initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Styrr 2022-03-11 17:10:34 +01:00
parent e8524c19b4
commit 2ed88bb1b0
10 changed files with 903 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

71 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import sys
import os
import shutil
import json
import py7zr
import yaml
from tqdm import tqdm
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
with open('config/config.yaml', 'r') as fin:
config = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
exe_7z = config["tools"]["7z_exe"]
src = Path(config["archives"]["source_folder"])
dst = Path(config["archives"]["target_folder"])
archive_complete = Path(config["archives"]["backup_file"])
used = {
dst / config["archives"]["loot_filename"]: lambda x: x.startswith("resp.client.location.getLocalloot"),
dst / config["archives"]["bot_filename"]: lambda x: x.startswith(""),
input_files = set(os.listdir(src))
for archive_dst, filt in used.items():
mode = None
if os.path.exists(archive_dst):
mode = 'a'
with py7zr.SevenZipFile(archive_dst, 'r') as archive:
archive_files = set(archive.getnames())
mode = 'w'
archive_files = []
# filter out every file which is already in the archive
files = input_files.difference(archive_files)
# get only those files which fit the recycle filters
print(f"Number of files which are not found in the archive: {len(files)}")
files = [
fi for fi in files
if filt(fi)
print(f"Of those according to filter add {len(files)} files to {archive_dst}")
# temporary copy to destination folder to add them via 7z subprocess
if len(files) > 0:
for file in tqdm(files):
shutil.copy(src / file, dst / file)
cmd = f"{exe_7z} a -t7z {archive_dst} *.json"
for file in tqdm(files):
os.remove(dst / file)
# add all files to backup archive (if they are not inside already)
cmd = f"{exe_7z} a -up1q1r2x1y1z1w1 -t7z {archive_complete} *.json"
# delete raw data from source folder
files = os.listdir(src)
for file in tqdm(files):
os.remove(src / file)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
import json
import yaml
import time
import py7zr
import hashlib
import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
from pathlib import Path
from concurrent import futures
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby
from src.tarkov_items import TarkovItems
from src.static_loot import preprocess_staticloot, StaticLootProcessor
from src.loose_loot import preprocess_looseloot, LooseLootProcessor
with open('config/config.yaml', 'r') as fin:
config = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
with open(f'config/{config["config"]["static"]["forced_static_yaml"]}', 'r') as fin:
FORCED_STATIC = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
with open(f'config/{config["config"]["static"]["forced_loose_yaml"]}', 'r') as fin:
FORCED_LOOSE = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
with open(f'config/{config["server"]["map_directory_mapping_yaml"]}', 'r') as fin:
loose_loot_dir_map = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
STATIC_WEAPON_IDS = config["config"]["static"]["static_weapon_ids"]
tarkov_server_dir = Path(config["server"]["location"])
loot_dump_archive = Path(config["archives"]["target_folder"]) / config["archives"]["loot_filename"]
def hash_file(text):
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
return sha256.hexdigest()
def parse_dumps(input):
fname = input[0]
bio = input[1]
text =
fi = json.loads(text)
datestr = fname.split(".getLocalloot_")[-1].split(".")[0]
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
if fi["data"] is not None:
basic_info = {
"map": fi["data"]["Name"],
"filehash": hash_file(text),
"date": date,
"fname": fname
looseloot = [li for li in fi["data"]["Loot"] if not li["IsStatic"]]
staticloot = [li for li in fi["data"]["Loot"] if li["IsStatic"]]
looseloot_processed = preprocess_looseloot(looseloot)
containers = preprocess_staticloot(staticloot, STATIC_WEAPON_IDS)
return {
"basic_info": basic_info,
"looseloot": looseloot_processed,
"containers": containers
return None
def main():
tarkov_items = TarkovItems(
items=tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/templates/items.json",
handbook=tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/templates/handbook.json",
locales=tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/locales/global/en.json"
loose_loot_dir = tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/locations"
static_loot_dir = tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/loot"
print("Open dump archive", end="; ")
map_files = {}
gather_loot_results = []
time_start = time.time()
with py7zr.SevenZipFile(loot_dump_archive, 'r') as archive:
archive_files = set(archive.getnames())
with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
print("Gathering dumps")
for result in list(tqdm(,, total=len(archive_files))):
if result is not None:
# get the newest dump per map
mapi = result["basic_info"]["map"]
if mapi not in map_files:
map_files[mapi] = (
if result["basic_info"]["date"] > map_files[mapi][0]:
map_files[mapi] = (
print(f"Reading dumps took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
dump_count = len(gather_loot_results)
# remove duplicate dumps
time_start = time.time()
gather_loot_results = sorted(gather_loot_results, key=lambda x: x["basic_info"]["filehash"])
gather_loot_results_unique = []
for _, g in groupby(gather_loot_results, key=lambda x: x["basic_info"]["filehash"]):
g = list(g)
if len(g) > 1:
# print(f"Duplicate dumps: {', '.join([gi['filename'] for gi in g])}")
del gather_loot_results
dump_count_unique = len(gather_loot_results_unique)
f"Removing duplicates took {time.time() - time_start} seconds: {dump_count - dump_count_unique} / {dump_count}")
# Map Reduce
print("Map reducing dumps", end="; ")
time_start = time.time()
gather_loot_results_unique = sorted(gather_loot_results_unique, key=lambda x: x["basic_info"]["map"])
looseloot_counts = {}
container_counts = []
map_counts = {}
for mapi, g in groupby(gather_loot_results_unique, key=lambda x: x["basic_info"]["map"]):
g = list(g)
map_counts[mapi] = len(g)
looseloot_counts[mapi] = {}
looseloot_counts[mapi]["counts"] = defaultdict(int)
looseloot_counts[mapi]["items"] = defaultdict(list)
looseloot_counts[mapi]["itemproperties"] = defaultdict(list)
looseloot_counts[mapi]["map_spawnpoint_count"] = []
for gi in g:
container_counts += gi["containers"]
for k, v in gi["looseloot"]["counts"].items():
looseloot_counts[mapi]["counts"][k] += v
for k, v in gi["looseloot"]["items"].items():
looseloot_counts[mapi]["items"][k] += v
for k, v in gi["looseloot"]["itemproperties"].items():
looseloot_counts[mapi]["itemproperties"][k] += v
looseloot_counts[mapi]["map_spawnpoint_count"] += [gi["looseloot"]["map_spawnpoint_count"]]
del gather_loot_results_unique
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
static_loot_processor = StaticLootProcessor(
# create static containers (containers per map, forced loot in map, static weapons in map)
print("Create \"static containers\"", end='; ')
time_start = time.time()
static_containers = {}
with py7zr.SevenZipFile(loot_dump_archive, 'r') as archive:
targets = [datename_tuple[1] for _, datename_tuple in map_files.items()]
targets = sorted(targets)
for fname, bio in
mapi, static_containers_mi = static_loot_processor.create_static_containers(bio)
static_containers[mapi] = static_containers_mi
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
with open(static_loot_dir / "staticContainers.json", "w") as fout:
json.dump(static_containers, fout, indent=1)
# Ammo distribution
time_start = time.time()
print(f"Creating \"ammo\" distribution", end="; ")
ammo_distribution = static_loot_processor.create_ammo_distribution(container_counts)
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
with open(static_loot_dir / "staticAmmo.json", "w") as fout:
json.dump(ammo_distribution, fout, indent=1)
# Static loot distribution
time_start = time.time()
print(f"Creating \"static container\"", end='; ')
static_loot_distribution = static_loot_processor.create_static_loot_distribution(container_counts)
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
with open(static_loot_dir / "staticLoot.json", 'w') as fout:
json.dump(static_loot_distribution, fout, indent=1)
# Loose loot distribution
loose_loot_processor = LooseLootProcessor(
time_start = time.time()
print(f"Calculating \"loose loot\" distribution", end='; ')
loose_loot_distribution = loose_loot_processor.create_loose_loot_distribution(map_counts, looseloot_counts)
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds")
for mi, cnt in map_counts.items():
for mapdir in loose_loot_dir_map[mi]:
with open(loose_loot_dir / mapdir / "looseLoot.json", "w") as fout:
json.dump(loose_loot_distribution[mi], fout, indent=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':

config/config.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
7z_exe: 'C:/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe'
# SPT-AKI Server location (to store the generated json)
location: 'C:/GAMES/SPT_AKI_Dev/Server/'
# The map names in the loot dump do not directly corresond to the server database structure, this is the mapping
map_directory_mapping_yaml: map_directory_mapping.yaml
# where we put our sequential dump jsons to be sorted archived, preprocessor will put them into archives
source_folder: 'D:/Games/SPT_Dev/map_dumps/12.12/'
# here we store the archives with used data
target_folder: 'D:/Games/SPT_Dev/map_dumps/12.12_used/'
# archive name for map loot dump data
loot_filename: loot_dumps.7z
# archive name for bot dump data
bot_filename: bot_dumps.7z
# all dump data is appended into an archive in this folder
backup_file: 'D:/Games/SPT_Dev/map_dumps/12.12_unused/complete.7z'
# ids for static weapons
- 5d52cc5ba4b9367408500062
- 5cdeb229d7f00c000e7ce174
# we have a separate yaml that defined forced static loot per map
forced_static_yaml: forced_static.yaml
# known quest items per map for validation
forced_loose_yaml: forced_loose.yaml

config/forced_loose.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
- itemTpl: 5938188786f77474f723e87f # Case 0031
- itemTpl: 5c12301c86f77419522ba7e4 # Flash drive with fake info
- itemTpl: 593965cf86f774087a77e1b6 # Case 0048
- itemTpl: 591092ef86f7747bb8703422 # Secure folder 0022 in big red offices
- itemTpl: 590c62a386f77412b0130255 # Sliderkey Secure Flash drive in Dorms 2-way room 220
- itemTpl: 5939e9b286f77462a709572c # Sealed letter (Terragroup)
- itemTpl: 5ac620eb86f7743a8e6e0da0 # Package of graphics cards in big red offices
- itemTpl: 590dde5786f77405e71908b2 # Bank case
- itemTpl: 5910922b86f7747d96753483 # Carbon case
- itemTpl: 5937fd0086f7742bf33fc198 # Bronze pocket watch on a chain
- itemTpl: 5939a00786f7742fe8132936 # Golden Zibbo lighter
- itemTpl: 5939e5a786f77461f11c0098 # Secure Folder 0013
- itemTpl: 5938878586f7741b797c562f # Case 0052
- itemTpl: 5d3ec50586f774183a607442 # Jaeger's message Underneath the wooden lookout post.
- itemTpl: 5af04e0a86f7743a532b79e2 # Single-axis Fiber Optic Gyroscope: item_barter_electr_gyroscope
- itemTpl: 5a687e7886f7740c4a5133fb # Blood sample
- itemTpl: 5af04c0b86f774138708f78e # Motor Controller: item_barter_electr_controller
- itemTpl: 5a294d7c86f7740651337cf9 # Drone 1 SAS disk
- itemTpl: 5a294d8486f774068638cd93 # Drone 2 SAS disk: ambiguous with itemTpl 5a294f1686f774340c7b7e4a
- itemTpl: 5efdafc1e70b5e33f86de058 # Sanitar's Surgery kit marked with a blue symbol
- itemTpl: 5939e5a786f77461f11c0098 # Secure folder 0013
- itemTpl: 5a6860d886f77411cd3a9e47 # Secure folder 0060
- itemTpl: 5a29357286f77409c705e025 # Sliderkey Flash drive
- itemTpl: 5efdaf6de6a30218ed211a48 # Sanitar's Ophthalmoscope In potted plant on dining room table.
- itemTpl: 5d357d6b86f7745b606e3508 # Photo album in west wing room 303
- itemTpl: 5b4c72b386f7745b453af9c0 # Motor Controller: item_barter_electr_controller2
- itemTpl: 5a0448bc86f774736f14efa8 # Key to the closed premises of the Health Resort
- itemTpl: 5a29276886f77435ed1b117c # Working hard drive
- itemTpl: 5b4c72fb86f7745cef1cffc5 # Single-axis Fiber Optic Gyroscope: item_barter_electr_gyroscope2
- itemTpl: 5b4c72c686f77462ac37e907 # Motor Controller: item_barter_electr_controller3
- itemTpl: 5b43237186f7742f3a4ab252 # Chemical container: item_quest_chem_container
- itemTpl: 5a29284f86f77463ef3db363 # Toughbook reinforced laptop
- itemTpl: 5ae9a18586f7746e381e16a3 # OLI cargo manifests
- itemTpl: 5ae9a0dd86f7742e5f454a05 # Goshan cargo manifests
- itemTpl: 5ae9a1b886f77404c8537c62 # Idea cargo manifests
- itemTpl: 5ae9a25386f7746dd946e6d9 # OLI cargo route documents (locked)
- itemTpl: 5ae9a3f586f7740aab00e4e6 # Clothes design handbook - Part 1
- itemTpl: 5ae9a4fc86f7746e381e1753 # Clothes design handbook - Part 2
- itemTpl: 5b4c81a086f77417d26be63f # Chemical container item_quest_chem_container2
- itemTpl: 5b4c81bd86f77418a75ae159 # Chemical container item_quest_chem_container3
- itemTpl: 591093bb86f7747caa7bb2ee # On the neck of the dead scav in the bunker
- itemTpl: 593a87af86f774122f54a951 # Syringe with a chemical
- itemTpl: 61904c9df62c89219a56e034 # The message is tucked under the bottom of the door to the cabin.
- itemTpl: 619268ad78f4fa33f173dbe5 # Water pump operation data On the desk between other documents in the upper office.
- itemTpl: 619268de2be33f2604340159 # Pumping Station Operation Data In the upper floor office on the shelf.
- itemTpl: 61a00bcb177fb945751bbe6a # Stolen military documents On the back corner of the dining room table on the third floor at Chalet.
- itemTpl: 619252352be33f26043400a7 # Laptop with information
- itemTpl: 60915994c49cf53e4772cc38 # Military documents 1 on the table inside bunker control room
- itemTpl: 60a3b6359c427533db36cf84 # Military documents 2 On the bottom shelf of the cupboard near the corner.
- itemTpl: 60a3b65c27adf161da7b6e14 # Military documents 3 Inside the cupboard next to the 4x4 Weapon Box.
- itemTpl: 608c22a003292f4ba43f8a1a # Medical record 1 (locked by RB-KSM key)
- itemTpl: 60a3b5b05f84d429b732e934 # Medical record 2 (locked by RB-SMP key)
- itemTpl: 609267a2bb3f46069c3e6c7d # T-90M Commander Control Panel
- itemTpl: 60c080eb991ac167ad1c3ad4 # MBT Integrated Navigation System
- itemTpl: 5eff135be0d3331e9d282b7b # Flash drive marked with blue tape

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# unknown key
- containerId: custom_multiScene_00058
itemTpl: 593962ca86f774068014d9af

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
- bigmap
- factory4_day
- factory4_night
- interchange
- laboratory
- lighthouse
- rezervbase
- shoreline
- woods

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
import json
import copy
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from src.tarkov_items import TarkovItems
def preprocess_looseloot(looseloot):
looseloot_ci = {}
looseloot_ci["counts"] = defaultdict(int)
looseloot_ci["items"] = defaultdict(list)
looseloot_ci["itemproperties"] = defaultdict(list)
looseloot_ci["map_spawnpoint_count"] = len(looseloot)
unique_ids = {}
for li in looseloot:
group_fun = lambda x: (
# the bsg ids are insane.
# Sometimes the last 7 digits vary but they spawn the same item at the same position
# e.g. for the quest item "60a3b65c27adf161da7b6e14" at "loot_bunker_quest (3)555192"
# so the first approach was to remove the last digits.
# We then saw, that sometimes when the last digits differ for the same string, also the position
# differs.
# We decided to group over the position/rotation/useGravity since they make out a distinct spot
sane_id = str(group_fun(li))
if sane_id not in unique_ids:
unique_ids[sane_id] = li["Id"]
looseloot_ci["counts"][sane_id] += 1
# print(f'Spawn Points dupe: {fname} {unique_ids[sane_id]} = {li["Id"]}')
# continue
return looseloot_ci
class LooseLootProcessor:
def __init__(self, tarkov_items: 'TarkovItems', FORCED_LOOSE):
self._tarkov_items = tarkov_items
def create_loose_loot_distribution(self, map_counts, looseloot_counts):
probabilities = {}
loose_loot_distribution = {}
for mi, map_cnt in map_counts.items():
probabilities[mi] = {}
for idi, cnt in looseloot_counts[mi]["counts"].items():
probabilities[mi][idi] = cnt / map_cnt
loose_loot_distribution[mi] = {
"spawnpointCount": {
"mean": np.mean(looseloot_counts[mi]["map_spawnpoint_count"]),
"std": np.std(looseloot_counts[mi]["map_spawnpoint_count"])
"spawnpointsForced": [],
"spawnpoints": []
for spawnpoint, itemlist in looseloot_counts[mi]["itemproperties"].items():
itemscounts = defaultdict(int)
for item in itemlist:
itemscounts[item["Items"][0]["_tpl"]] += 1
# Group by arguments to create possible positions / rotations per spawnpoint
group_fun = lambda x: (
# check if grouping is unique
itemlist_sorted = sorted(itemlist, key=group_fun)
itemlist_grouped = groupby(itemlist_sorted, group_fun)
ks = []
for k, g in itemlist_grouped:
gl = list(g)
if len(ks) > 1:
print(json.dumps(gl, indent=4))
raise ValueError("Attributes for distinct SpawnPointId differ")
template = copy.deepcopy(gl[0])
template["Root"] = None
item_distribution = [
"tpl": tpl,
"relativeProbability": cnt,
for tpl, cnt in itemscounts.items()
if any((self._tarkov_items.is_questitem(item['tpl']) for item in item_distribution)):
spawnpoint = {
"probability": probabilities[mi][spawnpoint],
"template": template
elif probabilities[mi][spawnpoint] > 0.99:
spawnpoint = {
"probability": probabilities[mi][spawnpoint],
"template": template
print(f"Warning: High probability if spawnpoint {template['Id']} even though no quest item found inside it")
template["Items"] = []
spawnpoint = {
"probability": probabilities[mi][spawnpoint],
"template": template,
"itemDistribution": sorted(item_distribution, key=lambda x: x["tpl"])
loose_loot_distribution[mi]["spawnpoints"] = sorted(loose_loot_distribution[mi]["spawnpoints"], key=lambda x: x["template"]["Id"])
# Cross check with forced loot in dumps vs items defined in forced_loose.yaml
forced_tpls_file = set([forceditem["itemTpl"] for forceditem in self._FORCED_LOOSE[mi]])
forced_tpls_found = set([forceditem["template"]["Items"][0]["_tpl"] for forceditem in loose_loot_distribution[mi]["spawnpointsForced"]])
# all the tpls that are defined in the forced_loose.yaml for this map that are not found as forced
missing_in_dumps = forced_tpls_file - forced_tpls_found
if len(missing_in_dumps) > 0:
print(f"Error: {mi} Items defined in forced_loose.yaml were not found as quest item:\n {missing_in_dumps}")
# all the tpls that are found as forced but not in the forced_loose.yaml
missing_in_file = forced_tpls_found - forced_tpls_file
if len(missing_in_file) > 0:
print(f"Warning: {mi} Items were found as forced in dump but were not defined in forced_loose.yaml:\n {missing_in_file}")
return loose_loot_distribution

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import json
import copy
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
from collections import defaultdict
def preprocess_staticloot(staticloot, static_weapon_ids):
containers = []
for li in staticloot:
tpl = li["Items"][0]["_tpl"]
if tpl not in static_weapon_ids:
"type": tpl,
"containerId": li["Items"][0]["_id"],
"items": li["Items"][1:]
return containers
class StaticLootProcessor:
def __init__(self, tarkov_items, static_weapon_ids, forced_static):
self._tarkov_items = tarkov_items
self._STATIC_WEAPON_IDS = static_weapon_ids
self._FORCED_STATIC = forced_static
def create_static_containers(self, bio):
text =
fi = json.loads(text)
mapname = fi["data"]["Name"]
staticloot = [li for li in fi["data"]["Loot"] if li["IsStatic"]]
s_containers = []
s_weapons = []
staticloot = sorted(staticloot, key=lambda x: x["Id"])
for li in staticloot:
tpl = li["Items"][0]["_tpl"]
if tpl in self._STATIC_WEAPON_IDS:
lic = copy.deepcopy(li)
lic["Root"] = None
lic["Items"] = [li["Items"][0]]
lic["Items"][0]["_id"] = None
if mapname in self._FORCED_STATIC:
s_forced = self._FORCED_STATIC[mapname]
s_forced = []
static_containers = {
'staticWeapons': s_weapons,
'staticContainers': s_containers,
'staticForced': s_forced
return mapname, static_containers
def create_ammo_distribution(self, container_counts):
ammo = []
for ci in container_counts:
ammo += [
item["_tpl"] for item in ci["items"]
if self._tarkov_items.is_baseclass(item["_tpl"], self._tarkov_items.BASECLASS.Ammo)
ammo_types, ammo_counts = np.unique(ammo, return_counts=True)
caliber = [self._tarkov_items.ammo_caliber(ti) for ti in ammo_types]
ammo_counts = [
"caliber": ci,
"tpl": ti,
"count": cnti
for ci, ti, cnti in zip(caliber, ammo_types, ammo_counts)
ammo_counts = sorted(ammo_counts, key=lambda x: x["caliber"])
caliber_group = {}
ammo_distribution = {}
for k, g in groupby(ammo_counts, lambda x: x["caliber"]):
caliber_group[k] = {}
g = list(g)
caliber_group[k]["tpl"] = [gi["tpl"] for gi in g]
caliber_group[k]["counts"] = [gi["count"] for gi in g]
ammo_distribution[k] = [
"tpl": gi["tpl"],
"relativeProbability": int(gi["count"])
for gi in g
return ammo_distribution
def create_static_loot_distribution(self, container_counts):
static_loot_distribution = {}
types = np.unique([ci["type"] for ci in container_counts])
idx = np.argsort(types)
types = types[idx]
for typei in types:
container_counts_selected = [ci for ci in container_counts if ci["type"] == typei]
itemscounts = []
for ci in container_counts_selected:
itemscounts.append(len([cii for cii in ci["items"] if cii["parentId"] == ci["containerId"]]))
counts, relative_probability = np.unique(itemscounts, return_counts=True)
static_loot_distribution[typei] = {}
static_loot_distribution[typei]["itemcountDistribution"] = [
"count": int(cnt),
"relativeProbability": int(prb)
for cnt, prb in zip(counts, relative_probability)
itemscounts = defaultdict(int)
for ci in container_counts_selected:
for cii in ci["items"]:
if cii["parentId"] == ci["containerId"]:
itemscounts[cii["_tpl"]] += 1
itemids = [ti for ti, _ in itemscounts.items()]
itemcounts = [cnti for _, cnti in itemscounts.items()]
idx = np.argsort(itemids)
itemids = np.array(itemids)[idx]
itemcounts = np.array(itemcounts)[idx]
static_loot_distribution[typei]["itemDistribution"] = [
"tpl": tpl,
"relativeProbability": int(prb)
for tpl, prb in zip(itemids, itemcounts)
return static_loot_distribution

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
# This is a sample Python script.
import json
class TarkovItems:
DefaultInventory = "55d7217a4bdc2d86028b456d"
Inventory = "55d720f24bdc2d88028b456d"
Pockets = "557596e64bdc2dc2118b4571"
Weapon = "5422acb9af1c889c16000029"
Headwear = "5a341c4086f77401f2541505"
Armor = "5448e54d4bdc2dcc718b4568"
Vest = "5448e5284bdc2dcb718b4567"
Backpack = "5448e53e4bdc2d60728b4567"
Visors = "5448e5724bdc2ddf718b4568"
Food = "5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569"
Drink = "5448e8d64bdc2dce718b4568"
BarterItem = "5448eb774bdc2d0a728b4567"
Info = "5448ecbe4bdc2d60728b4568"
MedKit = "5448f39d4bdc2d0a728b4568"
Drugs = "5448f3a14bdc2d27728b4569"
Stimulator = "5448f3a64bdc2d60728b456a"
Medical = "5448f3ac4bdc2dce718b4569"
MedicalSupplies = "57864c8c245977548867e7f1"
Mod = "5448fe124bdc2da5018b4567"
FunctionalMod = "550aa4154bdc2dd8348b456b"
GearMod = "55802f3e4bdc2de7118b4584"
Stock = "55818a594bdc2db9688b456a"
Foregrip = "55818af64bdc2d5b648b4570"
MasterMod = "55802f4a4bdc2ddb688b4569"
Mount = "55818b224bdc2dde698b456f"
Muzzle = "5448fe394bdc2d0d028b456c"
Sights = "5448fe7a4bdc2d6f028b456b"
Meds = "543be5664bdc2dd4348b4569"
Money = "543be5dd4bdc2deb348b4569"
Key = "543be5e94bdc2df1348b4568"
KeyMechanical = "5c99f98d86f7745c314214b3"
Keycard = "5c164d2286f774194c5e69fa"
Equipment = "543be5f84bdc2dd4348b456a"
ThrowWeap = "543be6564bdc2df4348b4568"
FoodDrink = "543be6674bdc2df1348b4569"
Pistol = "5447b5cf4bdc2d65278b4567"
Smg = "5447b5e04bdc2d62278b4567"
AssaultRifle = "5447b5f14bdc2d61278b4567"
AssaultCarbine = "5447b5fc4bdc2d87278b4567"
Shotgun = "5447b6094bdc2dc3278b4567"
MarksmanRifle = "5447b6194bdc2d67278b4567"
SniperRifle = "5447b6254bdc2dc3278b4568"
MachineGun = "5447bed64bdc2d97278b4568"
GrenadeLauncher = "5447bedf4bdc2d87278b4568"
SpecialWeapon = "5447bee84bdc2dc3278b4569"
SpecItem = "5447e0e74bdc2d3c308b4567"
Knife = "5447e1d04bdc2dff2f8b4567"
Ammo = "5485a8684bdc2da71d8b4567"
AmmoBox = "543be5cb4bdc2deb348b4568"
LootContainer = "566965d44bdc2d814c8b4571"
MobContainer = "5448bf274bdc2dfc2f8b456a"
SearchableItem = "566168634bdc2d144c8b456c"
Stash = "566abbb64bdc2d144c8b457d"
SortingTable = "6050cac987d3f925bf016837"
LockableContainer = "5671435f4bdc2d96058b4569"
SimpleContainer = "5795f317245977243854e041"
StationaryContainer = "567583764bdc2d98058b456e"
Armband = "5b3f15d486f77432d0509248"
DogTagUsec = "59f32c3b86f77472a31742f0"
DogTagBear = "59f32bb586f774757e1e8442"
Jewelry = "57864a3d24597754843f8721"
Electronics = "57864a66245977548f04a81f"
BuildingMaterial = "57864ada245977548638de91"
Tool = "57864bb7245977548b3b66c2"
HouseholdGoods = "57864c322459775490116fbf"
Lubricant = "57864e4c24597754843f8723"
Battery = "57864ee62459775490116fc1"
FunctionalMod = "550aa4154bdc2dd8348b456b"
GearMod = "55802f3e4bdc2de7118b4584"
MasterMod = "55802f4a4bdc2ddb688b4569"
Other = "590c745b86f7743cc433c5f2"
AssaultScope = "55818add4bdc2d5b648b456f"
ReflexSight = "55818ad54bdc2ddc698b4569"
TacticalCombo = "55818b164bdc2ddc698b456c"
Magazine = "5448bc234bdc2d3c308b4569"
LightLaser = "55818b0e4bdc2dde698b456e"
Silencer = "550aa4cd4bdc2dd8348b456c"
PortableRangeFinder = "61605ddea09d851a0a0c1bbc"
Item = "54009119af1c881c07000029"
def __init__(self, items: str, handbook: str, locales: str):
with open(items, encoding='utf-8') as fin:
self._items = json.load(fin)
with open(handbook, encoding='utf-8') as fin:
self._handbook = json.load(fin)
with open(locales, encoding='utf-8') as fin:
self._locales = json.load(fin)
def is_baseclass(self, tpl, baseclass_id):
item_template = self._items[tpl]
if '_parent' not in item_template:
return False
if item_template['_parent'] == "":
return False
parent_id = item_template['_parent']
if parent_id == baseclass_id:
return True
return self.is_baseclass(parent_id, baseclass_id)
def is_questitem(self, tpl):
item_template = self._items[tpl]
return item_template["_props"]["QuestItem"]
def max_durability(self, tpl):
item_template = self._items[tpl]
if "MaxDurability" in item_template["_props"]:
return item_template["_props"]["MaxDurability"]
return None
def ammo_caliber(self, tpl):
item_template = self._items[tpl]
if "Caliber" in item_template["_props"]:
return item_template["_props"]["Caliber"]
return None
def template(self, tpl):
return self._items[tpl]
def template_locale_name(self, tpl):
id = self.template(tpl)['_id']
return self._locales['templates'][id]['Name']
def ancestry(self, tpl):
ancestors = []
item_template = self._items[tpl]
while '_parent' in item_template and item_template['_parent'] != "":
parent_id = item_template['_parent']
parent = self._items[parent_id]
ancestors.append({'parentId': parent_id, "parentName": parent['_name']})
item_template = parent
return ancestors
def price(self, tpl):
handbook_items = self._handbook["Items"]
return next((hi["Price"] for hi in handbook_items if hi["Id"] == tpl))
if __name__ == "__main__":
tarkov_items = TarkovItems(
# [
# print(ti["_props"]["Caliber"])
# for tpl, ti in tarkov_items._items.items()
# if tarkov_items.is_baseclass(tpl,tarkov_items.BASECLASS.Ammo)
# ]
for tpl, ti in tarkov_items._items.items():
if tarkov_items.is_baseclass(tpl, tarkov_items.BASECLASS.Magazine):
ammoTpls = ti["_props"]["Cartridges"][0]["_props"]["filters"][0]["Filter"]
except Exception as e:
ammos = [tarkov_items.template(tpli) for tpli in ammoTpls]
for ai in ammos:
test = ai["_props"]["Caliber"]
except Exception as e:
# print(tarkov_items.template_locale_name("59e6152586f77473dc057aa1"))
# print(tarkov_items.price("59e6152586f77473dc057aa1"))
# print(tarkov_items.ancestry("59e6152586f77473dc057aa1"))
# print(tarkov_items.is_baseclass("59e6152586f77473dc057aa1", TarkovItems.BASECLASS.Weapon))
# print(tarkov_items.ancestry(TarkovItems.BASECLASS.Armor))
# print(tarkov_items.ancestry(TarkovItems.BASECLASS.Headwear))
# print(tarkov_items.ancestry(TarkovItems.BASECLASS.Vest))