- Explicitly call x._props.value.ToString, as the (string) cast was failing for me - Switch QuestRewardItem.upd to a 'QuestRewardUpd' type instead of 'object' - Fix some quest names (Woods Cleaning, Revision P1/P2, Gunsmith P6/P8) - Update quest requirements to be closer to wiki
413 lines
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413 lines
18 KiB
using AssortGenerator.Common.Helpers;
using QuestValidator.Common;
using QuestValidator.Common.Helpers;
using QuestValidator.Common.Models;
using QuestValidator.Helpers;
using QuestValidator.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Quest = QuestValidator.Models.Quest;
namespace GenerateQuestFile
class Program
/// <summary>
/// Generate a quests.json file in /output/
/// Uses every quest from the live quest dump file
/// If any quests are missing, it will use the quests.json file to fill in the blanks
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
static void Main(string[] args)
var inputPath = DiskHelpers.CreateWorkingFolders();
// Read in quest files
var existingQuestData = QuestHelper.GetQuestData();
var liveQuestData = QuestHelper.GetLiveQuestData();
var mergedLiveData = QuestHelper.MergeLiveQuestFiles(liveQuestData);
JsonWriter.WriteJson<QuestRoot>(mergedLiveData, "output", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "mergedlivejson");
// Find the quests that are missing from the live file from existing quest data
var missingQuests = GetMissingQuestsNotInLiveFile(existingQuestData, mergedLiveData);
// Create a list of quests to output
// Use all quests in live file
// Use quests from quests.json to fill in missing quests
var questsToOutputToFile = new Dictionary<string, Quest>();
// Add live quests to collection to return later
foreach (var liveQuest in mergedLiveData.data)
questsToOutputToFile.Add(liveQuest._id, liveQuest);
// Add missing quests from existing quest data to fill in blanks from live data
foreach (var missingQuest in missingQuests)
// Going from a pre-12.7.x version has problems, it doesnt have the new quest data format
questsToOutputToFile.Add(missingQuest._id, missingQuest);
// Now old + new quests have been merged, check quest list to see if any quests are missing
foreach (var missingQuest in QuestNames.GetQuests())
if (!questsToOutputToFile.Any(x => x.Key == missingQuest.Value))
LoggingHelpers.LogWarning($" quest not found in new or old data: {missingQuest.Key}");
if (!questsToOutputToFile.ContainsKey("5e383a6386f77465910ce1f3")) // TextileP1Bear
// add textileP1Bear
if (!questsToOutputToFile.ContainsKey("5e4d515e86f77438b2195244")) // TextileP2Bear
// add TextileP2Bear
foreach (var quest in questsToOutputToFile)
var originalQuest = existingQuestData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == quest.Key).Value;
if (originalQuest is null)
LoggingHelpers.LogWarning($"Cant check for original start conditions. Unable to find original quest {quest.Key} {QuestHelper.GetQuestNameById(quest.Key)}, skipping.");
// Quest has start conditions, check to ensure they're carried over
if (originalQuest.conditions.AvailableForStart.Count > 0)
AddMissingAvailableForStartConditions(originalQuest, quest);
if (originalQuest.rewards.Fail.Count > 0)
AddMissingFailRewards(originalQuest, quest);
// Iterate over quest objects a final time and add hard coded quest requirements if they dont already exist
foreach (var quest in questsToOutputToFile)
var questRequirements = QuestRequirements.GetQuestRequirements(quest.Key);
if (questRequirements is null || questRequirements.Count == 0)
LoggingHelpers.LogWarning($"Quest requirement not found for : {quest.Value.QuestName}, skipping.");
foreach (var requirement in questRequirements)
if (requirement.PreReqType == PreRequisiteType.Quest)
// Does quest have requirement
if (!quest.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Any(x => x._parent == "Quest"
&& x._props.target.ToString() == requirement.Quest.Id))
LoggingHelpers.LogSuccess($"{quest.Value.QuestName} needs a prereq of quest {requirement.Quest.Name}, adding.");
quest.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Add(new AvailableFor
_parent = "Quest",
_props = new AvailableForProps
id = Sha256(new DateTime().ToString()),
index = quest.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Count,
parentId = "",
status = GetQuestStatus(requirement.QuestStatus),
target = requirement.Quest.Id,
visibilityConditions = new List<object>(),
availableAfter = 0
if (questRequirements != null)
LoggingHelpers.LogInfo($"{quest.Value.QuestName} already has prereq of quest {requirement.Quest.Name}, skipping.");
if (requirement.PreReqType == PreRequisiteType.RemoveQuest)
if (quest.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.RemoveAll(x =>
x._parent == "Quest" && x._props.target.ToString() == requirement.Quest.Id) > 0)
LoggingHelpers.LogSuccess($"{quest.Value.QuestName} required {requirement.Quest.Name}, removing.");
if (requirement.PreReqType == PreRequisiteType.Level)
if (!quest.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Any(x => x._parent == "Level"
&& int.Parse(x._props.value.ToString()) == requirement.Level))
LoggingHelpers.LogSuccess($"{quest.Value.QuestName} needs a prereq of level {requirement.Level}, adding.");
quest.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Add(new AvailableFor
_parent = "Level",
_props = new AvailableForProps
id = Sha256(new DateTime().ToString()),
index = quest.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Count,
parentId = "",
dynamicLocale = false,
value = requirement.Level,
compareMethod = ">=",
visibilityConditions = new List<object>()
if (requirement.PreReqType == PreRequisiteType.RemoveLevel)
if (quest.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.RemoveAll(x => x._parent == "Level") > 0)
LoggingHelpers.LogSuccess($"{quest.Value.QuestName} required level {requirement.Level}, removing.");
JsonWriter.WriteJson(questsToOutputToFile, "output", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "quests");
private static void OutputQuestRequirementsToConsole(List<Quest> quests)
var output = new List<string>();
foreach (var quest in quests)
var questConditions = quest.conditions.AvailableForStart.Where(x => x._parent == "Quest");
if (questConditions != null)
foreach (var questCondition in questConditions)
var x = questCondition._props.target.ToString();
Console.WriteLine($"{QuestHelper.GetQuestNameById(quest._id)} needs {QuestHelper.GetQuestNameById(x)}");
// JsonWriter.WriteJson<QuestRoot>(output, "output", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "questRequirements");
private static void OutputQuestRequirementsToConsole2(Dictionary<string, Quest> quests)
var output = new List<string>();
foreach (var quest in quests)
var questConditions = quest.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Where(x => x._parent == "Quest");
if (questConditions != null)
foreach (var questCondition in questConditions)
var x = questCondition._props.target.ToString();
Console.WriteLine($"{QuestHelper.GetQuestNameById(quest.Value._id)} needs {QuestHelper.GetQuestNameById(x)}");
// JsonWriter.WriteJson<QuestRoot>(output, "output", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "questRequirements");
private static int[] GetQuestStatus(QuestStatus status)
switch (status)
case QuestStatus.Started:
case QuestStatus.Success:
case QuestStatus.Fail:
return new int[] { (int)status };
case QuestStatus.StartedSuccess:
return new int[] { (int)QuestStatus.Started, (int)QuestStatus.Success };
case QuestStatus.SuccessFail:
return new int[] { (int)QuestStatus.Success, (int)QuestStatus.Fail };
throw new Exception($"Unable to process quest status {status}");
/// <summary>
/// Latest version of eft has changed the quest json structure, this method adds missing fields
/// Mega hack as we dont have a full dump as of 30/06/2022
/// </summary>
/// <param name="quest">quest to add missing fields to</param>
private static void AddMissingFields(KeyValuePair<string, Quest> quest)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(quest.Value.side))
quest.Value.side = "Pmc";
LoggingHelpers.LogInfo($"Updated quest {quest.Value.QuestName} to have a side of 'pmc'");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(quest.Value.changeQuestMessageText))
quest.Value.changeQuestMessageText = $"{quest.Value._id} changeQuestMessageText";
LoggingHelpers.LogInfo($"Updated quest {quest.Value.QuestName} to have a changeQuestMessageText value");
// findInRaid
foreach (var success in quest.Value.rewards.Success)
if (string.Equals(success.type, "item", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& success.findInRaid == null)
success.findInRaid = true;
LoggingHelpers.LogInfo($"Updated quest {quest.Value.QuestName} to have a success item reward findInRaid value of 'true'");
private static void AddMissingFailRewards(Quest originalQuest, KeyValuePair<string, Quest> quest)
foreach (var originalFailReward in originalQuest.rewards.Fail)
// already has a fail reward of same type and target, skip
if (quest.Value.rewards.Fail.Any(x => x.type == originalFailReward.type && x.target == originalFailReward.target))
/// <summary>
/// Check original quest for start conditions and if missing from new quest, add them
/// </summary>
/// <param name="originalQuest"></param>
/// <param name="questToUpdate">quest to add to output json</param>
private static void AddMissingAvailableForStartConditions(Quest originalQuest, KeyValuePair<string, Quest> questToUpdate)
// Iterate over quest requirements in existing quest file
foreach (var questRequirementToAdd in originalQuest.conditions.AvailableForStart.ToList())
//Exists already, skip
//if (questToUpdate.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Any(
// x => x._parent == questRequirementToAdd._parent
// && x._props.target?.ToString() == questRequirementToAdd._props.target?.ToString())
// )
// continue;
if (questToUpdate.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Any(x => string.Equals(x._parent, "quest", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
if (questRequirementToAdd._parent == "Quest")
LoggingHelpers.LogInfo($"Quest {questToUpdate.Value.QuestName} missing AvailableForStart quest requirement, adding prereq of {questRequirementToAdd._props.target} {QuestHelper.GetQuestNameById(questRequirementToAdd._props.target?.ToString())}");
questRequirementToAdd._props.id = Sha256(new DateTime().ToString());
if (!questRequirementToAdd._props.availableAfter.HasValue)
questRequirementToAdd._props.availableAfter = 0;
if (questRequirementToAdd._props.visibilityConditions == null || !questRequirementToAdd._props.visibilityConditions.Any())
questRequirementToAdd._props.visibilityConditions = new List<object>();
questRequirementToAdd._props.index = questToUpdate.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Count;
// Already exists, skip
if (questToUpdate.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart
.Any(x => x._props.target?.ToString() == questRequirementToAdd._props.target?.ToString()
&& x._parent == questRequirementToAdd._parent))
if (questToUpdate.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Count(x => x._parent == "Quest") > 1)
LoggingHelpers.LogWarning($"Quest {questToUpdate.Value.QuestName} has {questToUpdate.Value.conditions.AvailableForStart.Count(x => x._parent == "Quest")} quest prereqs, is this correct?");
/// <summary>
/// Get a bsg happy guid, must be 24 chars long
/// </summary>
/// <param name="randomSalt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static string Sha256(string randomSalt)
var crypt = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed();
var hash = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
byte[] crypto = crypt.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(randomSalt));
foreach (byte theByte in crypto)
return hash.ToString().Substring(0, 24);
/// <summary>
/// Look up the quests name by guid and add human readable string to quest object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="quest"></param>
private static void AddQuestName(KeyValuePair<string, Quest> quest)
var questName = QuestHelper.GetQuestNameById(quest.Value._id); // special characters like ", brake the client when it parses it, gotta remove
var rgx = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]");
quest.Value.QuestName = rgx.Replace(questName, "");
/// <summary>
/// Loop over live quests and use if it exists, otherwise use existing data
/// </summary>
private static List<Quest> GetMissingQuestsNotInLiveFile(Dictionary<string, Quest> existingQuests, QuestRoot liveQuestData)
var missingQuestsToReturn = new List<Quest>();
foreach (var quest in existingQuests.Values)
var liveQuest = liveQuestData.data.Find(x => x._id == quest._id);
if (liveQuest is null)
LoggingHelpers.LogError($"ERROR Quest {quest._id} {QuestHelper.GetQuestNameById(quest._id)} missing in live file. Will use fallback quests.json");
LoggingHelpers.LogSuccess($"SUCCESS Quest {quest._id} {QuestHelper.GetQuestNameById(quest._id)} found in live file.");
return missingQuestsToReturn;