239 lines
8.6 KiB
239 lines
8.6 KiB
import json
import yaml
import time
import py7zr
import hashlib
import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
from pathlib import Path
from concurrent import futures
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby
from src.tarkov_items import TarkovItems
from src.static_loot import preprocess_staticloot, StaticLootProcessor
from src.loose_loot import preprocess_looseloot, LooseLootProcessor
with open('config/config.yaml', 'r') as fin:
config = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
with open(f'config/{config["config"]["static"]["forced_yaml"]}', 'r') as fin:
forced_static_yaml = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
STATIC_WEAPON_IDS = forced_static_yaml['static_weapon_ids']
FORCED_STATIC = forced_static_yaml['forced_items']
with open(f'config/{config["config"]["loose"]["forced_yaml"]}', 'r') as fin:
FORCED_LOOSE = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
with open(f'config/{config["server"]["map_directory_mapping_yaml"]}', 'r') as fin:
directory_mapping = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
tarkov_server_dir = Path(config["server"]["location"])
loot_dump_archive = Path(config["archives"]["target_folder"]) / config["archives"][
def hash_file(text):
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
return sha256.hexdigest()
def parse_dumps(input):
blacklist = ["Hideout"]
fname = input[0]
bio = input[1]
text = bio.read()
fi = json.loads(text)
datestr = fname.split(".getLocalloot_")[-1].split(".")[0]
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
if (
fi["data"] is not None
and fi["data"]["Name"] not in blacklist
and date > datetime.datetime.strptime(
basic_info = {
"map": fi["data"]["Name"],
"filehash": hash_file(text),
"date": date,
"fname": fname
looseloot = [li for li in fi["data"]["Loot"] if not li["IsStatic"]]
staticloot = [li for li in fi["data"]["Loot"] if li["IsStatic"]]
looseloot_processed = preprocess_looseloot(looseloot)
containers = preprocess_staticloot(staticloot, STATIC_WEAPON_IDS)
return {
"basic_info": basic_info,
"looseloot": looseloot_processed,
"containers": containers
return None
def main():
tarkov_items = TarkovItems(
items=tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/templates/items.json",
handbook=tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/templates/handbook.json",
locales=tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/locales/global/en.json"
loose_loot_dir = tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/locations"
static_loot_dir = tarkov_server_dir / "project/assets/database/loot"
print("Open dump archive", end="; ")
map_files = {}
gather_loot_results = []
time_start = time.time()
with py7zr.SevenZipFile(loot_dump_archive, 'r') as archive:
archive_files = set(archive.getnames())
with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
print("Gathering dumps")
for result in list(
tqdm(executor.map(parse_dumps, archive.read(archive_files).items()),
if result is not None:
# get the newest dump per map
mapi = result["basic_info"]["map"]
if mapi not in map_files:
map_files[mapi] = (
if result["basic_info"]["date"] > map_files[mapi][0]:
map_files[mapi] = (
print(f"Reading dumps took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
dump_count = len(gather_loot_results)
# remove duplicate dumps
time_start = time.time()
gather_loot_results = sorted(gather_loot_results,
key=lambda x: x["basic_info"]["filehash"])
gather_loot_results_unique = []
for _, g in groupby(gather_loot_results, key=lambda x: x["basic_info"]["filehash"]):
g = list(g)
if len(g) > 1:
# print(f"Duplicate dumps: {', '.join([gi['filename'] for gi in g])}")
del gather_loot_results
dump_count_unique = len(gather_loot_results_unique)
f"Removing duplicates took {time.time() - time_start} seconds: {dump_count - dump_count_unique} / {dump_count}")
# Map Reduce
print("Map reducing dumps", end="; ")
time_start = time.time()
gather_loot_results_unique = sorted(gather_loot_results_unique,
key=lambda x: x["basic_info"]["map"])
looseloot_counts = {}
container_counts = []
map_counts = {}
for mapi, g in groupby(gather_loot_results_unique,
key=lambda x: x["basic_info"]["map"]):
g = list(g)
map_counts[mapi] = len(g)
looseloot_counts[mapi] = {}
looseloot_counts[mapi]["counts"] = defaultdict(int)
looseloot_counts[mapi]["items"] = defaultdict(list)
looseloot_counts[mapi]["itemproperties"] = defaultdict(list)
looseloot_counts[mapi]["map_spawnpoint_count"] = []
for gi in g:
container_counts += gi["containers"]
for k, v in gi["looseloot"]["counts"].items():
looseloot_counts[mapi]["counts"][k] += v
for k, v in gi["looseloot"]["items"].items():
looseloot_counts[mapi]["items"][k] += v
for k, v in gi["looseloot"]["itemproperties"].items():
looseloot_counts[mapi]["itemproperties"][k] += v
looseloot_counts[mapi]["map_spawnpoint_count"] += [
del gather_loot_results_unique
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
static_loot_processor = StaticLootProcessor(
# create static containers (containers per map, forced loot in map, static weapons in map)
print("Create \"static containers\"", end='; ')
time_start = time.time()
static_containers = {}
with py7zr.SevenZipFile(loot_dump_archive, 'r') as archive:
targets = [datename_tuple[1] for _, datename_tuple in map_files.items()]
targets = sorted(targets)
for fname, bio in archive.read(targets).items():
mapi, static_containers_mi = static_loot_processor.create_static_containers(
static_containers[mapi] = static_containers_mi
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
with open(static_loot_dir / "staticContainers.json", "w") as fout:
json.dump(static_containers, fout, indent=1)
# Ammo distribution
time_start = time.time()
print(f"Creating \"ammo\" distribution", end="; ")
ammo_distribution = static_loot_processor.create_ammo_distribution(container_counts)
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
with open(static_loot_dir / "staticAmmo.json", "w") as fout:
json.dump(ammo_distribution, fout, indent=1)
# Static loot distribution
time_start = time.time()
print(f"Creating \"static container\"", end='; ')
static_loot_distribution = static_loot_processor.create_static_loot_distribution(
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds.")
with open(static_loot_dir / "staticLoot.json", 'w') as fout:
json.dump(static_loot_distribution, fout, indent=1)
# Loose loot distribution
loose_loot_processor = LooseLootProcessor(
time_start = time.time()
print(f"Calculating \"loose loot\" distribution", end='; ')
loose_loot_distribution = loose_loot_processor.create_loose_loot_distribution(
map_counts, looseloot_counts)
print(f"took {time.time() - time_start} seconds")
for mi, cnt in map_counts.items():
for mapdir in directory_mapping[mi]["name"]:
with open(loose_loot_dir / mapdir / "looseLoot.json", "w") as fout:
json.dump(loose_loot_distribution[mi], fout, indent=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':