242 lines
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242 lines
8.7 KiB
using Comfort.Common;
using EFT;
using EFT.CameraControl;
using EFT.UI;
using HarmonyLib;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Terkoiz.Freecam
public class FreecamController : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject _mainCamera;
private Freecam _freeCamScript;
private EftBattleUIScreen _playerUi;
private bool _uiHidden;
private GamePlayerOwner _gamePlayerOwner;
private Vector3? _lastPosition;
private Quaternion? _lastRotation;
public void Start()
// Get Main Camera
_mainCamera = GetLocalPlayerFromWorld().GetComponent<PlayerCameraController>().Camera.gameObject;
if (_mainCamera == null)
FreecamPlugin.Logger.LogError("Failed to locate main camera");
// Get Player UI
_playerUi = Singleton<CommonUI>.Instance.EftBattleUIScreen;
if (_playerUi == null)
FreecamPlugin.Logger.LogError("Failed to locate player UI");
// Add Freecam script to main camera in scene
_freeCamScript = _mainCamera.AddComponent<Freecam>();
if (_freeCamScript == null)
FreecamPlugin.Logger.LogError("Failed to add Freecam script to Camera");
// Get GamePlayerOwner component
_gamePlayerOwner = GetLocalPlayerFromWorld().GetComponentInChildren<GamePlayerOwner>();
if (_gamePlayerOwner == null)
FreecamPlugin.Logger.LogError("Failed to locate GamePlayerOwner");
public void Update()
if (FreecamPlugin.ToggleUi.Value.IsDown())
if (FreecamPlugin.ToggleFreecamMode.Value.IsDown())
if (FreecamPlugin.ToggleFreecamControls.Value.IsDown())
if (FreecamPlugin.TeleportToCamera.Value.IsDown())
/// <summary>
/// Toggles the Freecam mode
/// </summary>
private void ToggleCamera()
// Get our own Player instance. Null means we're not in a raid
var localPlayer = GetLocalPlayerFromWorld();
if (localPlayer == null)
if (!_freeCamScript.IsActive)
/// <summary>
/// When triggered during Freecam mode, teleports the player to where the camera was and exits Freecam mode
/// </summary>
private void MovePlayerToCamera()
var localPlayer = GetLocalPlayerFromWorld();
if (localPlayer == null)
// Move the player to the camera's current position and switch to First Person mode
if (_freeCamScript.IsActive)
// Tell the fall damage patch that we just teleported. Used for the "smart" fall damage prevention feature
FallDamagePatch.HasTeleported = true;
// We grab the camera's position, but we subtract a bit off the Y axis, because the players coordinate origin is at the feet
var position = new Vector3(_mainCamera.transform.position.x, _mainCamera.transform.position.y - 1.8f, _mainCamera.transform.position.z);
localPlayer.gameObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(position, Quaternion.Euler(0, _mainCamera.transform.rotation.y, 0));
// localPlayer.gameObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(position, _mainCamera.transform.rotation);
/// <summary>
/// Hides the main UI (health, stamina, stance, hotbar, etc.)
/// </summary>
private void ToggleUi()
// Check if we're currently in a raid
if (GetLocalPlayerFromWorld() == null)
_uiHidden = !_uiHidden;
/// <summary>
/// A helper method to set the Player into Freecam mode
/// </summary>
/// <param name="localPlayer"></param>
private void SetPlayerToFreecamMode(Player localPlayer)
// We set the player to third person mode, but then we want set the camera to freecam mode
// This means our character will be fully visible, while letting the camera move freely
// Setting the player point of view directly to Freecam seems to hide the head and arms of the character, which is not desirable
localPlayer.PointOfView = EPointOfView.ThirdPerson;
// Get the PlayerBody reference. It's a protected field, so we have to use traverse to fetch it
var playerBody = Traverse.Create(localPlayer).Field<PlayerBody>("_playerBody").Value;
if (playerBody != null)
// We tell the PlayerBody class that it's in FreeCamera mode, and force an update of the Camera Controller view mode
// Setting the PointOfView.Value directly skips all the code that would usually change how the player body is rendered
playerBody.PointOfView.Value = EPointOfView.FreeCamera;
// All we really needed to do, was trigger the UpdatePointOfView method and have it update to the FreeCam state
// There's no easy way of doing this without patching the method, and even then it might be a bloated solution
FreecamPlugin.Logger.LogError("Failed to get the PlayerBody field");
// Instead of Detouring, just turn off _gamePlayerOwner which takes the input
_gamePlayerOwner.enabled = false;
if (FreecamPlugin.CameraRememberLastPosition.Value && _lastPosition != null && _lastRotation != null)
_mainCamera.transform.position = _lastPosition.Value;
_mainCamera.transform.rotation = _lastRotation.Value;
_freeCamScript.IsActive = true;
/// <summary>
/// A helper method to reset the player view back to First Person
/// </summary>
/// <param name="localPlayer"></param>
private void SetPlayerToFirstPersonMode(Player localPlayer)
_freeCamScript.IsActive = false;
if (FreecamPlugin.CameraRememberLastPosition.Value)
_lastPosition = _mainCamera.transform.position;
_lastRotation = _mainCamera.transform.rotation;
// re-enable _gamePlayerOwner
_gamePlayerOwner.enabled = true;
localPlayer.PointOfView = EPointOfView.FirstPerson;
/// <summary>
/// A helper method to toggle the Freecam Camera Controls
/// </summary>
private void ToggleCameraControls()
if (_freeCamScript.IsActive)
_freeCamScript.IsActive = false;
_gamePlayerOwner.enabled = true;
_freeCamScript.IsActive = true;
_gamePlayerOwner.enabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current <see cref="Player"/> instance if it's available
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Local <see cref="Player"/> instance; returns null if the game is not in raid</returns>
private Player GetLocalPlayerFromWorld()
// If the GameWorld instance is null or has no RegisteredPlayers, it most likely means we're not in a raid
var gameWorld = Singleton<GameWorld>.Instance;
if (gameWorld == null || gameWorld.MainPlayer == null)
return null;
// One of the RegisteredPlayers will have the IsYourPlayer flag set, which will be our own Player instance
return gameWorld.MainPlayer;
public void OnDestroy()
// Destroy FreeCamScript before FreeCamController if exists
} |