# Bot monitor Made for: * SPT 2.2.x * EFT 16440 ![botmon](monitor.png) Debug monitor that shows active bots on the map, the zone in which they are located and the distance to them. Checked on EFT version, 0.., / AKI 2.0.0-A8 BLEEDINGEDGE # Install * Copy folder 'astealz-BotMonitor' to 'user/mods' # Usage After load on map, open in-game console and type 'botmon N', where N is number between 0 and 3. * 0 - disable monitor, * 1 - show simple bot counter, * 2 - show zone counter, * 3 - show zone and distance to each bot. # Version history * 1.0.0 - Initial release * 1.0.1 - Added bot diffulty to mode 3