadByte(Span.Start);
sealed class Int16HexField : HexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly Int16VM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X4}";
public Int16HexField(StructField<Int16Data> field, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(field) => data = new Int16VM(buffer.ReadInt16(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
public Int16HexField(HexBuffer buffer, string parentName, string name, HexPosition start, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(buffer, parentName, name, start, 2) => data = new Int16VM(buffer.ReadInt16(start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Value);
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadInt16(Span.Start);
sealed class UInt16HexField : HexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly UInt16VM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X4}";
public UInt16HexField(StructField<UInt16Data> field, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(field) => data = new UInt16VM(buffer.ReadUInt16(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
public UInt16HexField(UInt16Data data, string fieldName, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(data, fieldName) => this.data = new UInt16VM(buffer.ReadUInt16(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
public UInt16HexField(HexBuffer buffer, string parentName, string name, HexPosition start, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(buffer, parentName, name, start, 2) => data = new UInt16VM(buffer.ReadUInt16(start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Value);
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadUInt16(Span.Start);
sealed class Int32HexField : HexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly Int32VM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X8}";
public Int32HexField(StructField<Int32Data> field, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(field) => data = new Int32VM(buffer.ReadInt32(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
public Int32HexField(HexBuffer buffer, string parentName, string name, HexPosition start, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(buffer, parentName, name, start, 4) => data = new Int32VM(buffer.ReadInt32(start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Value);
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadInt32(Span.Start);
sealed class UInt32HexField : HexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly UInt32VM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X8}";
public static UInt32HexField TryCreate(StructField<UInt32Data>? field, bool useDecimal = false) {
if (field is not null)
return new UInt32HexField(field, useDecimal);
return new UInt32HexField();
UInt32HexField() => data = null!;// Never accessed since the field is not visible
public UInt32HexField(UInt32Data data, string fieldName, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(data, fieldName) => this.data = new UInt32VM(buffer.ReadUInt32(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
public UInt32HexField(StructField<UInt32Data> field, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(field) => data = new UInt32VM(buffer.ReadUInt32(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
public UInt32HexField(StructField<RvaData> field, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(field) => data = new UInt32VM(buffer.ReadUInt32(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
public UInt32HexField(StructField<FileOffsetData> field, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(field) => data = new UInt32VM(buffer.ReadUInt32(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
public UInt32HexField(HexBuffer buffer, string parentName, string name, HexPosition start, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(buffer, parentName, name, start, 4) => data = new UInt32VM(buffer.ReadUInt32(start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Value);
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadUInt32(Span.Start);
sealed class UInt64HexField : HexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly UInt64VM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X16}";
public UInt64HexField(StructField<UInt64Data> field, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(field) => data = new UInt64VM(buffer.ReadUInt64(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), useDecimal);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Value);
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadUInt64(Span.Start);
sealed class StringHexField : HexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly StringVM data;
public override string FormattedValue => String;
public string String {
get {
if (DataFieldVM.HasError)
return "???";
var data = GetDataAsByteArray();
int count;
for (count = data.Length - 1; count >= 0; count--) {
if (data[count] != 0)
return Filter(encoding.GetString(data, 0, count + 1));
public string StringZ {
get {
if (DataFieldVM.HasError)
return "???";
var data = GetDataAsByteArray();
int count;
for (count = 0; count < data.Length; count++) {
if (data[count] == 0)
return Filter(encoding.GetString(data, 0, count));
static string Filter(string s) {
var sb = new StringBuilder(s.Length);
foreach (var c in s) {
if (c == 0)
else if (c < 0x20)
return sb.ToString();
readonly Encoding encoding;
public StringHexField(StructField<StringData> field)
: base(field) {
encoding = field.Data.Encoding;
data = new StringVM((string)ReadData(), a => UpdateValue());
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() {
var sd = encoding.GetBytes(data.Value);
var d = new byte[Span.Length.ToUInt64()];
Array.Copy(sd, d, Math.Min(d.Length, sd.Length));
return d;
protected override object ReadData() => encoding.GetString(buffer.ReadBytes(Span));
abstract class FlagsHexField : HexField {
readonly Dictionary<int, HexBitField> bitFields;
public HexBitField? Bit0 => GetBitField(0);
public HexBitField? Bit1 => GetBitField(1);
public HexBitField? Bit2 => GetBitField(2);
public HexBitField? Bit3 => GetBitField(3);
public HexBitField? Bit4 => GetBitField(4);
public HexBitField? Bit5 => GetBitField(5);
public HexBitField? Bit6 => GetBitField(6);
public HexBitField? Bit7 => GetBitField(7);
public HexBitField? Bit8 => GetBitField(8);
public HexBitField? Bit9 => GetBitField(9);
public HexBitField? Bit10 => GetBitField(10);
public HexBitField? Bit11 => GetBitField(11);
public HexBitField? Bit12 => GetBitField(12);
public HexBitField? Bit13 => GetBitField(13);
public HexBitField? Bit14 => GetBitField(14);
public HexBitField? Bit15 => GetBitField(15);
public HexBitField? Bit16 => GetBitField(16);
public HexBitField? Bit17 => GetBitField(17);
public HexBitField? Bit18 => GetBitField(18);
public HexBitField? Bit19 => GetBitField(19);
public HexBitField? Bit20 => GetBitField(20);
public HexBitField? Bit21 => GetBitField(21);
public HexBitField? Bit22 => GetBitField(22);
public HexBitField? Bit23 => GetBitField(23);
public HexBitField? Bit24 => GetBitField(24);
public HexBitField? Bit25 => GetBitField(25);
public HexBitField? Bit26 => GetBitField(26);
public HexBitField? Bit27 => GetBitField(27);
public HexBitField? Bit28 => GetBitField(28);
public HexBitField? Bit29 => GetBitField(29);
public HexBitField? Bit30 => GetBitField(30);
public HexBitField? Bit31 => GetBitField(31);
public HexBitField? Bit32 => GetBitField(32);
public HexBitField? Bit33 => GetBitField(33);
public HexBitField? Bit34 => GetBitField(34);
public HexBitField? Bit35 => GetBitField(35);
public HexBitField? Bit36 => GetBitField(36);
public HexBitField? Bit37 => GetBitField(37);
public HexBitField? Bit38 => GetBitField(38);
public HexBitField? Bit39 => GetBitField(39);
public HexBitField? Bit40 => GetBitField(40);
public HexBitField? Bit41 => GetBitField(41);
public HexBitField? Bit42 => GetBitField(42);
public HexBitField? Bit43 => GetBitField(43);
public HexBitField? Bit44 => GetBitField(44);
public HexBitField? Bit45 => GetBitField(45);
public HexBitField? Bit46 => GetBitField(46);
public HexBitField? Bit47 => GetBitField(47);
public HexBitField? Bit48 => GetBitField(48);
public HexBitField? Bit49 => GetBitField(49);
public HexBitField? Bit50 => GetBitField(50);
public HexBitField? Bit51 => GetBitField(51);
public HexBitField? Bit52 => GetBitField(52);
public HexBitField? Bit53 => GetBitField(53);
public HexBitField? Bit54 => GetBitField(54);
public HexBitField? Bit55 => GetBitField(55);
public HexBitField? Bit56 => GetBitField(56);
public HexBitField? Bit57 => GetBitField(57);
public HexBitField? Bit58 => GetBitField(58);
public HexBitField? Bit59 => GetBitField(59);
public HexBitField? Bit60 => GetBitField(60);
public HexBitField? Bit61 => GetBitField(61);
public HexBitField? Bit62 => GetBitField(62);
public HexBitField? Bit63 => GetBitField(63);
HexBitField? GetBitField(int bit) {
bool b = bitFields.TryGetValue(bit, out var bitField);
return bitField;
protected FlagsHexField(StructField field)
: base(field) => bitFields = new Dictionary<int, HexBitField>();
protected FlagsHexField(HexBuffer buffer, string parentName, string name, HexPosition start, int size)
: base(buffer, parentName, name, start, size) => bitFields = new Dictionary<int, HexBitField>();
static ulong ToUInt64(object o) {
if (o is byte)
return (byte)o;
if (o is ushort)
return (ushort)o;
if (o is short)
return (ushort)(short)o;
if (o is uint)
return (uint)o;
if (o is int)
return (uint)(int)o;
if (o is ulong)
return (ulong)o;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void Add(HexBitField bitField) {
Debug2.Assert(bitField.Owner is null);
bitField.Owner = this;
bitFields.Add(bitField.Bit, bitField);
Debug.Assert(!DataFieldVM.HasError); // Should only be called at init and it's then always valid
ulong val = ToUInt64(DataFieldVM.ObjectValue!);
SetValue(bitField, val);
protected override void OnBufferChanged(object newValue) => UpdateFields(newValue);
protected override void OnUpdateValue() => UpdateFields(DataFieldVM.ObjectValue!);
void UpdateFields(object newValue) {
ulong val = ToUInt64(newValue);
foreach (var bitField in bitFields.Values)
SetValue(bitField, val);
void SetValue(HexBitField bitField, ulong val) {
ulong bitVal = (val >> bitField.Bit) & bitField.Mask;
internal void Updated(HexBitField bitField) {
ulong val = ToUInt64(ReadData());
ulong origVal = val;
val &= ~(bitField.Mask << bitField.Bit);
val |= bitField.GetValue() << bitField.Bit;
if (origVal != val)
protected abstract void WriteNewValue(ulong newValue);
sealed class ByteFlagsHexField : FlagsHexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly ByteVM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X2}";
public ByteFlagsHexField(StructField<ByteFlagsData> field, bool useDecimal = false)
: base(field) => data = new ByteVM(buffer.ReadByte(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), false);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => new byte[1] { data.Value };
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadByte(Span.Start);
protected override void WriteNewValue(ulong newValue) => data.Value = (byte)newValue;
sealed class UInt16FlagsHexField : FlagsHexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly UInt16VM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X4}";
public UInt16FlagsHexField(StructField<UInt16FlagsData> field)
: base(field) => data = new UInt16VM(buffer.ReadUInt16(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), false);
public UInt16FlagsHexField(StructField<UInt16EnumData> field)
: base(field) => data = new UInt16VM(buffer.ReadUInt16(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), false);
public UInt16FlagsHexField(HexBuffer buffer, string parentName, string name, HexPosition start)
: base(buffer, parentName, name, start, 2) => data = new UInt16VM(buffer.ReadUInt16(start), a => UpdateValue(), false);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Value);
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadUInt16(Span.Start);
protected override void WriteNewValue(ulong newValue) => data.Value = (ushort)newValue;
sealed class UInt32FlagsHexField : FlagsHexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly UInt32VM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X8}";
public UInt32FlagsHexField(StructField<UInt32FlagsData> field)
: base(field) => data = new UInt32VM(buffer.ReadUInt32(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), false);
public UInt32FlagsHexField(HexBuffer buffer, string parentName, string name, HexPosition start)
: base(buffer, parentName, name, start, 4) => data = new UInt32VM(buffer.ReadUInt32(start), a => UpdateValue(), false);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Value);
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadUInt32(Span.Start);
protected override void WriteNewValue(ulong newValue) => data.Value = (uint)newValue;
sealed class UInt64FlagsHexField : FlagsHexField {
public override DataFieldVM DataFieldVM => data;
readonly UInt64VM data;
public override string FormattedValue => $"{ReadData():X16}";
public UInt64FlagsHexField(StructField<UInt64FlagsData> field)
: base(field) => data = new UInt64VM(buffer.ReadUInt64(Span.Start), a => UpdateValue(), false);
protected override byte[] GetDataAsByteArray() => BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Value);
protected override object ReadData() => buffer.ReadUInt64(Span.Start);
protected override void WriteNewValue(ulong newValue) => data.Value = newValue;
abstract class HexBitField : ViewModelBase {
public string NameUI => UIUtilities.EscapeMenuItemHeader(Name);
public string Name { get; }
public int Bit { get; }
public ulong Mask => Count == 64 ? ulong.MaxValue : (1UL << Count) - 1;
public int Count { get; }
internal FlagsHexField? Owner { get; set; }
public HexBitField(string name, int bit, int count) {
Debug.Assert(0 <= bit && bit <= 63 && 1 <= count && count <= 64 && bit + count <= 64);
Name = name;
Bit = bit;
Count = count;
public abstract void SetValue(ulong value);
public abstract ulong GetValue();
sealed class BooleanHexBitField : HexBitField {
public bool BitValue {
get => boolean;
set {
if (SetBitValue(value))
bool SetBitValue(bool value) {
if (boolean == value)
return false;
boolean = value;
return true;
bool boolean;
public BooleanHexBitField(string name, int bit)
: base(name, bit, 1) {
public override void SetValue(ulong value) {
Debug.Assert(value <= 1);
SetBitValue(value != 0);
public override ulong GetValue() => boolean ? 1UL : 0;
enum IntegerHexBitFieldEnum : ulong {
readonly struct IntegerHexBitFieldEnumInfo {
public readonly ulong Value;
public readonly string Name;
public IntegerHexBitFieldEnumInfo(int v, string name) {
Value = (ulong)v;
Name = name;
sealed class IntegerHexBitField : HexBitField {
public EnumListVM ListVM {
get {
if (listOrEnumInfos is EnumListVM res)
return res;
var list = ((IntegerHexBitFieldEnumInfo[])listOrEnumInfos).Select(a => new EnumVM((IntegerHexBitFieldEnum)a.Value, a.Name));
listOrEnumInfos = res = new EnumListVM(list, ListUpdated);
return res;
object listOrEnumInfos;
public IntegerHexBitField(string name, int bit, int count, IntegerHexBitFieldEnumInfo[] fields)
: base(name, bit, count) => listOrEnumInfos = fields;
void ListUpdated(int a, int b) {
if (ListUpdated_ignore)
bool ListUpdated_ignore = false;
public override void SetValue(ulong value) {
var old = ListUpdated_ignore;
try {
ListUpdated_ignore = true;
ListVM.SelectedItem = (IntegerHexBitFieldEnum)value;
finally {
ListUpdated_ignore = old;
public override ulong GetValue() => (ulong)(IntegerHexBitFieldEnum)ListVM.SelectedItem!;
sealed class DataDirectoryVM : ViewModelBase {
public string Name { get; }
public UInt32HexField RVAVM { get; }
public UInt32HexField SizeVM { get; }
public bool IsVisible {
get => isVisible;
set {
if (isVisible != value) {
isVisible = value;
bool isVisible = true;
public static DataDirectoryVM CreateEmpty() => new DataDirectoryVM();
DataDirectoryVM() {
Name = string.Empty;
// It's hidden
RVAVM = null!;
SizeVM = null!;
public DataDirectoryVM(DataDirectoryData data, string name) {
Name = name;
RVAVM = new UInt32HexField(data.VirtualAddress.Data, name + "." + data.VirtualAddress.Name);
SizeVM = new UInt32HexField(data.Size.Data, name + "." + data.Size.Name);
public DataDirectoryVM(StructField<DataDirectoryData> field)
: this(field.Data, field.Name) {