2024-05-07 23:29:03 +02:00
import sys
import os
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import json
import shutil
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from PyQt5 . QtWidgets import QApplication , QWidget , QVBoxLayout , QListWidget , QPushButton , QListWidgetItem , QMessageBox
from PyQt5 . QtCore import Qt
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import configparser
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import qtvscodestyle
class DragDropApp ( QWidget ) :
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def __init__ ( self ) :
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super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . setWindowTitle ( ' Drag and Drop JSON Reorder ' )
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# Initialize window size from config.ini
self . initWindowSize ( )
self . initUI ( )
def initWindowSize ( self ) :
self . mod_dir = os . getcwd ( )
self . config = configparser . ConfigParser ( )
self . config_path = os . path . join ( self . mod_dir , ' config.ini ' )
if not os . path . exists ( self . config_path ) :
# Create config.ini with default values
self . createDefaultConfig ( )
# Read width and height from config.ini
self . config . read ( self . config_path )
width = int ( self . config . get ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' width ' , fallback = ' 400 ' ) )
height = int ( self . config . get ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' height ' , fallback = ' 300 ' ) )
self . resize ( width , height )
def createDefaultConfig ( self ) :
self . config [ ' DEFAULT ' ] = {
' sptBaseDir ' : ' ' ,
' addNewItemsTo ' : ' end ' ,
' reminder ' : ' True ' ,
' width ' : ' 400 ' ,
' height ' : ' 300 '
with open ( self . config_path , ' w ' ) as configfile :
self . config . write ( configfile )
def initUI ( self ) :
2024-05-07 23:29:03 +02:00
layout = QVBoxLayout ( self )
self . list_widget = QListWidget ( )
layout . addWidget ( self . list_widget )
self . save_button = QPushButton ( ' Save Order ' )
layout . addWidget ( self . save_button )
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self . mod_dir = os . getcwd ( )
self . config = configparser . ConfigParser ( )
self . config_path = os . path . join ( self . mod_dir , ' config.ini ' )
self . loadConfig ( )
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if not self . checkModsDirectory ( ) :
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2024-05-12 07:39:42 +02:00
self . initial_order = [ ]
self . loadData ( self . mod_dir )
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self . list_widget . setDragDropMode ( QListWidget . InternalMove )
self . list_widget . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
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self . save_button . clicked . connect ( lambda : self . saveOrder ( self . mod_dir ) )
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# Apply the dark theme
stylesheet = qtvscodestyle . load_stylesheet ( qtvscodestyle . Theme . DARK_VS )
self . setStyleSheet ( stylesheet )
def loadConfig ( self ) :
self . config . read ( self . config_path )
self . spt_base_dir = self . config . get ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' sptBaseDir ' , fallback = ' ' )
self . add_new_items_to = self . config . get ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' addNewItemsTo ' , fallback = ' end ' )
self . reminder = self . config . getboolean ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' reminder ' , fallback = True )
self . width = int ( self . config . get ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' width ' , fallback = ' 400 ' ) )
self . height = int ( self . config . get ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' height ' , fallback = ' 300 ' ) )
def checkModsDirectory ( self ) :
2024-05-07 23:29:03 +02:00
mods_dir = os . path . join ( self . mod_dir , ' user ' , ' mods ' )
if not os . path . exists ( mods_dir ) :
2024-05-12 07:39:42 +02:00
error_message = f " Could not find user/mods. This exe belongs in the base directory of SPT-AKI! \n Current Directory: { self . mod_dir } \n config.ini has been created in the current directory, where you can set the path if you prefer. "
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QMessageBox . critical ( self , " Error " , error_message )
return False
return True
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def loadData ( self , mod_dir ) :
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print ( " Loading mod data... " )
mod_info = [ ]
order_file_path = os . path . join ( mod_dir , ' user ' , ' mods ' , ' order.json ' )
if os . path . exists ( order_file_path ) :
with open ( order_file_path , ' r ' ) as order_file :
order_data = json . load ( order_file )
2024-05-12 07:39:42 +02:00
ordered_mods = order_data . get ( " order " , [ ] )
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for entry in os . scandir ( os . path . join ( mod_dir , " user " , " mods " ) ) :
if entry . is_dir ( ) :
package_file = os . path . join ( entry . path , " package.json " )
if os . path . exists ( package_file ) :
print ( f " Found package.json in { entry . path } " )
with open ( package_file , ' r ' ) as file :
data = json . load ( file )
2024-05-12 07:39:42 +02:00
folder_name = os . path . basename ( entry . path )
2024-05-07 23:29:03 +02:00
mod_info . append ( {
" name " : data [ " name " ] ,
2024-05-12 07:39:42 +02:00
" folder_name " : folder_name ,
2024-05-07 23:29:03 +02:00
" version " : data [ " version " ] ,
" author " : data [ " author " ] ,
" akiVersion " : data . get ( " akiVersion " , " " )
} )
print ( f " akiVersion for { folder_name } : { data . get ( ' akiVersion ' , ' ' ) } " )
if os . path . exists ( order_file_path ) :
ordered_mod_info = [ ]
for mod_name in ordered_mods :
for mod in mod_info :
if mod [ " folder_name " ] == mod_name :
ordered_mod_info . append ( mod )
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mod_info . remove ( mod )
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2024-05-12 07:39:42 +02:00
ordered_mod_info . extend ( mod_info )
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mod_info = ordered_mod_info
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if self . add_new_items_to == ' start ' :
self . list_widget . clear ( )
for mod in mod_info :
self . addListItem ( mod , 0 )
elif self . add_new_items_to == ' end ' :
for mod in mod_info :
self . addListItem ( mod )
self . initial_order = [ item . text ( ) for item in [ self . list_widget . item ( i ) for i in range ( self . list_widget . count ( ) ) ] ]
def addListItem ( self , mod , position = None ) :
list_item = QListWidgetItem ( mod [ " folder_name " ] )
tooltip_text = " \n " . join ( [ f " { key } : { value } " for key , value in mod . items ( ) ] )
list_item . setToolTip ( tooltip_text )
if position is None :
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self . list_widget . addItem ( list_item )
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else :
self . list_widget . insertItem ( position , list_item )
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def saveOrder ( self , mod_dir ) :
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print ( " Saving order... " )
print ( f " Mod directory: { mod_dir } " )
2024-05-12 07:39:42 +02:00
new_order = [ self . list_widget . item ( i ) . text ( ) for i in range ( self . list_widget . count ( ) ) ]
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print ( f " New order: { new_order } " )
order_file_path = os . path . join ( mod_dir , ' user ' , ' mods ' , ' order.json ' )
backup_file_path = os . path . join ( mod_dir , ' user ' , ' mods ' , ' order.bkp ' )
try :
shutil . copy ( order_file_path , backup_file_path )
print ( ' Backup created successfully! ' )
except Exception as e :
print ( f ' Error creating backup: { e } ' )
with open ( order_file_path , ' w ' ) as file :
json . dump ( { " order " : new_order } , file , indent = 4 )
print ( ' Order saved successfully! ' )
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self . initial_order = new_order
self . config . set ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' width ' , str ( self . width ) )
self . config . set ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' height ' , str ( self . height ) )
with open ( self . config_path , ' w ' ) as configfile :
self . config . write ( configfile )
def resizeEvent ( self , event ) :
self . width = self . size ( ) . width ( )
self . height = self . size ( ) . height ( )
event . accept ( )
def closeEvent ( self , event ) :
if self . reminder and self . list_widget . count ( ) > 0 :
current_order = [ self . list_widget . item ( i ) . text ( ) for i in range ( self . list_widget . count ( ) ) ]
if current_order != self . initial_order :
reply = QMessageBox . question ( self , ' Reminder ' , ' You have unsaved changes. \n Save before closing? ' , QMessageBox . Yes | QMessageBox . No , QMessageBox . Yes )
if reply == QMessageBox . Yes :
self . saveOrder ( self . mod_dir )
print ( f " Current width: { self . width } , Current height: { self . height } " )
self . config . set ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' width ' , str ( self . width ) )
self . config . set ( ' DEFAULT ' , ' height ' , str ( self . height ) )
print ( f " Updated width: { self . width } , Updated height: { self . height } " )
with open ( self . config_path , ' w ' ) as configfile :
self . config . write ( configfile )
event . accept ( )
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if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
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app = QApplication ( sys . argv )
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window = DragDropApp ( )
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window . show ( )
sys . exit ( app . exec_ ( ) )