v1.5.0 compatible with SPT-Aki v3.2.2

This commit is contained in:
VforValens 2022-08-29 17:07:55 -04:00
parent 053294c48a
commit 3d56c6119c
60 changed files with 784 additions and 227 deletions

Binary file not shown.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "Valens-AIO",
"version": "1.4.6",
"version": "1.5.0",
"main": "src/mod.js",
"license": "CC BY-NC-ND 4.0",
"author": "Valens",

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
import { Grenade, Ammo762x51, Ammo762x54, Ammo86x70, Ammo46x30, Ammo57x28, Ammo762x25, Ammo9x18, Ammo9x19, Ammo9x21, Ammo357Mag, Ammo45ACP, Ammo545x39, Ammo556x45, Ammo300Blackout, Ammo762x39, Ammo9x39, Ammo366TKM, Ammo127x55, Ammo12Gauge, Ammo20Gauge, Ammo23x75, Ammo30x29, Ammo26x75 } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/AmmoTypes";
import { Grenade, Ammo762x51, Ammo762x54, Ammo86x70, Ammo46x30, Ammo57x28, Ammo762x25, Ammo9x18, Ammo9x19, Ammo9x21, Ammo9x33R, Ammo1143x23ACP, Ammo545x39, Ammo556x45, Ammo762x35, Ammo762x39, Ammo9x39, Ammo366TKM, Ammo127x55, Ammo12Gauge, Ammo20Gauge, Ammo23x75, Ammo30x29, Ammo26x75 } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/AmmoTypes";
import { AmmoConfig } from "../config/ts/ammo";
export class Ammo
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ export class Ammo
// Sets 7.62x35mm (.300 Blackout) max stacks.
if (mod.a762x35 != 60)
for (const value of Object.values(Ammo300Blackout))
for (const value of Object.values(Ammo762x35))
items[value]._props.StackMaxSize = mod.a762x35;
this.logger.info(`762x35mm Max Stacks set to ${mod.a762x35}`);
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ export class Ammo
if (mod.a9x33R != 30)
for (const value of Object.values(Ammo357Mag))
for (const value of Object.values(Ammo9x33R))
items[value]._props.StackMaxSize = mod.a9x33R;
this.logger.info(`.357 Magnum Max Stacks set to ${mod.a9x33R}`);
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ export class Ammo
if (mod.a1143x23ACP != 50)
for (const value of Object.values(Ammo45ACP))
for (const value of Object.values(Ammo1143x23ACP))
items[value]._props.StackMaxSize = mod.a1143x23ACP;
this.logger.info(`.45 ACP Max Stacks set to ${mod.a1143x23ACP}`);

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
import { Config } from "../config/ts/config";
export class Logger

@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ export declare class LocationCallbacks {
constructor(httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, locationController: LocationController);
getLocationData(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ILocationsGenerateAllResponse>;
getLocation(url: string, info: IGetLocationRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ILocationBase>;
getAirdropLoot(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): string;

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { ProfileController } from "../controllers/ProfileController";
import { IEmptyRequestData } from "../models/eft/common/IEmptyRequestData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IGetBodyResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/IGetBodyResponseData";
import { INullResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/INullResponseData";
import { IGetMiniProfileRequestData } from "../models/eft/launcher/IGetMiniProfileRequestData";
@ -12,20 +13,51 @@ import { ISearchFriendResponse } from "../models/eft/profile/ISearchFriendRespon
import { IValidateNicknameRequestData } from "../models/eft/profile/IValidateNicknameRequestData";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
/** Handle profile related client events */
export declare class ProfileCallbacks {
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected profileController: ProfileController;
constructor(httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, profileController: ProfileController);
createProfile(url: string, info: IProfileCreateRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
getProfileData(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
regenerateScav(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
* Get the complete player profile (scav + pmc character)
* @param url
* @param info Empty
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Profile object
getProfileData(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IPmcData[]>;
* Handle the creation of a scav profile for player
* Occurs post-raid and when profile first created immediately after character details are confirmed by player
* @param url
* @param info empty
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Profile object
regenerateScav(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IPmcData[]>;
* Handle client/game/profile/voice/change event
* @param url
* @param info Change voice request object
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Client response
changeVoice(url: string, info: IProfileChangeVoiceRequestData, sessionID: string): INullResponseData;
* Handle client/game/profile/nickname/change event
* Client allows player to adjust their profile name
* @param url
* @param info Change nickname request object
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns client response
changeNickname(url: string, info: IProfileChangeNicknameRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
validateNickname(url: string, info: IValidateNicknameRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
getReservedNickname(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<string>;
* Called when creating a character, when you choose a character face/voice
* Called when creating a character when choosing a character face/voice
* @param url
* @param info response (empty)
* @param sessionID

@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { RagfairServer } from "../servers/RagfairServer";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
* Handle ragfair related callback events
export declare class RagfairCallbacks extends OnLoadOnUpdate {
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
protected logger: ILogger;

@ -35,6 +35,30 @@ export declare class InraidController {
constructor(logger: ILogger, saveServer: SaveServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, questHelper: QuestHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, playerScavGenerator: PlayerScavGenerator, healthHelper: HealthHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, insuranceService: InsuranceService, inRaidHelper: InRaidHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
addPlayer(sessionID: string, info: IRegisterPlayerRequestData): void;
saveProgress(offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): void;
* Handle updating the profile post-pmc raid
* @param sessionID session id
* @param offraidData post-raid data of raid
protected savePmcProgress(sessionID: string, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData): void;
* Reduce body part hp to % of max
* @param pmcData profile to edit
* @param multipler multipler to apply to max health
protected reducePmcHealthToPercent(pmcData: IPmcData, multipler: number): void;
* Handle updating the profile post-pscav raid
* @param sessionID session id
* @param offraidData post-raid data of raid
protected savePlayerScavProgress(sessionID: string, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData): void;
* Is the player dead after a raid - dead is anything other than "survived" / "runner"
* @param statusOnExit exit value from offraidData object
* @returns true if dead
protected isPlayerDead(statusOnExit: string): boolean;
* Mark inventory items as FiR if player survived raid, otherwise remove FiR from them
* @param offraidData Save Progress Request

@ -92,7 +92,11 @@ export declare class InventoryController {
toggleItem(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryToggleRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handles Tagging of items (primary Containers).
* Add a tag to an inventory item
* @param pmcData profile with item to add tag to
* @param body tag request data
* @param sessionID session id
* @returns client response object
tagItem(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryTagRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
bindItem(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryBindRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;

@ -1,18 +1,33 @@
import { LocationGenerator } from "../generators/LocationGenerator";
import { LootGenerator } from "../generators/LootGenerator";
import { ILocationBase } from "../models/eft/common/ILocationBase";
import { ILocationsGenerateAllResponse } from "../models/eft/common/ILocationsSourceDestinationBase";
import { IAirdropConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IAirdropConfig";
import { LootItem } from "../models/spt/services/LootItem";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class LocationController {
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected locationGenerator: LocationGenerator;
protected lootGenerator: LootGenerator;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, logger: ILogger, locationGenerator: LocationGenerator, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, timeUtil: TimeUtil);
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected airdropConfig: IAirdropConfig;
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, logger: ILogger, locationGenerator: LocationGenerator, lootGenerator: LootGenerator, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, timeUtil: TimeUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
get(location: string): ILocationBase;
generate(name: string): ILocationBase;
generateAll(): ILocationsGenerateAllResponse;
* Get loot for an airdop container
* Generates it randomly based on config/airdrop.json values
* @returns Array of LootItem
getAirdropLoot(): LootItem[];

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import { IGetProfileRequestData } from "../models/eft/match/IGetProfileRequestDa
import { IJoinMatchRequestData } from "../models/eft/match/IJoinMatchRequestData";
import { IJoinMatchResult } from "../models/eft/match/IJoinMatchResult";
import { IStartOfflineRaidRequestData } from "../models/eft/match/IStartOffineRaidRequestData";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { IInRaidConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IInRaidConfig";
import { IMatchConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IMatchConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ export declare class MatchController {
protected applicationContext: ApplicationContext;
protected matchConfig: IMatchConfig;
protected inraidConfig: IInRaidConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, saveServer: SaveServer, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, matchLocationService: MatchLocationService, traderHelper: TraderHelper, botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, configServer: ConfigServer, profileSnapshotService: ProfileSnapshotService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext);
getEnabled(): boolean;
getProfile(info: IGetProfileRequestData): IPmcData[];

@ -39,16 +39,31 @@ export declare class QuestController {
* @returns array of IQuest
getClientQuests(sessionID: string): IQuest[];
* Is the quest for the opposite side the player is on
* @param side player side (usec/bear)
* @param questId questId to check
protected questIsForOtherSide(side: string, questId: string): boolean;
* Handle the client accepting a quest and starting it
* Send starting rewards if any to player and
* Send start notification if any to player
* @param pmcData Profile to update
* @param acceptedQuest Quest accepted
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns client response
acceptQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, acceptedQuest: IAcceptQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
acceptRepeatableQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, acceptedQuest: IAcceptQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Remove completed quest from profile
* Update completed quest in profile
* Add newly unlocked quests to profile
* Also recalculate thier level due to exp rewards
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @param body completed quest request
* @param sessionID session id
* @returns ItemEvent response
* @param body Completed quest request
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns ItemEvent client response
completeQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, body: ICompleteQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -67,10 +82,20 @@ export declare class QuestController {
protected getQuestsFailedByCompletingQuest(completedQuestId: string): IQuest[];
* Fail the quests provided
* Update quest in profile, otherwise add fresh quest object with failed status
* @param sessionID session id
* @param pmcData player profile
* @param questsToFail quests to fail
protected failQuests(sessionID: string, pmcData: IPmcData, questsToFail: IQuest[]): void;
handoverQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHandoverQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Increment a backend counter stored value by an amount,
* Create counter if it does not exist
* @param pmcData Profile to find backend counter in
* @param conditionId backend counter id to update
* @param questId quest id counter is associated with
* @param counterValue value to increment the backend counter with
protected updateProfileBackendCounterValue(pmcData: IPmcData, conditionId: string, questId: string, counterValue: number): void;

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import { RagfairOfferHelper } from "../helpers/RagfairOfferHelper";
import { RagfairSellHelper } from "../helpers/RagfairSellHelper";
import { RagfairSortHelper } from "../helpers/RagfairSortHelper";
import { RagfairTaxHelper } from "../helpers/RagfairTaxHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
@ -33,6 +34,9 @@ import { RagfairPriceService } from "../services/RagfairPriceService";
import { RagfairRequiredItemsService } from "../services/RagfairRequiredItemsService";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
* Handle RagfairCallback events
export declare class RagfairController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
@ -52,14 +56,20 @@ export declare class RagfairController {
protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper;
protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected ragfairHelper: RagfairHelper;
protected ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService;
protected ragfairRequiredItemsService: RagfairRequiredItemsService;
protected ragfairOfferGenerator: RagfairOfferGenerator;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, ragfairServer: RagfairServer, ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, ragfairSellHelper: RagfairSellHelper, ragfairTaxHelper: RagfairTaxHelper, ragfairSortHelper: RagfairSortHelper, ragfairOfferHelper: RagfairOfferHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, paymentService: PaymentService, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, ragfairHelper: RagfairHelper, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, ragfairRequiredItemsService: RagfairRequiredItemsService, ragfairOfferGenerator: RagfairOfferGenerator, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, ragfairServer: RagfairServer, ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, ragfairSellHelper: RagfairSellHelper, ragfairTaxHelper: RagfairTaxHelper, ragfairSortHelper: RagfairSortHelper, ragfairOfferHelper: RagfairOfferHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, paymentService: PaymentService, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, ragfairHelper: RagfairHelper, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, ragfairRequiredItemsService: RagfairRequiredItemsService, ragfairOfferGenerator: RagfairOfferGenerator, configServer: ConfigServer);
getOffers(sessionID: string, info: ISearchRequestData): IGetOffersResult;
* Update a trader flea offer with buy restrictions stored in the traders assort
* @param offer flea offer to update
protected setTraderOfferPurchaseLimits(offer: IRagfairOffer): void;
protected isLinkedSearch(info: ISearchRequestData): boolean;
protected isRequiredSearch(info: ISearchRequestData): boolean;
update(): void;

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { Exit } from "../models/eft/common/ILocationBase";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { TraderInfo } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { ICompletion, ICompletionAvailableFor, IElimination, IEliminationCondition, IExploration, IExplorationCondition, IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest, IReward, IRewards } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { IRepeatableQuestChangeRequest } from "../models/eft/quests/IRepeatableQuestChangeRequest";
import { ELocationName } from "../models/enums/ELocationName";
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ItemEventRouter } from "../routers/ItemEventRouter";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { ItemFilterService } from "../services/ItemFilterService";
import { PaymentService } from "../services/PaymentService";
import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -64,9 +66,10 @@ export declare class RepeatableQuestController {
protected itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter;
protected paymentService: PaymentService;
protected objectId: ObjectId;
protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
constructor(timeUtil: TimeUtil, logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, mathUtil: MathUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, paymentService: PaymentService, objectId: ObjectId, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(timeUtil: TimeUtil, logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, mathUtil: MathUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, paymentService: PaymentService, objectId: ObjectId, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* This is the method reached by the /client/repeatalbeQuests/activityPeriods endpoint
* Returns an array of objects in the format of repeatable quests to the client.
@ -217,4 +220,16 @@ export declare class RepeatableQuestController {
debugLogRepeatableQuestIds(pmcData: IPmcData): void;
probabilityObjectArray<K, V>(configArrayInput: ProbabilityObject<K, V>[]): ProbabilityObjectArray<K, V>;
changeRepeatableQuest(pmcDataIn: IPmcData, body: IRepeatableQuestChangeRequest, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Picks rewardable items from items.json. This means they need to fit into the inventory and they shouldn't be keys (debatable)
* @returns a list of rewardable items [[_tpl, itemTemplate],...]
protected getRewardableItems(repeatableQuestConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig): [string, ITemplateItem][];
* Checks if an id is a valid item. Valid meaning that it's an item that may be a reward
* or content of bot loot. Items that are tested as valid may be in a player backpack or stash.
* @param {*} tpl template id of item to check
* @returns boolean: true if item is valid reward
isValidRewardItem(tpl: string, repeatableQuestConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig): boolean;

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IBarterScheme, ITraderAssort, ITraderBase } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { FenceService } from "../services/FenceService";
import { TraderAssortService } from "../services/TraderAssortService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
@ -15,8 +16,9 @@ export declare class TraderController {
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected traderAssortService: TraderAssortService;
protected fenceService: FenceService;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, traderAssortHelper: TraderAssortHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, timeUtil: TimeUtil, traderAssortService: TraderAssortService, jsonUtil: JsonUtil);
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, traderAssortHelper: TraderAssortHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, timeUtil: TimeUtil, traderAssortService: TraderAssortService, fenceService: FenceService, jsonUtil: JsonUtil);
* Runs when onLoad event is fired
* Iterate over traders, ensure an unmolested copy of their assorts is stored in traderAssortService
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ export declare class TraderController {
* Runs when onUpdate is fired
* If current time is > nextResupply(expire) time of trader, refresh traders assorts and
* Fence is handled slightly differently
* @returns has run
update(): boolean;

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
import { DependencyContainer } from "tsyringe";
* Handle the registration of classes to be used by the Dependency Injection code
export declare class Container {
static registerTypes(depContainer: DependencyContainer): void;
static registerListTypes(depContainer: DependencyContainer): void;

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @param botTemplate base bot template to use (e.g. assault/pmcbot)
* @returns
generatePlayerScav(role: string, difficulty: string, botTemplate: IBotType): IBotBase;
generatePlayerScav(sessionId: string, role: string, difficulty: string, botTemplate: IBotType): IBotBase;
generate(sessionId: string, info: IGenerateBotsRequestData): IBotBase[];
* Choose if a bot should become a PMC by checking if bot type is allowed to become a Pmc in botConfig.convertFromChances and doing a random int check
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @returns IBotBase object
protected getCloneOfBotBase(): IBotBase;
protected generateBot(bot: IBotBase, role: string, node: IBotType, isPmc: boolean, isPlayerScav?: boolean): IBotBase;
protected generateBot(sessionId: string, bot: IBotBase, role: string, node: IBotType, isPmc: boolean, isPlayerScav?: boolean): IBotBase;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export declare class BotInventoryGenerator {
protected botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper;
protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator, botLootGenerator: BotLootGenerator, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper);
generateInventory(templateInventory: Inventory, equipmentChances: Chances, generation: Generation, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): PmcInventory;
generateInventory(sessionId: string, templateInventory: Inventory, equipmentChances: Chances, generation: Generation, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): PmcInventory;
protected generateEquipment(equipmentSlot: string, equipmentPool: Record<string, number>, modPool: Mods, spawnChances: Chances, botRole: string, inventory: PmcInventory): void;
protected generateInventoryBase(): PmcInventory;

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export declare class BotLootGenerator {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator, botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, configServer: ConfigServer);
generateLoot(templateInventory: Inventory, itemCounts: ItemMinMax, isPmc: boolean, botRole: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentChances: Chances): void;
generateLoot(sessionId: string, templateInventory: Inventory, itemCounts: ItemMinMax, isPmc: boolean, botRole: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentChances: Chances): void;
protected getRandomisedCount(min: number, max: number, nValue: number): number;
* Take random items from a pool and add to an inventory until totalItemCount or totalValueLimit is reached
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export declare class BotLootGenerator {
* @param botRole bots role, .e.g. pmcBot
* @param isPmc are we generating for a pmc
protected addLooseWeaponsToInventorySlot(botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentSlot: string, templateInventory: Inventory, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): void;
protected addLooseWeaponsToInventorySlot(sessionId: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentSlot: string, templateInventory: Inventory, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): void;
* Get a random item from the pool parameter using the biasedRandomNumber system
* @param pool pool of items to pick an item from

@ -28,7 +28,18 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Get a random weapon from a bots pool of weapons (weighted)
* Pick a random weapon based on weightings and generate a functional weapon
* @param equipmentSlot Primary/secondary/holster
* @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json
* @param weaponParentId
* @param modChances
* @param botRole role of bot, e.g. assault/followerBully
* @param isPmc Is weapon generated for a pmc
* @returns GenerateWeaponResult object
generateRandomWeapon(sessionId: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): GenerateWeaponResult;
* Get a random weighted weapon from a bots pool of weapons
* @param equipmentSlot Primary/secondary/holster
* @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json
* @returns weapon tpl
@ -39,43 +50,24 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
* @param weaponTpl weapon tpl to generate (use pickWeightedWeaponTplFromPool())
* @param equipmentSlot slot to fit into, primary/secondary/holster
* @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json
* @param weaponParentId
* @param modChances
* @param botRole
* @param weaponParentId ParentId of the weapon being generated
* @param modChances Dictionary of item types and % chance weapon will have that mod
* @param botRole e.g. assault/exusec
* @param isPmc
* @returns GenerateWeaponResult object
generateWeaponByTpl(weaponTpl: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): GenerateWeaponResult;
generateWeaponByTpl(sessionId: string, weaponTpl: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): GenerateWeaponResult;
* Generate an entirely random weapon
* @param equipmentSlot Primary/secondary/holster
* @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json
* @param weaponParentId
* @param modChances
* @param botRole
* @param isPmc
* @returns GenerateWeaponResult object
generateRandomWeapon(equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): GenerateWeaponResult;
* Create array with weapon base as only element
* Add additional properties as required
* @param weaponTpl
* @param weaponParentId
* @param equipmentSlot
* @param weaponItemTemplate
* Create array with weapon base as only element and
* add additional properties based on weapon type
* @param weaponTpl Weapon tpl to create item with
* @param weaponParentId Weapons parent id
* @param equipmentSlot e.g. primary/secondary/holster
* @param weaponItemTemplate db template for weapon
* @param botRole for durability values
* @returns
* @returns Base weapon item in array
constructWeaponBaseArray(weaponTpl: string, weaponParentId: string, equipmentSlot: string, weaponItemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): Item[];
* Add compatible magazines to an inventory based on a generated weapon
* @param weaponDetails
* @param magCounts
* @param inventory
* @param botRole the bot type we're getting generating extra mags for
addExtraMagazinesToInventory(weaponDetails: GenerateWeaponResult, magCounts: MinMax, inventory: PmcInventory, botRole: string): void;
* Get the mods necessary to kit out a weapon to its preset level
* @param weaponTpl weapon to find preset for
@ -84,20 +76,32 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
* @returns array of weapon mods
protected getPresetWeaponMods(weaponTpl: string, equipmentSlot: string, weaponParentId: string, itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): Item[];
/** Checks if all required slots are occupied on a weapon and all it's mods */
* Checks if all required slots are occupied on a weapon and all it's mods
* @param weaponItemArray Weapon + mods
* @returns true if valid
protected isWeaponValid(weaponItemArray: Item[]): boolean;
* Generates extra magazines or bullets (if magazine is internal) and adds them to TacticalVest and Pockets.
* Additionally, adds extra bullets to SecuredContainer
* @param weaponMods
* @param weaponTemplate
* @param magCounts
* @param ammoTpl
* @param inventory
* @param weaponMods mods to attach to weapon
* @param weaponTemplate db template for weapon
* @param magCounts magazine count to add to inventory
* @param ammoTpl ammo templateId to add to magazines
* @param inventory inventory to add magazines to
* @param botRole the bot type we're getting generating extra mags for
* @returns
protected generateExtraMagazines(weaponMods: Item[], weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, magCounts: MinMax, ammoTpl: string, inventory: PmcInventory, botRole: string): void;
addExtraMagazinesToInventory(weaponMods: Item[], weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, magCounts: MinMax, ammoTpl: string, inventory: PmcInventory, botRole: string): void;
* Create a magazine using the parameters given
* @param magazineTpl Tpl of the magazine to create
* @param ammoTpl Ammo to add to magazine
* @param magTemplate template object of magazine
* @returns Item array
protected createMagazine(magazineTpl: string, ammoTpl: string, magTemplate: ITemplateItem): Item[];
* Get a randomised number of bullets for a specific magazine
* @param magCounts min and max count of magazines
@ -138,10 +142,9 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
* Finds and return a compatible ammo tpl based on the bots ammo weightings (x.json/inventory/equipment/ammo)
* @param ammo a list of ammo tpls the weapon can use
* @param weaponTemplate the weapon we want to pick ammo for
* @param isPmc is the ammo being gathered for a pmc (runs pmc ammo filtering)
* @returns an ammo tpl that works with the desired gun
protected getCompatibleAmmo(ammo: Record<string, Record<string, number>>, weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, isPmc: boolean): string;
protected getWeightedCompatibleAmmo(ammo: Record<string, Record<string, number>>, weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem): string;
* Get a weapons compatible cartridge caliber
* @param weaponTemplate Weapon to look up caliber of

@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ import { GameEventHelper } from "../helpers/GameEventHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "../helpers/PresetHelper";
import { RagfairServerHelper } from "../helpers/RagfairServerHelper";
import { ILooseLoot, SpawnpointTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/ILooseLoot";
import { ILooseLoot, SpawnpointsForced, SpawnpointTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/ILooseLoot";
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { IStaticAmmoDetails, IStaticContainerProps, IStaticForcedProps, IStaticLootDetails } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ILootBase";
import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
@ -36,11 +35,19 @@ export declare class LocationGenerator {
generateContainerLoot(containerIn: IStaticContainerProps, staticForced: IStaticForcedProps[], staticLootDist: Record<string, IStaticLootDetails>, staticAmmoDist: Record<string, IStaticAmmoDetails[]>, locationName: string): IStaticContainerProps;
protected getLooseLootMultiplerForLocation(location: string): number;
protected getStaticLootMultiplerForLocation(location: string): number;
* Create array of loose + forced loot using probability system
* @param dynamicLootDist
* @param staticAmmoDist
* @param locationName Location to generate loot for
* @returns Array of spawn points with loot in them
generateDynamicLoot(dynamicLootDist: ILooseLoot, staticAmmoDist: Record<string, IStaticAmmoDetails[]>, locationName: string): SpawnpointTemplate[];
* Add forced spawn point loot into loot parameter array
* @param loot array to add forced loot to
* @param forcedSpawnPoints forced loot to add
protected addForcedLoot(loot: SpawnpointTemplate[], forcedSpawnPoints: SpawnpointsForced[]): void;
protected createItem(tpl: string, staticAmmoDist: Record<string, IStaticAmmoDetails[]>, parentId?: string): IContainerItem;
protected getRandomCompatibleCaliberTemplateId(item: ITemplateItem): string;
protected getRandomValidCaliber(magTemplate: ITemplateItem): string;
protected drawAmmoTpl(caliber: string, staticAmmoDist: Record<string, IStaticAmmoDetails[]>): string;
protected createRandomMagCartridges(magTemplate: ITemplateItem, parentId: string, staticAmmoDist: Record<string, IStaticAmmoDetails[]>, caliber?: string): Item;
protected createCartidges(parentId: string, ammoTpl: string, stackCount: number): Item;

types/generators/LootGenerator.d.ts vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { Preset } from "../models/eft/common/IGlobals";
import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { LootItem } from "../models/spt/services/LootItem";
import { LootRequest } from "../models/spt/services/LootRequest";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { ItemFilterService } from "../services/ItemFilterService";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
export declare class LootGenerator {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, randomUtil: RandomUtil, itemHelper: ItemHelper, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService);
* Generate a list of items based on options passed in
* @param options parameters to adjust what loot is generated
* @returns An array of loot items
createRandomloot(options: LootRequest): LootItem[];
* Construct item limit record to hold max and current item count
* @param limits limits as defined in config
* @returns record, key: item tplId, value: current/max item count allowed
protected initItemLimitCounter(limits: Record<string, number>): Record<string, {
current: number;
max: number;
* Find a random item in items.json and add to result array
* @param items items to choose from
* @param itemTypeCounts item limit counts
* @param result array to add found item to
* @returns true if item was valid and added to pool
protected findAndAddRandomItemToLoot(items: [string, ITemplateItem][], itemTypeCounts: Record<string, {
current: number;
max: number;
}>, result: LootItem[]): boolean;
* Find a random item in items.json and add to result array
* @param globalDefaultPresets presets to choose from
* @param itemTypeCounts item limit counts
* @param result array to add found preset to
* @returns true if preset was valid and added to pool
protected findAndAddRandomPresetToLoot(globalDefaultPresets: [string, Preset][], itemTypeCounts: Record<string, {
current: number;
max: number;
}>, result: LootItem[]): boolean;

@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { ItemFilterService } from "../services/ItemFilterService";
* Handle the generation of dynamic PMC loot in pockets and backpacks
* and the removal of blacklisted items
export declare class PMCLootGenerator {
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService;
protected pocketLootPool: string[];
protected backpackLootPool: string[];
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(itemHelper: ItemHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(itemHelper: ItemHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService);
generatePMCPocketLootPool(): string[];
generatePMCBackpackLootPool(): string[];

@ -8,9 +8,13 @@ import { RewardCountAndPriceDetails, ScavCaseRewardCountsAndPrices } from "../mo
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { ItemFilterService } from "../services/ItemFilterService";
import { RagfairPriceService } from "../services/RagfairPriceService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
* Handle the creation of randomised scav case rewards
export declare class ScavCaseRewardGenerator {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
@ -18,9 +22,10 @@ export declare class ScavCaseRewardGenerator {
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService;
protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected scavCaseConfig: IScavCaseConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, itemHelper: ItemHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, itemHelper: ItemHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Create an array of rewards that will be given to the player upon completing their scav case build
* @param body client request

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "../helpers/WeightedRandomHelper";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { IWeatherData } from "../models/eft/weather/IWeatherData";
import { IWeatherConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IWeatherConfig";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class WeatherGenerator {
@ -21,11 +21,16 @@ export declare class WeatherGenerator {
protected getAcceleratedTime(computedDate: Date): string;
* Get current time formatted to fit BSGs requirement
* @param computedDate
* @param computedDate date to format into bsg style
* @returns
protected getNormalTime(computedDate: Date): string;
generateWeather(data: IWeatherData): IWeatherData;
* Return randomised Weather data
* @param weatherData weather input data
* @returns Randomised weather data
generateWeather(weatherData: IWeatherData): IWeatherData;
protected getWeightedFog(): string;
protected getWeightedRain(): number;
protected getRandomFloat(node: string): number;

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export declare class AssortHelper {
* @param assort assort items from a trader
* @returns assort items minus locked quest assorts
stripLockedQuestAssort(pmcProfile: IPmcData, traderId: string, assort: ITraderAssort): ITraderAssort;
stripLockedQuestAssort(pmcProfile: IPmcData, traderId: string, assort: ITraderAssort, flea?: boolean): ITraderAssort;
* Remove assorts from a trader that have not been unlocked yet
* @param pmcProfile player profile
@ -32,5 +32,5 @@ export declare class AssortHelper {
* @param itemID item id to remove from asort
* @returns Modified assort
removeItemFromAssort(assort: ITraderAssort, itemID: string): ITraderAssort;
removeItemFromAssort(assort: ITraderAssort, itemID: string, flea?: boolean): ITraderAssort;

@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ import { Inventory as PmcInventory } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"
import { Mods, ModsChances } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { Item, Repairable, Upd } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { Grid, ITemplateItem, Slot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { EquipmentFilterDetails, IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { ItemFilterService } from "../services/ItemFilterService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
@ -14,6 +16,7 @@ import { ContainerHelper } from "./ContainerHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "./InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "./ItemHelper";
import { ProbabilityHelper } from "./ProbabilityHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "./ProfileHelper";
export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
@ -25,10 +28,76 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected containerHelper: ContainerHelper;
protected botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService;
protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, probabilityHelper: ProbabilityHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, durabilityLimitsHelper: DurabilityLimitsHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, containerHelper: ContainerHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
generateModsForItem(items: Item[], modPool: Mods, parentId: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSpawnChances: ModsChances): Item[];
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, probabilityHelper: ProbabilityHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, durabilityLimitsHelper: DurabilityLimitsHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, containerHelper: ContainerHelper, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
* TODO - very similar to generateModsForWeapon
* Check mods are compatible and add to array
* @param equipment Equipment item to add mods to
* @param modPool Mod list to choose frm
* @param parentId parentid of item to add mod to
* @param parentTemplate template objet of item to add mods to
* @param modSpawnChances dictionary of mod items and their chance to spawn for this bot type
* @returns Item + compatible mods as an array
generateModsForEquipment(equipment: Item[], modPool: Mods, parentId: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSpawnChances: ModsChances): Item[];
* TODO - very similar to generateModsForEquipment
* @param sessionId session id
* @param weapon Weapon to add mods to
* @param modPool pool of compatible mods to attach to gun
* @param weaponParentId parentId of weapon
* @param parentTemplate
* @param modSpawnChances
* @param ammoTpl ammo tpl to use when generating magazines/cartridges
* @param botRole role of bot weapon is generated for
* @returns Weapon with mods
generateModsForWeapon(sessionId: string, weapon: Item[], modPool: Mods, weaponParentId: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSpawnChances: ModsChances, ammoTpl: string, botRole: string): Item[];
* Generate a pool of mods for this bots mod type if bot has values inside `randomisedWeaponModSlots` array found in bot.json/equipment[botrole]
* @param allowedMods Mods to be added to mod pool
* @param botEquipBlacklist blacklist of items not allowed to be added to mod pool
* @param modSlot Slot to generate mods for
* @param itemModPool base mod pool to replace values of
protected generateDynamicModPool(allowedMods: string[], botEquipBlacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails, modSlot: string, itemModPool: Record<string, string[]>): void;
* Check if the specific item type on the weapon has reached the set limit
* @param modTpl item to check is limited
* @param currentCount current number of this item on gun
* @param maxLimit mod limit allowed
* @param botRole role of bot we're checking weapon of
* @returns true if limit reached
protected weaponModLimitReached(modTpl: string, currentCount: {
count: number;
}, maxLimit: number, botRole: string): boolean;
* log errors if mod is not valid for a slot
* @param modTpl
* @param found
* @param itemSlot
* @param modTemplate
* @param modSlot
* @param parentTemplate
* @returns true if valid
protected isModValidForSlot(modTpl: string, found: boolean, itemSlot: Slot, modTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSlot: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem): boolean;
* Create a mod item with parameters as properties
* @param modId _id
* @param modTpl _tpl
* @param parentId parentId
* @param modSlot slotId
* @param modTemplate Used to add additional properites in the upd object
* @returns Item object
protected createModItem(modId: string, modTpl: string, parentId: string, modSlot: string, modTemplate: ITemplateItem): Item;
* Is this magazine cylinder related (revolvers and grenade launchers)
* @param magazineParentName the name of the magazines parent
@ -62,11 +131,11 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
* Those magazines (e.g. 60dc519adf4c47305f6d410d) have a "Cartridges" entry with a _max_count=0.
* Ammo is not put into the magazine directly but assigned to the magazine's slots: The "camora_xxx" slots.
* This function is a helper called by generateModsForItem for mods with parent type "CylinderMagazine"
* @param {object} items The items where the CylinderMagazine's camora are appended to
* @param {object} modPool modPool which should include available cartrigdes
* @param {string} parentId The CylinderMagazine's UID
* @param {object} parentTemplate The CylinderMagazine's template
* @param items The items where the CylinderMagazine's camora are appended to
* @param modPool modPool which should include available cartrigdes
* @param parentId The CylinderMagazine's UID
* @param parentTemplate The CylinderMagazine's template
* @returns
protected fillCamora(items: Item[], modPool: Mods, parentId: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem): void;
@ -75,6 +144,13 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
* @returns string array of shells fro luitple camora sources
protected mergeCamoraPoolsTogether(camorasWithShells: Record<string, string[]>): string[];
* Adds properties to an item
* e.g. Repairable / HasHinge / Foldable / MaxDurability
* @param itemTemplate
* @param botRole Used by weapons to randomise the durability values
* @returns Item Upd object with extra properties
generateExtraPropertiesForItem(itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole?: any): {
upd?: Upd;
@ -93,12 +169,6 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
protected generateArmorRepairableProperties(itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): Repairable;
protected getModTplFromItemDb(modTpl: string, parentSlot: Slot, modSlot: string, items: Item[]): string;
* Sort by spawn chance, highest to lowest, higher is more common
* @param unsortedModArray String array to sort
* @returns Sorted string array
protected sortModArray(unsortedModArray: string[]): string[];
* Can an item be added to an item without issue
* @param items
@ -117,8 +187,15 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
* @returns a `boolean` indicating item was added
addItemWithChildrenToEquipmentSlot(equipmentSlots: string[], parentId: string, parentTpl: string, itemWithChildren: Item[], inventory: PmcInventory): boolean;
* is the provided item allowed inside a container
* @param slot location item wants to be placed in
* @param itemTpl item being placed
* @returns true if allowed
protected itemAllowedInContainer(slot: Grid, itemTpl: string): boolean;
/** TODO - move into own class */
export declare class ExhaustableArray<T> {
private itemPool;
private randomUtil;

@ -44,23 +44,72 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
initProduction(recipeId: string, productionTime: number): Production;
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* After looking at the skills there doesnt seem to be a configuration per skill to boost
* the XP gain PER skill. I THINK you should be able to put the variable "SkillProgress" (just like health has it)
* and be able to tune the skill gain PER skill, but I havent tested it and Im not sure!
* @param pmcData
* @param bonus
protected applySkillXPBoost(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* @param sessionID Session id
updatePlayerHideout(sessionID: string): void;
* Update progress timer for water collector
* @param pmcData profile to update
* @param productionId id of water collection production to update
* @param hideoutProperties Hideout properties
protected updateWaterCollectorProductionTimer(pmcData: IPmcData, productionId: string, hideoutProperties: {
btcFarmCGs?: number;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
* Iterate over productions and update their progress timers
* @param pmcData Profile to check for productions and update
* @param hideoutProperties Hideout properties
protected updateProductionTimers(pmcData: IPmcData, hideoutProperties: {
btcFarmCGs: number;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
* Update progress timer for scav case
* @param pmcData Profile to update
* @param productionId Id of scav case production to update
protected updateScavCaseProductionTimer(pmcData: IPmcData, productionId: string): void;
* Iterate over hideout areas that use resources (fuel/filters etc) and update associated values
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param pmcData Profile to update areas of
* @param hideoutProperties hideout properties
protected updateAreasWithResources(sessionID: string, pmcData: IPmcData, hideoutProperties: {
btcFarmCGs: number;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): HideoutArea;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
* Filters are deleted when reaching 0 resourceValue
* @param waterFilterArea
* @param pwProd
* @param isGeneratorOn
* @param pmcData
* @returns
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
* @param production production object
* @param isGeneratorOn is generatory enabled
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @returns Updated HideoutArea object
protected updateWaterFilters(waterFilterArea: HideoutArea, pwProd: Production, isGeneratorOn: boolean, pmcData: IPmcData): HideoutArea;
protected updateWaterFilters(waterFilterArea: HideoutArea, production: Production, isGeneratorOn: boolean, pmcData: IPmcData): HideoutArea;
protected getAreaUpdObject(stackCount: number, resourceValue: number, resourceUnitsConsumed: number): Upd;
protected updateAirFilters(airFilterArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): HideoutArea;
protected updateAirFilters(airFilterArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateBitcoinFarm(pmcData: IPmcData, btcFarmCGs: number, isGeneratorOn: boolean): Production;
protected getBTCSlots(pmcData: IPmcData): number;
protected getManagementSkillsSlots(): number;

@ -18,18 +18,6 @@ export declare class InRaidHelper {
protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper;
protected profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService;
constructor(logger: ILogger, saveServer: SaveServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService);
* Reset the SPT inraid property stored in a profile to 'none'
* @param sessionID Session id
protected removePlayer(sessionID: string): void;
* Some maps have one-time-use keys (e.g. Labs
* Remove the relevant key from an inventory based on the post-raid request data passed in
* @param offraidData post-raid data
* @param sessionID Session id
protected removeMapAccessKey(offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): void;
* Check an array of items and add an upd object to money items with a stack count of 1
* Single stack money items have no upd object and thus no StackObjectsCount, causing issues
@ -54,6 +42,18 @@ export declare class InRaidHelper {
* @returns Reset profile object
updateProfileBaseStats(profileData: IPmcData, saveProgressRequest: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): IPmcData;
* Some maps have one-time-use keys (e.g. Labs
* Remove the relevant key from an inventory based on the post-raid request data passed in
* @param offraidData post-raid data
* @param sessionID Session id
protected removeMapAccessKey(offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): void;
* Set the SPT inraid location Profile property to 'none'
* @param sessionID Session id
protected setPlayerInRaidLocationStatusToNone(sessionID: string): void;
* Adds SpawnedInSession property to items found in a raid
* Removes SpawnedInSession for non-scav players if item was taken into raid with SpawnedInSession = true
@ -95,5 +95,10 @@ export declare class InRaidHelper {
* @returns true if item is kept after death
isItemKeptAfterDeath(slotId: string): boolean;
* Return the equipped items from a players inventory
* @param items Players inventory to search through
* @returns an array of equipped items
getPlayerGear(items: Item[]): Item[];

@ -1,35 +1,30 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { InsuredItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Item, Repairable } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { IStaticAmmoDetails } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ILootBase";
import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { MathUtil } from "../utils/MathUtil";
import { ObjectId } from "../utils/ObjectId";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
declare class ItemHelper {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected objectId: ObjectId;
protected mathUtil: MathUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, objectId: ObjectId, mathUtil: MathUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
* Checks if a id is a valid item. Valid meaning that it's an item that be stored in stash
* @param {string} tpl the template id / tpl
* @returns boolean; true for items that may be in player posession and not quest items
isValidItem(tpl: string, invalidBaseTypes?: string[]): boolean;
* Checks if an id is a valid item. Valid meaning that it's an item that may be a reward
* or content of bot loot. Items that are tested as valid may be in a player backpack or stash.
* @param {*} tpl template id of item to check
* @returns boolean: true if item is valid reward
isValidRewardItem(tpl: string): boolean;
* Picks rewardable items from items.json. This means they need to fit into the inventory and they shouldn't be keys (debatable)
* @returns a list of rewardable items [[_tpl, itemTemplate],...]
getRewardableItems(): [string, ITemplateItem][];
* Check if the tpl / template Id provided is a descendent of the baseclass
@ -196,6 +191,22 @@ declare class ItemHelper {
* @returns ItemSize object (width and height)
getItemSize(items: Item[], rootItemId: string): ItemHelper.ItemSize;
* Get a random cartridge from an items Filter property
* @param item
* @returns
getRandomCompatibleCaliberTemplateId(item: ITemplateItem): string;
createRandomMagCartridges(magTemplate: ITemplateItem, parentId: string, staticAmmoDist: Record<string, IStaticAmmoDetails[]>, caliber?: string): Item;
protected getRandomValidCaliber(magTemplate: ITemplateItem): string;
protected drawAmmoTpl(caliber: string, staticAmmoDist: Record<string, IStaticAmmoDetails[]>): string;
createCartidges(parentId: string, ammoTpl: string, stackCount: number): Item;
* Get the size of a stack, return 1 if no stack object count property found
* @param item Item to get stack size of
* @returns size of stack
getItemStackSize(item: Item): number;
declare namespace ItemHelper {
interface ItemSize {

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export declare class ProfileHelper {
* @param scavProfile post-raid scav profile
* @returns updated profile array
postRaidXpWorkaroundFix(sessionId: string, output: IPmcData[], pmcProfile: IPmcData, scavProfile: IPmcData): IPmcData[];
protected postRaidXpWorkaroundFix(sessionId: string, output: IPmcData[], pmcProfile: IPmcData, scavProfile: IPmcData): IPmcData[];
isNicknameTaken(info: IValidateNicknameRequestData, sessionID: string): boolean;
* Add experience to a PMC inside the players profile

@ -36,11 +36,20 @@ export declare class QuestHelper {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, itemHelper: ItemHelper, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
questStatus(pmcData: IPmcData, questID: string): QuestStatus;
* returns true is the condition is satisfied
* Get status of a quest by quest id
* @param pmcData Profile to search
* @param questID Quest id to look up
* @returns QuestStauts enum
getQuestStatus(pmcData: IPmcData, questID: string): QuestStatus;
* returns true is the level condition is satisfied
* @param playerLevel Players level
* @param condition Quest condition
* @returns true if player level is greater than or equal to quest
evaluateLevel(pmcProfile: IPmcData, cond: AvailableForConditions): boolean;
doesPlayerLevelFulfilCondition(playerLevel: number, condition: AvailableForConditions): boolean;
getDeltaQuests(before: IQuest[], after: IQuest[]): IQuest[];
* Increase skill points of a skill on player profile

@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ import { ProfileHelper } from "./ProfileHelper";
import { RagfairHelper } from "./RagfairHelper";
import { RagfairServerHelper } from "./RagfairServerHelper";
import { RagfairSortHelper } from "./RagfairSortHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "./TraderHelper";
export declare class RagfairOfferHelper {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
protected itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ export declare class RagfairOfferHelper {
protected static goodSoldTemplate: string;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, saveServer: SaveServer, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, ragfairSortHelper: RagfairSortHelper, ragfairHelper: RagfairHelper, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, localeService: LocaleService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, traderHelper: TraderHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, ragfairSortHelper: RagfairSortHelper, ragfairHelper: RagfairHelper, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, localeService: LocaleService, configServer: ConfigServer);
getValidOffers(info: ISearchRequestData, itemsToAdd: string[], assorts: Record<string, ITraderAssort>, pmcProfile: IPmcData): IRagfairOffer[];
getOffersForBuild(info: ISearchRequestData, itemsToAdd: string[], assorts: Record<string, ITraderAssort>, pmcProfile: IPmcData): IRagfairOffer[];
processOffersOnProfile(sessionID: string): boolean;

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { SaveServer } from "../servers/SaveServer";
import { ItemFilterService } from "../services/ItemFilterService";
import { LocaleService } from "../services/LocaleService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -13,6 +14,9 @@ import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { DialogueHelper } from "./DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "./ItemHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "./ProfileHelper";
* Helper class for common ragfair server actions
export declare class RagfairServerHelper {
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
@ -23,11 +27,12 @@ export declare class RagfairServerHelper {
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
protected static goodsReturnedTemplate: string;
constructor(randomUtil: RandomUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localeService: LocaleService, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(randomUtil: RandomUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localeService: LocaleService, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Is item valid / on blacklist / quest item
* @param itemDetails

@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ export declare class TradeHelper {
* @returns
sellItem(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IProcessSellTradeRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Increment the assorts buy count by number of items purchased
* Show error on screen if player attepts to buy more than what the buy max allows
* @param assortBeingPurchased assort being bought
* @param itemsPurchasedCount number of items being bought
protected incrementAssortBuyCount(assortBeingPurchased: Item, itemsPurchasedCount: number): void;
protected checkPurchaseIsWithinTraderItemLimit(assortBeingPurchased: Item, assortId: string, count: number): void;

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { RagfairAssortGenerator } from "../generators/RagfairAssortGenerator";
import { RagfairOfferGenerator } from "../generators/RagfairOfferGenerator";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ITrader, ITraderAssort } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -41,12 +40,7 @@ export declare class TraderAssortHelper {
* @param traderId traders id
* @returns a traders' assorts
getAssort(sessionId: string, traderId: string): ITraderAssort;
* if the fence assorts have expired, re-generate them
* @param pmcProfile Players profile
refreshFenceAssortIfExpired(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
getAssort(sessionId: string, traderId: string, flea?: boolean): ITraderAssort;
* Reset a traders assorts and move nextResupply value to future
* Flag trader as needing a flea offer reset to be picked up by flea update() function

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param item
* @returns boolean
protected isWeaponAndBelowTraderBuyDurability(traderID: string, item: Item): boolean;
protected isWeaponBelowTraderBuyDurability(traderID: string, item: Item): boolean;
* Get the price of an item and all of its attached children
* Take into account bonuses/adjsutments e.g. discounts

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ export interface Props {
LootExperience?: number;
ExamineExperience?: number;
HideEntrails?: boolean;
InsuranceDisabled?: boolean;
RepairCost?: number;
RepairSpeed?: number;
ExtraSizeLeft?: number;
@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ export interface Props {
IsOneoff?: boolean;
MustBoltBeOpennedForExternalReload?: boolean;
MustBoltBeOpennedForInternalReload?: boolean;
NoFiremodeOnBoltcatch?: boolean;
BoltAction?: boolean;
HipAccuracyRestorationDelay?: number;
HipAccuracyRestorationSpeed?: number;

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ export interface IBarterScheme {
count: number;
_tpl: string;
onlyFunctional?: boolean;
sptQuestLocked?: boolean;
export interface ISuit {
_id: string;

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ export interface IRagfairOffer {
name?: string;
shortName?: string;
loyaltyLevel: number;
buyRestrictionMax?: number;
buyRestrictionCurrent?: number;
locked: boolean;
unlimitedCount: boolean;
summaryCost: number;

@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ export declare enum Ammo9x21 {
PE_GZH = "5a26ac06c4a282000c5a90a8",
BT_GZH = "5a26ac0ec4a28200741e1e18"
export declare enum Ammo357Mag {
export declare enum Ammo9x33R {
FMJ = "62330b3ed4dc74626d570b95",
HOLLOW_POINT = "62330bfadc5883093563729b",
SOFT_POINT = "62330c40bdd19b369e1e53d1",
JACKET_HP = "62330c18744e5e31df12f516"
export declare enum Ammo45ACP {
export declare enum Ammo1143x23ACP {
MATCH_FMJ = "5e81f423763d9f754677bf2e",
HYDRA_SHOK = "5efb0fc6aeb21837e749c801",
LASERMATCH_FMJ = "5efb0d4f4bc50b58e81710f3",
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ export declare enum Ammo556x45 {
MK_318_MOD_0_SOST = "60194943740c5d77f6705eea",
SSA_AP = "601949593ae8f707c4608daa"
export declare enum Ammo300Blackout {
export declare enum Ammo762x35 {
M62_TRACER = "619636be6db0f2477964e710",
BCP_FMJ = "5fbe3ffdf8b6a877a729ea82",
AP = "5fd20ff893a8961fc660a954",

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ export declare enum BaseClasses {
ASSAULT_SCOPE = "55818add4bdc2d5b648b456f",
REFLEX_SIGHT = "55818ad54bdc2ddc698b4569",
TACTICAL_COMBO = "55818b164bdc2ddc698b456c",
FLASHLIGHT = "55818b084bdc2d5b648b4571",
MAGAZINE = "5448bc234bdc2d3c308b4569",
LIGHT_LASER = "55818b0e4bdc2dde698b456e",
FLASH_HIDER = "550aa4bf4bdc2dd6348b456b",

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export declare enum ConfigTypes {
IN_RAID = "aki-inraid",
INSURANCE = "aki-insurance",
INVENTORY = "aki-inventory",
ITEM = "aki-item",
LOCALE = "aki-locale",
LOCATION = "aki-location",
MATCH = "aki-match",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
export declare enum ELocationName {
FACTORY_DAY = "factory4_day",
FACTORY_NIGHT = "factory4_night",
BIGMAP = "bigmap",
WOODS = "Woods",
SHORELINE = "Shoreline",

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
import { MinMax } from "../../common/MinMax";
import { IBaseConfig } from "./IBaseConfig";
export interface IAirdropConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-airdrop";
airdropChancePercent: AirdropChancePercent;
airdropMinOpenHeight: number;
airdropMaxOpenHeight: number;
planeMinFlyHeight: number;
planeMaxFlyHeight: number;
planeVolume: number;
airdropMinStartTimeSeconds: number;
airdropMaxStartTimeSeconds: number;
loot: AirdropLoot;
export interface AirdropChancePercent {
bigmap: number;
@ -18,3 +18,11 @@ export interface AirdropChancePercent {
interchange: number;
reserve: number;
export interface AirdropLoot {
presetCount: MinMax;
itemCount: MinMax;
itemBlacklist: string[];
itemTypeWhitelist: string[];
/** key: item base type: value: max count */
itemLimits: Record<string, number>;

@ -1,17 +1,31 @@
import { MinMax } from "../../common/MinMax";
import { IBaseConfig } from "./IBaseConfig";
import { IBotDurability } from "./IBotDurability";
import { IPmcConfig } from "./IPmcConfig";
export interface IBotConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-bot";
/** How many variants of each bot should be generated on raid start */
presetBatch: PresetBatch;
/** What bot types should be classified as bosses */
bosses: string[];
durability: Durability;
/** Control weapon/armor durability min/max values for each bot type */
durability: IBotDurability;
/** Control the weighting of how expensive an average loot item is on a PMC or Scav */
lootNValue: LootNvalue;
/** Control what bots are added to a bots revenge list key: bottype, value: bottypes to revenge on seeing their death */
revenge: Record<string, string[]>;
pmc: PmcConfig;
/** PMC bot specific config settings */
pmc: IPmcConfig;
/** Control how many items are allowed to spawn on a bot
* key: bottype, value: <key: itemTpl: value: max item count> */
itemSpawnLimits: Record<string, Record<string, number>>;
equipment: Record<string, Equipment>;
/** Blacklist/whitelist items on a bot */
equipment: Record<string, EquipmentFilters>;
/** Show a bots botType value after their name */
showTypeInNickname: boolean;
/** Max number of bots that can be spawned in a raid at any one time */
maxBotCap: number;
/** How many stacks of secret ammo should a bot have in its bot secure container */
secureContainerAmmoStackCount: number;
export interface PresetBatch {
@ -44,79 +58,22 @@ export interface PresetBatch {
test: number;
exUsec: number;
export interface Durability {
default: DefaultDurability;
pmc: PmcDurability;
boss: BotDurability;
follower: BotDurability;
assault: BotDurability;
cursedassault: BotDurability;
marksman: BotDurability;
pmcbot: BotDurability;
exusec: BotDurability;
sectantpriest: BotDurability;
sectantwarrior: BotDurability;
export interface DefaultDurability {
armor: DefaultArmor;
weapon: WeaponDurability;
export interface DefaultArmor {
maxDelta: number;
minDelta: number;
export interface WeaponDurability {
lowestMax: number;
highestMax: number;
maxDelta: number;
minDelta: number;
export interface PmcDurability {
armor: PmcDurabilityArmor;
weapon: WeaponDurability;
export interface PmcDurabilityArmor {
lowestMaxPercent: number;
highestMaxPercent: number;
maxDelta: number;
minDelta: number;
export interface BotDurability {
armor: ArmorDurability;
weapon: WeaponDurability;
export interface ArmorDurability {
maxDelta: number;
minDelta: number;
export interface LootNvalue {
scav: number;
pmc: number;
export interface PmcConfig {
dynamicLoot: PmcDynamicLoot;
difficulty: string;
looseWeaponInBackpackChancePercent: number;
looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax: MinMax;
isUsec: number;
chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent: number;
usecType: string;
bearType: string;
maxBackpackLootTotalRub: number;
maxPocketLootTotalRub: number;
maxVestLootTotalRub: number;
convertIntoPmcChance: Record<string, MinMax>;
enemyTypes: string[];
export interface PmcDynamicLoot {
whitelist: string[];
blacklist: string[];
moneyStackLimits: Record<string, number>;
export interface Equipment {
export interface EquipmentFilters {
weaponModLimits: ModLimits;
randomisedWeaponModSlots?: string[];
blacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails[];
whitelist: EquipmentFilterDetails[];
export interface ModLimits {
/** How many scopes are allowed on a weapon - hard coded to work with OPTIC_SCOPE, ASSAULT_SCOPE, COLLIMATOR, COMPACT_COLLIMATOR */
scopeLimit?: number;
/** How many lasers or lights are allowed on a weapon - hard coded to work with TACTICAL_COMBO, and FLASHLIGHT */
lightLaserLimit?: number;
export interface EquipmentFilterDetails {
levelRange: MinMax;
equipment: Record<string, string[]>;

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
export interface IBotDurability {
default: DefaultDurability;
pmc: PmcDurability;
boss: BotDurability;
follower: BotDurability;
assault: BotDurability;
cursedassault: BotDurability;
marksman: BotDurability;
pmcbot: BotDurability;
exusec: BotDurability;
gifter: BotDurability;
sectantpriest: BotDurability;
sectantwarrior: BotDurability;
/** Durability values to be used when a more specific bot type cant be found */
export interface DefaultDurability {
armor: DefaultArmor;
weapon: WeaponDurability;
export interface DefaultArmor {
maxDelta: number;
minDelta: number;
export interface WeaponDurability {
lowestMax: number;
highestMax: number;
maxDelta: number;
minDelta: number;
export interface PmcDurability {
armor: PmcDurabilityArmor;
weapon: WeaponDurability;
export interface PmcDurabilityArmor {
lowestMaxPercent: number;
highestMaxPercent: number;
maxDelta: number;
minDelta: number;
export interface BotDurability {
armor: ArmorDurability;
weapon: WeaponDurability;
export interface ArmorDurability {
maxDelta: number;
minDelta: number;

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import { IBaseConfig } from "./IBaseConfig";
export interface IItemConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-item";
blacklist: string[];

types/models/spt/config/IPmcConfig.d.ts vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import { MinMax } from "../../common/MinMax";
export interface IPmcConfig {
dynamicLoot: DynamicLoot;
useDifficultyOverride: boolean;
difficulty: string;
looseWeaponInBackpackChancePercent: number;
looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax: MinMax;
isUsec: number;
chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent: number;
usecType: string;
bearType: string;
maxBackpackLootTotalRub: number;
maxPocketLootTotalRub: number;
maxVestLootTotalRub: number;
convertIntoPmcChance: Record<string, MinMax>;
enemyTypes: string[];
export interface DynamicLoot {
whitelist: string[];
blacklist: string[];
moneyStackLimits: Record<string, number>;

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ export interface IQuestConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-quest";
redeemTime: number;
repeatableQuests: IRepeatableQuestConfig[];
bearOnlyQuests: string[];
usecOnlyQuests: string[];
export interface IRepeatableQuestConfig {
name: string;
@ -15,6 +17,10 @@ export interface IRepeatableQuestConfig {
locations: Record<ELocationName, string[]>;
traderWhitelist: ITraderWhitelist[];
questConfig: IQuestConfig;
/** Item base types to block when generating rewards */
rewardBaseTypeBlacklist: string[];
/** Item tplIds to ignore when generating rewards */
rewardBlacklist: string[];
export interface IRewardScaling {
levels: number[];

@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ export interface UpdateTime {
seconds: number;
export interface FenceConfig {
partialRefreshTimeSeconds: number;
partialRefreshChangePercent: number;
assortSize: number;
maxPresetsCount: number;
maxPresetsPercent: number;
presetPriceMult: number;
blacklist: string[];

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export declare class LootItem {
tpl: string;
isPreset: boolean;
stackCount: number;

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { MinMax } from "../../common/MinMax";
export declare class LootRequest {
presetCount: MinMax;
itemCount: MinMax;
itemBlacklist: string[];
itemTypeWhitelist: string[];
/** key: item base type: value: max count */
itemLimits: Record<string, number>;

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import { IBotType } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { Equipment, EquipmentFilterDetails, IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { EquipmentFilters, EquipmentFilterDetails, IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
export declare class BotEquipmentFilterService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botEquipmentFilterlists: Record<string, Equipment>;
protected botEquipmentFilterlists: Record<string, EquipmentFilters>;
constructor(logger: ILogger, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Filter a bots data to exclude equipment and cartridges defines in the botConfig
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export declare class BotEquipmentFilterService {
* @param playerLevel Level of the player
* @returns EquipmentBlacklistDetails object
protected getBotEquipmentBlacklist(botRole: string, playerLevel: number): EquipmentFilterDetails;
getBotEquipmentBlacklist(botRole: string, playerLevel: number): EquipmentFilterDetails;
* Get the whitelist for a specific bot type that's within the players level
* @param botRole Bot type

@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { ItemFilterService } from "./ItemFilterService";
* Handle actions surrounding Fence
* e.g. generating or refreshing assorts / get next refresh time
export declare class FenceService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
@ -22,18 +27,64 @@ export declare class FenceService {
protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected presetHelper: PresetHelper;
protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected fenceAssort: ITraderAssort;
protected traderConfig: ITraderConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected nextMiniRefreshTimestamp: number;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected setFenceAssort(fenceAssort: ITraderAssort): void;
getFenceAssorts(): ITraderAssort;
* Get assorts player can purchase
* Adjust prices based on fence level of player
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @returns ITraderAssort
getFenceAssorts(pmcProfile: IPmcData): ITraderAssort;
* Get fence assorts with no price adjustments based on fence rep
* @returns ITraderAssort
getRawFenceAssorts(): ITraderAssort;
* Does fence need to perform a partial refresh because its passed the refresh timer defined in trader.json
* @returns true if it needs a partial refresh
needsPartialRefresh(): boolean;
* Replace a percentage of fence assorts with freshly generated items
performPartialRefresh(): void;
* Choose an item (not mod) at random and remove from assorts
protected removeRandomItemFromAssorts(): void;
* Get an integer rounded count of items to replace based on percentrage from traderConfig value
* @param totalItemCount total item count
* @returns rounded int of items to replace
protected getCountOfItemsToReplace(totalItemCount: number): number;
* Get the count of items fence offers
* @returns number
getOfferCount(): number;
generateFenceAssortCache(pmcData: IPmcData): void;
* Create a trader assort for fence
generateFenceAssortCache(): void;
* Create skeleton to hold assort items
* @returns ITraderAssort object
protected createBaseTraderAssortItem(): ITraderAssort;
* Hydrate result parameter object with generated assorts
* @param assortCount Number of assorts to generate
* @param assorts object to add assorts to
protected createAssorts(assortCount: number, assorts: ITraderAssort): void;
* Get the next update timestamp for fence
* @returns future timestamp
@ -44,11 +95,14 @@ export declare class FenceService {
protected getFenceRefreshTime(): number;
* Get the fence level the passed in profile has
* Get fence level the passed in profile has
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @returns FenceLevel
* @returns FenceLevel object
getFenceInfo(pmcData: IPmcData): FenceLevel;
* Remove an assort from fence by id
* @param assortIdToRemove assort id to remove from fence assorts
removeFenceOffer(assortIdToRemove: string): void;
updateFenceOffers(pmcData: IPmcData): void;

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { DialogueHelper } from "../helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { SecureContainerHelper } from "../helpers/SecureContainerHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { InsuredItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ISaveProgressRequestData } from "../models/eft/inRaid/ISaveProgressRequestData";
import { IInsuranceConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IInsuranceConfig";
@ -44,8 +45,22 @@ export declare class InsuranceService {
* @param mapId Id of the map player died/exited that caused the insurance to be issued on
sendInsuredItems(pmcData: IPmcData, sessionID: string, mapId: string): void;
* Store lost gear post-raid inside profile
* @param pmcData player profile to store gear in
* @param offraidData post-raid request object
* @param preRaidGear gear player wore prior to raid
* @param sessionID Session id
storeLostGear(pmcData: IPmcData, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, preRaidGear: Item[], sessionID: string): void;
storeInsuredItemsForReturn(pmcData: IPmcData, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, preRaidGear: Item[], sessionID: string): void;
protected addGearToSend(pmcData: IPmcData, insuredItem: any, actualItem: any, sessionID: string): any;
* Add gear item to InsuredItems array in player profile
* @param pmcData profile to store item in
* @param insuredItem Item to store in profile
* @param actualItem item to store
* @param sessionID Session id
protected addGearToSend(pmcData: IPmcData, insuredItem: InsuredItem, actualItem: Item, sessionID: string): void;
getPremium(pmcData: IPmcData, inventoryItem: Item, traderId: string): number;

types/services/ItemFilterService.d.ts vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import { IItemConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IItemConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
/** Centralise the handling of blacklisting items, uses blacklist found in config/item.json */
export declare class ItemFilterService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected blacklist: string[];
protected itemConfig: IItemConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Check if the provided template id is blacklisted in config/item.json
* @param tpl template id
* @returns true if blacklisted
isItemBlacklisted(tpl: string): boolean;
* Return every template id blacklisted in config/item.json
* @returns string array of blacklisted tempalte ids
getBlacklistedItems(): string[];

@ -4,8 +4,18 @@ import { TimeUtil } from "./TimeUtil";
export declare class HashUtil {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
constructor(timeUtil: TimeUtil);
* Create a 24 character id using the sha256 algorithm + current timestamp
* @returns 24 character hash
generate(): string;
generateMd5ForData(data: string): string;
generateSha1ForData(data: string): string;
* Create a hash for the data parameter
* @param algorithm algorithm to use to hash
* @param data data to be hashed
* @returns hash value
generateHashForData(algorithm: string, data: crypto.BinaryLike): string;

@ -150,4 +150,10 @@ export declare class RandomUtil {
drawRandomFromDict(dict: any, count?: number, replacement?: boolean): any[];
getBiasedRandomNumber(min: number, max: number, shift: number, n: number): number;
* Fisher-Yates shuffle an array
* @param array Array to shuffle
* @returns Shuffled array
shuffle<T>(array: Array<T>): Array<T>;

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
* Utility class to handle time related problems
export declare class TimeUtil {
static readonly oneHourAsSeconds = 3600;
formatTime(date: Date): string;