* Added additional items to Airdrop Blacklist into the airdrop.json * Added botGenerationBatchSizePerType and reworked maxBotCap to current defaults and to include Streets into bots.json * Added botRelativeLevelDeltaMax into bots.json * Added runIntervalSeconds into flea.json; affects how often flea will refresh in-game (so selling faster or slower - is taxing on CPU resources as it calls more often or less often pending how you set it; default is 45 seconds) into flea.json * Reworked Ragfair Conditions to take current server values into flea.json * Removed airFilterUnitFlowRate, generatorFuelFlowRate, and gpuBoostRate from hideout.json; these may return in the future however, as of now they have been removed from the server config and I would need to dive deep into server code. * Consolidated timeLimit into its own boolean and raidTime settings. Restructured AiAmount and AiDifficulty to match the server config in raid.json * Added new types into the bots.ts config file * Added new types into the flea.ts config file * Removed types no longer being used in the hideout.ts config file * Added new types into the raid.ts config file * Added Streets Marked Room Loot into the Containers In Marked Room Loot Pool * General rework and cleanup of code
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import { MinMax } from "@spt-aki/models/common/MinMax";
import { DynamicLoot } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IPmcConfig";
export interface BotsConfig
bossChance: BossChance;
botGenerationBatchSizePerType: number;
maxBotCap: MaxBotCap;
pmc: IPmcConfig;
scav: Scav;
export interface IPmcConfig
dynamicLoot: DynamicLoot;
useDifficultyOverride: boolean;
difficulty: string;
looseWeaponInBackpackChancePercent: number;
looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax: MinMax;
isUsec: number;
usecType: string;
bearType: string;
chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent: number;
/** key: location, value: type for usec/bear */
pmcType: Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, number>>>;
maxBackpackLootTotalRub: number;
maxPocketLootTotalRub: number;
maxVestLootTotalRub: number;
convertIntoPmcChance: Record<string, MinMax>;
enemyTypes: string[];
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
containersOnPMCs: boolean;
lootNValue: number;
difficultyWeights: DifficultyWeights;
export interface BossChance
activated: boolean
chance: number
export interface DifficultyWeights
useWeights: boolean
weights: Record<string, number>
export interface ConvertIntoPmcChance
assault: PmcChance
cursedAssault: PmcChance
pmcBot : PmcChance
exUsec : PmcChance
export interface PmcChance
min: number
max: number
export interface LooseWeapon
min: number
max: number
export interface Scav
lootNValue: number
export interface MaxBotCap
factory: number
customs: number
woods: number
shoreline: number
lighthouse: number
reservebase: number
interchange: number
laboratory: number
default: number
} |