using Generator.Helpers; namespace Generator; internal static class Program { internal static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Create list of bots we want to process string[] botTypes = { "assault", "marksman", "pmcbot", "exusec", "bossbully", "bossgluhar", "bosskilla", "bosskojaniy", "bosssanitar", "bosstagilla", "bossknight", "bosszryachiy", "bossboar", "bossboarsniper", "followerbully", "followergluharassault", "followergluharscout", "followergluharsecurity", "followergluharsnipe", "followerkojaniy", "followersanitar", "followerstormtrooper", "followerbirdeye", "followerbigpipe", "followerzryachiy", "followerboar", // // "cursedassault", // // "sectantpriest", "sectantwarrior", "gifter", "arenafighterevent", "crazyassaultevent" }; // Read raw bot dumps and turn into c# objects var workingPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var dumpPath = $"{workingPath}//dumps"; var parsedBots = BotParser.ParseAsync(dumpPath, botTypes.ToHashSet()); if (parsedBots.Count == 0) { LoggingHelpers.LogToConsole("no bots found, unable to continue"); LoggingHelpers.LogToConsole("Check your dumps are in 'Generator\\bin\\Debug\\net6.0\\dumps' and start with 'resp.' NOT 'req.'"); return; } // Generate the base bot class with basic details (health/body part hp etc) and then append everything else var bots = BaseBotGenerator.GenerateBaseDetails(parsedBots, workingPath, botTypes) .AddGear(parsedBots) // Add weapons/armor .AddLoot(parsedBots) .AddChances(parsedBots); // Add mod/equipment chances // Output bot to json file var jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(workingPath, "output"); jsonWriter.WriteJson(bots.ToList()); } }