using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Configuration; using BepInEx.Logging; using EFT.UI; using JetBrains.Annotations; using UnityEngine; namespace Terkoiz.Skipper { [BepInPlugin("com.terkoiz.skipper", "Terkoiz.Skipper", "1.1.0")] public class SkipperPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin { internal const string SkipButtonName = "SkipButton"; internal new static ManualLogSource Logger { get; private set; } private const string MainSectionName = "Main"; internal static ConfigEntry ModEnabled; internal static ConfigEntry AlwaysDisplay; internal static ConfigEntry SkipConfirmation; internal static ConfigEntry DisplayHotkey; [UsedImplicitly] internal void Start() { Logger = base.Logger; InitConfiguration(); new QuestObjectiveViewPatch().Enable(); } private void InitConfiguration() { ModEnabled = Config.Bind( MainSectionName, "1. Enabled", true, "Global mod toggle. Will need to re-open the quest window for the setting change to take effect."); AlwaysDisplay = Config.Bind( MainSectionName, "2. Always display Skip button", false, "If enabled, the Skip button will always be visible."); DisplayHotkey = Config.Bind( MainSectionName, "3. Display hotkey", new KeyboardShortcut(KeyCode.LeftControl), "Holding down this key will make the Skip buttons appear."); SkipConfirmation = Config.Bind( MainSectionName, "4. Skip confirmation", true, "If disabled, a confirmation dialog will appear when you press the Skip button."); } [UsedImplicitly] internal void Update() { if (!ModEnabled.Value || AlwaysDisplay.Value) { if (AlwaysDisplay.Value && QuestObjectiveViewPatch.LastSeenObjectivesBlock != null && !QuestObjectiveViewPatch.LastSeenObjectivesBlock.activeSelf) { ChangeButtonVisibility(true); } return; } if (QuestObjectiveViewPatch.LastSeenObjectivesBlock == null || !QuestObjectiveViewPatch.LastSeenObjectivesBlock.activeSelf) { return; } if (DisplayHotkey.Value.IsDown()) { ChangeButtonVisibility(true); } if (DisplayHotkey.Value.IsUp()) { ChangeButtonVisibility(false); } } private static void ChangeButtonVisibility(bool setVisibilityTo) { foreach (var button in QuestObjectiveViewPatch.LastSeenObjectivesBlock.GetComponentsInChildren(includeInactive: true)) { if ( != SkipButtonName) continue; button.gameObject.SetActive(setVisibilityTo); } } } }