* [Download and install composer dependencies](#download-and-install-composer-dependencies)
## Overview
* The project is split between the frontend and the backend
* the backend is a [submodule](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules) located in [api](../api) that points towards [https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/Rev/spt-items-api.git](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/Rev/spt-items-api.git)
* the frontend is a [submodule](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules) located in [frontend](../frontend) that points towards [https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/shirito/item-finder-website-frontend.git](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/shirito/item-finder-website-frontend.git)
* There are two Ansible pipelines
* A docker pipeline [drone-docker.yml](../drone-docker.yml)
* A kubernetes pipeline [drone-kubernetes.yml](../drone-kubernetes.yml)
* All ansible playbook files are located in [.ansible](../.ansible)
* The documentation is located in [documentation](../documentation)
## Pipeline definition
kind: pipeline
type: kubernetes
name: default
The pipeline is defined either as Docker or Kubernetes depending on [.drone-docker.yml](../../.drone-docker.yml) or [.drone-kubernetes.yml](../../.drone-kubernetes.yml). The name is set as `default`.
## Pipeline Concurrency
limit: 1
The pipeline is set to only one build at a time (every subsequent build with be pending).
The pipeline is run on every push only on branches `master`, `main` and `development`. We want to check that every development on `development` branch is correct and deploy automatically when merged in `master`/`main`.
Since the PHP backend serves the ReactJS frontend, the former is built and moved in the latter.
*`yarn --cwd <path> <command>` executes the command in the specified file
*`rm -rf ./api/public/static/*` deletes the static files to make sure no old JavaScript files remain
*`rm ./api/public/index.html` ReactJS is bundled with a `index.html`. It is discarded to use [](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/Rev/spt-items-api/raw/branch/master/resources/views/app.blade.php) instead.
Check the Ansible syntax in [playbook.yml](../.ansible/playbook.yml), [inventory](../.ansible/inventory) and [requirements.yml](../.ansible/requirements.yml). The check is executed on every push since we want to detect any error before validating the build using the promotion.
*`DEPLOYMENT_USER` is used to connect to the remote server via SSH.
* all environment variables at the pipeline level (see [Environment variables](#environment-variables))
#### Playbook definition
hosts: host
Uses the host defined in [inventory](../.ansible/inventory). Remember, the step [Replace hosts and user variables](#replace-hosts-and-user-variables) already replaced the variables at this point. The playbook will be executed as `root` user using `sudo`.
Uses [Jinja2](https://jinja2docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) to resolve the [template for the PHP app.blade.php file](../.ansible/templates/app.blade.php.j2). \
`SPT_ITEMS_PATH` is injected thanks to the pipeline level environment variables (see [Environment variables](#environment-variables)).
#### Download and install composer dependencies
- name: Download and installs all composer libs and dependencies