import { ItemHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { IPmcData } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { Common, CounterKeyValue, Stats } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"; import { ISptProfile } from "@spt/models/eft/profile/ISptProfile"; import { IValidateNicknameRequestData } from "@spt/models/eft/profile/IValidateNicknameRequestData"; import { BonusType } from "@spt/models/enums/BonusType"; import { SkillTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/SkillTypes"; import { IInventoryConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IInventoryConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer"; import { SaveServer } from "@spt/servers/SaveServer"; import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt/services/LocalisationService"; import { ProfileSnapshotService } from "@spt/services/ProfileSnapshotService"; import { HashUtil } from "@spt/utils/HashUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "@spt/utils/TimeUtil"; import { Watermark } from "@spt/utils/Watermark"; import { ICloner } from "@spt/utils/cloners/ICloner"; export declare class ProfileHelper { protected logger: ILogger; protected hashUtil: HashUtil; protected watermark: Watermark; protected timeUtil: TimeUtil; protected saveServer: SaveServer; protected databaseService: DatabaseService; protected itemHelper: ItemHelper; protected profileSnapshotService: ProfileSnapshotService; protected localisationService: LocalisationService; protected configServer: ConfigServer; protected cloner: ICloner; protected inventoryConfig: IInventoryConfig; constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, watermark: Watermark, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseService: DatabaseService, itemHelper: ItemHelper, profileSnapshotService: ProfileSnapshotService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer, cloner: ICloner); /** * Remove/reset a completed quest condtion from players profile quest data * @param sessionID Session id * @param questConditionId Quest with condition to remove */ removeQuestConditionFromProfile(pmcData: IPmcData, questConditionId: Record): void; /** * Get all profiles from server * @returns Dictionary of profiles */ getProfiles(): Record; /** * Get the pmc and scav profiles as an array by profile id * @param sessionId * @returns Array of IPmcData objects */ getCompleteProfile(sessionId: string): IPmcData[]; /** * Fix xp doubling on post-raid xp reward screen by sending a 'dummy' profile to the post-raid screen * Server saves the post-raid changes prior to the xp screen getting the profile, this results in the xp screen using * the now updated profile values as a base, meaning it shows x2 xp gained * Instead, clone the post-raid profile (so we dont alter its values), apply the pre-raid xp values to the cloned objects and return * Delete snapshot of pre-raid profile prior to returning profile data * @param sessionId Session id * @param output pmc and scav profiles array * @param pmcProfile post-raid pmc profile * @param scavProfile post-raid scav profile * @returns Updated profile array */ protected postRaidXpWorkaroundFix(sessionId: string, pmcProfile: IPmcData, scavProfile: IPmcData, output: IPmcData[]): IPmcData[]; /** * Check if a nickname is used by another profile loaded by the server * @param nicknameRequest nickname request object * @param sessionID Session id * @returns True if already in use */ isNicknameTaken(nicknameRequest: IValidateNicknameRequestData, sessionID: string): boolean; protected profileHasInfoProperty(profile: ISptProfile): boolean; protected stringsMatch(stringA: string, stringB: string): boolean; /** * Add experience to a PMC inside the players profile * @param sessionID Session id * @param experienceToAdd Experience to add to PMC character */ addExperienceToPmc(sessionID: string, experienceToAdd: number): void; /** * Iterate all profiles and find matching pmc profile by provided id * @param pmcId Profile id to find * @returns IPmcData */ getProfileByPmcId(pmcId: string): IPmcData | undefined; /** * Get experience value for given level * @param level Level to get xp for * @returns Number of xp points for level */ getExperience(level: number): number; /** * Get the max level a player can be * @returns Max level */ getMaxLevel(): number; getDefaultSptDataObject(): any; /** * Get full representation of a players profile json * @param sessionID Profile id to get * @returns ISptProfile object */ getFullProfile(sessionID: string): ISptProfile | undefined; /** * Get a PMC profile by its session id * @param sessionID Profile id to return * @returns IPmcData object */ getPmcProfile(sessionID: string): IPmcData | undefined; /** * Is given user id a player * @param userId Id to validate * @returns True is a player */ isPlayer(userId: string): boolean; /** * Get a full profiles scav-specific sub-profile * @param sessionID Profiles id * @returns IPmcData object */ getScavProfile(sessionID: string): IPmcData; /** * Get baseline counter values for a fresh profile * @returns Default profile Stats object */ getDefaultCounters(): Stats; /** * is this profile flagged for data removal * @param sessionID Profile id * @returns True if profile is to be wiped of data/progress */ protected isWiped(sessionID: string): boolean; /** * Iterate over player profile inventory items and find the secure container and remove it * @param profile Profile to remove secure container from * @returns profile without secure container */ removeSecureContainer(profile: IPmcData): IPmcData; /** * Flag a profile as having received a gift * Store giftid in profile spt object * @param playerId Player to add gift flag to * @param giftId Gift player received * @param maxCount Limit of how many of this gift a player can have */ flagGiftReceivedInProfile(playerId: string, giftId: string, maxCount: number): void; /** * Check if profile has recieved a gift by id * @param playerId Player profile to check for gift * @param giftId Gift to check for * @param maxGiftCount Max times gift can be given to player * @returns True if player has recieved gift previously */ playerHasRecievedMaxNumberOfGift(playerId: string, giftId: string, maxGiftCount: number): boolean; /** * Find Stat in profile counters and increment by one * @param counters Counters to search for key * @param keyToIncrement Key */ incrementStatCounter(counters: CounterKeyValue[], keyToIncrement: string): void; /** * Check if player has a skill at elite level * @param skillType Skill to check * @param pmcProfile Profile to find skill in * @returns True if player has skill at elite level */ hasEliteSkillLevel(skillType: SkillTypes, pmcProfile: IPmcData): boolean; /** * Add points to a specific skill in player profile * @param skill Skill to add points to * @param pointsToAdd Points to add * @param pmcProfile Player profile with skill * @param useSkillProgressRateMultipler Skills are multiplied by a value in globals, default is off to maintain compatibility with legacy code * @returns */ addSkillPointsToPlayer(pmcProfile: IPmcData, skill: SkillTypes, pointsToAdd: number, useSkillProgressRateMultipler?: boolean): void; /** * Get a speciic common skill from supplied profile * @param pmcData Player profile * @param skill Skill to look up and return value from * @returns Common skill object from desired profile */ getSkillFromProfile(pmcData: IPmcData, skill: SkillTypes): Common; /** * Is the provided session id for a developer account * @param sessionID Profile id ot check * @returns True if account is developer */ isDeveloperAccount(sessionID: string): boolean; /** * Add stash row bonus to profile or increments rows given count if it already exists * @param sessionId Profile id to give rows to * @param rowsToAdd How many rows to give profile */ addStashRowsBonusToProfile(sessionId: string, rowsToAdd: number): void; /** * Iterate over all bonuses and sum up all bonuses of desired type in provided profile * @param pmcProfile Player profile * @param desiredBonus Bonus to sum up * @returns Summed bonus value or 0 if no bonus found */ getBonusValueFromProfile(pmcProfile: IPmcData, desiredBonus: BonusType): number; playerIsFleaBanned(pmcProfile: IPmcData): boolean; /** * Add an achievement to player profile * @param pmcProfile Profile to add achievement to * @param achievementId Id of achievement to add */ addAchievementToProfile(pmcProfile: IPmcData, achievementId: string): void; hasAccessToRepeatableFreeRefreshSystem(pmcProfile: IPmcData): boolean; }