Changes for v1.3.0
This commit is contained in:
V-AIO Progression ReadMe.pdfValens-AIO ReadMe.pdf
Valens-AIO/V-AIO Progression ReadMe.pdf
Normal file
Valens-AIO/V-AIO Progression ReadMe.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"DebugMode": true,
"DebugMode": false,
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent": 50,
"chanceSameSideIsHostile": 50,
"containersOnPMCs": true,
"isUsec": 50,
"lootNValue": 3,
@ -33,6 +33,30 @@
"maxPocketLootTotalRub": 50000,
"maxVestLootTotalRub": 50000,
"min": 15,
"max": 40
"min": 15,
"max": 40
"min": 15,
"max": 30
"min": 5,
"max": 20
"difficulty": "asonline",
@ -46,33 +70,11 @@
"looseWeaponInBackpackChance": 15,
"assault": 25,
"cursedAssault": 25,
"pmcBot": 25,
"exUsec": 10,
"assault for 3.2.0":
"min": 15,
"max": 40
"cursedassault for 3.2.0":
"min": 15,
"max": 40
"pmcbot for 3.2.0":
"min": 15,
"max": 30
"exusec for 3.2.0":
"min": 5,
"max": 20
"min": 1,
"max": 1
@ -97,8 +99,8 @@
"width": 1,
"height": 2,
"width": 2,
"height": 1,
"cellsH": 4,
"cellsV": 4
@ -195,8 +197,8 @@
"width": 2,
"height": 2,
"cellsH": 3,
"cellsV": 4
"cellsH": 4,
"cellsV": 3
@ -217,8 +219,8 @@
"width": 3,
"height": 5,
"width": 5,
"height": 3,
"cellsH": 14,
"cellsV": 14
@ -286,7 +288,7 @@
"width": 3,
"height": 4,
"height": 3,
"cellsH": 3,
"cellsV": 4
@ -424,10 +426,10 @@
"allExtractsAvailable": true,
"allExtractsAvailable": false,
"exfilTime": 8,
"extractionsExtended": true,
"noExtractRestrictions": true
"extractionsExtended": false,
"noExtractRestrictions": false
@ -437,6 +439,11 @@
"staticLootMultiplier": 1
"enabled": true
"onlyFoundInRaid": true
@ -461,7 +468,7 @@
"allBossesOnReserve": false,
"allTradersSellCheapItems": false,
"glukharOnLabs": false,
"gluharOnLabs": false,
"killaOnFactory": false,
"makeObdolbosPowerful": false
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export interface Config
items: Items
locations: Locations
loot: Loot
progression: Progression
raid: Raid
quests: Quests
prewipeEvents: PrewipeEvents
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ export interface BossChance
export interface Pmc
chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent: number
chanceSameSideIsHostile: number
containersOnPMCs: boolean
isUsec: number
lootNValue: number
@ -56,6 +57,8 @@ export interface Pmc
maxVestLootTotalRub: number
difficultyWeights: DifficultyWeights
convertIntoPmcChance: ConvertIntoPmcChance
looseWeaponInBackpackChance: number
looseWeaponInBackpackLoot: LooseWeapon
export interface DifficultyWeights
@ -75,35 +78,19 @@ export interface Weights
export interface ConvertIntoPmcChance
assault: number
cursedAssault: number
pmcBot: number
exUsec: number
"assault for 3.2.0": AssaultFor320
"cursedassault for 3.2.0": CursedassaultFor320
"pmcbot for 3.2.0": PmcbotFor320
"exusec for 3.2.0": ExusecFor320
assault: PmcChance
cursedAssault: PmcChance
pmcBot : PmcChance
exUsec : PmcChance
export interface AssaultFor320
export interface PmcChance
min: number
max: number
export interface CursedassaultFor320
min: number
max: number
export interface PmcbotFor320
min: number
max: number
export interface ExusecFor320
export interface LooseWeapon
min: number
max: number
@ -302,6 +289,11 @@ export interface Loot
staticLootMultiplier: number
export interface Progression
enabled: boolean
export interface Quests
onlyFoundInRaid: boolean
@ -326,7 +318,7 @@ export interface PrewipeEvents
allBossesOnReserve: boolean
allTradersSellCheapItems: boolean
glukharOnLabs: boolean
gluharOnLabs: boolean
killaOnFactory: boolean
makeObdolbosPowerful: boolean
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"name": "Valens-AIO",
"version": "1.2.3",
"version": "1.3.0",
"main": "src/mod.js",
"license": "CC BY-NC-ND 4.0",
"author": "Valens",
"akiVersion": "3.1.*",
"akiVersion": "3.2.*",
"scripts": {
"setup:environment": "npm i",
"build:unzipped": "copyfiles -e \"./node_modules/**/*.*\" -e \"./dist/**/*.*\" -e \"./package-lock.json\" -e \"./tsconfig.json\" -e \"./README.txt\" -e \"./mod.code-workspace\" \"./**/*.*\" ./dist",
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
/*import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
/*import { Config } from "../config/config";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
import { IAirdropConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IAirdropConfig";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -8,7 +7,7 @@ export class Airdrop
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.jsonc");
private logger: Logger;
private tables: IDatabaseTables;
private databaseServer: IDatabaseTables;
private airdropConfig: IAirdropConfig;
constructor(logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, airdropConfig: IAirdropConfig)
@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ export class Ammo
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json")
private logger: Logger;
private databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer)
this.logger = logger;
this.databaseServer = databaseServer;
this.tables = databaseServer.getTables();
public updateAmmo(): void
const items = this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.items;
const items = this.tables.templates.items;
const mod = this.modConfig.ammo;
if (mod.ammoStacks.grenadeCartridges != 1)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { IBotConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
import type { BossLocationSpawn } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/ILocationBase";
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ export class Bots
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json");
private logger: Logger;
private botConfig: IBotConfig;
private tables: IDatabaseTables;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
private traders: Record<string, ITrader>;
private weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper;
@ -22,115 +21,230 @@ export class Bots
this.logger = logger;
this.botConfig = botConfig;
this.tables = databaseServer.getTables();
this.traders = databaseServer.getTables().traders;
this.traders = this.tables.traders;
this.weightedRandomHelper = weightedRandomHelper;
public updateBots(): void
// modConfig variables
const mod = this.modConfig.bots;
const modPMC = this.modConfig.bots.pmc;
const modScav = this.modConfig.bots.scav;
const preWipe = this.modConfig.prewipeEvents;
if (mod.pmc.difficultyWeights.difficulty != "asonline")
// Server side variables
const pmc = this.botConfig.pmc;
const lootNValue = this.botConfig.lootNValue;
// Start modifications
// Checks if straight up difficulty selection is used or not to determine if it should use that or if it should then go to use weighted difficulties.
if (modPMC.difficultyWeights.difficulty != "asonline")
// Uses PMC difficulty weighting if Enabled.
if (mod.pmc.difficultyWeights.useWeights)
// Uses PMC difficulty weighting if straight up difficulty selection is not used.
if (modPMC.difficultyWeights.useWeights)
const chosenDifficulty = this.chooseRandomWeightedDifficulty();
||||"PMC Difficulty Chance Weights Patched");
||||`PMC Difficulty Chosen: ${chosenDifficulty}`);
// Uses PMC difficulty if weighting is Disabled.
// Uses PMC difficulty if weighting is disabled.
this.botConfig.pmc.difficulty = mod.pmc.difficultyWeights.difficulty;
||||`PMC Bot Difficulty set to ${mod.pmc.difficultyWeights.difficulty}`);
pmc.difficulty = modPMC.difficultyWeights.difficulty;
||||`PMC Bot Difficulty set to ${modPMC.difficultyWeights.difficulty}`);
// Enables common and secure containers to spawn on PMCs while additionally whitelisting the parent IDs. Rarity adjusted via PMC lootNValue. Default true.
if (mod.pmc.containersOnPMCs)
// Enables common and secure containers to spawn on PMCs by whitelisting the parent IDs. Rarity adjusted via PMC lootNValue. Default true.
if (modPMC.containersOnPMCs)
||||`Containers On PMCs: ${mod.pmc.containersOnPMCs}`);
||||`Containers On PMCs: ${modPMC.containersOnPMCs}`);
// Chance that PMC bot will be USEC or BEAR. Higher value means higher chance for the PMC to be USEC. Default is 50%
if (mod.pmc.isUsec != 50)
// Chance that PMC bot will be USEC or BEAR. Default is 50%
if (modPMC.isUsec != 50)
this.botConfig.pmc.isUsec = mod.pmc.isUsec;
||||`PMC isUsec Chance is: ${mod.pmc.isUsec}`);
pmc.isUsec = modPMC.isUsec;
||||`PMC isUsec Chance is: ${modPMC.isUsec}`);
// Max Loot Value in Rubles for PMC bots in Backpack, Pockets, and Vest respectively. Default is 150,000/50,000/50,000
if (mod.pmc.maxBackpackLootTotalRub != 150000
|| mod.pmc.maxPocketLootTotalRub !=50000
|| mod.pmc.maxVestLootTotalRub != 50000)
if (modPMC.maxBackpackLootTotalRub != 150000
|| modPMC.maxPocketLootTotalRub !=50000
|| modPMC.maxVestLootTotalRub != 50000)
this.botConfig.pmc.maxBackpackLootTotalRub = mod.pmc.maxBackpackLootTotalRub;
this.botConfig.pmc.maxPocketLootTotalRub = mod.pmc.maxPocketLootTotalRub;
this.botConfig.pmc.maxVestLootTotalRub = mod.pmc.maxVestLootTotalRub;
||||"PMC Loot Value totals changed!");
||||`Max Backpack Total Value: ${mod.pmc.maxBackpackLootTotalRub}`);
||||`Max Pocket Total Value: ${mod.pmc.maxPocketLootTotalRub}`);
||||`Max Vest Total Value: ${mod.pmc.maxVestLootTotalRub}`);
||||`PMC Loot Value totals changed! \n Max Backpack Total Value: ${modPMC.maxBackpackLootTotalRub} \n Max Pocket Total Value: ${modPMC.maxPocketLootTotalRub} \n Max Vest Total Value: ${modPMC.maxVestLootTotalRub}`);
// Chance that the PMC bot of your side (BEAR/USEC) will be hostile or not. Default is 50%.
if (mod.pmc.chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent != 50)
// Chance that the PMC bot of your faction (BEAR/USEC) will be hostile or not. Default is 50%.
if (modPMC.chanceSameSideIsHostile != 50)
this.botConfig.pmc.chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent = mod.pmc.chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent;
||||`Chance Same Side Is Hostle is ${mod.pmc.chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent}`);
pmc.chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent = modPMC.chanceSameSideIsHostile;
||||`Chance Same Side Is Hostle is ${modPMC.chanceSameSideIsHostile}`);
// Max Bot Cap located in configs/bot.json/maxBotCap
// Adjusts the Max Bot Cap located in configs/bot.json/maxBotCap
if (mod.maxBotCap != 20)
this.botConfig.maxBotCap = mod.maxBotCap;
||||`Bot Cap is now ${mod.maxBotCap}`);
if (mod.pmc.lootNValue != 3 || mod.scav.lootNValue != 4)
// Modifies the lootNValue of PMC or Scav if configured outside of the defaults.
if (modPMC.lootNValue != 3 || modScav.lootNValue != 4)
this.botConfig.lootNValue.scav = mod.scav.lootNValue;
this.botConfig.lootNValue.pmc = mod.pmc.lootNValue;
||||"Loot NValue for bots has been changed!");
||||`Scav lootNValue set to ${mod.scav.lootNValue}`);
||||`PMC lootNValue set to ${mod.pmc.lootNValue}`);
lootNValue.scav = modScav.lootNValue;
lootNValue.pmc = modPMC.lootNValue;
||||`lootNValue for bots has been changed! \n Scav lootNValue set to ${modScav.lootNValue} \n PMC lootNValue set to ${modPMC.lootNValue}`);
if (mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.assault != 25 || mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.cursedAssault != 25
|| mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.pmcBot != 25 || mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.exUsec != 10)
this.botConfig.pmc.types.assault = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.assault;
this.botConfig.pmc.types.cursedAssault = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.cursedAssault;
this.botConfig.pmc.types.pmcBot = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.pmcBot;
this.botConfig.pmc.types.exUsec = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.exUsec;
/*if (mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["assault for 3.2.0"].min != 15 || mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["assault for 3.2.0"].max != 40
|| mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["cursedassault for 3.2.0"].min != 15 || mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["cursedassault for 3.2.0"].max != 40
|| mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["pmcbot for 3.2.0"].min != 15 || mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["pmcbot for 3.2.0"].max != 30
|| mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["exusec for 3.2.0"].min != 15 || mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["exusec for 3.2.0"].max != 20)
// Adjusts the chance for PMC to spawn instead of the default bot type if configured outside of the default values.
const pmcChance = modPMC.convertIntoPmcChance;
if (pmcChance.assault.min != 15 || pmcChance.assault.max != 40
|| pmcChance.cursedAssault.min != 15 || pmcChance.cursedAssault.max != 40
|| pmcChance.pmcBot.min != 15 || pmcChance.pmcBot.max != 30
|| pmcChance.exUsec.min != 5 || pmcChance.exUsec.max != 20)
this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.assault.min = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["assault for 3.2.0"].min;
this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.assault.max = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["assault for 3.2.0"].max;
this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.cursedassault.min = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["cursedassault for 3.2.0"].min;
this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.cursedassault.max = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["cursedassault for 3.2.0"].max;
this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.pmcbot.min = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["pmcbot for 3.2.0"].min;
this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.pmcbot.max = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["pmcbot for 3.2.0"].max;
this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.exusec.min = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["exusec for 3.2.0"].min;
this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance.exusec.max = mod.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance["exusec for 3.2.0"].max;
||||"Chance to Convert Bots into PMC Patched");
// Make all bosses spawn chance configurable.
const locations = this.tables.locations;
// Makes *all* bosses spawn chance configurable.
if (mod.bossChance.activated)
||||`Boss Chance set to ${mod.bossChance.chance}`)
// Prewipe Events
// Spawn Killa On Factory
if (preWipe.killaOnFactory)
||||"Killa On Factry Enabled");
// Spawns All Bosses On Reserve
if (preWipe.allBossesOnReserve)
||||"Bosses On Reserve Prewipe Event Enabled");
// Spawns Gluhar On Labs
if (preWipe.gluharOnLabs)
||||"Gluhar On Labs Prewipe Event Enabled");
// All cheap items on traders
if (preWipe.allTradersSellCheapItems)
||||"Cheap Items On Traders Prewipe Event Enabled");
// Makes Obdolbos Super Powered
if (preWipe.makeObdolbosPowerful)
||||"Make Obdolbos Powerful Prewipe Event Enabled");
if (modPMC.looseWeaponInBackpackChance != 15 || modPMC.looseWeaponInBackpackLoot.max != 1 || modPMC.looseWeaponInBackpackLoot.min != 1)
||||"Loose Weapon In PMC Backpack Values Patched");
// Functions start here.
// Function to enable secured and common containers on PMCs.
private containersOnPMCs(): void
const dynaLoot = this.botConfig.pmc.dynamicLoot.whitelist;
private chooseRandomWeightedDifficulty(): string
const chosenDifficulty = this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem(this.modConfig.bots.pmc.difficultyWeights.weights);
this.botConfig.pmc.difficulty = chosenDifficulty;
return chosenDifficulty;
public createBossWave(role: string, chance: number, followers: string, escortAmount: number, zones: string): any
return {
"BossName": role,
"BossChance": chance,
"BossZone": zones,
"BossPlayer": false,
"BossDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortType": followers,
"BossEscortDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortAmount": escortAmount,
"Time": -1
private adjustPmcChance(): void
const pmcConfig = this.botConfig.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance;
const modConfig = this.modConfig.bots.pmc.convertIntoPmcChance;
pmcConfig.assault.min = modConfig.assault.min;
pmcConfig.assault.max = modConfig.assault.max;
pmcConfig.cursedassault.min = modConfig.cursedAssault.min;
pmcConfig.cursedassault.max = modConfig.cursedAssault.max;
pmcConfig.pmcbot.min = modConfig.pmcBot.min;
pmcConfig.pmcbot.max = modConfig.pmcBot.max;
pmcConfig.exusec.min = modConfig.exUsec.min;
pmcConfig.exusec.max = modConfig.exUsec.max;
private changeMaxLootvalue(): void
const lootConfig = this.botConfig.pmc;
const modConfig = this.modConfig.bots.pmc;
lootConfig.maxBackpackLootTotalRub = modConfig.maxBackpackLootTotalRub;
lootConfig.maxPocketLootTotalRub = modConfig.maxPocketLootTotalRub;
lootConfig.maxVestLootTotalRub = modConfig.maxVestLootTotalRub;
private configureBossChance(): void
const locations = this.tables.locations;
for (const i in locations)
if (i !== "base")
@ -139,25 +253,26 @@ export class Bots
for (const x in locations[i].base.BossLocationSpawn)
locations[i].base.BossLocationSpawn[x].BossChance = mod.bossChance.chance;
||||`Boss Chance set to ${mod.bossChance.chance}`)
locations[i].base.BossLocationSpawn[x].BossChance = this.modConfig.bots.bossChance.chance;
// Prewipe Events
if (this.modConfig.prewipeEvents.killaOnFactory)
private spawnKillaOnFactory(): void
const locations = this.tables.locations;
const killaWave = this.createBossWave("bossKilla", 100, "followerBully", 0, locations.factory4_day.base.OpenZones);
||||"Killa Prewipe Event Enabled");
if (this.modConfig.prewipeEvents.allBossesOnReserve)
private spawnAllBossesOnReserve(): void
const locations = this.tables.locations;
let bossWave = this.createBossWave("bossKilla", 100, "followerBully", 0, locations.rezervbase.base.OpenZones);
bossWave = this.createBossWave("bossBully", 100, "followerBully", 4, locations.rezervbase.base.OpenZones);
@ -166,12 +281,14 @@ export class Bots
bossWave = this.createBossWave("bossSanitar", 100, "followerSanitar", 2, locations.rezervbase.base.OpenZones);
||||"Bosses On Reserve Prewipe Event Enabled");
if (this.modConfig.prewipeEvents.glukharOnLabs)
private spawnGluharOnLabs(): void
const locations = this.tables.locations;
const glugluWave: BossLocationSpawn =
const glugluWave: BossLocationSpawn = {
"BossName": "bossGluhar",
"BossChance": 43,
"BossZone": "ZoneRailStrorage,ZoneRailStrorage,ZoneRailStrorage,ZonePTOR1,ZonePTOR2,ZoneBarrack,ZoneBarrack,ZoneBarrack,ZoneSubStorage",
@ -211,13 +328,12 @@ export class Bots
glugluWave.BossZone = locations.laboratory.base.OpenZones;
||||"Glukhar On Labs Prewipe Event Enabled");
// All cheap items on traders
if (this.modConfig.prewipeEvents.allTradersSellCheapItems)
private allTradersSellCheapItems(): void
||||"Cheap Items On Traders Prewipe Event Enabled");
for (const trader in this.traders)
for (const assort in this.traders[trader].assort.barter_scheme)
@ -242,8 +358,10 @@ export class Bots
if (this.modConfig.prewipeEvents.makeObdolbosPowerful)
private makeObdolbosPowerful(): void
const obdolbosBuff = [
"BuffType": "StaminaRate",
@ -373,74 +491,17 @@ export class Bots
this.tables.globals.config.Health.Effects.Stimulator.Buffs.Buffs_Obdolbos = obdolbosBuff;
||||"Make Obdolbos Powerful Prewipe Event Enabled");
// 5c0a840b86f7742ffa4f2482 thicc items case
private containersOnPMCs(): void
private changeLooseWeapon():void
const dynaLoot = this.botConfig.pmc.dynamicLoot.whitelist;
const pmcConfig = this.botConfig.pmc;
const modConfig = this.modConfig.bots.pmc;
pmcConfig.looseWeaponInBackpackChancePercent = modConfig.looseWeaponInBackpackChance;
pmcConfig.looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax.min = modConfig.looseWeaponInBackpackLoot.min;
pmcConfig.looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax.max = modConfig.looseWeaponInBackpackLoot.max;
private chooseRandomWeightedDifficulty(): string
const chosenDifficulty = this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedInventoryItem(this.modConfig.bots.pmc.difficultyWeights.weights);
this.botConfig.pmc.difficulty = chosenDifficulty;
return chosenDifficulty;
private containers(): any[]
/* Container "id"s
* S I C C pouch: 5d235bb686f77443f4331278
* Magazine Case: 5c127c4486f7745625356c13
* Weapon Case: 59fb023c86f7746d0d4b423c
* T H I C C Weapon Case: 5b6d9ce188a4501afc1b2b25
* Item Case: 59fb042886f7746c5005a7b2
* T H I C C Item Case: 5c0a840b86f7742ffa4f2482
* Money case: 59fb016586f7746d0d4b423a
* Mr Holodilnick Thermal Bag: 5c093db286f7740a1b2617e3
* Medicine case: 5aafbcd986f7745e590fff23
* Lucky scav junkbox: 5b7c710788a4506dec015957
* Grenade case: 5e2af55f86f7746d4159f07c
* Ammunition case: 5aafbde786f774389d0cbc0f
* Documents case: 590c60fc86f77412b13fddcf
* Key tool: 59fafd4b86f7745ca07e123
* Injector case: 619cbf7d23893217ec30b689
* Dogtag case: 5c093e3486f77430cb02e593
* Keycard holder: 619cbf9e0a7c3a1a2731940a
* WZ Wallet: 60b0f6c058e0b0481a09ad11
* Pistol case: 567143bf4bdc2d1a0f8b4567
* Secure container: 5448bf274bdc2dfc2f8b456a
* Kappa container: 5c093ca986f7740a1867ab12
* Gamma container: 60b0f6c058e0b0481a09ad11
const lootItems = ["5d235bb686f77443f4331278","5c127c4486f7745625356c13","59fb023c86f7746d0d4b423c","5b6d9ce188a4501afc1b2b25","59fb042886f7746c5005a7b2","5c0a840b86f7742ffa4f2482",
return lootItems;
private createBossWave(role: string, chance: number, followers: string, escortAmount: number, zones: string): any
return {
"BossName": role,
"BossChance": chance,
"BossZone": zones,
"BossPlayer": false,
"BossDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortType": followers,
"BossEscortDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortAmount": escortAmount,
"Time": -1
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
@ -9,7 +7,7 @@ export class Containers
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json");
private logger: Logger;
private tables: IDatabaseTables;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ export class Flea
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json");
private logger: Logger;
private ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
private tables: IDatabaseTables;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
constructor (logger: Logger, ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig, tables: IDatabaseTables)
constructor (logger: Logger, ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig, databaseServer: DatabaseServer)
this.logger = logger;
this.ragfairConfig = ragfairConfig;
this.tables = tables;
this.tables = databaseServer.getTables();
@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ export class Globals
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json");
private logger: Logger;
private databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer)
this.logger = logger;
this.databaseServer = databaseServer;
this.tables = databaseServer.getTables();
public updateGlobals(): void
const mod = this.modConfig.globals;
const global = this.databaseServer.getTables().globals;
const global = this.tables.globals;
if (mod.damagePerMeter != 9 || mod.safeHeight != 3)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export class Globals
private matchEndSettings(): void
const global1 = this.databaseServer.getTables().globals.config.exp.match_end;
const global1 = this.tables.globals.config.exp.match_end;
const mod = this.modConfig.globals.matchEnd;
global1.survived_exp_requirement = mod.survivedExpRequirement;
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ export class Globals
global1.survivedMult = mod.survivedMult;
global1.runnerMult = mod.runnerMult;
global1.killedMult = mod.killedMult;
this.databaseServer.getTables().globals.config.exp.kill.headShotMult = mod.headShotMult;
this.databaseServer.getTables().globals.config.exp.kill.expOnDamageAllHealth = mod.expOnDamageAllHealth;
this.tables.globals.config.exp.kill.headShotMult = mod.headShotMult;
this.tables.globals.config.exp.kill.expOnDamageAllHealth = mod.expOnDamageAllHealth;
||||"Match End Settings Patched");
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ export class Hideout
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json")
private logger: Logger;
private databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer)
this.logger = logger;
this.databaseServer = databaseServer;
this.tables = databaseServer.getTables();
public updateHideout(): void
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export class Hideout
||mod.generatorFuelFlowRate != 0.0013194444444444
||mod.gpuBoostRate != 0.041225)
const settings = this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.settings;
const settings = this.tables.hideout.settings;
settings.airFilterUnitFlowRate = mod.airFilterUnitFlowRate;
settings.generatorFuelFlowRate = mod.generatorFuelFlowRate;
settings.gpuBoostRate = mod.gpuBoostRate;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export class Hideout
private updateConstructionTime()
for (const area of this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.areas)
for (const area of this.tables.hideout.areas)
for (const stage in area.stages)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ export class Hideout
private updateProductionTime()
for (const production of this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.production)
for (const production of this.tables.hideout.production)
production.productionTime *= this.modConfig.hideout.productionTime;
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export class Hideout
private updateScavCase()
for (const scavCase of this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.scavcase)
for (const scavCase of this.tables.hideout.scavcase)
scavCase.ProductionTime *= this.modConfig.hideout.scavCaseTime;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
import { Money } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Money"
export class Items
@ -14,13 +13,13 @@ export class Items
constructor(logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer)
this.logger = logger;
this.tables = databaseServer;
this.tables = databaseServer.getTables();
public updateItems(): void
this.items = this.tables.getTables().templates.items;
this.items = this.tables.templates.items;
this.mod = this.modConfig.items;
if (this.mod.removeKeyUsageMax)
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
@ -7,7 +6,7 @@ export class Locations
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json");
private logger: Logger;
private tables: IDatabaseTables;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
constructor (logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { ILocationConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
@ -8,7 +7,7 @@ export class Loot
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json");
private logger: Logger;
private tables: IDatabaseTables;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
private locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
constructor (logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, locationConfig: ILocationConfig)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { DependencyContainer } from "tsyringe";
import { IPostDBLoadMod } from "@spt-aki/models/external/IPostDBLoadMod";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/WeightedRandomHelper";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
@ -27,13 +26,13 @@ import { Weapons } from "./weapons";
import { Containers } from "./containers";
import { Locations } from "./locations";
import { Quests } from "./quests";
import { Progression } from "./progression";
//import { Airdrop } from "./airdrop";
class ValensAIO implements IPostDBLoadMod
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json");
private logger: ILogger;
private tables: IDatabaseTables;
private databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
private configServer: ConfigServer;
private botConfig: IBotConfig;
@ -55,7 +54,6 @@ class ValensAIO implements IPostDBLoadMod
this.locationConfig = this.configServer.getConfig<ILocationConfig>(ConfigTypes.LOCATION);
this.ragfairConfig = this.configServer.getConfig<IRagfairConfig>(ConfigTypes.RAGFAIR);
this.botConfig = this.configServer.getConfig<IBotConfig>(ConfigTypes.BOT);
this.tables = this.databaseServer.getTables();
this.inRaidConfig = this.configServer.getConfig<IInRaidConfig>(ConfigTypes.IN_RAID);
this.insuranceConfig = this.configServer.getConfig<IInsuranceConfig>(ConfigTypes.INSURANCE);
@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ class ValensAIO implements IPostDBLoadMod
const containers = new Containers(vLogger, this.databaseServer);
const flea = new Flea(vLogger, this.ragfairConfig, this.tables);
const flea = new Flea(vLogger, this.ragfairConfig, this.databaseServer);
const globals = new Globals(vLogger, this.databaseServer);
@ -92,6 +90,9 @@ class ValensAIO implements IPostDBLoadMod
const loot = new Loot(vLogger, this.databaseServer, this.locationConfig);
const progression = new Progression(vLogger, this.databaseServer, this.botConfig);
const quests = new Quests(vLogger, this.databaseServer);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
import { IBotConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
export class Progression
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json");
private logger: Logger;
private botConfig: IBotConfig;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botConfig: IBotConfig)
this.logger = logger;
this.botConfig = botConfig;
this.tables = databaseServer.getTables();
public updateProgression(): void
// modConfig variables
const mod = this.modConfig.progression;
// Server side variables
if (mod.enabled)
||||"Progressional Gear Changes Injected");
// Functions start here
private generateProgression()
const primaryWeaponArrayLL1 = ["574d967124597745970e7c94", "57d14d2524597714373db789", "57f4c844245977379d5c14d1", "59984ab886f7743e98271174", "5ea03f7400685063ec28bfa8", "5ae08f0a5acfc408fb1398a1", "5bfd297f0db834001a669119", "59d6088586f774275f37482f", "583990e32459771419544dd2", "59e6152586f77473dc057aa1", "5c07c60e0db834002330051f", "5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b", "56dee2bdd2720bc8328b4567", "5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", "5d2f0d8048f0356c925bc3b0", "5d2f0d8048f0356c925bc3b0", "5fc3e272f8b6a877a729eac5", "58948c8e86f77409493f7266", "5644bd2b4bdc2d3b4c8b4572", "59e6687d86f77411d949b251", "54491c4f4bdc2db1078b4568", "5ba26383d4351e00334c93d9", "587e02ff24597743df3deaeb", "5c501a4d2e221602b412b540", "60db29ce99594040e04c4a27", "5580223e4bdc2d1c128b457f", "61f7c9e189e6fb1a5e3ea78d", "5e870397991fd70db46995c8", "5de652c31b7e3716273428be"];
const primaryWeaponArrayLL2 = primaryWeaponArrayLL1.concat(...["5839a40f24597726f856b511", "59ff346386f77477562ff5e2", "5ab8e9fcd8ce870019439434", "5bf3e03b0db834001d2c4a9c", "55801eed4bdc2d89578b4588", "5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3", "628b5638ad252a16da6dd245", "5f2a9575926fd9352339381f", "5a7828548dc32e5a9c28b516", "60339954d62c9b14ed777c06", "6184055050224f204c1da540", "623063e994fc3f7b302a9696", "5e00903ae9dc277128008b87", "5ac66cb05acfc40198510a10", "5aafa857e5b5b00018480968", "5cc82d76e24e8d00134b4b83", "5bfea6e90db834001b7347f3", "576165642459773c7a400233", "606dae0ab0e443224b421bb7"]);
const primaryWeaponArrayLL3 = primaryWeaponArrayLL2.concat(...["5ac66d725acfc43b321d4b60", "5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", "5abcbc27d8ce8700182eceeb", "5ac4cd105acfc40016339859", "5ac66d2e5acfc43b321d4b53", "5ac66d9b5acfc4001633997a", "5beed0f50db834001c062b12", "57838ad32459774a17445cd2", "5c46fbd72e2216398b5a8c9c", "5e848cc2988a8701445df1e8", "5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25", "588892092459774ac91d4b11", "5c488a752e221602b412af63", "5b0bbe4e5acfc40dc528a72d", "618428466ef05c2ce828f218", "5a367e5dc4a282000e49738f", "5df8ce05b11454561e39243b", "6176aca650224f204c1da3fb", "628a60ae6b1d481ff772e9c8", "6183afd850224f204c1da514", "6165ac306ef05c2ce828ef74", "6259b864ebedf17603599e88"]);
const holsterArrayLL1 = ["5448bd6b4bdc2dfc2f8b4569", "571a12c42459771f627b58a0", "576a581d2459771e7b1bc4f1", "5a17f98cfcdbcb0980087290", "5e81c3cbac2bb513793cdc75", "5cadc190ae921500103bb3b6", "56d59856d2720bd8418b456a", "5a7ae0c351dfba0017554310"];
const holsterArrayLL2 = holsterArrayLL1.concat(...["61a4c8884f95bc3b2c5dc96f", "56e0598dd2720bb5668b45a6", "59f98b4986f7746f546d2cef", "602a9740da11d6478d5a06dc", "6193a720f8ee7e52e42109ed"]);
const holsterArrayLL3 = holsterArrayLL2.concat(...["5abccb7dd8ce87001773e277", "5d3eb3b0a4b93615055e84d2", "5b1fa9b25acfc40018633c01"]);
const backpackArrayLL1 = ["5ab8ee7786f7742d8f33f0b9", "544a5cde4bdc2d39388b456b", "5e9dcf5986f7746c417435b3", "5ab8f04f86f774585f4237d8", "5ca20d5986f774331e7c9602"];
const backpackArrayLL2 = backpackArrayLL1.concat(...["545cdae64bdc2d39198b4568", "60a2828e8689911a226117f9", "618bb76513f5097c8d5aa2d5", "5f5e467b0bc58666c37e7821", "5ab8ebf186f7742d8b372e80"]);
const backpackArrayLL3 = backpackArrayLL2.concat(...["5f5e46b96bdad616ad46d613", "5d5d940f86f7742797262046", "60a272cc93ef783291411d8e", "6034d103ca006d2dca39b3f0", "619cf0335771dd3c390269ae", "628e1ffc83ec92260c0f437f"]);
const tacticalVestArrayLL1 = ["5929a2a086f7744f4b234d43", "5e4abc1f86f774069619fbaa", "6034d0230ca681766b6a0fb5", "6034cf5fffd42c541047f72e", "572b7adb24597762ae139821", "5c0e3eb886f7742015526062"];
const tacticalVestArrayLL2 = tacticalVestArrayLL1.concat(...["5d5d8ca986f7742798716522", "544a5caa4bdc2d1a388b4568", "5c0e446786f7742013381639", "592c2d1a86f7746dbe2af32a", "5d5d85c586f774279a21cbdb", "59e7643b86f7742cbf2c109", "5b44c8ea86f7742d1627baf1", "5ca20abf86f77418567a43f2", "5d5d646386f7742797261fd9", "5fd4c60f875c30179f5d04c2", "60a6220e953894617404b00a", "61bc85697113f767765c7fe7", "603648ff5a45383c122086ac", "5e4abfed86f77406a2713cf7"]);
const tacticalVestArrayLL3 = tacticalVestArrayLL2.concat(...["60a3c70cde5f453f634816a3", "5648a69d4bdc2ded0b8b457b", "5ab8dced86f774646209ec87", "5ab8dab586f77441cd04f2a2", "60a621c49c197e4e8c4455e6", "5b44cad286f77402a54ae7e5", "5c0e6a1586f77404597b4965", "5c0e722886f7740458316a57", "5c0e746986f7741453628fe5", "5d5d87f786f77427997cfaef", "5df8a42886f77412640e2e75", "628d0618d1ba6e4fa07ce5a4", "61bcc89aef0f505f0c6cd0fc", "628dc750b910320f4c27a732", "628cd624459354321c4b7fa2"]);
const earpieceArrayLL1 = ["5b432b965acfc47a8774094e", "6033fa48ffd42c541047f728"];
const earpieceArrayLL2 = earpieceArrayLL1.concat(...["5645bcc04bdc2d363b8b4572", "5aa2ba71e5b5b000137b758f"]);
const earpieceArrayLL3 = earpieceArrayLL2.concat(...["5a16b9fffcdbcb0176308b34"]);
const headwearArrayLL1 = ["5a7c4850e899ef00150be885", "5aa7d193e5b5b000171d063f", "5c06c6a80db834001b735491", "59e7711e86f7746cae05fbe1", "5ac4c50d5acfc40019262e87", "5645bc214bdc2d363b8b4571", "5aa2a7e8e5b5b00016327c16", "5b40e61f5acfc4001a599bec", "5aa2b87de5b5b00016327c25", "5b40e5e25acfc4001a599bea"];
const headwearArrayLL2 = headwearArrayLL1.concat(...["5aa7d03ae5b5b00016327db5", "5d5e7d28a4b936645d161203", "5aa7e454e5b5b0214e506fa2", "5aa7e3abe5b5b000171d064d", "5b40e4035acfc47a87740943", "5b432d215acfc4771e1c6624", "5f60e784f2bcbb675b00dac7", "5aa2ba19e5b5b00014028f4e", "5b43271c5acfc432ff4dce65", "60b52e5bc7d8103275739d67", "5a16b672fcdbcb001912fa83"]);
const headwearArrayLL3 = headwearArrayLL2.concat(...["5ac8d6885acfc400180ae7b0", "5a154d5cfcdbcb001a3b00da", "5e00c1ad86f774747333222c", "5b40e3f35acfc40016388218", "5b4329f05acfc47a86086aa1", "5d6d3716a4b9361bc8618872", "5aa2b9ede5b5b000137b758b", "5c091a4e0db834001d5addc8", "5f60e7788adaa7100c3adb49", "5f60e6403b85f6263c14558c", "5aa7e373e5b5b000137b76f0"]);
const armorVestArrayLL1 = ["5df8a2ca86f7740bfe6df777", "5ab8e4ed86f7742d8e50c7fa", "5648a7494bdc2d9d488b4583", "5c0e5bab86f77461f55ed1f3", "5c0e5edb86f77461f55ed1f7", "62a09d79de7ac81993580530"];
const armorVestArrayLL2 = armorVestArrayLL1.concat(...["5b44d22286f774172b0c9de8", "5c0e51be86f774598e797894"])
const armorVestArrayLL3 = armorVestArrayLL2.concat(...["5f5f41476bdad616ad46d631", "545cdb794bdc2d3a198b456a", "5ab8e79e86f7742d8b372e78", "5b44d0de86f774503d30cba8", "5c0e53c886f7747fa54205c7", "5c0e57ba86f7747fa141986d", "5ca2151486f774244a3b8d30", "609e8540d5c319764c2bc2e9"]);
const eyewearArrayLL1 = ["5aa2b986e5b5b00014028f4c", "557ff21e4bdc2d89578b4586", "5b432be65acfc433000ed01f"];
const eyewearArrayLL2 = eyewearArrayLL1.concat(...["5d5fca1ea4b93635fd598c07"]);
const eyewearArrayLL3 = eyewearArrayLL2.concat(...["603409c80ca681766b6a0fb2", "5c0d32fcd174af02a1659c75", "5d6d2e22a4b9361bd5780d05"]);
const armBandArrayLL1 = ["5b3f16c486f7747c327f55f7", "5b3f3ade86f7746b6b790d8e", "5b3f3af486f774679e752c1f", "5b3f3b0186f774021a2afef7", "5b3f3b0e86f7746752107cda"];
const armBandArrayLL2 = armBandArrayLL1;
const armBandArrayLL3 = armBandArrayLL2.concat(...["619bdf9cc9546643a67df6f8", "619bc61e86e01e16f839a999", "619bdfd4c9546643a67df6fa", "619bdd8886e01e16f839a99c", "60b0f988c4449e4cb624c1da", "5f9949d869e2777a0e779ba5"]);
const faceCoverArrayLL1 = ["572b7f1624597762ae139822"];
const faceCoverArrayLL2 = faceCoverArrayLL1.concat(...["5ab8f39486f7745cd93a1cca", "5b4325355acfc40019478126"]);
const faceCoverArrayLL3 = faceCoverArrayLL2.concat(...["5ab8f85d86f7745cd93a1cf5", "5b432f3d5acfc4704b4a1dfb"]);
const ammo127x55ArrayLL3 = ["5cadf6e5ae921500113bb973", "5cadf6eeae921500134b2799"];
const ammo762x54ArrayLL1 = ["5887431f2459777e1612938f"];
const ammo762x54ArrayLL2 = ammo762x54ArrayLL1.concat(...["5e023cf8186a883be655e54f"]);
const ammo762x54ArrayLL3 = ammo762x54ArrayLL2.concat(...["59e77a2386f7742ee578960a", "560d61e84bdc2da74d8b4571"]);
const ammo762x51ArrayLL1 = ["5e023e6e34d52a55c3304f71"];
const ammo762x51ArrayLL2 = ammo762x51ArrayLL1.concat(...["5e023e53d4353e3302577c4c"]);
const ammo762x51ArrayLL3 = ammo762x51ArrayLL2.concat(...["58dd3ad986f77403051cba8f", "5a608bf24f39f98ffc77720e", "5a6086ea4f39f99cd479502f"]);
const ammo762x39ArrayLL1 = ["5656d7c34bdc2d9d198b4587", "59e4d3d286f774176a36250a"];
const ammo762x39ArrayLL2 = ammo762x39ArrayLL1.concat(...["59e4cf5286f7741778269d8a"]);
const ammo762x39ArrayLL3 = ammo762x39ArrayLL2.concat(...["59e4d24686f7741776641ac7", "59e0d99486f7744a32234762"]);
const ammo762x35ArrayLL2 = ["5fbe3ffdf8b6a877a729ea82"];
const ammo762x35ArrayLL3 = ammo762x35ArrayLL2.concat(...["6196365d58ef8c428c287da1", "619636be6db0f2477964e710"]);
const ammo762x25TTArrayLL1 = ["5735fdcd2459776445391d61", "5735ff5c245977640e39ba7e", "573601b42459776410737435", "573602322459776445391df1"];
const ammo762x25TTArrayLL2 = ammo762x25TTArrayLL1.concat(...["5736026a245977644601dc61", "573603c924597764442bd9cb"]);
const ammo762x25TTArrayLL3 = ammo762x25TTArrayLL2.concat(...["573603562459776430731618"]);
const ammo366TKMArrayLL1 = ["59e6542b86f77411dc52a77a", "59e655cb86f77411dc52a77b"];
const ammo366TKMArrayLL2 = ammo366TKMArrayLL1.concat(...["59e6658b86f77411d949b250"]);
const ammo366TKMArrayLL3 = ammo366TKMArrayLL2.concat(...["5f0596629e22f464da6bbdd9"]);
const ammo556x45ArrayLL1 = ["59e6920f86f77411d82aa167", "54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567", "59e68f6f86f7746c9f75e846", "59e6927d86f77411da468256"];
const ammo556x45ArrayLL2 = ammo556x45ArrayLL1.concat(...["59e6918f86f7746c9f75e849", "59e6906286f7746c9f75e847"]);
const ammo556x45ArrayLL3 = ammo556x45ArrayLL2.concat(...["60194943740c5d77f6705eea", "59e690b686f7746c9f75e848", "5c0d5ae286f7741e46554302"]);
const ammo545x39ArrayLL1 = ["56dff338d2720bbd668b4569", "56dff4a2d2720bbd668b456a", "56dff3afd2720bba668b4567"];
const ammo545x39ArrayLL2 = ammo545x39ArrayLL1.concat(...["56dff2ced2720bb4668b4567", "56dff4ecd2720b5f5a8b4568", "56dff421d2720b5f5a8b4567"]);
const ammo545x39ArrayLL3 = ammo545x39ArrayLL2.concat(...["56dfef82d2720bbd668b4567", "56dff061d2720bb5668b4567", "56dff026d2720bb8668b4567", "5c0d5e4486f77478390952fe"]);
const ammo57x28ArrayLL2 = ["5cc80f8fe4a949033b0224a2"];
const ammo57x28ArrayLL3 = ammo57x28ArrayLL2.concat(...["5cc80f38e4a949001152b560", "5cc80f53e4a949000e1ea4f8", "5cc80f67e4a949035e43bbba", "5cc80f79e4a949033c7343b2", "5cc86840d7f00c002412c56c"]);
const ammo46x30ArrayLL1 = ["5ba26812d4351e003201fef1"];
const ammo46x30ArrayLL2 = ammo46x30ArrayLL1;
const ammo46x30ArrayLL3 = ammo46x30ArrayLL2.concat(...["5ba2678ad4351e44f824b344", "5ba26844d4351e00334c9475"]);
const ammo9x18ArrayLL1 = ["573719762459775a626ccbc1", "57371e4124597760ff7b25f1", "57371eb62459776125652ac1", "57371f2b24597761224311f1", "5737201124597760fc4431f1", "5737207f24597760ff7b25f2"];
const ammo9x18ArrayLL2 = ammo9x18ArrayLL1.concat(...["57371b192459775a9f58a5e0"]);
const ammo9x18ArrayLL3 = ammo9x18ArrayLL2.concat(...["573718ba2459775a75491131", "573719df2459775a626ccbc2", "57371aab2459775a77142f22", "573720e02459776143012541", "57372140245977611f70ee91", "5737218f245977612125ba51"]);
const ammo9x19ArrayLL1 = ["58864a4f2459770fcc257101", "5c3df7d588a4501f290594e5"];
const ammo9x19ArrayLL2 = ammo9x19ArrayLL1.concat(...["56d59d3ad2720bdb418b4577"]);
const ammo9x19ArrayLL3 = ammo9x19ArrayLL2.concat(...["5c925fa22e221601da359b7b", "5efb0e16aeb21837e749c7ff", "5efb0da7a29a85116f6ea05f"]);
const ammo9x21ArrayLL2 = ["5a26abfac4a28232980eabff"];
const ammo9x21ArrayLL3 = ammo9x21ArrayLL2.concat(...["5a269f97c4a282000b151807", "5a26ac06c4a282000c5a90a8"]);
const ammo9x39ArrayLL2 = ["57a0dfb82459774d3078b56c"];
const ammo9x39ArrayLL3 = ammo9x39ArrayLL2.concat(...["57a0e5022459774d1673f889", "5c0d688c86f77413ae3407b2", "5c0d668f86f7747ccb7f13b2"]);
const ammo9x33RArrayLL2 = ["62330b3ed4dc74626d570b95", "62330bfadc5883093563729b", "62330c40bdd19b369e1e53d1"];
const ammo9x33RArrayLL3 = ammo9x33RArrayLL2.concat(...["62330c18744e5e31df12f516"]);
const ammo1143x23ACPArrayLL1 = ["5e81f423763d9f754677bf2e"];
const ammo1143x23ACPArrayLL2 = ammo1143x23ACPArrayLL1.concat(...["5efb0d4f4bc50b58e81710f3"]);
const ammo1143x23ACPArrayLL3 = ammo1143x23ACPArrayLL2.concat(...["5efb0cabfb3e451d70735af5", "5efb0fc6aeb21837e749c801"]);
const ammo12x70ArrayLL1 = ["560d5e524bdc2d25448b4571", "5d6e6772a4b936088465b17c", "5d6e67fba4b9361bc73bc779", "58820d1224597753c90aeb13", "5d6e6869a4b9361c140bcfde", "5d6e6891a4b9361bd473feea", ];
const ammo12x70ArrayLL2 = ammo12x70ArrayLL1.concat(...["5d6e6806a4b936088465b17e", "5d6e689ca4b9361bc8618956", "5d6e68e6a4b9361c140bcfe0"]);
const ammo12x70ArrayLL3 = ammo12x70ArrayLL2.concat(...["5d6e68b3a4b9361bca7e50b5", "5d6e68dea4b9361bcc29e659", "5d6e68a8a4b9360b6c0d54e2", "5d6e6911a4b9361bd5780d52", "5d6e68c4a4b9361b93413f79", "5c0d591486f7744c505b416f"]);
const ammo20x70ArrayLL1 = ["5a38ebd9c4a282000d722a5b", "5d6e695fa4b936359b35d852", "5d6e6a42a4b9364f07165f52", "5d6e6a53a4b9361bd473feec"];
const ammo20x70ArrayLL2 = ammo20x70ArrayLL1.concat(...["5d6e69b9a4b9361bc8618958", "5d6e69c7a4b9360b6c0d54e4"]);
const ammo20x70ArrayLL3 = ammo20x70ArrayLL2.concat(...["5d6e6a05a4b93618084f58d0", "5d6e6a5fa4b93614ec501745"]);
const ammo23x75ArrayLL3 = ["5e85a9a6eacf8c039e4e2ac1", "5f647f31b6238e5dd066e196"];
const progressionWhitelistLL1: IBotConfig.Equipment.whitelist.EquipmentFilterDetails =
"min": 1,
"max": 15
"FirstPrimaryWeapon": [...primaryWeaponArrayLL1],
"Holster": [...holsterArrayLL1],
"Backpack": [...backpackArrayLL1],
"TacticalVest": [...tacticalVestArrayLL1],
"Earpiece": [...earpieceArrayLL1],
"Headwear": [...headwearArrayLL1],
"ArmorVest": [...armorVestArrayLL1],
"Eyewear": [...eyewearArrayLL1],
"ArmBand": [...armBandArrayLL1],
"FaceCover": [...faceCoverArrayLL1]
"Caliber762x54R": [...ammo762x54ArrayLL1],
"Caliber762x51": [...ammo762x51ArrayLL1],
"Caliber762x39": [...ammo762x39ArrayLL1],
"Caliber762x25TT": [...ammo762x25TTArrayLL1],
"Caliber366TKM": [...ammo366TKMArrayLL1],
"Caliber556x45NATO": [...ammo556x45ArrayLL1],
"Caliber545x39": [...ammo545x39ArrayLL1],
"Caliber46x30": [...ammo46x30ArrayLL1],
"Caliber1143x23ACP": [...ammo1143x23ACPArrayLL1],
"Caliber9x19PARA": [...ammo9x19ArrayLL1],
"Caliber9x18PM": [...ammo9x18ArrayLL1],
"Caliber12g": [...ammo12x70ArrayLL1],
"Caliber20g": [...ammo20x70ArrayLL1]
const progressionWhitelistLL2: IBotConfig.Equipment.whitelist.EquipmentFilterDetails =
"min": 16,
"max": 25
"FirstPrimaryWeapon": [...primaryWeaponArrayLL2],
"Holster": [...holsterArrayLL2],
"Backpack": [...backpackArrayLL2],
"TacticalVest": [...tacticalVestArrayLL2],
"Earpiece": [...earpieceArrayLL2],
"Headwear": [...headwearArrayLL2],
"ArmorVest": [...armorVestArrayLL2],
"Eyewear": [...eyewearArrayLL2],
"ArmBand": [...armBandArrayLL2],
"FaceCover": [...faceCoverArrayLL2]
"Caliber762x54R": [...ammo762x54ArrayLL2],
"Caliber762x51": [...ammo762x51ArrayLL2],
"Caliber762x39": [...ammo762x39ArrayLL2],
"Caliber762x35": [...ammo762x35ArrayLL2],
"Caliber762x25TT": [...ammo762x25TTArrayLL2],
"Caliber366TKM": [...ammo366TKMArrayLL2],
"Caliber556x45NATO": [...ammo556x45ArrayLL2],
"Caliber545x39": [...ammo545x39ArrayLL2],
"Caliber57x28": [...ammo57x28ArrayLL2],
"Caliber46x30": [...ammo46x30ArrayLL2],
"Caliber1143x23ACP": [...ammo1143x23ACPArrayLL2],
"Caliber9x39": [...ammo9x39ArrayLL2],
"Caliber9x33R": [...ammo9x33RArrayLL2],
"Caliber9x21": [...ammo9x21ArrayLL2],
"Caliber9x19PARA": [...ammo9x19ArrayLL2],
"Caliber9x18PM": [...ammo9x18ArrayLL2],
"Caliber12g": [...ammo12x70ArrayLL2],
"Caliber20g": [...ammo20x70ArrayLL2]
const progressionWhitelistLL3: IBotConfig.Equipment.whitelist.EquipmentFilterDetails =
"min": 26,
"max": 36
"FirstPrimaryWeapon": [...primaryWeaponArrayLL3],
"Holster": [...holsterArrayLL3],
"Backpack": [...backpackArrayLL3],
"TacticalVest": [...tacticalVestArrayLL3],
"Earpiece": [...earpieceArrayLL3],
"Headwear": [...headwearArrayLL3],
"ArmorVest": [...armorVestArrayLL3],
"Eyewear": [...eyewearArrayLL3],
"ArmBand": [...armBandArrayLL3],
"FaceCover": [...faceCoverArrayLL3]
"Caliber127x55": [...ammo127x55ArrayLL3],
"Caliber762x54R": [...ammo762x54ArrayLL3],
"Caliber762x51": [...ammo762x51ArrayLL3],
"Caliber762x39": [...ammo762x39ArrayLL3],
"Caliber762x35": [...ammo762x35ArrayLL3],
"Caliber762x25TT": [...ammo762x25TTArrayLL3],
"Caliber366TKM": [...ammo366TKMArrayLL3],
"Caliber556x45NATO": [...ammo556x45ArrayLL3],
"Caliber545x39": [...ammo545x39ArrayLL3],
"Caliber57x28": [...ammo57x28ArrayLL3],
"Caliber46x30": [...ammo46x30ArrayLL3],
"Caliber1143x23ACP": [...ammo1143x23ACPArrayLL3],
"Caliber9x39": [...ammo9x39ArrayLL3],
"Caliber9x33R": [...ammo9x33RArrayLL3],
"Caliber9x21": [...ammo9x21ArrayLL3],
"Caliber9x19PARA": [...ammo9x19ArrayLL3],
"Caliber9x18PM": [...ammo9x18ArrayLL3],
"Caliber12g": [...ammo12x70ArrayLL3],
"Caliber20g": [...ammo20x70ArrayLL3],
"Caliber23x75": [...ammo23x75ArrayLL3]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { Logger } from "winston";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ export class Quests
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json");
private logger: Logger;
private databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer)
this.logger = logger;
this.databaseServer = databaseServer.getTables();
this.tables = databaseServer.getTables();
public updateQuests(): void
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export class Quests
// Updates the weight modifier (as a multiplier) for all items in database/templates/items.json
private onlyFoundInRaid(): void
const quests = this.databaseServer.templates.quests;
const quests = this.tables.templates.quests;
for (const questid in quests)
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { IInRaidConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IInRaidConfig";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
@ -8,7 +7,7 @@ export class Raid
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json")
private logger: Logger;
private tables: IDatabaseTables;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
private inRaidConfig: IInRaidConfig;
constructor(logger:Logger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, inRaidConfig: IInRaidConfig)
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Config } from "../config/config";
import { Logger } from "./logger";
@ -7,7 +6,7 @@ export class Weapons
private modConfig: Config = require("../config/config.json")
private logger: Logger;
private tables: IDatabaseTables;
private tables: DatabaseServer;
private mod: any;
private weapons: any;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export declare class NotifierCallbacks {
* until we actually have something to send because otherwise we'd spam the client
* and the client would abort the connection due to spam.
sendNotification(_sessionID: string, req: any, resp: any, _data: any): void;
sendNotification(sessionID: string, req: any, resp: any, data: any): void;
getNotifier(url: string, info: any, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
createNotifierChannel(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<INotifierChannel>;
selectProfile(url: string, info: ISelectProfileRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ export declare class BotController {
getBotDifficulty(type: string, difficulty: string): Difficulty;
protected getPmcDifficultySettings(pmcType: "bear" | "usec", difficulty: string): Difficulty;
generate(info: IGenerateBotsRequestData): IBotBase[];
generate(sessionId: string, info: IGenerateBotsRequestData): IBotBase[];
getBotCap(): number;
@ -45,13 +45,30 @@ export declare class HideoutController {
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected scavCaseRewardGenerator: ScavCaseRewardGenerator;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected static nameBackendCountersCrafting: string;
protected hideoutConfig: IHideoutConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, randomUtil: RandomUtil, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, playerService: PlayerService, presetHelper: PresetHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, scavCaseRewardGenerator: ScavCaseRewardGenerator, configServer: ConfigServer);
upgrade(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutUpgradeRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
upgradeComplete(pmcData: IPmcData, body: HideoutUpgradeCompleteRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
putItemsInAreaSlots(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutPutItemInRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Create item in hideout slot item array, remove item from player inventory
* @param pmcData Profile data
* @param addItemToHideoutRequest reqeust from client to place item in area slot
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse object
putItemsInAreaSlots(pmcData: IPmcData, addItemToHideoutRequest: IHideoutPutItemInRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
takeItemsFromAreaSlots(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutTakeItemOutRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
protected removeItemFromGenerator(sessionID: string, pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutTakeItemOutRequestData, output: IItemEventRouterResponse, hideoutArea: HideoutArea): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Find resource item in hideout area, add copy to player inventory, remove Item from hideout slot
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param pmcData Profile to update
* @param removeResourceRequest client request
* @param output response to send to client
* @param hideoutArea Area fuel is being removed from
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse response
protected removeResourceFromArea(sessionID: string, pmcData: IPmcData, removeResourceRequest: IHideoutTakeItemOutRequestData, output: IItemEventRouterResponse, hideoutArea: HideoutArea): IItemEventRouterResponse;
toggleArea(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutToggleAreaRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
singleProductionStart(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutSingleProductionStartRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { SaveServer } from "../servers/SaveServer";
import { InsuranceService } from "../services/InsuranceService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class InraidController {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected questHelper: QuestHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
@ -27,7 +29,16 @@ export declare class InraidController {
protected inRaidHelper: InRaidHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected inraidConfig: IInRaidConfig;
constructor(saveServer: SaveServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, questHelper: QuestHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, playerScavGenerator: PlayerScavGenerator, healthHelper: HealthHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, insuranceService: InsuranceService, inRaidHelper: InRaidHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(saveServer: SaveServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, questHelper: QuestHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, playerScavGenerator: PlayerScavGenerator, healthHelper: HealthHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, insuranceService: InsuranceService, inRaidHelper: InRaidHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
addPlayer(sessionID: string, info: IRegisterPlayerRequestData): void;
saveProgress(offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): void;
* Mark inventory items as FiR if player survived raid, otherwise remove FiR from them
* @param offraidData Save Progress Request
* @param pmcData player profile
* @param isPlayerScav Was the player a pScav
private markOrRemoveFoundInRaidItems;
private handlePostRaidPlayerScavProcess;
private handlePostRaidPlayerScavKarmaChanges;
@ -41,5 +41,4 @@ export declare class InsuranceController {
* @returns response object to send to client
cost(info: IGetInsuranceCostRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetInsuranceCostResponseData;
doAbsolutelyNothing(): void;
@ -2,11 +2,10 @@ import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { INoteActionData } from "../models/eft/notes/INoteActionData";
import { ItemEventRouter } from "../routers/ItemEventRouter";
declare class NoteController {
export declare class NoteController {
protected itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter;
constructor(itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter);
addNote(pmcData: IPmcData, body: INoteActionData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
editNote(pmcData: IPmcData, body: INoteActionData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
deleteNote(pmcData: IPmcData, body: INoteActionData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
export { NoteController };
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ export declare class RepairController {
protected repairHelper: RepairHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected repairConfig: IRepairConfig;
protected readonly WEAPON_SKILL_REPAIR_GAIN: number;
constructor(logger: ILogger, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, questHelper: QuestHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, paymentService: PaymentService, repairHelper: RepairHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Repair with trader
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
@ -26,11 +27,12 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator;
protected botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botHelper: BotHelper, gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, botHelper: BotHelper, gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @returns
generatePlayerScav(role: string, difficulty: string, botTemplate: IBotType): IBotBase;
generate(info: IGenerateBotsRequestData): IBotBase[];
generate(sessionId: string, info: IGenerateBotsRequestData): IBotBase[];
* Choose if a bot should become a PMC by checking if bot type is allowed to become a Pmc in botConfig.convertFromChances and doing a random int check
* @param botRole the bot role to check if should be a pmc
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { BotGeneratorHelper } from "../helpers/BotGeneratorHelper";
import { HandbookHelper } from "../helpers/HandbookHelper";
import { Inventory as PmcInventory } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { ItemMinMax, Items } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { Chances, Inventory, ItemMinMax, ModsChances } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ITemplateItem, Props } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotLootCacheService } from "../services/BotLootCacheService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { BotWeaponGenerator } from "./BotWeaponGenerator";
export declare class BotLootGenerator {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
@ -18,11 +19,12 @@ export declare class BotLootGenerator {
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper;
protected botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper;
protected botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator;
protected botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, configServer: ConfigServer);
generateLoot(lootPool: Items, itemCounts: ItemMinMax, isPmc: boolean, botRole: string, inventory: PmcInventory): void;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator, botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, configServer: ConfigServer);
generateLoot(templateInventory: Inventory, itemCounts: ItemMinMax, isPmc: boolean, botRole: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentChances: Chances): void;
protected getRandomisedCount(min: number, max: number, nValue: number): number;
* Take random items from a pool and add to an inventory until totalItemCount or totalValueLimit is reached
@ -36,6 +38,16 @@ export declare class BotLootGenerator {
* @param isPmc is the bot being generated for a pmc
protected addLootFromPool(pool: ITemplateItem[], equipmentSlots: string[], totalItemCount: number, inventoryToAddItemsTo: PmcInventory, botRole: string, useLimits?: boolean, totalValueLimitRub?: number, isPmc?: boolean): void;
* Add generated weapons to inventory as loot
* @param botInventory inventory to add preset to
* @param equipmentSlot slot to place the preset in (backpack)
* @param templateInventory bots template, assault.json
* @param modChances chances for mods to spawn on weapon
* @param botRole bots role, .e.g. pmcBot
* @param isPmc are we generating for a pmc
protected addLooseWeaponsToInventorySlot(botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentSlot: string, templateInventory: Inventory, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): void;
* Get a random item from the pool parameter using the biasedRandomNumber system
* @param pool pool of items to pick an item from
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { Inventory as PmcInventory } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"
import { Inventory, ModsChances } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { GenerateWeaponResult } from "../models/spt/bots/GenerateWeaponResult";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
@ -26,12 +27,60 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
protected readonly modMagazineSlotId = "mod_magazine";
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
generateWeapon(equipmentSlot: string, templateInventory: Inventory, modChances: ModsChances, magCounts: MinMax, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, inventory: PmcInventory): void;
* Get a random weapon from a bots pool of weapons (weighted)
* @param equipmentSlot Primary/secondary/holster
* @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json
* @returns weapon tpl
pickWeightedWeaponTplFromPool(equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory): string;
* Generated a weapon based on the supplied weapon tpl
* @param weaponTpl weapon tpl to generate (use pickWeightedWeaponTplFromPool())
* @param equipmentSlot slot to fit into, primary/secondary/holster
* @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json
* @param weaponParentId
* @param modChances
* @param botRole
* @param isPmc
* @returns GenerateWeaponResult object
generateWeaponByTpl(weaponTpl: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): GenerateWeaponResult;
* Generate an entirely random weapon
* @param equipmentSlot Primary/secondary/holster
* @param botTemplateInventory e.g. assault.json
* @param weaponParentId
* @param modChances
* @param botRole
* @param isPmc
* @returns GenerateWeaponResult object
generateRandomWeapon(equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): GenerateWeaponResult;
* Create array with weapon base as only element
* Add additional properties as required
* @param weaponTpl
* @param weaponParentId
* @param equipmentSlot
* @param weaponItemTemplate
* @param botRole for durability values
* @returns
constructWeaponBaseArray(weaponTpl: string, weaponParentId: string, equipmentSlot: string, weaponItemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): Item[];
* Add compatible magazines to an inventory based on a generated weapon
* @param weaponDetails
* @param magCounts
* @param inventory
* @param botRole the bot type we're getting generating extra mags for
addExtraMagazinesToInventory(weaponDetails: GenerateWeaponResult, magCounts: MinMax, inventory: PmcInventory, botRole: string): void;
* Get the mods necessary to kit out a weapon to its preset level
* @param weaponTpl weapon to find preset for
* @param equipmentSlot the slot the weapon will be placed in
* @param weaponParentId
* @param weaponParentId Value used for the parentid
* @returns array of weapon mods
protected getPresetWeaponMods(weaponTpl: string, equipmentSlot: string, weaponParentId: string, itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): Item[];
@ -45,9 +94,10 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
* @param magCounts
* @param ammoTpl
* @param inventory
* @param botRole the bot type we're getting generating extra mags for
* @returns
protected generateExtraMagazines(weaponMods: Item[], weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, magCounts: MinMax, ammoTpl: string, inventory: PmcInventory): void;
protected generateExtraMagazines(weaponMods: Item[], weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, magCounts: MinMax, ammoTpl: string, inventory: PmcInventory, botRole: string): void;
* Get a randomised number of bullets for a specific magazine
* @param magCounts min and max count of magazines
@ -73,9 +123,10 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
* Get a weapons magazine tpl from a weapon template
* @param weaponMods mods from a weapon template
* @param weaponTemplate Weapon to get magazine tpl for
* @param botRole the bot type we are getting the magazine for
* @returns magazine tpl string
protected getMagazineTplFromWeaponTemplate(weaponMods: Item[], weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem): string;
protected getMagazineTplFromWeaponTemplate(weaponMods: Item[], weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): string;
* Get a weapons default magazine template id
* @param weaponTemplate weapon to get default magazine for
@ -28,20 +28,13 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, probabilityHelper: ProbabilityHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, durabilityLimitsHelper: DurabilityLimitsHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, containerHelper: ContainerHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
generateModsForItem(items: Item[], modPool: Mods, parentId: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSpawnChances: ModsChances, isPmc?: boolean): Item[];
generateModsForItem(items: Item[], modPool: Mods, parentId: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSpawnChances: ModsChances): Item[];
* Is this magazine cylinder related (revolvers and grenade launchers)
* @param magazineParentName the name of the magazines parent
* @returns true if it is cylinder related
magazineIsCylinderRelated(magazineParentName: string): boolean;
* Get a list of non black-listed cartridges from the PMC bot config
* @param cartridgesToFilter catridges to filter
* @param itemModPool
* @returns string array of cartridges PMCs can use
getNonBlacklistedPmcCartridges(cartridgesToFilter: string[]): string[];
* randomly choose if a mod should be spawned, 100% for required mods OR mod is ammo slot
* never return true for an item that has 0% spawn chance
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { Dialogue, MessageContent, MessagePreview } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { MessageType } from "../models/enums/MessageType";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -15,7 +16,25 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
constructor(hashUtil: HashUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
createMessageContext(templateId: string, messageType: MessageType, maxStoreTime: number): MessageContent;
* Add a templated message to the dialogue.
* @param dialogueID
* @param messageContent
* @param sessionID
* @param rewards
addDialogueMessage(dialogueID: string, messageContent: MessageContent, sessionID: string, rewards?: any[]): void;
* Get the preview contents of the last message in a dialogue.
* @param dialogue
* @returns
getMessagePreview(dialogue: Dialogue): MessagePreview;
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string): any[];
* Get the item contents for a particular message.
* @param messageID
* @param sessionID
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string): Item[];
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
import { BotGenerator } from "../generators/BotGenerator";
import { IPmcData, Skills, Stats } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { SaveServer } from "../servers/SaveServer";
import { BotLootCacheService } from "../services/BotLootCacheService";
import { FenceService } from "../services/FenceService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { Watermark } from "../utils/Watermark";
import { ItemHelper } from "./ItemHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "./ProfileHelper";
* This class needs to exist outside of ProfileHelper to ensure cyclic deps don't cause the server to fail on load
export declare class ExtendedProfileHelper extends ProfileHelper {
protected botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService;
protected botGenerator: BotGenerator;
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, watermark: Watermark, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, fenceService: FenceService, botGenerator: BotGenerator);
generatePlayerScav(sessionID: string): IPmcData;
protected getScavSkills(sessionID: string): Skills;
protected removeSecureContainer(profile: IPmcData): IPmcData;
protected getDefaultScavSkills(): Skills;
protected getScavStats(sessionID: string): Stats;
protected getScavLevel(sessionID: string): number;
protected getScavExperience(sessionID: string): number;
protected setScavCooldownTimer(profile: IPmcData, pmcData: IPmcData): IPmcData;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
export declare class GameEventHelper {
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
constructor(databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
get EVENT(): Record<string, string>;
get events(): Record<string, string>;
get christmasEventItems(): string[];
itemIsChristmasRelated(itemId: string): boolean;
christmasEventEnabled(): boolean;
@ -30,14 +30,10 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected playerService: PlayerService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
static BITCOIN_FARM: string;
protected WATER_COLLECTOR: string;
protected BITCOIN: string;
protected EXPEDITIONARY_FUEL_TANK: string;
static SKILL_NAME_HIDEOUT: string;
static SKILL_NAME_CRAFITING: string;
static bitcoinFarm: string;
static waterCollector: string;
static bitcoin: string;
static expeditionaryFuelTank: string;
protected hideoutConfig: IHideoutConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, playerService: PlayerService, configServer: ConfigServer);
registerProduction(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutSingleProductionStartRequestData | IHideoutContinousProductionStartRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -16,21 +16,72 @@ export declare class InRaidHelper {
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper;
constructor(logger: ILogger, saveServer: SaveServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper);
* Reset the SPT inraid property stored in a profile to 'none'
* @param sessionID Session id
protected removePlayer(sessionID: string): void;
* Some maps have one-time-use keys (e.g. Labs
* Remove the relevant key from an inventory based on the post-raid request data passed in
* @param offraidData post-raid data
* @param sessionID Session id
protected removeMapAccessKey(offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): void;
* Check an array of items and add an upd object to money items with a stack count of 1
* Single stack money items have no upd object and thus no StackObjectsCount, causing issues
* @param items Items array to check
addUpdToMoneyFromRaid(items: Item[]): void;
* Add positive karma for PMC kills
* @param {*} existingFenceStanding
* @param {*} victims
* Add karma changes up and return the new value
* @param existingFenceStanding Current fence standing level
* @param victims Array of kills player performed
* @returns adjusted karma level after kills are taken into account
calculateFenceStandingChangeFromKills(existingFenceStanding: number, victims: Victim[]): void;
setBaseStats(profileData: IPmcData, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): IPmcData;
markFoundItems(pmcData: IPmcData, profile: IPmcData, isPlayerScav: boolean): IPmcData;
removeFoundInRaidStatusFromItems(profile: IPmcData): IPmcData;
setInventory(sessionID: string, pmcData: IPmcData, profile: IPmcData): IPmcData;
calculateFenceStandingChangeFromKills(existingFenceStanding: number, victims: Victim[]): number;
* Reset a profile to a baseline, used post-raid
* Reset points earned during session property
* Increment exp
* Remove Labs keycard
* @param profileData Profile to update
* @param saveProgressRequest post raid save data request data
* @param sessionID Sessino id
* @returns Reset profile object
updateProfileBaseStats(profileData: IPmcData, saveProgressRequest: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): IPmcData;
* Adds SpawnedInSession property to items found in a raid
* Removes SpawnedInSession for non-scav players if item was taken into raid with SpawnedInSession = true
* @param preRaidProfile profile to update
* @param postRaidProfile profile to upate inventory contents of
* @param isPlayerScav Was this a p scav raid
* @returns
addSpawnedInSessionPropertyToItems(preRaidProfile: IPmcData, postRaidProfile: IPmcData, isPlayerScav: boolean): IPmcData;
* Iterate over inventory items and remove the property that defines an item as Found in Raid
* Only removes property if item had FiR when entering raid
* @param postRaidProfile profile to update items for
* @returns Updated profile with SpawnedInSession removed
removeSpawnedInSessionPropertyFromItems(postRaidProfile: IPmcData): IPmcData;
* Update a players inventory post-raid
* Remove equipped items from pre-raid
* Add new items found in raid to profile
* Store insurance items in profile
* @param sessionID
* @param pmcData Profile to update
* @param postRaidProfile Profile returned by client after a raid
* @returns Updated profile
setInventory(sessionID: string, pmcData: IPmcData, postRaidProfile: IPmcData): IPmcData;
* Clear pmc inventory of all items except those that are exempt
* Used post-raid to remove items after death
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Player profile with pmc inventory cleared
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Quest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { AvailableForConditions, AvailableForProps, IQuest, Reward } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IQuest";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { IAcceptQuestRequestData } from "../models/eft/quests/IAcceptQuestRequestData";
import { ICompleteQuestRequestData } from "../models/eft/quests/ICompleteQuestRequestData";
import { QuestStatus } from "../models/enums/QuestStatus";
import { IQuestConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IQuestConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ItemEventRouter } from "../routers/ItemEventRouter";
@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ export declare class QuestHelper {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, itemHelper: ItemHelper, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
static get STATUS(): Record<string, number>;
questStatus(pmcData: IPmcData, questID: string): string;
questStatus(pmcData: IPmcData, questID: string): QuestStatus;
* returns true is the condition is satisfied
@ -49,11 +48,17 @@ export declare class QuestHelper {
* Debug Routine for showing some information on the
* quest list in question.
dumpQuests(quests: any, label?: any): void;
dumpQuests(quests: any): void;
loyaltyRequirementCheck(loyaltyRequirementProperties: AvailableForProps, profile: IPmcData): boolean;
protected processReward(reward: Reward): any[];
getQuestRewardItems(quest: IQuest, state: string): Reward[];
addQuestToPMCData(pmcData: IPmcData, quest: Quest, newState: string, acceptedQuest: IAcceptQuestRequestData): void;
getQuestRewardItems(quest: IQuest, state: QuestStatus): Reward[];
* Add quest with new state value to pmc profile
* @param pmcData profile to add quest to
* @param newState state the new quest should be in when added
* @param acceptedQuest Details of quest being added
addQuestToPMCData(pmcData: IPmcData, newState: QuestStatus, acceptedQuest: IAcceptQuestRequestData): void;
acceptedUnlocked(acceptedQuestId: string, sessionID: string): IQuest[];
failedUnlocked(failedQuestId: string, sessionID: string): IQuest[];
applyMoneyBoost(quest: IQuest, moneyBoost: number): IQuest;
@ -84,6 +89,13 @@ export declare class QuestHelper {
getQuestFromDb(questId: string, pmcData: IPmcData): IQuest;
getQuestLocaleIdFromDb(messageId: string): string;
* Alter a quests state + Add a record to tis status timers object
* @param pmcData Profile to update
* @param newQuestState new state the qeust should be in
* @param questId id of the quest to alter the status of
updateQuestState(pmcData: IPmcData, newQuestState: QuestStatus, questId: string): void;
* Give player quest rewards - Skills/exp/trader standing/items/assort unlocks
* @param pmcData Player profile
@ -92,7 +104,7 @@ export declare class QuestHelper {
* @param sessionID Seession id
* @returns array of reward objects
applyQuestReward(pmcData: IPmcData, body: ICompleteQuestRequestData, state: string, sessionID: string): Reward[];
applyQuestReward(pmcData: IPmcData, body: ICompleteQuestRequestData, state: QuestStatus, sessionID: string): Reward[];
* Get the intel center bonus a player has
* @param pmcData player profile
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export declare class RagfairOfferHelper {
protected ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected static TPL_GOODS_SOLD: string;
protected static goodSoldTemplate: string;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, saveServer: SaveServer, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, ragfairSortHelper: RagfairSortHelper, ragfairHelper: RagfairHelper, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, localeService: LocaleService, configServer: ConfigServer);
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export declare class RagfairServerHelper {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
protected static TPL_GOODS_RETURNED: string;
protected static goodsReturnedTemplate: string;
constructor(randomUtil: RandomUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localeService: LocaleService, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Is item valid / on blacklist / quest item
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export declare class RepairHelper {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected repairConfig: IRepairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
updateItemDurability(itemToRepair: Item, itemToRepairDetails: ITemplateItem, isArmor: boolean, amountToRepair: number, useRepairKit?: boolean): Item;
updateItemDurability(itemToRepair: Item, itemToRepairDetails: ITemplateItem, isArmor: boolean, amountToRepair: number, useRepairKit?: boolean, applyRandomDegradation?: boolean): Item;
protected getRandomisedArmorRepairDegredationValue(armorMaterial: string, isRepairKit: boolean, armorMax: number): number;
protected getRandomisedWeaponRepairDegredationValue(itemProps: Props, isRepairKit: boolean, armorMax: number): number;
isWeaponTemplate(tpl: string): boolean;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { HideoutAreas } from "../../../enums/HideoutAreas";
import { MemberCategory } from "../../../enums/MemberCategory";
import { QuestStatus } from "../../../enums/QuestStatus";
import { IRagfairOffer } from "../../ragfair/IRagfairOffer";
import { Item, Upd } from "./IItem";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest } from "./IRepeatableQuests";
@ -293,7 +294,9 @@ export interface HideoutArea {
lastRecipe: string;
export interface HideoutSlot {
item: HideoutItem[];
/** SPT specific value to keep track of what index this slot is (0,1,2,3 etc) */
locationIndex: number;
item?: HideoutItem[];
export interface HideoutItem {
_id: string;
@ -318,13 +321,11 @@ export declare enum SurvivorClass {
export interface Quest {
qid: string;
startTime: number;
status: string;
statusTimers?: StatusTimer;
status: QuestStatus;
statusTimers?: Record<string, number>;
/** SPT specific property */
completedConditions?: string[];
export interface StatusTimer {
AvailableForStart?: number;
export interface TraderInfo {
loyaltyLevel: number;
salesSum: number;
@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ export interface Message {
uid: string;
type: MessageType;
dt: number;
localDateTime: number;
UtcDateTime?: number;
Member?: IUpdatableChatMember;
templateId: string;
text?: string;
hasRewards: boolean;
rewardCollected: boolean;
items: Items;
items: MessageItems;
maxStorageTime?: number;
systemData?: ISystemData;
profileChangeEvents?: any[];
export interface MessagePreview {
uid: string;
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ export interface MessagePreview {
templateId: string;
text?: string;
export interface Items {
export interface MessageItems {
stash?: string;
data?: Item[];
@ -153,15 +153,11 @@ export interface MessageContent {
templateId: string;
type: MessageType;
maxStorageTime?: number;
systemData?: MessageContentData;
profileChangeEvents?: any[];
systemData?: ISystemData;
export interface MessageContentRagfair {
offerId: string;
count: number;
handbookId: string;
export interface MessageContentData {
date: string;
time: string;
location: string;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
export declare enum Grenade {
M386_HE_GRENADE = "5ede475b549eed7c6d5c18fb",
M576_MP_APERS_GRENADE = "5ede475339ee016e8c534742",
M433_HEDP_GRENADE = "5f0c892565703e5c461894e9",
M406_HE_GRENADE = "5ede4739e0350d05467f73e8",
M381_HE_GRENADE = "5ede474b0c226a66f5402622",
M441_HE_GRENADE = "5ede47405b097655935d7d16"
export declare enum Ammo762x51 {
M62_TRACER = "5a608bf24f39f98ffc77720e",
M80 = "58dd3ad986f77403051cba8f",
M61 = "5a6086ea4f39f99cd479502f",
BCP_FMJ = "5e023e53d4353e3302577c4c",
ULTRA_NOSLER = "5e023e88277cce2b522ff2b1",
TCW_SP = "5e023e6e34d52a55c3304f71",
M993 = "5efb0c1bd79ff02a1f5e68d9"
export declare enum Ammo762x54 {
SNB_GZH = "560d61e84bdc2da74d8b4571",
LPS_GZH = "5887431f2459777e1612938f",
PS_GZH = "59e77a2386f7742ee578960a",
T46M_GZH = "5e023cf8186a883be655e54f",
BT_GZH = "5e023d34e8a400319a28ed44",
BS_GZH = "5e023d48186a883be655e551"
export declare enum Ammo338Lapua {
TAC_X = "5fc382b6d6fa9c00c571bbc3",
UCW = "5fc382c1016cce60e8341b20",
AP = "5fc382a9d724d907e2077dab",
FMJ = "5fc275cf85fd526b824a571a"
export declare enum Ammo46x30 {
AP_SX = "5ba26835d4351e0035628ff5",
ACTION_SX = "5ba26812d4351e003201fef1",
FMJ_SX = "5ba2678ad4351e44f824b344",
SUBSONIC_SX = "5ba26844d4351e00334c9475"
export declare enum Ammo57x28 {
SS198LF = "5cc80f79e4a949033c7343b2",
R37_F = "5cc86832d7f00c000d3a6e6c",
SS190 = "5cc80f38e4a949001152b560",
R37_X = "5cc86840d7f00c002412c56c",
L191 = "5cc80f53e4a949000e1ea4f8",
SS197SR = "5cc80f8fe4a949033b0224a2",
SB193 = "5cc80f67e4a949035e43bbba"
export declare enum Ammo762x25 {
FMJ43 = "5735ff5c245977640e39ba7e",
LRN = "573601b42459776410737435",
P_GL = "5736026a245977644601dc61",
PST_GZH = "573603562459776430731618",
LRNPC = "573602322459776445391df1",
AKBS = "5735fdcd2459776445391d61",
PT_GZH = "573603c924597764442bd9cb"
export declare enum Ammo9x18 {
PM_SP8_GZH = "5737218f245977612125ba51",
P_GZH = "573719762459775a626ccbc1",
PSTM_GZH = "57371aab2459775a77142f22",
RG028_GZH = "573720e02459776143012541",
BZHT_GZH = "573718ba2459775a75491131",
PM_PSV = "5737207f24597760ff7b25f2",
SP7_GZH = "57372140245977611f70ee91",
PBM_GZH = "573719df2459775a626ccbc2",
PSO_GZH = "57371f8d24597761006c6a81",
PST_GZH = "5737201124597760fc4431f1",
PS_GS_PPO = "57371f2b24597761224311f1",
PRS_GS = "57371eb62459776125652ac1",
PPT_GZH = "57371e4124597760ff7b25f1",
PPE_GZH = "57371b192459775a9f58a5e0"
export declare enum Ammo9x19 {
PSO_GZH = "58864a4f2459770fcc257101",
PST_GZH = "56d59d3ad2720bdb418b4577",
GREEN_TRACER = "5c3df7d588a4501f290594e5",
RIP = "5c0d56a986f774449d5de529",
AP_63 = "5c925fa22e221601da359b7b",
LUGER_CCI = "5a3c16fe86f77452b62de32a",
PBP_GZH = "5efb0da7a29a85116f6ea05f",
QUAKEMAKER = "5efb0e16aeb21837e749c7ff"
export declare enum Ammo9x21 {
P_GZH = "5a26abfac4a28232980eabff",
PS_GZH = "5a269f97c4a282000b151807",
PE_GZH = "5a26ac06c4a282000c5a90a8",
BT_GZH = "5a26ac0ec4a28200741e1e18"
export declare enum Ammo357Mag {
FMJ = "62330b3ed4dc74626d570b95",
HOLLOW_POINT = "62330bfadc5883093563729b",
SOFT_POINT = "62330c40bdd19b369e1e53d1",
JACKET_HP = "62330c18744e5e31df12f516"
export declare enum Ammo45ACP {
MATCH_FMJ = "5e81f423763d9f754677bf2e",
HYDRA_SHOK = "5efb0fc6aeb21837e749c801",
LASERMATCH_FMJ = "5efb0d4f4bc50b58e81710f3",
AP = "5efb0cabfb3e451d70735af5",
RIP = "5ea2a8e200685063ec28c05a"
export declare enum Ammo545x39 {
PS_GS = "56dff3afd2720bba668b4567",
SP = "56dff421d2720b5f5a8b4567",
PPBS_GS_IGOLNIK = "5c0d5e4486f77478390952fe",
BS_7N40 = "61962b617c6c7b169525f168",
PRS_GS = "56dff338d2720bbd668b4569",
BT_GS = "56dff061d2720bb5668b4567",
US_GS = "56dff4ecd2720b5f5a8b4568",
BP_GS = "56dfef82d2720bbd668b4567",
HP = "56dff216d2720bbd668b4568",
BS_GS = "56dff026d2720bb8668b4567",
T_GS = "56dff4a2d2720bbd668b456a",
PP_GS = "56dff2ced2720bb4668b4567",
FMJ = "56dff0bed2720bb0668b4567"
export declare enum Ammo556x45 {
M856 = "59e68f6f86f7746c9f75e846",
MK255_MOD_0_RRLP = "59e6918f86f7746c9f75e849",
M995 = "59e690b686f7746c9f75e848",
M855A1 = "54527ac44bdc2d36668b4567",
M856A1 = "59e6906286f7746c9f75e847",
M855 = "54527a984bdc2d4e668b4567",
HP = "59e6927d86f77411da468256",
FMJ = "59e6920f86f77411d82aa167",
WARMAGEDDON = "5c0d5ae286f7741e46554302",
MK_318_MOD_0_SOST = "60194943740c5d77f6705eea",
SSA_AP = "601949593ae8f707c4608daa"
export declare enum Ammo300Blackout {
M62_TRACER = "619636be6db0f2477964e710",
BCP_FMJ = "5fbe3ffdf8b6a877a729ea82",
AP = "5fd20ff893a8961fc660a954",
V_MAX = "6196364158ef8c428c287d9f",
WHISPER = "6196365d58ef8c428c287da1"
export declare enum Ammo762x39 {
PS_GZH = "5656d7c34bdc2d9d198b4587",
HP = "59e4d3d286f774176a36250a",
US_GZH = "59e4d24686f7741776641ac7",
T45M1_GZH = "59e4cf5286f7741778269d8a",
BP_GZH = "59e0d99486f7744a32234762",
MAI_AP = "601aa3d2b2bcb34913271e6d"
export declare enum Ammo9x39 {
SP5_GS = "57a0dfb82459774d3078b56c",
BP_GS = "5c0d688c86f77413ae3407b2",
SP6_GS = "57a0e5022459774d1673f889",
SPP_GS = "5c0d668f86f7747ccb7f13b2",
PAB9_GS = "61962d879bb3d20b0946d385"
export declare enum Ammo366TKM {
FMJ = "59e6542b86f77411dc52a77a",
GEKSA = "59e6658b86f77411d949b250",
EKO = "59e655cb86f77411dc52a77b",
APM = "5f0596629e22f464da6bbdd9"
export declare enum Ammo127x55 {
PS12 = "5cadf6ddae9215051e1c23b2",
PS12B = "5cadf6eeae921500134b2799",
PS12A = "5cadf6e5ae921500113bb973"
export declare enum Ammo12Gauge {
BUCKSHOT_7MM = "560d5e524bdc2d25448b4571",
MAGNUM_85MM = "5d6e6806a4b936088465b17e",
RIP = "5c0d591486f7744c505b416f",
BMG_SLUG_50CAL = "5d6e68c4a4b9361b93413f79",
BUCKSHOT_525MM = "5d6e6772a4b936088465b17c",
EXPRESS_65MM = "5d6e67fba4b9361bc73bc779",
FLECHETTE = "5d6e6911a4b9361bd5780d52",
FTX_CUSTOM_LITE_SLUG = "5d6e68e6a4b9361c140bcfe0",
AP20_ARMOR_PIERCING_SLUG = "5d6e68a8a4b9360b6c0d54e2",
DUAL_SABOT_SLUG = "5d6e68dea4b9361bcc29e659",
POLEVA_6U_SLUG = "5d6e689ca4b9361bc8618956",
POLEVA_3_SLUG = "5d6e6891a4b9361bd473feea",
GRIZZLY_40_SLUG = "5d6e6869a4b9361c140bcfde",
SUPERFORMANCE_HP_SLUG = "5d6e68d1a4b93622fe60e845",
COPPER_SABOT_PREMIER_HP_SLUG = "5d6e68b3a4b9361bca7e50b5",
LEAD_SLUG = "58820d1224597753c90aeb13"
export declare enum Ammo20Gauge {
BUCKSHOT_75MM = "5a38ebd9c4a282000d722a5b",
STAR_SLUG = "5d6e6a05a4b93618084f58d0",
BUCKSHOT_73MM = "5d6e69c7a4b9360b6c0d54e4",
DEVASTATOR_SLUG = "5d6e6a5fa4b93614ec501745",
BUCKSHOT_56MM = "5d6e695fa4b936359b35d852",
POLEVA_6U_SLUG = "5d6e6a42a4b9364f07165f52",
POLEVA_3_SLUG = "5d6e6a53a4b9361bd473feec",
BUCKSHOT_62MM = "5d6e69b9a4b9361bc8618958"
export declare enum Ammo23x75 {
SHRAPNEL10_BUCKSHOT = "5e85a9a6eacf8c039e4e2ac1",
SHRAPNEL25_BUCKSHOT = "5f647f31b6238e5dd066e196",
ZVEZDA_FLASHBANG = "5e85a9f4add9fe03027d9bf1",
BARRIKADA_SLUG = "5e85aa1a988a8701445df1f5"
export declare enum Ammo30x29 {
VOG_30 = "5d70e500a4b9364de70d38ce"
export declare enum Ammo127x108 {
B32 = "5cde8864d7f00c0010373be1",
BZT_44M = "5d2f2ab648f03550091993ca"
export declare enum Ammo26x75 {
GREEN_FLARE = "62389aaba63f32501b1b444f",
RED_FLARE = "62389ba9a63f32501b1b4451",
WHITE_FLARE = "62389bc9423ed1685422dc57",
YELLOW_FLARE = "62389be94d5d474bf712e709"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
export declare enum CommonContainers {
AMMO_CASE = "5aafbde786f774389d0cbc0f",
DOCUMENTS_CASE = "590c60fc86f77412b13fddcf",
DOGTAG_CASE = "5c093e3486f77430cb02e593",
GRENADE_CASE = "5e2af55f86f7746d4159f07c",
INJECTOR_CASE = "619cbf7d23893217ec30b689",
ITEM_CASE = "59fb042886f7746c5005a7b2",
KEY_TOOL = "59fafd4b86f7745ca07e1232",
KEYCARD_HOLDER = "619cbf9e0a7c3a1a2731940a",
SCAV_JUNKBOX = "5b7c710788a4506dec015957",
MAGAZINE_CASE = "5c127c4486f7745625356c13",
MEDICINE_CASE = "5aafbcd986f7745e590fff23",
MONEY_CASE = "59fb016586f7746d0d4b423a",
HOLODILNICK_THERMAL_BAG = "5c093db286f7740a1b2617e3",
PISTOL_CASE = "567143bf4bdc2d1a0f8b4567",
SICC_ORGANIZATIONAL_POUCH = "5d235bb686f77443f4331278",
SIMPLE_WALLET = "5783c43d2459774bbe137486",
THICC_ITEM_CASE = "5c0a840b86f7742ffa4f2482",
THICC_WEAPON_CASE = "5b6d9ce188a4501afc1b2b25",
WEAPON_CASE = "59fb023c86f7746d0d4b423c",
WZ_WALLET = "60b0f6c058e0b0481a09ad11"
export declare enum SecuredContainers {
ALPHA = "544a11ac4bdc2d470e8b456a",
BETA = "5857a8b324597729ab0a0e7d",
EPSILON = "59db794186f77448bc595262",
GAMMA = "5857a8bc2459772bad15db29",
KAPPA = "5c093ca986f7740a1867ab12"
@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ export declare enum QuestStatus {
Success = 4,
Fail = 5,
FailRestartable = 6,
MarkedAsFailed = 7
MarkedAsFailed = 7,
Expired = 8
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
export declare enum SkillTypes {
HIDEOUT_MANAGEMENT = "HideoutManagement",
CRAFTING = "Crafting",
METABOLISM = "Metabolism",
IMMUNITY = "Immunity",
ENDURANCE = "Endurance",
STRENGTH = "Strength",
VITALITY = "Vitality",
HEALTH = "Health",
STRESS_RESISTANCE = "StressResistance",
THROWING = "Throwing",
RECOIL_CONTROL = "RecoilControl",
COVERT_MOVEMENT = "CovertMovement",
FIELD_MEDICINE = "FieldMedicine",
SEARCH = "Search",
SNIPING = "Sniping",
PERCEPTION = "Perception",
INTELLECT = "Intellect",
ATTENTION = "Attention",
CHARISMA = "Charisma",
MEMORY = "Memory",
SURGERY = "Surgery",
AIM_DRILLS = "AimDrills",
TROUBLESHOOTING = "TroubleShooting",
PRONE_MOVEMENT = "ProneMovement",
FIRST_AID = "FirstAid",
LIGHT_VESTS = "LightVests",
HEAVY_VESTS = "HeavyVests",
WEAPON_MODDING = "WeaponModding",
ADVANCED_MODDING = "AdvancedModding",
NIGHT_OPS = "NightOps",
SILENT_OPS = "SilentOps",
LOCKPICKING = "Lockpicking",
WEAPON_TREATMENT = "WeaponTreatment",
MAG_DRILLS = "MagDrills",
FREE_TRADING = "Freetrading",
AUCTIONS = "Auctions",
CLEAN_OPS = "Cleanoperations",
BARTER = "Barter",
SHADOW_CONNECTIONS = "Shadowconnections",
TASK_PERFORMANCE = "Taskperformance",
BEAR_ASSAULT_OPS = "BearAssaultoperations",
BEAR_AUTHORITY = "BearAuthority",
BEAR_AK_SYSTEMS = "BearAksystems",
BEAR_HEAVY_CAL = "BearHeavycaliber",
BEAR_RAW_POWER = "BearRawpower",
USEC_AR_SYSTEMS = "UsecArsystems",
USEC_DEEP_WEAPON_MOD = "UsecDeepweaponmodding_Settings",
USEC_LONG_RANGE_OPTICS = "UsecLongrangeoptics_Settings",
USEC_NEGOTIATIONS = "UsecNegotiations",
USEC_TACTICS = "UsecTactics"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
export declare enum WeaponSkillTypes {
PISTOL = "Pistol",
REVOLVER = "Revolver",
SMG = "SMG",
ASSAULT = "Assault",
SHOTGUN = "Shotgun",
SNIPER = "Sniper",
LMG = "LMG",
HMG = "HMG",
DMR = "DMR",
LAUNCHER = "Launcher",
ATTACHED_LAUNCHER = "AttachedLauncher",
MELEE = "Melee"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { Mods } from "../../eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { Item } from "../../eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ITemplateItem } from "../../eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
export declare class GenerateWeaponResult {
weapon: Item[];
chosenAmmo: string;
weaponMods: Mods;
weaponTemplate: ITemplateItem;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ export interface IBotConfig extends IBaseConfig {
revenge: Record<string, string[]>;
pmc: PmcConfig;
itemSpawnLimits: Record<string, Record<string, number>>;
equipment: Record<string, Equipment>;
showTypeInNickname: boolean;
maxBotCap: number;
secureContainerAmmoStackCount: number;
@ -94,8 +95,9 @@ export interface LootNvalue {
export interface PmcConfig {
dynamicLoot: PmcDynamicLoot;
cartridgeBlacklist: string[];
difficulty: string;
looseWeaponInBackpackChancePercent: number;
looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax: MinMax;
isUsec: number;
chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent: number;
usecType: string;
@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ export interface PmcConfig {
maxBackpackLootTotalRub: number;
maxPocketLootTotalRub: number;
maxVestLootTotalRub: number;
convertFromChances: Record<string, MinMax>;
convertIntoPmcChance: Record<string, MinMax>;
enemyTypes: string[];
export interface PmcDynamicLoot {
@ -111,3 +113,12 @@ export interface PmcDynamicLoot {
blacklist: string[];
moneyStackLimits: Record<string, number>;
export interface Equipment {
blacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails[];
whitelist: EquipmentFilterDetails[];
export interface EquipmentFilterDetails {
levelRange: MinMax;
equipment: Record<string, string[]>;
cartridge: Record<string, string[]>;
@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ export interface IHideoutConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-hideout";
runIntervalSeconds: number;
fuelDrainRateMultipler: number;
hoursForSkillCrafting: number;
@ -3,5 +3,7 @@ export interface IInsuranceConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-insurance";
insuranceMultiplier: Record<string, number>;
returnChancePercent: Record<string, number>;
blacklistedEquipment: string[];
slotIdsWithChanceOfNotReturning: string[];
runIntervalSeconds: number;
@ -2,4 +2,6 @@ import { IBaseConfig } from "./IBaseConfig";
export interface IRepairConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-repair";
priceMultiplier: number;
applyRandomizeDurabilityLoss: boolean;
weaponSkillRepairGain: number;
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import { ITemplateItem, Props } from "../../eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
export declare abstract class NewItemDetailsBase {
/** Price of the item on flea market */
fleaPriceRoubles: number;
/** Price of the item in the handbook */
handbookPriceRoubles: number;
* A dictionary for locale settings, key = langauge (e.g. en,cn,es-mx,jp,fr)
* If a language is not included, the first item in the array will be used in its place
locales: Record<string, LocaleDetails>;
export declare class NewItemFromCloneDetails extends NewItemDetailsBase {
/** Id of the item to copy and use as a base */
itemTplToClone: string;
/** Item properties that should be applied over the top of the cloned base */
overrideProperties: Props;
/** ParentId for the new item (item type) */
parentId: string;
* the id the new item should have, leave blank to have one generated for you
* This is often known as the TplId, or TemplateId
newId: string;
export declare class NewItemDetails extends NewItemDetailsBase {
newItem: ITemplateItem;
export declare class LocaleDetails {
name: string;
shortName: string;
description: string;
export declare class CreateItemResult {
success: boolean;
itemId: string;
errors: string[];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import { IBotType } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { Equipment, EquipmentFilterDetails, IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
export declare class BotEquipmentFilterService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botEquipmentFilterlists: Record<string, Equipment>;
constructor(logger: ILogger, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Filter a bots data to exclude equipment and cartridges defines in the botConfig
* @param baseBotNode bots json data to filter
* @param playerLevel Level of the currently playing player
* @param isPmc Is the bot we're filtering a PMC
* @param role Role of the bot we're filtering
filterBotEquipment(baseBotNode: IBotType, playerLevel: number, isPmc: boolean, role: string): void;
* Get an object that contains equipment and cartridge blacklists for a specified bot type
* @param botRole Role of the bot we want the blacklist for
* @param playerLevel Level of the player
* @returns EquipmentBlacklistDetails object
protected getBotEquipmentBlacklist(botRole: string, playerLevel: number): EquipmentFilterDetails;
* Get the whitelist for a specific bot type that's within the players level
* @param botRole Bot type
* @param playerLevel Players level
* @returns EquipmentFilterDetails object
protected getBotEquipmentWhitelist(botRole: string, playerLevel: number): EquipmentFilterDetails;
* Filter bot equipment based on blacklist and whitelist from config/bot.json
* Prioritises whitelist first, if one is found blacklist is ignored
* @param baseBotNode bot .json file to update
* @param blacklist equipment blacklist
* @returns Filtered bot file
protected filterEquipment(baseBotNode: IBotType, blacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails, whitelist: EquipmentFilterDetails): void;
* Filter bot cartridges based on blacklist and whitelist from config/bot.json
* Prioritises whitelist first, if one is found blacklist is ignored
* @param baseBotNode bot .json file to update
* @param blacklist equipment on this list should be excluded from the bot
* @param whitelist equipment on this list should be used exclusivly
* @returns Filtered bot file
protected filterCartridges(baseBotNode: IBotType, blacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails, whitelist: EquipmentFilterDetails): void;
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ export declare class InsuranceService {
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected insured: Record<string, Record<string, Item[]>>;
protected templatesById: {};
protected insuranceConfig: IInsuranceConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, secureContainerHelper: SecureContainerHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, traderHelper: TraderHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
insuranceExists(sessionId: string): boolean;
@ -32,9 +31,19 @@ export declare class InsuranceService {
resetInsurance(sessionId: string): void;
resetInsuranceTraderArray(sessionId: string, traderId: string): void;
addInsuranceItemToArray(sessionId: string, traderId: string, itemToAdd: any): void;
getItemPrice(_tpl: string): number;
generateTemplatesById(): void;
sendInsuredItems(pmcData: IPmcData, sessionID: string): void;
* Get the rouble price for an item by templateId
* @param itemTpl item tpl to get handbook price for
* @returns handbook price in roubles, Return 0 if not found
getItemPrice(itemTpl: string): number;
* Sends stored insured items as message to player
* @param pmcData profile to modify
* @param sessionID SessionId of current player
* @param mapId Id of the map player died/exited that caused the insurance to be issued on
sendInsuredItems(pmcData: IPmcData, sessionID: string, mapId: string): void;
storeLostGear(pmcData: IPmcData, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, preRaidGear: Item[], sessionID: string): void;
storeInsuredItemsForReturn(pmcData: IPmcData, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, preRaidGear: Item[], sessionID: string): void;
protected addGearToSend(pmcData: IPmcData, insuredItem: any, actualItem: any, sessionID: string): any;
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { HideoutAreas } from "../models/enums/HideoutAreas";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Watermark } from "../utils/Watermark";
@ -29,8 +31,27 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected getActiveRepeatableQuests(repeatableQuests: IPmcDataRepeatableQuest[]): IRepeatableQuest[];
protected fixNullTraderSalesSums(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addMissingBonusesProperty(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* Adjust profile quest status and statusTimers object values
* quest.status is numeric e.g. 2
* quest.statusTimers keys are numeric as strings e.g. "2"
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
protected updateProfileQuestDataValues(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addMissingRepeatableQuestsProperty(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addMissingWorkbenchWeaponSkills(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* A new property was added to slot items "locationIndex", if this is missing, the hideout slot item must be removed
* @param pmcProfile Profile to find and remove slots from
protected removeResourcesFromSlotsInHideoutWithoutLocationIndexValue(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* add in objects equal to the number of slots
* @param areaType area to check
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
protected addEmptyObjectsToHideoutAreaSlots(areaType: HideoutAreas, emptyItemCount: number, pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addObjectsToArray(count: number, slots: HideoutSlot[]): HideoutSlot[];
* In 18876 bsg changed the pockets tplid to be one that has 3 additional special slots
* @param pmcProfile
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import { ITemplateItem, Props } from "../../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { CreateItemResult, LocaleDetails, NewItemDetails, NewItemFromCloneDetails } from "../../models/spt/mod/NewItemDetails";
import { IDatabaseTables } from "../../models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { ILogger } from "../../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { HashUtil } from "../../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../../utils/JsonUtil";
export declare class CustomItemService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected tables: IDatabaseTables;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
* Create a new item from a cloned item base
* WARNING - If no item id is supplied, an id will be generated, this id will be random every time you add an item and will not be the same on each subsequent server start
* Add to the items db
* Add to the flea market
* Add to the handbook
* Add to the locales
* @param newItemDetails Item details for the new item to be created
* @returns tplId of the new item created
createItemFromClone(newItemDetails: NewItemFromCloneDetails): CreateItemResult;
* Create a new item without using an existing item as a template
* Add to the items db
* Add to the flea market
* Add to the handbook
* Add to the locales
* @param newItemDetails Details on what the item to be created
* @returns CreateItemResult containing the completed items Id
createItem(newItemDetails: NewItemDetails): CreateItemResult;
* If the id provided is an empty string, return a randomly generated guid, otherwise return the newId parameter
* @param newId id supplied to code
* @returns item id
protected getOrGenerateIdForItem(newId: string): string;
* Iterates through supplied properties and updates the cloned items properties with them
* Complex objects cannot have overrides, they must be fully hydrated with values if they are to be used
* @param overrideProperties new properties to apply
* @param itemClone item to update
protected updateBaseItemPropertiesWithOverrides(overrideProperties: Props, itemClone: ITemplateItem): void;
* Addd a new item object to the in-memory representation of items.json
* @param newItemId id of the item to add to items.json
* @param itemToAdd Item to add against the new id
protected addToItemsDb(newItemId: string, itemToAdd: ITemplateItem): void;
* Add a handbook price for an item
* @param newItemId id of the item being added
* @param parentId parent id of the item being added
* @param priceRoubles price of the item being added
protected addToHandbookDb(newItemId: string, parentId: string, priceRoubles: number): void;
* Iterate through the passed in locale data and add to each locale in turn
* If data is not provided for each langauge eft uses, the first object will be used in its place
* e.g.
* en[0]
* fr[1]
* No jp provided, so english will be used as a substitute
* @param localeDetails key is language, value are the new locale details
* @param newItemId id of the item being created
protected addToLocaleDbs(localeDetails: Record<string, LocaleDetails>, newItemId: string): void;
* Add a price to the in-memory representation of prices.json, used to inform the flea of an items price on the market
* @param newItemId id of the new item
* @param fleaPriceRoubles Price of the new item
protected addToFleaPriceDb(newItemId: string, fleaPriceRoubles: number): void;
@ -5,4 +5,14 @@ export declare class TimeUtil {
getDate(): string;
getTime(): string;
getTimestamp(): number;
* mail in eft requires time be in a specific format
* @returns current time in format: 00:00 (hh:mm)
getTimeMailFormat(): string;
* Mail in eft requires date be in a specific format
* @returns current date in format: 00.00.0000 (
getDateMailFormat(): string;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user