diff --git a/TypeScript/13AddTrader/db/base.json b/TypeScript/13AddTrader/db/base.json
index 6e10865..cff5ccd 100644
--- a/TypeScript/13AddTrader/db/base.json
+++ b/TypeScript/13AddTrader/db/base.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     "customization_seller": false,
     "name": "Cat",
     "surname": " ",
-    "nickname": "Cat",
+    "nickname": "Maxwell",
     "location": "Here is the cat shop",
     "avatar": "/files/trader/avatar/cat.jpg",
     "balance_rub": 5000000,
diff --git a/TypeScript/13AddTrader/src/mod.ts b/TypeScript/13AddTrader/src/mod.ts
index 2702695..7c973d5 100644
--- a/TypeScript/13AddTrader/src/mod.ts
+++ b/TypeScript/13AddTrader/src/mod.ts
@@ -9,19 +9,18 @@ import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
 import { ImageRouter } from "@spt-aki/routers/ImageRouter";
 import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
 import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
-import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
-import { ITraderConfig, UpdateTime } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
+import { ITraderConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
 import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil";
-import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
-import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
-import { Money } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Money";
 // New trader settings
 import * as baseJson from "../db/base.json";
+import { TraderHelper } from "./traderHelpers";
-class SampleTrader implements IPreAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod {
-    mod: string
-    logger: ILogger
+class SampleTrader implements IPreAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod
+    private mod: string
+    private logger: ILogger
+    private traderHeper: TraderHelper
     constructor() {
         this.mod = "13AddTrader"; // Set name of mod so we can log it to console later
@@ -31,19 +30,23 @@ class SampleTrader implements IPreAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod {
      * Some work needs to be done prior to SPT code being loaded, registering the profile image + setting trader update time inside the trader config json
      * @param container Dependency container
-    public preAkiLoad(container: DependencyContainer): void {
+    public preAkiLoad(container: DependencyContainer): void
+    {
+        // Get a logger
         this.logger = container.resolve<ILogger>("WinstonLogger");
         this.logger.debug(`[${this.mod}] preAki Loading... `);
+        // Get SPT code/data we need later
         const preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader = container.resolve<PreAkiModLoader>("PreAkiModLoader");
         const imageRouter: ImageRouter = container.resolve<ImageRouter>("ImageRouter");
         const configServer = container.resolve<ConfigServer>("ConfigServer");
         const traderConfig: ITraderConfig = configServer.getConfig<ITraderConfig>(ConfigTypes.TRADER);
-        this.registerProfileImage(preAkiModLoader, imageRouter);
-        this.setupTraderUpdateTime(traderConfig);
+        // Create helper class and use it to register our traders image/icon + set its stock refresh time
+        this.traderHeper = new TraderHelper();
+        this.traderHeper.registerProfileImage(baseJson, this.mod, preAkiModLoader, imageRouter, "cat.jpg");
+        this.traderHeper.setTraderUpdateTime(traderConfig, baseJson, 3600);
         this.logger.debug(`[${this.mod}] preAki Loaded`);
@@ -51,210 +54,33 @@ class SampleTrader implements IPreAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod {
      * Majority of trader-related work occurs after the aki database has been loaded but prior to SPT code being run
      * @param container Dependency container
-    public postDBLoad(container: DependencyContainer): void {
+    public postDBLoad(container: DependencyContainer): void
+    {
         this.logger.debug(`[${this.mod}] postDb Loading... `);
         // Resolve SPT classes we'll use
         const databaseServer: DatabaseServer = container.resolve<DatabaseServer>("DatabaseServer");
         const configServer: ConfigServer = container.resolve<ConfigServer>("ConfigServer");
-        const traderConfig: ITraderConfig = configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.TRADER);
         const jsonUtil: JsonUtil = container.resolve<JsonUtil>("JsonUtil");
         // Get a reference to the database tables
         const tables = databaseServer.getTables();
-        // Add new trader to the trader dictionary in DatabaseServer
-        this.addTraderToDb(baseJson, tables, jsonUtil);
+        // Add new trader to the trader dictionary in DatabaseServer - has no assorts (items) yet
+        this.traderHeper.addTraderToDb(baseJson, tables, jsonUtil);
-        this.addTraderToLocales(tables, baseJson.name, "Cat", baseJson.nickname, baseJson.location, "This is the cat shop");
+        // Add some singular items to trader (items without sub-items e.g. milk/bandage)
+        this.traderHeper.addSingleItemsToTrader(tables, baseJson._id);
+        // Add more complex items to trader (items with sub-items, e.g. guns)
+        this.traderHeper.addComplexItemsToTrader(tables, baseJson._id, jsonUtil);
+        // Add trader to locale file, ensures trader text shows properly on screen
+        // WARNING: adds the same text to ALL locales (e.g. chinese/french/english)
+        this.traderHeper.addTraderToLocales(baseJson, tables, baseJson.name, "Cat", baseJson.nickname, baseJson.location, "This is the cat shop");
         this.logger.debug(`[${this.mod}] postDb Loaded`);
-    /**
-     * Add profile picture to our trader
-     * @param preAkiModLoader mod loader class - used to get the mods file path
-     * @param imageRouter image router class - used to register the trader image path so we see their image on trader page
-     */
-    private registerProfileImage(preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, imageRouter: ImageRouter): void
-    {
-        // Reference the mod "res" folder
-        const imageFilepath = `./${preAkiModLoader.getModPath(this.mod)}res`;
-        // Register a route to point to the profile picture
-        imageRouter.addRoute(baseJson.avatar.replace(".jpg", ""), `${imageFilepath}/cat.jpg`);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add record to trader config to set the refresh time of trader in seconds (default is 60 minutes)
-     * @param traderConfig trader config to add our trader to
-     */
-    private setupTraderUpdateTime(traderConfig: ITraderConfig): void
-    {
-        // Add refresh time in seconds to config
-        const traderRefreshRecord: UpdateTime = { traderId: baseJson._id, seconds: 3600 }
-        traderConfig.updateTime.push(traderRefreshRecord);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add our new trader to the database
-     * @param traderDetailsToAdd trader details
-     * @param tables database
-     * @param jsonUtil json utility class
-     */
-// rome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: traderDetailsToAdd comes from base.json, so no type
-private  addTraderToDb(traderDetailsToAdd: any, tables: IDatabaseTables, jsonUtil: JsonUtil): void
-    {
-        // Add trader to trader table, key is the traders id
-        tables.traders[traderDetailsToAdd._id] = {
-            assort: this.createAssortTable(tables, jsonUtil), // assorts are the 'offers' trader sells, can be a single item (e.g. carton of milk) or multiple items as a collection (e.g. a gun)
-            base: jsonUtil.deserialize(jsonUtil.serialize(traderDetailsToAdd)) as ITraderBase,
-            questassort: {
-                started: {},
-                success: {},
-                fail: {}
-            } // Empty object as trader has no assorts unlocked by quests
-        };
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create assorts for trader and add milk and a gun to it
-     * @returns ITraderAssort
-     */
-    private createAssortTable(tables: IDatabaseTables, jsonUtil: JsonUtil): ITraderAssort
-    {
-        // Create a blank assort object, ready to have items added
-        const assortTable: ITraderAssort = {
-            nextResupply: 0,
-            items: [],
-            barter_scheme: {},
-            loyal_level_items: {}
-        }
-        const MILK_ID = "575146b724597720a27126d5"; // Can find item ids in `database\templates\items.json`
-        // View function documentation for what all the parameters are
-        this.addSingleItemToAssort(assortTable, MILK_ID, true, 9999999, 1, Money.ROUBLES, 1);
-        // Get the mp133 preset and add to the traders assort (Could make your own Items[] array, doesnt have to be presets)
-        const mp133GunPreset = tables.globals.ItemPresets["584148f2245977598f1ad387"]._items;
-        this.addCollectionToAssort(jsonUtil, assortTable, mp133GunPreset, false, 5, 1, Money.ROUBLES, 500);
-        return assortTable;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add item to assortTable + barter scheme + loyalty level objects
-     * @param assortTable trader assorts to add item to
-     * @param itemTpl Items tpl to add to traders assort
-     * @param unlimitedCount Can an unlimited number of this item be purchased from trader
-     * @param stackCount Total size of item stack trader sells
-     * @param loyaltyLevel Loyalty level item can be purchased at
-     * @param currencyType What currency does item sell for
-     * @param currencyValue Amount of currency item can be purchased for
-     */
-    private addSingleItemToAssort(assortTable: ITraderAssort, itemTpl: string, unlimitedCount: boolean, stackCount: number, loyaltyLevel: number, currencyType: Money, currencyValue: number)
-    {
-        // Define item in the table
-        const newItem: Item = {
-            _id: itemTpl,
-            _tpl: itemTpl,
-            parentId: "hideout",
-            slotId: "hideout",
-            upd: {
-                UnlimitedCount: unlimitedCount,
-                StackObjectsCount: stackCount
-            }
-        };
-        assortTable.items.push(newItem);
-        // Barter scheme holds the cost of the item + the currency needed (doesnt need to be currency, can be any item, this is how barter traders are made)
-        assortTable.barter_scheme[itemTpl] = [
-            [
-                {
-                    count: currencyValue,
-                    _tpl: currencyType
-                }
-            ]
-        ];
-        // Set loyalty level needed to unlock item
-        assortTable.loyal_level_items[itemTpl] = loyaltyLevel;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add a complex item to trader assort (item with child items)
-     * @param assortTable trader assorts to add items to
-     * @param jsonUtil JSON utility class
-     * @param items Items array to add to assort
-     * @param unlimitedCount Can an unlimited number of this item be purchased from trader
-     * @param stackCount Total size of item stack trader sells
-     * @param loyaltyLevel Loyalty level item can be purchased at
-     * @param currencyType What currency does item sell for
-     * @param currencyValue Amount of currency item can be purchased for
-     */
-    private addCollectionToAssort(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, assortTable: ITraderAssort, items: Item[], unlimitedCount: boolean, stackCount: number, loyaltyLevel: number, currencyType: Money, currencyValue: number): void
-    {
-        // Deserialize and serialize to ensure we dont alter the original data
-        const collectionToAdd: Item[] = jsonUtil.deserialize(jsonUtil.serialize(items));
-        // Update item base with values needed to make item sellable by trader
-        collectionToAdd[0].upd = {
-            UnlimitedCount: unlimitedCount,
-            StackObjectsCount: stackCount
-        }
-        collectionToAdd[0].parentId = "hideout";
-        collectionToAdd[0].slotId = "hideout";
-        // Push all the items into the traders assort table
-        assortTable.items.push(...collectionToAdd);
-        // Barter scheme holds the cost of the item + the currency needed (doesnt need to be currency, can be any item, this is how barter traders are made)
-        assortTable.barter_scheme[collectionToAdd[0]._id] = [
-            [
-                {
-                    count: currencyValue,
-                    _tpl: currencyType
-                }
-            ]
-        ];
-        // Set loyalty level needed to unlock item
-        assortTable.loyal_level_items[collectionToAdd[0]._id] = loyaltyLevel;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add traders name/location/description to the locale table
-     * @param tables database tables
-     * @param fullName fullname of trader
-     * @param firstName first name of trader
-     * @param nickName nickname of trader
-     * @param location location of trader
-     * @param description description of trader
-     */
-    private addTraderToLocales(tables: IDatabaseTables, fullName: string, firstName: string, nickName: string, location: string, description: string)
-    {
-        // For each language, add locale for the new trader
-        const locales = Object.values(tables.locales.global) as Record<string, string>[];
-        for (const locale of locales) {
-            locale[`${baseJson._id} FullName`] = fullName;
-            locale[`${baseJson._id} FirstName`] = firstName;
-            locale[`${baseJson._id} Nickname`] = nickName;
-            locale[`${baseJson._id} Location`] = location;
-            locale[`${baseJson._id} Description`] = description;
-        }
-    }
-    private addItemToLocales(tables: IDatabaseTables, itemTpl: string, name: string, shortName: string, Description: string)
-    {
-        // For each language, add locale for the new trader
-        const locales = Object.values(tables.locales.global) as Record<string, string>[];
-        for (const locale of locales) {
-            locale[`${itemTpl} Name`] = name;
-            locale[`${itemTpl} ShortName`] = shortName;
-            locale[`${itemTpl} Description`] = Description;
-        }
-    }
 module.exports = { mod: new SampleTrader() }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TypeScript/13AddTrader/src/traderHelpers.ts b/TypeScript/13AddTrader/src/traderHelpers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b65e3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TypeScript/13AddTrader/src/traderHelpers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+import { PreAkiModLoader } from "@spt-aki/loaders/PreAkiModLoader";
+import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
+import { ITraderBase, ITraderAssort } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
+import { Money } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Money";
+import { ITraderConfig, UpdateTime } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
+import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
+import { ImageRouter } from "@spt-aki/routers/ImageRouter";
+import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil";
+export class TraderHelper
+     /**
+     * Add profile picture to our trader
+     * @param baseJson json file for trader (db/base.json)
+     * @param preAkiModLoader mod loader class - used to get the mods file path
+     * @param imageRouter image router class - used to register the trader image path so we see their image on trader page
+     * @param traderImageName Filename of the trader icon to use
+     */
+     public registerProfileImage(baseJson: any, modName: string, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, imageRouter: ImageRouter, traderImageName: string): void
+     {
+         // Reference the mod "res" folder
+         const imageFilepath = `./${preAkiModLoader.getModPath(modName)}res`;
+         // Register a route to point to the profile picture - remember to remove the .jpg from it
+         imageRouter.addRoute(baseJson.avatar.replace(".jpg", ""), `${imageFilepath}/${traderImageName}`);
+     }
+    /**
+     * Add record to trader config to set the refresh time of trader in seconds (default is 60 minutes)
+     * @param traderConfig trader config to add our trader to
+     * @param baseJson json file for trader (db/base.json)
+     * @param refreshTimeSeconds How many sections between trader stock refresh
+     */
+    public setTraderUpdateTime(traderConfig: ITraderConfig, baseJson: any, refreshTimeSeconds: number): void
+    {
+        // Add refresh time in seconds to config
+        const traderRefreshRecord: UpdateTime = {
+            traderId: baseJson._id,
+            seconds: refreshTimeSeconds };
+        traderConfig.updateTime.push(traderRefreshRecord);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add our new trader to the database
+     * @param traderDetailsToAdd trader details
+     * @param tables database
+     * @param jsonUtil json utility class
+     */
+    // rome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: traderDetailsToAdd comes from base.json, so no type
+    public addTraderToDb(traderDetailsToAdd: any, tables: IDatabaseTables, jsonUtil: JsonUtil): void
+    {
+        // Add trader to trader table, key is the traders id
+        tables.traders[traderDetailsToAdd._id] = {
+            assort: this.createAssortTable(), // assorts are the 'offers' trader sells, can be a single item (e.g. carton of milk) or multiple items as a collection (e.g. a gun)
+            base: jsonUtil.deserialize(jsonUtil.serialize(traderDetailsToAdd)) as ITraderBase, // Deserialise/serialise creates a copy of the json and allows us to cast it as an ITraderBase
+            questassort: {
+                started: {},
+                success: {},
+                fail: {}
+            } // questassort is empty as trader has no assorts unlocked by quests
+        };
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create basic data for trader + add empty assorts table for trader
+     * @param tables SPT db
+     * @param jsonUtil SPT JSON utility class
+     * @returns ITraderAssort
+     */
+    private createAssortTable(): ITraderAssort
+    {
+        // Create a blank assort object, ready to have items added
+        const assortTable: ITraderAssort = {
+            nextResupply: 0,
+            items: [],
+            barter_scheme: {},
+            loyal_level_items: {}
+        }
+        return assortTable;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add basic items to trader
+     * @param tables SPT db
+     * @param traderId Traders id (basejson/_id value)
+     */
+    public addSingleItemsToTrader(tables: IDatabaseTables, traderId: string)
+    {
+        // Get the table that can hold our new items
+        const traderAssortTable = tables.traders[traderId].assort
+        // Add milk, unlimited stock for 1 rouble with no buy restrictions
+        const MILK_ID = "575146b724597720a27126d5"; // Can find item ids in `database\templates\items.json` or with https://db.sp-tarkov.com/search
+        this.addSingleItemToAssort(traderAssortTable, MILK_ID, true, 9999999, 1, Money.ROUBLES, 1, false, 0);
+        // Add salewa with 50 stock for 500 dollars + buy restriction of 2 per refresh
+        const SALEWA_ID = "544fb45d4bdc2dee738b4568";
+        this.addSingleItemToAssort(traderAssortTable, SALEWA_ID, false, 50, 1, Money.DOLLARS, 500, true, 2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add items with sub items to trader
+     * @param tables SPT db
+     * @param traderId Traders id (basejson/_id value)
+     * @param jsonUtil SPT JSON utility class
+     */
+    public addComplexItemsToTrader(tables: IDatabaseTables, traderId: string, jsonUtil: JsonUtil)
+    {
+        // Get the table that can hold our new items
+        const traderAssortTable = tables.traders[traderId].assort
+        // Get the mp133 preset and add to the traders assort (Could make your own Items[] array, doesn't have to be from presets)
+        const mp133GunPreset = tables.globals.ItemPresets["584148f2245977598f1ad387"]._items;
+        this.addItemWithSubItemsToAssort(jsonUtil, traderAssortTable, mp133GunPreset, false, 5, 1, Money.ROUBLES, 500, false, 0);
+        // Create a pistol with some mods + add to trader
+        const customGlock17 = this.createGlock();
+        this.addItemWithSubItemsToAssort(jsonUtil, traderAssortTable, customGlock17, true, 69, 1, Money.EUROS, 5, true, 2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a weapon from scratch, ready to be added to trader
+     * @returns Item[]
+     */
+    private createGlock(): Item[]
+    {
+        // Create an array ready to hold weapon + all mods
+        const glock: Item[] = [];
+        // Add the base first
+        glock.push({ // Add the base weapon first
+            _id: "glockBase", // Ids dont matter, as long as they are unique (can use hashUtil.generate() if you dont want to type every id by hand)
+            _tpl: "5a7ae0c351dfba0017554310" // This is the weapons tpl, found on: https://db.sp-tarkov.com/search
+        });
+        // Add barrel
+        glock.push({
+            _id: "glockbarrel",
+            _tpl: "5a6b60158dc32e000a31138b",
+            parentId: "glockBase", // This is a sub item, you need to define its parent its attached to / inserted into
+            slotId: "mod_barrel" // Required for mods, you need to define what 'role' they have
+        });
+        // Add reciever
+        glock.push({
+            _id: "glockReciever",
+            _tpl:"5a9685b1a2750c0032157104",
+            parentId: "glockBase",
+            slotId: "mod_reciever"
+        });
+         // Add compensator
+         glock.push({
+            _id: "glockCompensator",
+            _tpl:"5a7b32a2e899ef00135e345a",
+            parentId: "glockReciever", // The parent of this mod is the reciever NOT weapon, be careful to get the correct parent
+            slotId: "mod_muzzle"
+        });
+        // Add Pistol grip
+        glock.push({
+            _id: "glockPistolGrip",
+            _tpl:"5a7b4960e899ef197b331a2d",
+            parentId: "glockBase",
+            slotId: "mod_pistol_grip"
+        });
+        // Add front sight
+        glock.push({
+            _id: "glockRearSight",
+            _tpl: "5a6f5d528dc32e00094b97d9",
+            parentId: "glockReciever",
+            slotId: "mod_sight_rear"
+        });
+        // Add rear sight
+        glock.push({
+            _id: "glockFrontSight",
+            _tpl: "5a6f58f68dc32e000a311390",
+            parentId: "glockReciever",
+            slotId: "mod_sight_front"
+        });
+        // Add magazine
+        glock.push({
+            _id: "glockMagazine",
+            _tpl: "630769c4962d0247b029dc60",
+            parentId: "glockBase",
+            slotId: "mod_magazine"
+        });
+        return glock;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add item to assortTable + barter scheme + loyalty level objects
+     * @param assortTable Trader assorts to add item to
+     * @param itemTpl Items tpl to add to traders assort
+     * @param unlimitedCount Can an unlimited number of this item be purchased from trader
+     * @param stackCount Total size of item stack trader sells
+     * @param loyaltyLevel Loyalty level item can be purchased at
+     * @param currencyType What currency does item sell for
+     * @param currencyValue Amount of currency item can be purchased for
+     * @param hasBuyRestriction Does the item have a max purchase amount
+     * @param buyRestrictionMax How many times can item be purchased per trader refresh
+     */
+    private addSingleItemToAssort(assortTable: ITraderAssort, itemTpl: string, unlimitedCount: boolean, stackCount: number, loyaltyLevel: number, currencyType: Money, currencyValue: number, hasBuyRestriction: boolean, buyRestrictionMax: number)
+    {
+        // Create item ready for insertion into assort table
+        const newItemToAdd: Item = {
+            _id: itemTpl,
+            _tpl: itemTpl,
+            parentId: "hideout", // Should always be "hideout"
+            slotId: "hideout", // Should always be "hideout"
+            upd: {
+                UnlimitedCount: unlimitedCount,
+                StackObjectsCount: stackCount
+            }
+        };
+        // Items can have a buy restriction per trader refresh cycle, optional
+        if(hasBuyRestriction)
+        {
+            newItemToAdd.upd.BuyRestrictionMax = buyRestrictionMax;
+            newItemToAdd.upd.BuyRestrictionCurrent = 0;
+        }
+        assortTable.items.push(newItemToAdd);
+        // Barter scheme holds the cost of the item + the currency needed (doesnt need to be currency, can be any item, this is how barter traders are made)
+        assortTable.barter_scheme[itemTpl] = [
+            [
+                {
+                    count: currencyValue,
+                    _tpl: currencyType
+                }
+            ]
+        ];
+        // Set loyalty level needed to unlock item
+        assortTable.loyal_level_items[itemTpl] = loyaltyLevel;
+    }
+        /**
+         * Add a complex item to trader assort (item with child items)
+         * @param assortTable trader assorts to add items to
+         * @param jsonUtil JSON utility class
+         * @param items Items array to add to assort
+         * @param unlimitedCount Can an unlimited number of this item be purchased from trader
+         * @param stackCount Total size of item stack trader sells
+         * @param loyaltyLevel Loyalty level item can be purchased at
+         * @param currencyType What currency does item sell for
+         * @param currencyValue Amount of currency item can be purchased for
+         * @param hasBuyRestriction Does the item have a max purchase amount
+         * @param buyRestrictionMax How many times can item be purchased per trader refresh
+         */
+        private addItemWithSubItemsToAssort(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, assortTable: ITraderAssort, items: Item[], unlimitedCount: boolean, stackCount: number, loyaltyLevel: number, currencyType: Money, currencyValue: number, hasBuyRestriction: boolean, buyRestrictionMax: number): void
+        {
+            // Deserialize and serialize to ensure we dont alter the original data (clone it)
+            const collectionToAdd: Item[] = jsonUtil.deserialize(jsonUtil.serialize(items));
+            // Create upd object if its missing
+            if (!collectionToAdd[0].upd)
+            {
+                collectionToAdd[0].upd = {};
+            }
+            // Update item base with values needed to make item sellable by trader
+            collectionToAdd[0].upd = {
+                UnlimitedCount: unlimitedCount,
+                StackObjectsCount: stackCount
+            }
+            // Items can have a buy restriction per trader refresh cycle, optional
+            if(hasBuyRestriction)
+            {
+                collectionToAdd[0].upd.BuyRestrictionMax = buyRestrictionMax;
+                collectionToAdd[0].upd.BuyRestrictionCurrent = 0;
+            }
+            // First item should always have both properties set to 'hideout'
+            collectionToAdd[0].parentId = "hideout";
+            collectionToAdd[0].slotId = "hideout";
+            // Push all the items into the traders assort table
+            assortTable.items.push(...collectionToAdd);
+            // Barter scheme holds the cost of the item + the currency needed (doesnt need to be currency, can be any item, this is how barter traders are made)
+            assortTable.barter_scheme[collectionToAdd[0]._id] = [
+                [
+                    {
+                        count: currencyValue,
+                        _tpl: currencyType
+                    }
+                ]
+            ];
+            // Set loyalty level needed to unlock item
+            assortTable.loyal_level_items[collectionToAdd[0]._id] = loyaltyLevel;
+        }
+     /**
+     * Add traders name/location/description to the locale table
+     * @param baseJson json file for trader (db/base.json)
+     * @param tables database tables
+     * @param fullName Complete name of trader
+     * @param firstName First name of trader
+     * @param nickName Nickname of trader
+     * @param location Location of trader (e.g. "Here in the cat shop")
+     * @param description Description of trader
+     */
+    public addTraderToLocales(baseJson: any, tables: IDatabaseTables, fullName: string, firstName: string, nickName: string, location: string, description: string)
+    {
+        // For each language, add locale for the new trader
+        const locales = Object.values(tables.locales.global) as Record<string, string>[];
+        for (const locale of locales) {
+            locale[`${baseJson._id} FullName`] = fullName;
+            locale[`${baseJson._id} FirstName`] = firstName;
+            locale[`${baseJson._id} Nickname`] = nickName;
+            locale[`${baseJson._id} Location`] = location;
+            locale[`${baseJson._id} Description`] = description;
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TypeScript/6ReferenceAnotherClass/src/mod.ts b/TypeScript/6ReferenceAnotherClass/src/mod.ts
index cddc4dd..b114e0a 100644
--- a/TypeScript/6ReferenceAnotherClass/src/mod.ts
+++ b/TypeScript/6ReferenceAnotherClass/src/mod.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { DependencyContainer } from "tsyringe";
 import { IPostAkiLoadMod } from "@spt-aki/models/external/IPostAkiLoadMod";
 import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
-import {MoreCode } from "./MoreCode";
+import { MoreCode } from "./MoreCode";
 class Mod implements IPostAkiLoadMod