using Generator.Models;
using Generator.Models.Input;
using Generator.Models.Output;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Generator.Helpers.Gear
    public static class GearChanceHelpers
        public static void CalculateModChances(Bot bot, List<Datum> baseBots)
            // TODO: Further split these counts by equipment slot? (ex. "FirstPrimaryWeapon", "Holster", etc.)

            var validSlots = new List<string> { "FirstPrimaryWeapon", "SecondPrimaryWeapon", "Holster", "Headwear" };

            var modCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            var slotCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            foreach (var baseBot in baseBots)
                var validParents = new List<string>();

                foreach (var inventoryItem in baseBot.Inventory.items)
                    if (validSlots.Contains(inventoryItem.slotId))
                    else if (validParents.Contains(inventoryItem.parentId))

                    var template = ItemTemplateHelper.GetTemplateById(inventoryItem._tpl);
                    var parentTemplate = ItemTemplateHelper.GetTemplateById(baseBot.Inventory.items.Single(i => i._id == inventoryItem.parentId)._tpl);

                    if ((inventoryItem.slotId?.StartsWith("mod_") ?? false) && (parentTemplate?._props?.Slots?.FirstOrDefault(s => s._name == inventoryItem.slotId)?._required ?? false))
                        if (modCounts.ContainsKey(inventoryItem.slotId))
                            modCounts.Add(inventoryItem.slotId, 1);

                    if ((template?._props?.Slots?.Count ?? 0) < 1)
                        // Item has no slots, nothing to count here

                    foreach (var slot in template._props.Slots.Where(s => s._name.StartsWith("mod_")))
                        if (slot._required)

                        if (slotCounts.ContainsKey(slot._name))
                            slotCounts.Add(slot._name, 1);
                // muzzleCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_muzzle");
                // barrelCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_barrel");
                // handguardCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_handguard");
                // stockCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_stock");
                // magazineCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_magazine");
                // mountCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_mount");
                // flashlightCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_flashlight");
                // tactical001Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_tactical_001");
                // tactical002Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_tactical_002");
                // tactical003Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_tactical_003");
                // mount000Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_mount_000");
                // pistolGripCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_pistol_grip");
                // tacticalCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_tactical");
                // scopeCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_scope");
                // recieverCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_reciever");
                // sightRearCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_sight_rear");
                // chargeCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_charge");
                // mount001Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_mount_001");
                // equipmentCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_equipment");
                // gasBlockCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_gas_block");
                // launcherCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_launcher");
                // sightFrontCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_sight_front");
                // stock000Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_stock_000");
                // foregripCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_foregrip");
                // tactical000Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_tactical_000");
                // nvgCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_nvg");
                // pistolGripAkmsCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_pistol_grip_akms");
                // stockAkmsCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_stock_akms");
                // equipment000Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_equipment_000");
                // equipment001Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_equipment_001");
                // equipment002Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_equipment_002");
                // bipodCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_bipod");
                // mount002Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_mount_002");
                // mount004Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_mount_004");
                // triggerCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_trigger");
                // hammerCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_hammer");
                // catchCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_catch");
                // stock001Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_stock_001");
                // muzzle000Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_muzzle_000");
                // mount003Count += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "mod_mount_003");

            bot.chances.mods = slotCounts.ToDictionary(
                kvp => kvp.Key,
                kvp => GetPercent(kvp.Value, modCounts.GetValueOrDefault(kvp.Key)));

        public static void AddGenerationChances(Bot bot)
            bot.generation = new GenerationChances(bot.inventory.items.SpecialLoot.Count, bot.inventory.items.SpecialLoot.Count, 1, 2, 0, 3, 2, 4, 0, 5); //TODO get dynamically
        public static void CalculateEquipmentChances(Bot bot, List<Datum> baseBots)
            // TODO: Convert to dynamic?
            var totalBotsCount = baseBots.Count;
            int headwearCount = 0, earCount = 0, faceCoverCount = 0, armorVestCount = 0, eyeWearCount = 0, armBandCount = 0,
                tacticalVestCount = 0, backpackCount = 0, firstPrimaryCount = 0, secondPrimaryCount = 0, holsterCount = 0,
                scabbardCount = 0, pocketsCount = 0, securedContainerCount = 0;

            foreach (var baseBot in baseBots)
                headwearCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "Headwear");
                earCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "Earpiece");
                faceCoverCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "FaceCover");
                armorVestCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "ArmorVest");
                eyeWearCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "Eyewear");
                armBandCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "ArmBand");
                tacticalVestCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "TacticalVest");
                backpackCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "Backpack");
                firstPrimaryCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "FirstPrimaryWeapon");
                secondPrimaryCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "SecondPrimaryWeapon");
                holsterCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "Holster");
                scabbardCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "Scabbard");
                pocketsCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "Pockets");
                securedContainerCount += baseBot.Inventory.items.Count(x => x.slotId == "SecuredContainer");

   = new EquipmentChances(
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, headwearCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, earCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, faceCoverCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, armorVestCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, eyeWearCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, armBandCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, tacticalVestCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, backpackCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, firstPrimaryCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, secondPrimaryCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, holsterCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, scabbardCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, pocketsCount),
                  GetPercent(totalBotsCount, securedContainerCount));

        private static int GetPercent(int total, int count)
            return ((200 * count) + 1) / (total * 2);