Update types
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class GameController {
export declare class GameController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
@ -48,7 +52,9 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle client/game/start
* Handle client/game/start
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected flagAllItemsInDbAsSellableOnFlea(): void;
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* TODO - add body part HP regen
* TODO - add body part HP regen
@ -118,9 +125,14 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* @param pmcProfile
* @param pmcProfile Profile of player to get name from
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* Check for a dialog with the key 'undefined', and remove it
* @param fullProfile Profile to check for dialog in
protected checkForAndRemoveUndefinedDialogs(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @returns Nickname for bot
* @returns Nickname for bot
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string): string;
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string, sessionId: string): string;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
* Get the dialogs dictionary for a profile, create if doesnt exist
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @returns Dialog dictionary
getDialogsForProfile(sessionId: string): Record<string, Dialogue>;
@ -58,16 +58,12 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Apply bonus to player profile given after completing hideout upgrades
* After looking at the skills there doesnt seem to be a configuration per skill to boost
* @param pmcData Profile to add bonus to
* the XP gain PER skill. I THINK you should be able to put the variable "SkillProgress" (just like health has it)
* @param bonus Bonus to add to profile
* and be able to tune the skill gain PER skill, but I havent tested it and Im not sure!
* @param pmcData
* @param bonus
protected applySkillXPBoost(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param sessionID Session id
@ -83,6 +79,7 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
* Update progress timer for water collector
* Update progress timer for water collector
* @param pmcData profile to update
* @param pmcData profile to update
@ -141,9 +138,8 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
}): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param traderID trader id to reset
* @param traderID trader id to reset
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number;
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* @param traderId Trader to alter
* @param traderId Trader to alter
@ -113,4 +115,10 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @returns Traders key
* @returns Traders key
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
* Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter
* @param value Value to check for
* @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value
traderEnumHasValue(value: string): boolean;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader {
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record<string, boolean>): number;
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface TemplateSide {
character: IPmcData;
character: IPmcData;
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface IAkiProfile {
characters: Characters;
characters: Characters;
/** Clothing purchases */
/** Clothing purchases */
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
aki: Aki;
aki: Aki;
vitality: Vitality;
vitality: Vitality;
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ export interface IPmcConfig {
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
addPrefixToSameNamePMCAsPlayerChance: number;
allPMCsHavePlayerNameWithRandomPrefixChance: number;
export interface PmcTypes {
export interface PmcTypes {
usec: string;
usec: string;
@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ import { I18n } from "i18n";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
export declare class LocalisationService {
export declare class LocalisationService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected i18n: I18n;
protected i18n: I18n;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
@ -25,4 +27,10 @@ export declare class LocalisationService {
* @returns string array of keys
* @returns string array of keys
getKeys(): string[];
getKeys(): string[];
* From the provided partial key, find all keys that start with text and choose a random match
* @param partialKey Key to match locale keys on
* @returns locale text
getRandomTextThatMatchesPartialKey(partialKey: string): string;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { DialogueHelper } from "../helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
@ -19,11 +20,12 @@ export declare class MailSendService {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class GameController {
export declare class GameController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
@ -48,7 +52,9 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle client/game/start
* Handle client/game/start
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected flagAllItemsInDbAsSellableOnFlea(): void;
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* TODO - add body part HP regen
* TODO - add body part HP regen
@ -118,9 +125,14 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* @param pmcProfile
* @param pmcProfile Profile of player to get name from
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* Check for a dialog with the key 'undefined', and remove it
* @param fullProfile Profile to check for dialog in
protected checkForAndRemoveUndefinedDialogs(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @returns Nickname for bot
* @returns Nickname for bot
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string): string;
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string, sessionId: string): string;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
* Get the dialogs dictionary for a profile, create if doesnt exist
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @returns Dialog dictionary
getDialogsForProfile(sessionId: string): Record<string, Dialogue>;
@ -58,16 +58,12 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Apply bonus to player profile given after completing hideout upgrades
* After looking at the skills there doesnt seem to be a configuration per skill to boost
* @param pmcData Profile to add bonus to
* the XP gain PER skill. I THINK you should be able to put the variable "SkillProgress" (just like health has it)
* @param bonus Bonus to add to profile
* and be able to tune the skill gain PER skill, but I havent tested it and Im not sure!
* @param pmcData
* @param bonus
protected applySkillXPBoost(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param sessionID Session id
@ -83,6 +79,7 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
* Update progress timer for water collector
* Update progress timer for water collector
* @param pmcData profile to update
* @param pmcData profile to update
@ -141,9 +138,8 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
}): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param traderID trader id to reset
* @param traderID trader id to reset
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number;
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* @param traderId Trader to alter
* @param traderId Trader to alter
@ -113,4 +115,10 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @returns Traders key
* @returns Traders key
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
* Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter
* @param value Value to check for
* @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value
traderEnumHasValue(value: string): boolean;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader {
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record<string, boolean>): number;
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface TemplateSide {
character: IPmcData;
character: IPmcData;
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface IAkiProfile {
characters: Characters;
characters: Characters;
/** Clothing purchases */
/** Clothing purchases */
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
aki: Aki;
aki: Aki;
vitality: Vitality;
vitality: Vitality;
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ export interface IPmcConfig {
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
addPrefixToSameNamePMCAsPlayerChance: number;
allPMCsHavePlayerNameWithRandomPrefixChance: number;
export interface PmcTypes {
export interface PmcTypes {
usec: string;
usec: string;
@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ import { I18n } from "i18n";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
export declare class LocalisationService {
export declare class LocalisationService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected i18n: I18n;
protected i18n: I18n;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
@ -25,4 +27,10 @@ export declare class LocalisationService {
* @returns string array of keys
* @returns string array of keys
getKeys(): string[];
getKeys(): string[];
* From the provided partial key, find all keys that start with text and choose a random match
* @param partialKey Key to match locale keys on
* @returns locale text
getRandomTextThatMatchesPartialKey(partialKey: string): string;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { DialogueHelper } from "../helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
@ -19,11 +20,12 @@ export declare class MailSendService {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class GameController {
export declare class GameController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
@ -48,7 +52,9 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle client/game/start
* Handle client/game/start
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected flagAllItemsInDbAsSellableOnFlea(): void;
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* TODO - add body part HP regen
* TODO - add body part HP regen
@ -118,9 +125,14 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* @param pmcProfile
* @param pmcProfile Profile of player to get name from
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* Check for a dialog with the key 'undefined', and remove it
* @param fullProfile Profile to check for dialog in
protected checkForAndRemoveUndefinedDialogs(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @returns Nickname for bot
* @returns Nickname for bot
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string): string;
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string, sessionId: string): string;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
* Get the dialogs dictionary for a profile, create if doesnt exist
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @returns Dialog dictionary
getDialogsForProfile(sessionId: string): Record<string, Dialogue>;
@ -58,16 +58,12 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Apply bonus to player profile given after completing hideout upgrades
* After looking at the skills there doesnt seem to be a configuration per skill to boost
* @param pmcData Profile to add bonus to
* the XP gain PER skill. I THINK you should be able to put the variable "SkillProgress" (just like health has it)
* @param bonus Bonus to add to profile
* and be able to tune the skill gain PER skill, but I havent tested it and Im not sure!
* @param pmcData
* @param bonus
protected applySkillXPBoost(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param sessionID Session id
@ -83,6 +79,7 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
* Update progress timer for water collector
* Update progress timer for water collector
* @param pmcData profile to update
* @param pmcData profile to update
@ -141,9 +138,8 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
}): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param traderID trader id to reset
* @param traderID trader id to reset
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number;
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* @param traderId Trader to alter
* @param traderId Trader to alter
@ -113,4 +115,10 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @returns Traders key
* @returns Traders key
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
* Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter
* @param value Value to check for
* @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value
traderEnumHasValue(value: string): boolean;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader {
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record<string, boolean>): number;
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface TemplateSide {
character: IPmcData;
character: IPmcData;
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface IAkiProfile {
characters: Characters;
characters: Characters;
/** Clothing purchases */
/** Clothing purchases */
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
aki: Aki;
aki: Aki;
vitality: Vitality;
vitality: Vitality;
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ export interface IPmcConfig {
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
addPrefixToSameNamePMCAsPlayerChance: number;
allPMCsHavePlayerNameWithRandomPrefixChance: number;
export interface PmcTypes {
export interface PmcTypes {
usec: string;
usec: string;
@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ import { I18n } from "i18n";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
export declare class LocalisationService {
export declare class LocalisationService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected i18n: I18n;
protected i18n: I18n;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
@ -25,4 +27,10 @@ export declare class LocalisationService {
* @returns string array of keys
* @returns string array of keys
getKeys(): string[];
getKeys(): string[];
* From the provided partial key, find all keys that start with text and choose a random match
* @param partialKey Key to match locale keys on
* @returns locale text
getRandomTextThatMatchesPartialKey(partialKey: string): string;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { DialogueHelper } from "../helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
@ -19,11 +20,12 @@ export declare class MailSendService {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
* Get the dialogs dictionary for a profile, create if doesnt exist
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @returns Dialog dictionary
getDialogsForProfile(sessionId: string): Record<string, Dialogue>;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param traderID trader id to reset
* @param traderID trader id to reset
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number;
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* @param traderId Trader to alter
* @param traderId Trader to alter
@ -113,4 +115,10 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @returns Traders key
* @returns Traders key
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
* Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter
* @param value Value to check for
* @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value
traderEnumHasValue(value: string): boolean;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface TemplateSide {
character: IPmcData;
character: IPmcData;
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface IAkiProfile {
characters: Characters;
characters: Characters;
/** Clothing purchases */
/** Clothing purchases */
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
aki: Aki;
aki: Aki;
vitality: Vitality;
vitality: Vitality;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { DialogueHelper } from "../helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
@ -19,11 +20,12 @@ export declare class MailSendService {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class GameController {
export declare class GameController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
@ -48,7 +52,9 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle client/game/start
* Handle client/game/start
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected flagAllItemsInDbAsSellableOnFlea(): void;
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* TODO - add body part HP regen
* TODO - add body part HP regen
@ -118,9 +125,14 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* @param pmcProfile
* @param pmcProfile Profile of player to get name from
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* Check for a dialog with the key 'undefined', and remove it
* @param fullProfile Profile to check for dialog in
protected checkForAndRemoveUndefinedDialogs(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @returns Nickname for bot
* @returns Nickname for bot
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string): string;
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string, sessionId: string): string;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
* Get the dialogs dictionary for a profile, create if doesnt exist
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @returns Dialog dictionary
getDialogsForProfile(sessionId: string): Record<string, Dialogue>;
@ -58,16 +58,12 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Apply bonus to player profile given after completing hideout upgrades
* After looking at the skills there doesnt seem to be a configuration per skill to boost
* @param pmcData Profile to add bonus to
* the XP gain PER skill. I THINK you should be able to put the variable "SkillProgress" (just like health has it)
* @param bonus Bonus to add to profile
* and be able to tune the skill gain PER skill, but I havent tested it and Im not sure!
* @param pmcData
* @param bonus
protected applySkillXPBoost(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param sessionID Session id
@ -83,6 +79,7 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
* Update progress timer for water collector
* Update progress timer for water collector
* @param pmcData profile to update
* @param pmcData profile to update
@ -141,9 +138,8 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
}): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param traderID trader id to reset
* @param traderID trader id to reset
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number;
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* @param traderId Trader to alter
* @param traderId Trader to alter
@ -113,4 +115,10 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @returns Traders key
* @returns Traders key
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
* Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter
* @param value Value to check for
* @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value
traderEnumHasValue(value: string): boolean;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader {
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record<string, boolean>): number;
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface TemplateSide {
character: IPmcData;
character: IPmcData;
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface IAkiProfile {
characters: Characters;
characters: Characters;
/** Clothing purchases */
/** Clothing purchases */
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
aki: Aki;
aki: Aki;
vitality: Vitality;
vitality: Vitality;
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ export interface IPmcConfig {
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
addPrefixToSameNamePMCAsPlayerChance: number;
allPMCsHavePlayerNameWithRandomPrefixChance: number;
export interface PmcTypes {
export interface PmcTypes {
usec: string;
usec: string;
@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ import { I18n } from "i18n";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
export declare class LocalisationService {
export declare class LocalisationService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected i18n: I18n;
protected i18n: I18n;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
@ -25,4 +27,10 @@ export declare class LocalisationService {
* @returns string array of keys
* @returns string array of keys
getKeys(): string[];
getKeys(): string[];
* From the provided partial key, find all keys that start with text and choose a random match
* @param partialKey Key to match locale keys on
* @returns locale text
getRandomTextThatMatchesPartialKey(partialKey: string): string;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { DialogueHelper } from "../helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
@ -19,11 +20,12 @@ export declare class MailSendService {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class GameController {
export declare class GameController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
@ -48,7 +52,9 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle client/game/start
* Handle client/game/start
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected flagAllItemsInDbAsSellableOnFlea(): void;
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* TODO - add body part HP regen
* TODO - add body part HP regen
@ -118,9 +125,14 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* @param pmcProfile
* @param pmcProfile Profile of player to get name from
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* Check for a dialog with the key 'undefined', and remove it
* @param fullProfile Profile to check for dialog in
protected checkForAndRemoveUndefinedDialogs(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @returns Nickname for bot
* @returns Nickname for bot
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string): string;
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string, sessionId: string): string;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
* Get the dialogs dictionary for a profile, create if doesnt exist
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @returns Dialog dictionary
getDialogsForProfile(sessionId: string): Record<string, Dialogue>;
@ -58,16 +58,12 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Apply bonus to player profile given after completing hideout upgrades
* After looking at the skills there doesnt seem to be a configuration per skill to boost
* @param pmcData Profile to add bonus to
* the XP gain PER skill. I THINK you should be able to put the variable "SkillProgress" (just like health has it)
* @param bonus Bonus to add to profile
* and be able to tune the skill gain PER skill, but I havent tested it and Im not sure!
* @param pmcData
* @param bonus
protected applySkillXPBoost(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param sessionID Session id
@ -83,6 +79,7 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
* Update progress timer for water collector
* Update progress timer for water collector
* @param pmcData profile to update
* @param pmcData profile to update
@ -141,9 +138,8 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
}): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param traderID trader id to reset
* @param traderID trader id to reset
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number;
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* @param traderId Trader to alter
* @param traderId Trader to alter
@ -113,4 +115,10 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @returns Traders key
* @returns Traders key
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
* Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter
* @param value Value to check for
* @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value
traderEnumHasValue(value: string): boolean;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader {
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record<string, boolean>): number;
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface TemplateSide {
character: IPmcData;
character: IPmcData;
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface IAkiProfile {
characters: Characters;
characters: Characters;
/** Clothing purchases */
/** Clothing purchases */
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
aki: Aki;
aki: Aki;
vitality: Vitality;
vitality: Vitality;
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ export interface IPmcConfig {
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
addPrefixToSameNamePMCAsPlayerChance: number;
allPMCsHavePlayerNameWithRandomPrefixChance: number;
export interface PmcTypes {
export interface PmcTypes {
usec: string;
usec: string;
@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ import { I18n } from "i18n";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
export declare class LocalisationService {
export declare class LocalisationService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected i18n: I18n;
protected i18n: I18n;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
@ -25,4 +27,10 @@ export declare class LocalisationService {
* @returns string array of keys
* @returns string array of keys
getKeys(): string[];
getKeys(): string[];
* From the provided partial key, find all keys that start with text and choose a random match
* @param partialKey Key to match locale keys on
* @returns locale text
getRandomTextThatMatchesPartialKey(partialKey: string): string;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { DialogueHelper } from "../helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
@ -19,11 +20,12 @@ export declare class MailSendService {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class GameController {
export declare class GameController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
@ -48,7 +52,9 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle client/game/start
* Handle client/game/start
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected flagAllItemsInDbAsSellableOnFlea(): void;
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* TODO - add body part HP regen
* TODO - add body part HP regen
@ -118,9 +125,14 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* @param pmcProfile
* @param pmcProfile Profile of player to get name from
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* Check for a dialog with the key 'undefined', and remove it
* @param fullProfile Profile to check for dialog in
protected checkForAndRemoveUndefinedDialogs(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @returns Nickname for bot
* @returns Nickname for bot
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string): string;
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string, sessionId: string): string;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
* Get the dialogs dictionary for a profile, create if doesnt exist
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @returns Dialog dictionary
getDialogsForProfile(sessionId: string): Record<string, Dialogue>;
@ -58,16 +58,12 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Apply bonus to player profile given after completing hideout upgrades
* After looking at the skills there doesnt seem to be a configuration per skill to boost
* @param pmcData Profile to add bonus to
* the XP gain PER skill. I THINK you should be able to put the variable "SkillProgress" (just like health has it)
* @param bonus Bonus to add to profile
* and be able to tune the skill gain PER skill, but I havent tested it and Im not sure!
* @param pmcData
* @param bonus
protected applySkillXPBoost(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param sessionID Session id
@ -83,6 +79,7 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
* Update progress timer for water collector
* Update progress timer for water collector
* @param pmcData profile to update
* @param pmcData profile to update
@ -141,9 +138,8 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
}): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param traderID trader id to reset
* @param traderID trader id to reset
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number;
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* @param traderId Trader to alter
* @param traderId Trader to alter
@ -113,4 +115,10 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @returns Traders key
* @returns Traders key
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
* Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter
* @param value Value to check for
* @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value
traderEnumHasValue(value: string): boolean;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader {
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record<string, boolean>): number;
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface TemplateSide {
character: IPmcData;
character: IPmcData;
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface IAkiProfile {
characters: Characters;
characters: Characters;
/** Clothing purchases */
/** Clothing purchases */
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
aki: Aki;
aki: Aki;
vitality: Vitality;
vitality: Vitality;
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ export interface IPmcConfig {
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
addPrefixToSameNamePMCAsPlayerChance: number;
allPMCsHavePlayerNameWithRandomPrefixChance: number;
export interface PmcTypes {
export interface PmcTypes {
usec: string;
usec: string;
@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ import { I18n } from "i18n";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
export declare class LocalisationService {
export declare class LocalisationService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected i18n: I18n;
protected i18n: I18n;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
@ -25,4 +27,10 @@ export declare class LocalisationService {
* @returns string array of keys
* @returns string array of keys
getKeys(): string[];
getKeys(): string[];
* From the provided partial key, find all keys that start with text and choose a random match
* @param partialKey Key to match locale keys on
* @returns locale text
getRandomTextThatMatchesPartialKey(partialKey: string): string;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { DialogueHelper } from "../helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
@ -19,11 +20,12 @@ export declare class MailSendService {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class GameController {
export declare class GameController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
@ -48,7 +52,9 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle client/game/start
* Handle client/game/start
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected flagAllItemsInDbAsSellableOnFlea(): void;
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* TODO - add body part HP regen
* TODO - add body part HP regen
@ -118,9 +125,14 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* @param pmcProfile
* @param pmcProfile Profile of player to get name from
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* Check for a dialog with the key 'undefined', and remove it
* @param fullProfile Profile to check for dialog in
protected checkForAndRemoveUndefinedDialogs(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @returns Nickname for bot
* @returns Nickname for bot
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string): string;
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string, sessionId: string): string;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
* Get the dialogs dictionary for a profile, create if doesnt exist
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @returns Dialog dictionary
getDialogsForProfile(sessionId: string): Record<string, Dialogue>;
@ -58,16 +58,12 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Apply bonus to player profile given after completing hideout upgrades
* After looking at the skills there doesnt seem to be a configuration per skill to boost
* @param pmcData Profile to add bonus to
* the XP gain PER skill. I THINK you should be able to put the variable "SkillProgress" (just like health has it)
* @param bonus Bonus to add to profile
* and be able to tune the skill gain PER skill, but I havent tested it and Im not sure!
* @param pmcData
* @param bonus
protected applySkillXPBoost(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param sessionID Session id
@ -83,6 +79,7 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
* Update progress timer for water collector
* Update progress timer for water collector
* @param pmcData profile to update
* @param pmcData profile to update
@ -141,9 +138,8 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
}): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param traderID trader id to reset
* @param traderID trader id to reset
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number;
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* @param traderId Trader to alter
* @param traderId Trader to alter
@ -113,4 +115,10 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @returns Traders key
* @returns Traders key
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
* Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter
* @param value Value to check for
* @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value
traderEnumHasValue(value: string): boolean;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader {
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record<string, boolean>): number;
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface TemplateSide {
character: IPmcData;
character: IPmcData;
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface IAkiProfile {
characters: Characters;
characters: Characters;
/** Clothing purchases */
/** Clothing purchases */
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
aki: Aki;
aki: Aki;
vitality: Vitality;
vitality: Vitality;
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ export interface IPmcConfig {
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
addPrefixToSameNamePMCAsPlayerChance: number;
allPMCsHavePlayerNameWithRandomPrefixChance: number;
export interface PmcTypes {
export interface PmcTypes {
usec: string;
usec: string;
@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ import { I18n } from "i18n";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
export declare class LocalisationService {
export declare class LocalisationService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected i18n: I18n;
protected i18n: I18n;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
@ -25,4 +27,10 @@ export declare class LocalisationService {
* @returns string array of keys
* @returns string array of keys
getKeys(): string[];
getKeys(): string[];
* From the provided partial key, find all keys that start with text and choose a random match
* @param partialKey Key to match locale keys on
* @returns locale text
getRandomTextThatMatchesPartialKey(partialKey: string): string;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { DialogueHelper } from "../helpers/DialogueHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotificationSendHelper } from "../helpers/NotificationSendHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
import { NotifierHelper } from "../helpers/NotifierHelper";
@ -19,11 +20,12 @@ export declare class MailSendService {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected notifierHelper: NotifierHelper;
protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
protected readonly systemSenderId = "59e7125688a45068a6249071";
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, notifierHelper: NotifierHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, notificationSendHelper: NotificationSendHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, itemHelper: ItemHelper);
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* Send a message from an NPC (e.g. prapor) to the player with or without items using direct message text, do not look up any locale
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
* @param playerId Players id to send message to
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { HideoutHelper } from "../helpers/HideoutHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Bonus, HideoutSlot } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ export declare class ProfileFixerService {
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
* @param pmcProfile Profile to check inventory of
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
checkForOrphanedModdedItems(sessionId: string, fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* Add `Improvements` object to hideout if missing - added in eft 13.0.21469
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
* @param pmcProfile profile to update
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { ILocationConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocationConfig";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { EncodingUtil } from "../utils/EncodingUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class GameController {
export declare class GameController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected encodingUtil: EncodingUtil;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
@ -48,7 +52,9 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, preAkiModLoader: PreAkiModLoader, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, encodingUtil: EncodingUtil, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, openZoneService: OpenZoneService, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, giftService: GiftService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle client/game/start
* Handle client/game/start
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ export declare class GameController {
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected warnOnActiveBotReloadSkill(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected flagAllItemsInDbAsSellableOnFlea(): void;
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* When player logs in, iterate over all active effects and reduce timer
* TODO - add body part HP regen
* TODO - add body part HP regen
@ -118,9 +125,14 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void;
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* Add the logged in players name to PMC name pool
* @param pmcProfile
* @param pmcProfile Profile of player to get name from
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
protected addPlayerToPMCNames(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void;
* Check for a dialog with the key 'undefined', and remove it
* @param fullProfile Profile to check for dialog in
protected checkForAndRemoveUndefinedDialogs(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
* Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "../services/SeasonalEventService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @returns Nickname for bot
* @returns Nickname for bot
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string): string;
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string, sessionId: string): string;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ export declare class DialogueHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
getMessageItemContents(messageID: string, sessionID: string, itemId: string): Item[];
* Get the dialogs dictionary for a profile, create if doesnt exist
* @param sessionId Session/player id
* @returns Dialog dictionary
getDialogsForProfile(sessionId: string): Record<string, Dialogue>;
@ -58,16 +58,12 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
* @returns
* @returns
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Apply bonus to player profile given after completing hideout upgrades
* After looking at the skills there doesnt seem to be a configuration per skill to boost
* @param pmcData Profile to add bonus to
* the XP gain PER skill. I THINK you should be able to put the variable "SkillProgress" (just like health has it)
* @param bonus Bonus to add to profile
* and be able to tune the skill gain PER skill, but I havent tested it and Im not sure!
* @param pmcData
* @param bonus
protected applySkillXPBoost(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void;
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param sessionID Session id
@ -83,6 +79,7 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
* Update progress timer for water collector
* Update progress timer for water collector
* @param pmcData profile to update
* @param pmcData profile to update
@ -141,9 +138,8 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
isGeneratorOn: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean;
}): void;
}): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
protected updateWaterCollector(sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean): void;
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
* @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { Traders } from "../models/enums/Traders";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ITraderConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @param traderID trader id to reset
* @param traderID trader id to reset
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void;
protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number;
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* Alter a traders unlocked status
* @param traderId Trader to alter
* @param traderId Trader to alter
@ -113,4 +115,10 @@ export declare class TraderHelper {
* @returns Traders key
* @returns Traders key
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders;
* Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter
* @param value Value to check for
* @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value
traderEnumHasValue(value: string): boolean;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader {
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getImportedModDetails(): Record<string, IPackageJsonData>;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
getModPath(mod: string): string;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected importMods(): Promise<void>;
protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record<string, boolean>): number;
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
* @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export interface TemplateSide {
character: IPmcData;
character: IPmcData;
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
trader: ProfileTraderTemplate;
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
export interface ProfileTraderTemplate {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ export interface IAkiProfile {
characters: Characters;
characters: Characters;
/** Clothing purchases */
/** Clothing purchases */
suits: string[];
suits: string[];
weaponbuilds: WeaponBuild[];
weaponbuilds: Record<string, WeaponBuild>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
dialogues: Record<string, Dialogue>;
aki: Aki;
aki: Aki;
vitality: Vitality;
vitality: Vitality;
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ export interface IPmcConfig {
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
/** Force a number of healing items into PMCs secure container to ensure they can heal */
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
forceHealingItemsIntoSecure: boolean;
addPrefixToSameNamePMCAsPlayerChance: number;
allPMCsHavePlayerNameWithRandomPrefixChance: number;
export interface PmcTypes {
export interface PmcTypes {
usec: string;
usec: string;
@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ import { I18n } from "i18n";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
export declare class LocalisationService {
export declare class LocalisationService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected i18n: I18n;
protected i18n: I18n;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
@ -25,4 +27,10 @@ export declare class LocalisationService {
* @returns string array of keys
* @returns string array of keys
getKeys(): string[];
getKeys(): string[];
* From the provided partial key, find all keys that start with text and choose a random match
* @param partialKey Key to match locale keys on
* @returns locale text
getRandomTextThatMatchesPartialKey(partialKey: string): string;
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