In Escape from Tarkov, skills are the representation of the proficiency of your PMC with sets of activities. Low level skills will make your PMC feel like a newly enrolled guerrilla fighter, while maximum level skills will turn you into a real war machine !
* Search for the first line with the `Skills` property.

The `Skills` property contains a list of all the character's skills. For skills, their levels are derived from an experience points amount, much like the character experience.
> The difference between a character level and its skill levels is that each skill level is an increment of 100 points and that the maximum level for each skill is level 51. A character with an Endurance skill and 100 points in it will have it at level 1. At 500 it will be level 5, and so on.
You've now upgraded all your skills to level 51. **BUT** ! If you stop there, save your changes and start the game, you will encounter a "small" problem when you will reload because of the `BotReload` skill. Your PMC will reload at the speed of light and it will look bugged.
Congratulations, you made your PMC reach it's physical peak ! If you start the game, and check your PMC skills screen you should now have something similar to the screenshot below:

With this part of the tutorial done, you're now ready to move one to the next step: [Editing your character's quests status](./#tutorials/tut_0/