from typing import List, Tuple from PyQt6.QtCore import QFileInfo import mobase from ..basic_game import BasicGame from ..basic_features import BasicModDataChecker, GlobPatterns class SPTAKIGame(BasicGame, mobase.IPluginFileMapper): Name = "SPT Plugin" Author = "Archon" Version = "1.1.2" GameName = "SPT" GameShortName = "spt" GameBinary = "SPT.Launcher.exe" GameDataPath = "%GAME_PATH%" GameSaveExtension = "json" GameSavesDirectory = "%GAME_PATH%/user/profiles" def __init__(self): super().__init__() mobase.IPluginFileMapper.__init__(self) def init(self, organizer: mobase.IOrganizer) -> bool: super().init(organizer) self._featureMap[mobase.ModDataChecker] = SPTAKIModDataChecker() return True def executables(self) -> List[mobase.ExecutableInfo]: execs = super().executables() """ A bat script file to bridge the environment to server and launcher. """ workaroundPath = self._gamePath + "/sptvfsbridge.bat" try: workaround = open(workaroundPath, "rt") except FileNotFoundError: with open(workaroundPath, "wt") as workaround: workaround.write( """ @echo off setlocal set "launcher_path=SPT.Launcher.exe" set "server_path=SPT.Server.exe" REM Launch the server.exe start "" "%server_path%" REM Wait for a moment to ensure the server.exe has started timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul REM Launch the launcher.exe start "" "%launcher_path%" endlocal """ ) workaround.close() execs.append( mobase.ExecutableInfo("Launch SP Tarkov", QFileInfo(workaroundPath)) ) execs.pop(0) return execs def mappings(self) -> list[mobase.Mapping]: return [] class SPTAKIModDataChecker(BasicModDataChecker): def __init__(self, patterns: GlobPatterns = GlobPatterns()): super().__init__( GlobPatterns( valid=["BepInEx", "User"], move={"plugins": "BepInEx/", "patchers": "BepInEx/", "package.json": "User/Mods/", "*.dll": "BepInEx/plugins/", "*": "User/Mods/"}, ).merge(patterns), )