SPT-AssemblyTool ----- Can deobfuscate Assembly-CSharp.dll files, and apply deobfuscation name remapping (provided you provide a remapping file) ### Usage #### Deobfuscation ``` SPT-AssemblyTool.exe -d -m "...\EscapeFromTarkov_Data\Managed" "...\Assembly-CSharp.dll" ``` Generates a `Assembly-CSharp-cleaned.dll` in the directory that Assembly-CSharp.dll resides in. #### Remapping ``` -r -o "...\Assembly-CSharp-old.dll" -m "...\EscapeFromTarkov_Data\Managed" --mapping-file "...\mappings.json" "...\Assembly-CSharp-cleaned.dll" ``` Requires an old deobfuscated Assembly-CSharp.dll, and the mapping file created for it. An example mapping file is located under `example-mapping.json`. ### Credits Uses LGPL licensed code from [IL2CPPAssemblyUnhollower](https://github.com/knah/Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower) for the remapper