342 lines
14 KiB
342 lines
14 KiB
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Evaluation;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Evaluation.ValueNodes;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Text;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.Engine.Evaluation;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.Evaluation;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.Text;
using dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Metadata;
using dnSpy.Roslyn.Properties;
namespace dnSpy.Roslyn.Debugger.ValueNodes {
abstract class MembersValueNodeProvider : DbgDotNetValueNodeProvider {
public sealed override DbgDotNetText Name { get; }
public sealed override string Expression { get; }
public sealed override bool? HasChildren => realProvider?.HasChildren ?? ((membersCollection.Members?.Length ?? 1) > 0);
protected readonly LanguageValueNodeFactory valueNodeFactory;
protected MemberValueNodeInfoCollection membersCollection;
protected readonly DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions evalOptions;
ChildNodeProviderInfo[]? childNodeProviderInfos;
bool hasInitialized;
DbgManager? dbgManager;
string? errorMessage;
protected DbgDotNetValueNodeProvider? realProvider;
protected readonly struct ChildNodeProviderInfo {
public readonly ulong StartIndex;
// Not inclusive
public readonly ulong EndIndex;
public readonly uint BaseIndex;
public readonly DbgDotNetValueNode? ValueNode;
public readonly bool CanHide;
public ChildNodeProviderInfo(ulong startIndex, ulong endIndex, DbgDotNetValueNode valueNode, bool canHide) {
StartIndex = startIndex;
EndIndex = endIndex;
BaseIndex = 0;
ValueNode = valueNode;
CanHide = canHide;
public ChildNodeProviderInfo(ulong startIndex, ulong endIndex, uint baseIndex) {
StartIndex = startIndex;
EndIndex = endIndex;
BaseIndex = baseIndex;
ValueNode = null;
CanHide = false;
static class Cache {
static List<ChildNodeProviderInfo>? providerInfoList;
public static List<ChildNodeProviderInfo> AllocProviderList() => Interlocked.Exchange(ref providerInfoList, null) ?? new List<ChildNodeProviderInfo>();
public static ChildNodeProviderInfo[] FreeAndToArray(ref List<ChildNodeProviderInfo> list) {
var res = list.ToArray();
providerInfoList = list;
return res;
protected MembersValueNodeProvider(LanguageValueNodeFactory valueNodeFactory, DbgDotNetText name, string expression, MemberValueNodeInfoCollection membersCollection, DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions evalOptions) {
this.valueNodeFactory = valueNodeFactory;
Name = name;
Expression = expression;
this.membersCollection = membersCollection;
this.evalOptions = evalOptions;
public sealed override ulong GetChildCount(DbgEvaluationInfo evalInfo) {
if (!hasInitialized)
Debug2.Assert(childNodeProviderInfos is not null);
if (realProvider is not null)
return realProvider.GetChildCount(evalInfo);
return childNodeProviderInfos[childNodeProviderInfos.Length - 1].EndIndex;
protected virtual string? InitializeCore(DbgEvaluationInfo evalInfo) => null;
void Initialize(DbgEvaluationInfo evalInfo) {
if (hasInitialized)
errorMessage = InitializeCore(evalInfo);
if (realProvider is not null)
Debug2.Assert(errorMessage is not null || membersCollection.Members is not null);
if (errorMessage is null && membersCollection.Members is null)
errorMessage = PredefinedEvaluationErrorMessages.InternalDebuggerError;
dbgManager = evalInfo.Runtime.Process.DbgManager;
if (errorMessage is not null)
childNodeProviderInfos = new ChildNodeProviderInfo[] { new ChildNodeProviderInfo(0, 1, 0) };
else if ((evalOptions & DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions.NoHideRoots) != 0 || !membersCollection.HasHideRoot || (evalOptions & DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions.RawView) != 0 || membersCollection.Members!.Length == 0)
childNodeProviderInfos = new ChildNodeProviderInfo[] { new ChildNodeProviderInfo(0, (uint)membersCollection.Members!.Length, 0) };
else {
DbgDotNetValueNode? valueNode = null;
var list = Cache.AllocProviderList();
try {
var members = membersCollection.Members;
int membersBaseIndex = 0;
ulong baseIndex = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) {
if (!members[i].HasDebuggerBrowsableState_RootHidden)
if (membersBaseIndex != i) {
list.Add(new ChildNodeProviderInfo(baseIndex, baseIndex + (uint)(i - membersBaseIndex), (uint)membersBaseIndex));
baseIndex += (uint)(i - membersBaseIndex);
membersBaseIndex = i;
// Format specifiers get updated in GetChildren()
var info = CreateValueNode(evalInfo, membersBaseIndex, evalOptions, formatSpecifiers: null);
valueNode = info.node;
ulong childCount = info.canHide ? valueNode.GetChildCount(evalInfo) : 1;
list.Add(new ChildNodeProviderInfo(baseIndex, baseIndex + childCount, valueNode, info.canHide));
baseIndex += childCount;
valueNode = null;
if (membersBaseIndex != i)
list.Add(new ChildNodeProviderInfo(baseIndex, baseIndex + (uint)(i - membersBaseIndex), (uint)membersBaseIndex));
if (list.Count == 0)
list.Add(new ChildNodeProviderInfo(0, 0, 0));
childNodeProviderInfos = Cache.FreeAndToArray(ref list);
catch {
if (valueNode is not null)
dbgManager.Close(list.Select(a => a.ValueNode).OfType<DbgDotNetValueNode>());
hasInitialized = true;
protected abstract (DbgDotNetValueNode node, bool canHide) CreateValueNode(DbgEvaluationInfo evalInfo, int index, DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions options, ReadOnlyCollection<string>? formatSpecifiers);
protected (DbgDotNetValueNode node, bool canHide) CreateValueNode(DbgEvaluationInfo evalInfo, bool addParens, DmdType slotType, DbgDotNetValue value, int index, DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions options, string baseExpression, ReadOnlyCollection<string>? formatSpecifiers) {
var runtime = evalInfo.Runtime.GetDotNetRuntime();
if ((evalOptions & DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions.RawView) != 0)
options |= DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions.RawView;
DbgDotNetValueResult valueResult = default;
try {
ref var info = ref membersCollection.Members[index];
string expression, imageName;
bool isReadOnly;
DmdType expectedType;
var castType = info.NeedCast || NeedCast(slotType, GetMemberDeclaringType(info.Member)) ? info.Member.DeclaringType : null;
switch (info.Member.MemberType) {
case DmdMemberTypes.Field:
var field = (DmdFieldInfo)info.Member;
expression = valueNodeFactory.GetFieldExpression(baseExpression, field.Name, castType, addParens);
expectedType = field.FieldType;
imageName = ImageNameUtils.GetImageName(field);
valueResult = runtime.LoadField(evalInfo, value, field);
// We should be able to change read only fields (we're a debugger), but since the
// compiler will complain, we have to prevent the user from editing the value.
isReadOnly = field.IsInitOnly;
case DmdMemberTypes.Property:
var property = (DmdPropertyInfo)info.Member;
expression = valueNodeFactory.GetPropertyExpression(baseExpression, property.Name, castType, addParens);
expectedType = property.PropertyType;
imageName = ImageNameUtils.GetImageName(property);
if ((options & DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions.NoFuncEval) != 0) {
isReadOnly = true;
valueResult = DbgDotNetValueResult.CreateError(PredefinedEvaluationErrorMessages.FuncEvalDisabled);
else {
var getter = property.GetGetMethod(DmdGetAccessorOptions.All) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();
valueResult = runtime.Call(evalInfo, value, getter, Array.Empty<object>(), DbgDotNetInvokeOptions.None);
isReadOnly = property.GetSetMethod(DmdGetAccessorOptions.All) is null;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
DbgDotNetValueNode newNode;
bool canHide = true;
var customInfo = TryCreateInstanceValueNode(evalInfo, valueResult);
if (customInfo.node is not null)
(newNode, canHide) = customInfo;
else if (valueResult.HasError) {
newNode = valueNodeFactory.CreateError(evalInfo, info.Name, valueResult.ErrorMessage!, expression, false);
canHide = false;
else if (valueResult.ValueIsException)
newNode = valueNodeFactory.Create(evalInfo, info.Name, valueResult.Value!, formatSpecifiers, options, expression, PredefinedDbgValueNodeImageNames.Error, true, false, expectedType, false);
newNode = valueNodeFactory.Create(evalInfo, info.Name, valueResult.Value!, formatSpecifiers, options, expression, imageName, isReadOnly, false, expectedType, false);
valueResult = default;
return (newNode, canHide);
catch {
static DmdType GetMemberDeclaringType(DmdMemberInfo member) {
switch (member.MemberType) {
case DmdMemberTypes.Field:
return member.DeclaringType!;
case DmdMemberTypes.Property:
var property = (DmdPropertyInfo)member;
var accessor = property.GetGetMethod(DmdGetAccessorOptions.All) ?? property.GetSetMethod(DmdGetAccessorOptions.All);
if (accessor is null)
return member.DeclaringType!;
accessor = accessor.GetBaseDefinition();
return accessor.DeclaringType!;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
protected virtual (DbgDotNetValueNode? node, bool canHide) TryCreateInstanceValueNode(DbgEvaluationInfo evalInfo, DbgDotNetValueResult valueResult) => (null, false);
int lastProviderIndex;
int GetProviderIndex(ulong childIndex) {
Debug2.Assert(childNodeProviderInfos is not null);
var infos = childNodeProviderInfos;
ref readonly var last = ref infos[lastProviderIndex];
if (last.StartIndex <= childIndex && childIndex < last.EndIndex)
return lastProviderIndex;
int lo = 0, hi = infos.Length - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
int index = (lo + hi) / 2;
ref readonly var info = ref infos[index];
if (childIndex < info.StartIndex)
hi = index - 1;
else if (childIndex >= info.EndIndex)
lo = index + 1;
return lastProviderIndex = index;
return lastProviderIndex = lo;
public sealed override DbgDotNetValueNode[] GetChildren(LanguageValueNodeFactory valueNodeFactory, DbgEvaluationInfo evalInfo, ulong index, int count, DbgValueNodeEvaluationOptions options, ReadOnlyCollection<string>? formatSpecifiers) {
Debug.Assert(this.valueNodeFactory == valueNodeFactory);
if (!hasInitialized)
Debug2.Assert(childNodeProviderInfos is not null);
if (realProvider is not null)
return realProvider.GetChildren(valueNodeFactory, evalInfo, index, count, options, formatSpecifiers);
DbgDotNetValueNode[]? children = null;
var res = count == 0 ? Array.Empty<DbgDotNetValueNode>() : new DbgDotNetValueNode[count];
try {
int providerIndex = GetProviderIndex(index);
var members = membersCollection.Members;
for (int i = 0; i < res.Length && providerIndex < childNodeProviderInfos.Length; providerIndex++) {
ref readonly var providerInfo = ref childNodeProviderInfos[providerIndex];
if (providerInfo.ValueNode is not null) {
UpdateFormatSpecifiers(providerInfo.ValueNode, formatSpecifiers);
if (providerInfo.CanHide) {
ulong childCount = providerInfo.EndIndex - providerInfo.StartIndex;
int maxChildren = (int)Math.Min(childCount, (uint)(count - i));
children = providerInfo.ValueNode.GetChildren(evalInfo, index + (uint)i - providerInfo.StartIndex, maxChildren, options);
for (int j = 0; j < children.Length; j++) {
var child = children[j];
UpdateFormatSpecifiers(child, formatSpecifiers);
res[i++] = child;
children = null;
res[i++] = providerInfo.ValueNode;
else {
while (index + (uint)i < providerInfo.EndIndex && i < res.Length) {
res[i] = errorMessage is not null ?
valueNodeFactory.CreateError(evalInfo, errorPropertyName, errorMessage, Expression, false) :
CreateValueNode(evalInfo, (int)(index + (uint)i - providerInfo.StartIndex + providerInfo.BaseIndex), options, formatSpecifiers).node;
catch {
if (children is not null)
evalInfo.Runtime.Process.DbgManager.Close(res.Where(a => a is not null));
return res;
static readonly DbgDotNetText errorPropertyName = new DbgDotNetText(new DbgDotNetTextPart(DbgTextColor.InstanceProperty, dnSpy_Roslyn_Resources.DebuggerVarsWindow_Error_PropertyName));
void UpdateFormatSpecifiers(DbgDotNetValueNode valueNode, ReadOnlyCollection<string>? formatSpecifiers) =>
(valueNode as DbgDotNetValueNodeImpl)?.SetFormatSpecifiers(formatSpecifiers);
protected virtual void DisposeCore() { }
public sealed override void Dispose() {
Debug2.Assert(childNodeProviderInfos is null || dbgManager is not null);
if (childNodeProviderInfos is not null) {
Debug.Assert(childNodeProviderInfos.Length >= 1);
if (childNodeProviderInfos.Length > 1 || childNodeProviderInfos[0].ValueNode is not null)
dbgManager?.Close(childNodeProviderInfos.Select(a => a.ValueNode).OfType<DbgDotNetValueNode>());