# SPT-BuildTools Contains tools to ease development of SPT-AKI. ### Installation Cake requires some form of the .NET Core SDK to be installed, but that is already required by AKI development in the first place. ### Instructions All build actions rely on you filling out `build-config.json` with the directory paths of your source code & (test) game folder. There are three sets of basic build commands: - `X:Clean` - `X:Restore` - `X:Build` Where `X` is replaced with either `Launcher`, `Modules` or `Server`. Build invokes both the respective Clean and Restore step. ---------- There are also "global" tasks that can be invoked as well: `Restore` performs all `X:Restore` tasks, which is useful for initiating development on a new machine. `Build` performs all `X:Build` tasks, which also invokes all respective prerequisite tasks too. `Package` runs the `Build` task and creates a `AkiRelease.zip` file in the current directory of the script invocation, containing the contents of an SPT-AKI release build. `CopyDev` runs the `Build` task and copies the built files into the development game folder listed in the build-config.json file. ------ To invoke: ``` [build.ps1 | build.sh] --Target="YourTaskHere" ```