import { HandbookHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/HandbookHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ProfileHelper"; import { IPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { ProfileTraderTemplate } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IProfileTemplate"; import { ITraderAssort, ITraderBase, LoyaltyLevel } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader"; import { Traders } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Traders"; import { ITraderConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/ITraderConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { SaveServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/SaveServer"; import { FenceService } from "@spt-aki/services/FenceService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService"; import { PlayerService } from "@spt-aki/services/PlayerService"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil"; export declare class TraderHelper { protected logger: ILogger; protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer; protected saveServer: SaveServer; protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper; protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper; protected itemHelper: ItemHelper; protected playerService: PlayerService; protected localisationService: LocalisationService; protected fenceService: FenceService; protected timeUtil: TimeUtil; protected randomUtil: RandomUtil; protected configServer: ConfigServer; protected traderConfig: ITraderConfig; /** Dictionary of item tpl and the highest trader sell rouble price */ protected highestTraderPriceItems: Record; /** Dictionary of item tpl and the highest trader buy back rouble price */ protected highestTraderBuyPriceItems: Record; constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, saveServer: SaveServer, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, playerService: PlayerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, fenceService: FenceService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, configServer: ConfigServer); /** * Get a trader base object, update profile to reflect players current standing in profile * when trader not found in profile * @param traderID Traders Id to get * @param sessionID Players id * @returns Trader base */ getTrader(traderID: string, sessionID: string): ITraderBase; /** * Get all assort data for a particular trader * @param traderId Trader to get assorts for * @returns ITraderAssort */ getTraderAssortsByTraderId(traderId: string): ITraderAssort; /** * Retrieve the Item from a traders assort data by its id * @param traderId Trader to get assorts for * @param assortId Id of assort to find * @returns Item object */ getTraderAssortItemByAssortId(traderId: string, assortId: string): Item; /** * Reset a profiles trader data back to its initial state as seen by a level 1 player * Does NOT take into account different profile levels * @param sessionID session id * @param traderID trader id to reset */ resetTrader(sessionID: string, traderID: string): void; /** * Get the starting standing of a trader based on the current profiles type (e.g. EoD, Standard etc) * @param traderId Trader id to get standing for * @param rawProfileTemplate Raw profile from profiles.json to look up standing from * @returns Standing value */ protected getStartingStanding(traderId: string, rawProfileTemplate: ProfileTraderTemplate): number; /** * Alter a traders unlocked status * @param traderId Trader to alter * @param status New status to use * @param sessionId Session id */ setTraderUnlockedState(traderId: string, status: boolean, sessionId: string): void; /** * Add standing to a trader and level them up if exp goes over level threshold * @param sessionId Session id * @param traderId Traders id * @param standingToAdd Standing value to add to trader */ addStandingToTrader(sessionId: string, traderId: string, standingToAdd: number): void; /** * Add standing to current standing and clamp value if it goes too low * @param currentStanding current trader standing * @param standingToAdd stansding to add to trader standing * @returns current standing + added standing (clamped if needed) */ protected addStandingValuesTogether(currentStanding: number, standingToAdd: number): number; /** * Calculate traders level based on exp amount and increments level if over threshold * @param traderID trader to check standing of * @param pmcData profile to update trader in */ lvlUp(traderID: string, pmcData: IPmcData): void; /** * Get the next update timestamp for a trader * @param traderID Trader to look up update value for * @returns future timestamp */ getNextUpdateTimestamp(traderID: string): number; /** * Get the reset time between trader assort refreshes in seconds * @param traderId Trader to look up * @returns Time in seconds */ getTraderUpdateSeconds(traderId: string): number; getLoyaltyLevel(traderID: string, pmcData: IPmcData): LoyaltyLevel; /** * Store the purchase of an assort from a trader in the player profile * @param sessionID Session id * @param newPurchaseDetails New item assort id + count */ addTraderPurchasesToPlayerProfile(sessionID: string, newPurchaseDetails: { items: { item_id: string; count: number; }[]; tid: string; }): void; /** * Get the highest rouble price for an item from traders * UNUSED * @param tpl Item to look up highest pride for * @returns highest rouble cost for item */ getHighestTraderPriceRouble(tpl: string): number; /** * Get the highest price item can be sold to trader for (roubles) * @param tpl Item to look up best trader sell-to price * @returns Rouble price */ getHighestSellToTraderPrice(tpl: string): number; /** * Get a trader enum key by its value * @param traderId Traders id * @returns Traders key */ getTraderById(traderId: string): Traders; /** * Validates that the provided traderEnumValue exists in the Traders enum. If the value is valid, it returns the * same enum value, effectively serving as a trader ID; otherwise, it logs an error and returns an empty string. * This method provides a runtime check to prevent undefined behavior when using the enum as a dictionary key. * * For example, instead of this: * `const traderId = Traders[Traders.PRAPOR];` * * You can use safely use this: * `const traderId = this.traderHelper.getValidTraderIdByEnumValue(Traders.PRAPOR);` * * @param traderEnumValue The trader enum value to validate * @returns The validated trader enum value as a string, or an empty string if invalid */ getValidTraderIdByEnumValue(traderEnumValue: Traders): string; /** * Does the 'Traders' enum has a value that matches the passed in parameter * @param key Value to check for * @returns True, values exists in Traders enum as a value */ traderEnumHasKey(key: string): boolean; /** * Accepts a trader id * @param traderId Trader id * @returns Ttrue if Traders enum has the param as a value */ traderEnumHasValue(traderId: string): boolean; }