/// import fs from "fs"; import winston from "winston"; import { Daum } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterRequest"; import { LogBackgroundColor } from "../models/spt/logging/LogBackgroundColor"; import { LogTextColor } from "../models/spt/logging/LogTextColor"; import { SptLogger } from "../models/spt/logging/SptLogger"; import { IAsyncQueue } from "../models/spt/utils/IAsyncQueue"; import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { IUUidGenerator } from "../models/spt/utils/IUuidGenerator"; export declare class WinstonLogger implements ILogger { protected asyncQueue: IAsyncQueue; protected uuidGenerator: IUUidGenerator; protected showDebugInConsole: boolean; protected folderPath: string; protected file: string; protected filePath: string; protected logLevels: { levels: { error: number; warn: number; succ: number; info: number; custom: number; debug: number; }; colors: { error: string; warn: string; succ: string; info: string; custom: string; debug: string; }; bgColors: { default: string; blackBG: string; redBG: string; greenBG: string; yellowBG: string; blueBG: string; magentaBG: string; cyanBG: string; whiteBG: string; }; }; protected logger: winston.Logger & SptLogger; protected writeFilePromisify: (path: fs.PathLike, data: string, options?: any) => Promise; constructor(asyncQueue: IAsyncQueue, uuidGenerator: IUUidGenerator); writeToLogFile(data: string | Daum): Promise; log(data: string | Error | Record, color: string, backgroundColor?: string): Promise; error(data: string | Record): Promise; warning(data: string | Record): Promise; success(data: string | Record): Promise; info(data: string | Record): Promise; /** * Log to console text with a customisable text and background color. Background defaults to black * @param data text to log * @param textColor color of text * @param backgroundColor color of background */ logWithColor(data: string | Record, textColor: LogTextColor, backgroundColor?: LogBackgroundColor): Promise; debug(data: string | Record, onlyShowInConsole?: boolean): Promise; }