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+## About SPT-Aki
+> SPT-Aki is an emulator made by tarkov fans for tarkov fans that want to play **offline** without any sort of PVP and with a similar online experience and progression.
+Everything you should know about SPT-Aki:
+- PMCs and Scavs.
+ - SPT-Aki spawn for you both PMC and scavs in your raids for simulating online experience.
+- Insurance.
+ - The insurance works exactly like Official Tarkov.
+- Progression.
+ - The skill, mastering, quest and leveling progression is absolutely saved.
+- Modding.
+ - You can mod SPT-Aki to your liking, making the game more harder, or more easy, it's up to you!
+- Stability.
+ - The server is more stable than the official server ~for sure~.
+- **No** multiplayer or coop mod.
+ - SPT-Aki doesn't give any way to play multiplayer or coop with other players and will never.
+- Infinite flea market items.
+ - Flea market actually sell every items of the game without limitations.
+- Flea markets prices doesn't change.
+ - The flea market prices wont change except if you mod them. They are unique!
+- All officials quests are available
+ - SPT-Aki have all quests from official working, and even with quests that bsg didn't fixed while SPT-Aki fixed them!
+SP-Tarkov doesn't give you anything to cheat on officials servers. We strictly disapprove any kind of cheating regarding Escape From Tarkov. SPT-Aki source code is **open source** and anyone can contribute to the project, it is available on github, but we don't give deobfuscated and source of the edited assemblies files.
+SP-Tarkov doesn't use anything from official for starting the game, wich means you can't get banned except if you start both SPT-Aki and the official BSG software at the same time.
+## Credits
+> All credits goes to:
+* Main developer of the project
+ - InNoHurryToCode
+* All differents contributors
+ - Sorata-Senpai
+ - Baliston
+ - Psifour
+ - Krunchy
+ - Craink
+ - stx09
+ - And all other that i forgot the name
+* All modders
+ - AssAssIn
+ - Frumorn
+ - Kiva
+ - Divinity
+ - Prospero
+ - Saaly
+ - And all other that i forgot the name
+* Websites
+ - Atomos for: www,docs website
+ - Woltlab for: mods website
+ - AmazingTurtle: for items website
+ - Gitea for: dev website
+* Documentation editing
+ - Sorata-Senpai for most of the tutorials
+ - InNoHurryToCode for some tutorials
+ - enhausser for some tutorials
+ - Мастер Чиф#1334 for fixing Sorata-Senpai english
+ - Baliston for adding servers functions
+ - Saaly for some tutorials
+## SPT-Aki is licenced under NSCA Open Source
+Copyright (c) 2020 Merijn Hendriks. All rights reserved.
+Developed by: Merijn Hendriks
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal
+with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
+ Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ Neither the names of Merijn Hendriks, SPT-AKI, nor the names of
+ its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ this Software without specific prior written permission.
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+# Heading 1
+## Heading 2
+### Heading 3
+#### Heading 4
+##### Heading 5
+###### Heading 6
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus orci ex, efficitur ac auctor non, molestie sit amet erat. Proin lacinia lacus quis mollis commodo. Nullam non justo ipsum. Donec convallis tempus nulla, vitae vestibulum ante scelerisque at. Praesent vel nunc sed massa lobortis tempus vitae sed ipsum. Nam hendrerit nibh id leo aliquam facilisis. Mauris placerat, libero id dictum vulputate, tortor quam venenatis massa, vel lacinia orci nunc sit amet metus. Donec bibendum mauris ligula, sed bibendum erat posuere id. Pellentesque maximus orci non velit tempor, quis ultrices lectus convallis. Cras efficitur arcu tortor, quis vehicula massa ultricies id. Mauris pretium ligula libero, ut imperdiet metus porta nec. Sed viverra sapien ac enim venenatis cursus. Cras id gravida libero, vitae malesuada ligula. Vivamus consectetur vel elit vel finibus. Mauris orci felis, ornare bibendum facilisis sit amet, laoreet ac nisl. In efficitur nulla pharetra tincidunt porta.
+Praesent viverra, sem et sodales fermentum, augue odio pulvinar turpis, iaculis commodo orci diam a quam. Nulla sollicitudin mollis nibh vitae blandit. Mauris tristique magna at fringilla tristique. Etiam placerat erat turpis, sed consectetur mi pretium ut. Cras ornare ultricies commodo. Donec faucibus metus nisi, sit amet convallis lorem tincidunt a. Proin sapien eros, mollis in magna quis, volutpat porta neque. Mauris vitae quam cursus massa placerat maximus ac imperdiet sapien. Praesent condimentum metus augue, sit amet tempus enim vulputate id. Nulla eleifend mauris quis pulvinar ullamcorper. Integer massa dui, volutpat porta justo eu, ullamcorper lobortis nibh. Nunc dignissim dui sed nunc ultrices malesuada. Curabitur a neque non eros congue placerat. Cras imperdiet varius tellus gravida luctus. Morbi dictum diam vitae pellentesque sagittis. Quisque vel enim condimentum, pulvinar justo aliquam, egestas erat.
+some `inline code` to test it.
+a code block
+// JavaScript
+let foo = 0;
+for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ foo += i;
+// C#
+string message = "Hello, world!";
+# Heading 1
+A text
+> A quote
+**bold text**
+*italic text*
+[an url](http://www.google.com)
+- item 1
+- item 2
+- item 3 (level 0)
+ - level 1
+ - level 2
+ - level 3
+> Nullam commodo nec orci ac egestas. Nam non laoreet elit, in molestie velit. Aliquam varius sem in nulla venenatis faucibus. Quisque tincidunt ex ipsum, eget tempor tellus rhoncus quis. Suspendisse leo ipsum, dictum in maximus id, consectetur ut nibh. Nunc aliquam nisl ac turpis blandit, aliquam scelerisque ipsum ultricies. Fusce mollis, enim a vehicula semper, elit enim imperdiet lectus, et ornare tellus sem nec elit. Quisque in finibus leo, sed auctor metus. Curabitur interdum rutrum est, ut sollicitudin ex egestas vel. Fusce non urna massa. Cras sit amet odio eros. In luctus elit eget mollis auctor. Ut gravida lacus ut justo bibendum, ac consectetur velit dictum. In ac vulputate est. Curabitur consectetur lorem eget tempus porttitor.
This is an alert !
This is an info !
This is a warning !
This is a note !
+[link to install tutorial](#sp-tarkov/install_sp-tarkov.md)
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+## Launcher related questions
+### The launcher closes as soon as it opens
+Copy-paste from `EscapeFromTarkov_Data/Managed/` into the same directory where `Launcher.exe` is located:
+- `0Harmony.dll`
+- `Assembly-CSharp.dll`
+- `Newtonsoft.Json.dll`
+- `NLog.dll`
+- `NLog.SPTarkov.Common.dll`
+- `UnityEngine.dll`
+- `UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll`
+- `UnityEngine.ImageConversionModule.dll`
+- `zlib.net.dll`
+### The launcher reports that no servers are available
+Make sure that `Server.exe` says that the server is running. After this, press the refresh button.
+### The launcher reports that no connection can be established
+Make sure that `Server.exe` says that the server is running.
+### Object reference not set to an instance of an object reported by launcher
+1. Start server
+2. Start EscapeFromTarkov.exe
+3. Wait about 10 sec on loading screen
+4. Close game (Alt+f4)
+5. Start Launcher.exe
+If this does not solve your issue, make sure that you've also ran the game from your Official Tarkov installation.
+## Server related questions
+### Where is the mods folder located?
+In `user/mods/`. If it's not located there, create a folder `mods` in the `user` folder of the server.
+### TypeError: Cannot read property 'menu' of undefined
+In order to fix this error, you need to download the language you're using [here](https://mods.offline-tarkov.com), The language you're using is shown above the error.
+/client/menu/locale/**ch** <-- is the language you're using, so download the language mod according to your version.
+### TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "data" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received undefined
+In order to fix this error, you need to either uninstall your current NodeJS version and install NodeJS v12.16.3, **or** if the error is coming from `logger.js` then:
+1. Open `core/util/logger.js`.
+2. On line `43`, replace `fs.writeFileSync(filepath);` with `fs.writeFileSync(filepath, '');`.
+3. Save the file and re-run server.
+### Input string 'number' is not a valid integer.
+**⚠️ If you want to make any changes in your character profile file, close both the game and the server, none of these should run ⚠️ .**
+If you encounter this error, you need to:
+1. Go into `user/profile/yourProfileID/character.json`.
+2. Search for the number appearing in the error
+3. Remove the **".5"** of the number
+4. Save the file
+5. Start the server
+### How do i recache my server ?
+Before recaching your server, make sure to have both the game and server **not started**.
+In order to recache your server you need:
+1. Head to `ServerDir/user`
+2. Delete the **cache** folder
+3. Head to `ClientDir/`
+4. Delete the **cache** folder
+5. Start the server
+### Can i play with friends on SPTarkov ?
+In order to play with your friends, you need to buy an Escape From Tarkov copy at https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page
+**SPTarkov will never hold multiplayer capabilitys.**. So no you will not be able to play with your friends using SPTarkov. Even if you find videos that show people playing with other people on it, it's not made by SPTarkov tarkov team, and it's absolutely not related to it too.
+### Where is the `bots_f`folder?
+## Building from source questions
+### When building the modules project I get a "code 4" error
+Check the directory path where you are building the project, it should not have any spaces in it e.g.
+`C:\This is a bad directory name\modules\project`
+See below for a good example of a directory structure.
+## Unrelated questions
+### Where can i download the last version of SPTarkov ?
+Just head over the [#tutorials](https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub/groups/B36wYEeD/channels/16291b64-bd22-4e1a-8af5-11f5e69fd9d8/docs) section in the SPTarkov guilded.
+Link : https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
+### The game is stuck at the loading page
+This means your assemblies version is wrong or your client version is wrong. Use the lastest files available only in the SPTarkov guilded.
+### How do i clean my temporary EFT folder ?
+For cleaning this folder, open the windows start menu and search **%temp%**.
+Open this folder and look for **Battlestate Games**. Delete this folder and it's done!
+### Can i use the underbarrel grenade launcher ?
+No you can't, the grenade launcher is having issues when reloading which blocks your character of doing anything else in a game. It's not meant to be useable, otherwise it would be available on the official game.
+### I don't have any bots that spawn in my raid
+That's normal, in order to get bots to spawn, you need to check the "Enable PVE" checkbox in the raid screen.
+### I'm stuck in the right click menu UI
+In order to fix this, you can reduce your mouse right click speed in the windows options.
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+id: Homepage
+title: Homepage
+sidebar_label: Home
+## **Documentation**
+> A complete documentation website for SP-Tarkov.
+What will you find here ?
+- [A FAQ page](faq.md)
+- [Tutorials](tutorials/index.md)
+- [Modders resources](resources/index.md)
+- [Developers resources](server_functions/index.md)
+You want to know more about SP-Tarkov ?
+> Check out [about](about.md) page
+The documentation need you!
+> Don't hesitate to contribute to the documentation by improving and adding/or edit pages on it. You have a link at the bottom of each page that redirect you to the file to edit.
+> Your PR will be rewieved and merged if correct, else i will tell you what needs to be changed in your PR to make it merged.
+> If no one contribute to the documentation, it will not be improved by the time, it's your documentation.
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+id: index_mods
+title: Modders resources
+sidebar_label: Modders resources - Index
+> You will find here every resources for modders that can be used in modding.
+## All availables resources
+### [Player profile resources](playerProfile_resources)
+#### What can be found in ?
+* Member category list
+* Messages type list
+* Profile bonuses list
+* Skills buff list
+* Character ingame counter list
+### [Quests resources](quests_resources)
+#### What can be found in ?
+* Quest type list
+* Quest reward type list
+* Quest ID list
+### [Locations resources](locations_resources)
+#### What can be found in ?
+* Hideout area list
+* Hideout area requirements list
+* Locations extract requirements list
+* Locations rules list
+### [Items stats resources](itemsStats_resources)
+#### What can be found in ?
+* Color list
+* Stimulator buff list
+* Items nodes list
+### [Other resources](other_resources)
+#### What can be found in ?
+* Weather type list
+* Currency ID list
+* Traders ID list
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+> You can here find various resources on for items editing
+## Color list
+ blue,
+ yellow,
+ green,
+ red,
+ black,
+ grey,
+ violet,
+ orange,
+ tracerYellow,
+ tracerGreen,
+ tracerRed
+## Stimulator buff list
+ HealthRate,
+ EnergyRate,
+ HydrationRate,
+ SkillRate,
+ MaxStamina,
+ StaminaRate,
+ StomachBloodloss,
+ ContusionBlur,
+ ContusionWiggle,
+ Pain,
+ HandsTremor,
+ QuantumTunnelling,
+ RemoveNegativeEffects,
+ RemoveAllBuffs,
+ RemoveAllBloodLosses
+## All nodes ID
+### Barters item
+"57864bb7245977548b3b66c2" //Tools
+"57864c8c245977548867e7f1" //Medical Supplies
+"57864e4c24597754843f8723" //Flammable materials
+"57864a3d24597754843f8721" //Jewelry
+"57864c322459775490116fbf" //HouseholdGoods
+"57864a66245977548f04a81f" //Electronics
+"57864ada245977548638de91" //BuildingMaterial
+"57864ee62459775490116fc1" //Battery
+"590c745b86f7743cc433c5f2" //Other
+### Gear
+"57bef4c42459772e8d35a53b" //GearComponents
+"5448e54d4bdc2dcc718b4568" //Armor
+"5448bf274bdc2dfc2f8b456a" //Secured Containers
+"5671435f4bdc2d96058b4569" //Containers & Case
+"5448e5284bdc2dcb718b4567" //Vest
+"5448e53e4bdc2d60728b4567" //Backpack
+"5645bcb74bdc2ded0b8b4578" //Headset
+"5448e5724bdc2ddf718b4568" //Visor
+"5a341c4086f77401f2541505" //Headwear
+"5a341c4686f77469e155819e" //Facecover
+"5b3f15d486f77432d0509248" //Armband
+### Weapon Parts & mod
+#### Vital Parts
+"55818a304bdc2db5418b457d" //Receiver
+"55818a684bdc2ddd698b456d" //PistolGrip
+"56ea9461d2720b67698b456f" //Gasblock
+"55818a104bdc2db9688b4569" //Handguard
+"555ef6e44bdc2de9068b457e" //Barrel
+#### Gear Mods
+"55818a594bdc2db9688b456a" //Stock
+"55818b224bdc2dde698b456f" //Mounts
+"5448bc234bdc2d3c308b4569" //Magazines
+"55818b014bdc2ddc698b456b" //Launcher
+"55818a6f4bdc2db9688b456b" //Charging Handle
+#### Functional Mods
+"5a74651486f7744e73386dd1" //Auxiliary Parts
+"5448fe7a4bdc2d6f028b456b" //Sights
+"55818b0e4bdc2dde698b456e" //LightLasers
+"5448fe394bdc2d0d028b456c" //Muzzle
+"55818af64bdc2d5b648b4570" //Foregrip
+"55818afb4bdc2dde698b456d" //Bipods
+#### Weapons
+"543be6564bdc2df4348b4568" //Throwable
+"5447e1d04bdc2dff2f8b4567" //Melee Weapons
+"5447bed64bdc2d97278b4568" //Machine Guns
+"5447b6254bdc2dc3278b4568" //SnipersRifles
+"5447b5e04bdc2d62278b4567" // Smgs
+"5447b6094bdc2dc3278b4567" //Shotguns
+"5447b5cf4bdc2d65278b4567" //Pistol
+:"5447b6194bdc2d67278b4567" //MarksmanRifles
+"5447b5f14bdc2d61278b4567" //AssaultRifles
+"5447b5fc4bdc2d87278b4567" //AssaultCarbines
+#### Ammo
+"543be5cb4bdc2deb348b4568" //Ammobox
+"5485a8684bdc2da71d8b4567" //Rounds
+#### Provisions
+"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569" //Food
+"5448e8d64bdc2dce718b4568" //Drinks
+#### Medical Treatment
+"5448f3a64bdc2d60728b456a" //Injectors
+"5448f3ac4bdc2dce718b4569" //Injury Treatments
+"5448f39d4bdc2d0a728b4568" //Medkit
+"5448f3a14bdc2d27728b4569" //Pills
+#### Keys
+"5c164d2286f774194c5e69fa" //Keycards
+"5c99f98d86f7745c314214b3" //MechanicalKeys
+#### Other
+"5448ecbe4bdc2d60728b4568" //Info items
+"5447e0e74bdc2d3c308b4567" //Special Equipments
+"567849dd4bdc2d150f8b456e" //Maps
+"543be5dd4bdc2deb348b4569" //Money
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+> You can find here a various list about locations editing
+## Hideout areas list
+- AREA 0 : VENTS | Max level : 3
+- AREA 1 : SECURITY | Max level : 3
+- AREA 2 : LAVATORY | Max level : 3
+- AREA 3 : STASH | Max level : 4
+- AREA 4 : GENERATOR | Max level : 3
+- AREA 5 : HEATING | Max level : 3
+- AREA 6 : WATER COLLECTOR | Max level : 3
+- AREA 7 : MEDSTATION | Max level : 3
+- AREA 8 : NUTRITION UNIT | Max level : 3
+- AREA 9 : REST SPACE | Max level : 3
+- AREA 10 : WORKBENCH | Max level : 3
+- AREA 11 : INTELLIGENCE CENTER | Max level : 3
+- AREA 12 : SHOOTING RANGE | Max level : 1
+- AREA 13 : LIBRARY | Max level : 1
+- AREA 14 : SCAV CASE | Max level : 1
+- AREA 15 : ILLUMINATION | Max level : 3
+- AREA 16 : PLACE OF FAME | Max level : 1
+- AREA 17 : AIR FILTRERING UNIT | Max level : 1
+- AREA 18 : SOLAR POWER | Max level : 1
+- AREA 19 : BOOZE GENERATOR | Max level : 1
+- AREA 20 : BITCOIN FARM | Max level : 3
+- AREA 21 : CHRISTMAS TREE | Max level : 1
+ Area,
+ Item,
+ TraderUnlock,
+ TraderLoyalty,
+ Skill,
+ Resource
+ None,
+ Empty,
+ TransferItem,
+ WorldEvent,
+ NotEmpty,
+ HasItem,
+ WearsItem,
+ EmptyOrSize,
+ SkillLevel,
+ Reference,
+ ScavCooperation,
+ Train
+ Normal,
+ AvoidOwnPmc,
+ AvoidAllPmc
+Thanks digitalbarrito @ guilded for the list!
+Customs: [
+ ZoneBrige,
+ ZoneCrossRoad,
+ ZoneFactorySide,
+ ZoneOldAZS,
+ ZoneBlock,
+ Post,
+ ZoneTankSquare,
+ ZoneCustoms
+Factory Day: [
+ BotZone
+Factory Night: [
+ BotZone
+Interchange: [
+ ZoneIDEA,
+ ZoneRoad,
+ ZoneCenter,
+ ZoneCenterBot,
+ ZoneOLI,
+ ZoneOLIPark,
+ ZoneGoshan,
+ ZonePowerStation,
+ ZoneTrucks,
+ ZoneIDEAPark
+Laboratory: [
+ BotZoneMain
+Reserve: [
+ ZoneRailStrorage,
+ ZonePTOR1,
+ ZonePTOR2,
+ ZoneBarrack,
+ ZoneBunkerStorage,
+ ZoneSubStorage
+Shoreline: [
+ ZoneSanatorium,
+ ZonePassFar,
+ ZonePassClose,
+ ZoneTunnel,
+ ZoneStartVillage,
+ ZoneBunker
+Woods: [
+ ZoneRedHouse,
+ ZoneHighRocks,
+ ZoneWoodCutter,
+ ZoneHouse,
+ ZoneBigRocks,
+ ZoneRoad,
+ ZoneMiniHouse
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+> This page give you a various list of resources for global changes
+## All weather type
+ ClearDay,
+ ClearWind,
+ ClearNight,
+ PartlyCloudDay,
+ PartlyCloudNight,
+ ClearFogDay,
+ ClearFogNight,
+ CloudFog,
+ Fog,
+ MostlyCloud,
+ LightRain,
+ Rain,
+ CloudWind,
+ CloudWindRain,
+ FullCloud,
+ ThunderCloud
+## Currency IDs
+Roubles: 5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f
+Euros: 569668774bdc2da2298b4568
+Dollars: 5696686a4bdc2da3298b456a
+## Traders ID
+Prapor: 54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571
+Ragman: 5ac3b934156ae10c4430e83c
+Skier: 58330581ace78e27b8b10cee
+Peacekeeper: 5935c25fb3acc3127c3d8cd9
+Therapist: 54cb57776803fa99248b456e
+Jaeger: 5c0647fdd443bc2504c2d371
+Fence: 579dc571d53a0658a154fbec
+Mechanic: 5a7c2eca46aef81a7ca2145d
+## Template Category ID
+// Gear
+5b47574386f77428ca22b33f = Gear
+5b47574386f77428ca22b331 = Gear Visors
+5b47574386f77428ca22b330 = Gear Headware
+5b47574386f77428ca22b32f = Gear Facecover
+5b5f704686f77447ec5d76d7 = Gear Components
+5b5f701386f774093f2ecf0f = Gear Armor
+5b5f6fd286f774093f2ecf0d = Gear Secured
+5b5f6fa186f77409407a7eb7 = Gear Cases
+5b5f6f8786f77447ed563642 = Gear Rigs
+5b5f6f6c86f774093f2ecf0b = Gear Backpack
+5b5f6f3c86f774094242ef87 = Gear Headsets
+// Mods
+5b5f71a686f77447ed5636ab = Mods
+5b5f764186f77447ec5d7714 = Mod Reciever
+5b5f760586f774093e6cb509 = Mod Gasblock
+5b5f759686f774094242f19d = Mod Tactical
+5b5f757486f774093e6cb507 = Mod Stock
+5b5f751486f77447ec5d770c = Mod Charge
+5b5f750686f774093e6cb503 = Mod Gear
+5b5f736886f774094242f193 = Mod Light Laser
+5b5f724186f77447ed5636ad = Mod Muzzle
+5b5f761f86f774094242f1a1 = Mod Pistol Grip
+5b5f755f86f77447ec5d770e = Mod Mount
+5b5f754a86f774094242f19b = Mod Magazine
+5b5f752e86f774093e6cb505 = Mod Launcher
+5b5f75e486f77447ec5d7712 = Mod Handguard
+5b5f75c686f774094242f19f = Mod Barrel
+5b5f75b986f77447ec5d7710 = Mod Vital
+5b5f74cc86f77447ec5d770a = Mod Auxiliary
+5b5f73ec86f774093e6cb4fd = Mod Sight
+5b5f71de86f774093f2ecf13 = Mod Tactical
+5b5f71c186f77409407a7ec0 = Mod Bipod
+5b5f71b386f774093f2ecf11 = Mod Functional
+// Barter
+5b47574386f77428ca22b33e = Barter
+5b47574386f77428ca22b2f6 = Barter Tools
+5b47574386f77428ca22b2f4 = Barter Others
+5b47574386f77428ca22b2f3 = Barter Medical
+5b47574386f77428ca22b2f2 = Barter Flammable
+5b47574386f77428ca22b2f1 = Barter Valuables
+5b47574386f77428ca22b2f0 = Barter Household
+5b47574386f77428ca22b2ef = Barter Electronics
+5b47574386f77428ca22b2ee = Barter Building
+5b47574386f77428ca22b2ed = Barter Energy
+// Weapons
+5b5f78dc86f77409407a7f8e = Weapon
+5b5f798886f77447ed5636b5 = Weapon Bot Action
+5b5f792486f77447ed5636b3 = Weapon Pistols
+5b5f791486f774093f2ed3be = Weapon DMR
+5b5f796a86f774093f2ed3c0 = Weapon SMG
+5b5f794b86f77409407a7f92 = Weapon Shotgun
+5b5f79eb86f77447ed5636b7 = Weapon Special
+5b5f79d186f774093f2ed3c2 = Weapon GL
+5b5f79a486f77409407a7f94 = Weapon MG
+5b5f78fc86f77409407a7f90 = Weapon Assault Rifle
+5b5f78e986f77447ed5636b1 = Weapon Carbine
+5b5f7a2386f774093f2ed3c4 = Weapon Thrown
+5b5f7a0886f77409407a7f96 = Weapon Melee
+// Keys
+5b47574386f77428ca22b342 = Keys
+5c518ec986f7743b68682ce2 = Keys Mechanic
+5c518ed586f774119a772aee = Keys Electronic
+// Medical
+5b47574386f77428ca22b344 = Medical
+5b47574386f77428ca22b339 = Medical Injury
+5b47574386f77428ca22b338 = Medical Medkits
+5b47574386f77428ca22b337 = Medical Pills
+5b47574386f77428ca22b33a = Medical Injectors
+// Provisions
+5b47574386f77428ca22b340 = Provisions
+5b47574386f77428ca22b336 = Provisions Food
+5b47574386f77428ca22b335 = Provisions Drink
+// Ammo
+5b47574386f77428ca22b346 = Ammo
+5b47574386f77428ca22b33c = Ammo Boxes
+5b47574386f77428ca22b33b = Ammo Rounds
+// Other
+5b47574386f77428ca22b345 = Spec
+5b47574386f77428ca22b343 = Maps
+5b47574386f77428ca22b341 = Info
+5b5f78b786f77447ed5636af = Money
+5b619f1a86f77450a702a6f3 = Quest
+// Unknown/Unused
+5b5f749986f774094242f199 = Unknown
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b27a101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/md/resources/playerProfile_resources.md
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+> This page contain a various list of resource for editing your player profile
+## All members category list
+ Default = 0,
+ Developer = 1,
+ UniqueId = 2,
+ Trader = 4,
+ Group = 8,
+ System = 16,
+ ChatModerator = 32,
+ ChatModeratorWithPermanentBan = 64,
+ UnitTest = 128,
+ Sherpa = 256,
+ Emissary = 512
+## All messages type list
+ UserMessage = 1,
+ NpcTraderMessage,
+ AuctionMessage,
+ FleamarketMessage,
+ AdminMessage,
+ GroupChatMessage,
+ SystemMessage,
+ InsuranceReturn,
+ GlobalChat,
+ QuestStart,
+ QuestFail,
+ QuestSuccess,
+ MessageWithItems
+## All profile's bonuses
+ EnergyRegeneration,
+ HydrationRegeneration,
+ HealthRegeneration,
+ MaximumEnergyReserve,
+ ExperienceRate,
+ QuestMoneyReward,
+ ScavCooldownTimer,
+ StashSize,
+ UnlockItemCraft,
+ UnlockItemPassiveCreation,
+ UnlockRandomItemCreation,
+ SkillGroupLevelingBoost,
+ SkillLevelingBoost,
+ DebuffEndDelay,
+ RagfairCommission,
+ InsuranceReturnTime,
+ UnlockWeaponModification,
+ UnlockScavPlay,
+ UnlockAddOffer,
+ UnlockItemCharge,
+ ReceiveItemBonus,
+ UnlockUniqueId,
+ IncreaseCanisterSlots,
+ AdditionalSlots,
+ FuelConsumption,
+ TextBonus
+## All skills buff list
+ None,
+ EnduranceBuffEnduranceInc,
+ EnduranceBuffJumpCostRed,
+ EnduranceBuffBreathTimeInc,
+ EnduranceBuffRestorationTimeRed,
+ EnduranceBreathElite,
+ StrengthBuffLiftWeightInc,
+ StrengthBuffSprintSpeedInc,
+ StrengthBuffJumpHeightInc,
+ StrengthBuffThrowDistanceInc,
+ StrengthBuffMeleePowerInc,
+ StrengthBuffElite,
+ StrengthBuffMeleeCrits,
+ VitalityBuffBleedChanceRed,
+ VitalityBuffSurviobilityInc,
+ VitalityBuffRegeneration,
+ VitalityBuffBleedStop,
+ HealthBreakChanceRed,
+ HealthOfflineRegenerationInc,
+ HealthEnergy,
+ HealthHydration,
+ HealthEliteAbsorbDamage,
+ HealthElitePosion,
+ StressPainChance,
+ StressTremor,
+ StressBerserk,
+ MetabolismRatioPlus,
+ MetabolismEnergyExpenses,
+ MetabolismPhysicsForget,
+ MetabolismPhysicsForget2,
+ MetabolismEliteBuffNoDyhydration,
+ MetabolismEliteNoForget,
+ PerceptionHearing,
+ PerceptionFov,
+ PerceptionLootDot,
+ PerceptionmEliteNoIdea,
+ IntellectLearningSpeed,
+ IntellectWeaponMaintance,
+ IntellectEliteNaturalLearner,
+ IntellectEliteAmmoCounter,
+ IntellectEliteContainerScope,
+ AttentionLootSpeed,
+ AttentionRareLoot,
+ AttentionEliteLuckySearch,
+ AttentionEliteExtraLootExp,
+ MagDrillsLoadSpeed,
+ MagDrillsUnloadSpeed,
+ MagDrillsInventoryCheckSpeed,
+ MagDrillsInventoryCheckAccuracy,
+ MagDrillsInstantCheck,
+ MagDrillsLoadProgression,
+ CharismaBuff1,
+ CharismaBuff2,
+ CharismaEliteBuff1,
+ CharismaEliteBuff2,
+ MemoryMentalForget1,
+ MemoryMentalForget2,
+ MemoryEliteMentalNoDegradation,
+ WeaponReloadBuff,
+ WeaponRecoilBuff,
+ WeaponSwapBuff,
+ DrawMasterSpeed,
+ DrawMasterElite,
+ AimMasterElite,
+ AimMasterWiggle,
+ AimMasterSpeed,
+ RecoilControlImprove,
+ RecoilControlElite,
+ CovertMovementSoundVolume,
+ ProneMovementSpeed,
+ ProneMovementVolume,
+ ProneMovementElite,
+ TroubleFixing,
+ TroubleFixingElite,
+ WeaponErgonomicsBuff,
+ WeaponDoubleMastering,
+ WeaponStiffHands,
+ ThrowingStrengthBuff,
+ ThrowingEnergyExpenses,
+ ThrowingWeaponsBuffElite,
+ CovertMovementSpeed,
+ CovertMovementElite,
+ CovertMovementLoud,
+ CovertMovementEquipment,
+ SearchSpeed,
+ SearchDouble
+## Character in-game counter
+ LootItem,
+ HeadShots,
+ BloodLoss,
+ BodyPartsDestroyed,
+ BodyPartDamage,
+ Heal,
+ Fractures,
+ Contusions,
+ Dehydrations,
+ Exhaustions,
+ Medicines,
+ UsedFoods,
+ UsedDrinks,
+ TriggerVisited,
+ Triggers,
+ Pedometer,
+ Money,
+ BodiesLooted,
+ SafeLooted,
+ LockableContainers,
+ Weapons,
+ Ammunitions,
+ Mods,
+ ThrowWeapons,
+ SpecialItems,
+ FoodDrinks,
+ Keys,
+ BartItems,
+ MobContainers,
+ Equipments,
+ CauseBodyDamage,
+ CauseArmorDamage,
+ HitCount,
+ LongShots,
+ LongestShot,
+ LongestKillShot,
+ CurrentWinStreak,
+ LongestWinStreak,
+ Sessions,
+ ExitStatus,
+ Pmc,
+ Scav,
+ LifeTime,
+ AmmoUsed,
+ AmmoReached,
+ Deaths,
+ KilledLevel0010,
+ KilledLevel1030,
+ KilledLevel3050,
+ KilledLevel5070,
+ KilledLevel7099,
+ KilledLevel100,
+ KilledBear,
+ KilledUsec,
+ KilledSavage,
+ KilledPmc,
+ KilledBoss,
+ LongestKillStreak,
+ KilledWithKnife,
+ KilledWithPistol,
+ KilledWithSmg,
+ KilledWithShotgun,
+ KilledWithAssaultRifle,
+ KilledWithAssaultCarbine,
+ KilledWithGrenadeLauncher,
+ KilledWithMachineGun,
+ KilledWithMarksmanRifle,
+ KilledWithSniperRifle,
+ KilledWithSpecialWeapon,
+ KilledWithThrowWeapon,
+ Kills,
+ Exp,
+ ExpKill,
+ ExpLooting,
+ ExpKillBase,
+ ExpKillBodyPartBonus,
+ ExpKillStreakBonus,
+ ExpDamage,
+ ExpItemLooting,
+ ExpContainerLooting,
+ ExpDoorUnlocked,
+ ExpDoorBreached,
+ ExpHeal,
+ ExpEnergy,
+ ExpHydration,
+ ExpExitStatus,
+ ExpTrigger,
+ ExpStationaryContainer,
+ ExpExamine
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41b235d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/md/resources/quests_resources.md
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+> This page contain a various list of resource for editing quests
+ PickUp,
+ Elimination,
+ Discover,
+ Completion,
+ Exploration,
+ Levelling,
+ Experience,
+ Standing,
+ Loyalty,
+ Merchant,
+ Skill,
+ Multi,
+ WeaponAssembly
+ Experience,
+ Skill,
+ Item,
+ TraderStanding,
+ TraderUnlock,
+ Location,
+ Counter,
+ AssortmentUnlock
+## Quest list ID
+ "5936d90786f7742b1420ba5b": "Debut",
+ "5936da9e86f7742d65037edf": "Checking",
+ "59674cd986f7744ab26e32f2": "Shootout picnic",
+ "59674eb386f774539f14813a": "Delivery from the past",
+ "5967530a86f77462ba22226b": "Bad rep evidence",
+ "59675d6c86f7740a842fc482": "Ice cream cones",
+ "59675ea386f77414b32bded2": "Postman Pat",
+ "596760e186f7741e11214d58": "Postman Pat, p. 2",
+ "5967725e86f774601a446662": "Shaking up teller",
+ "5967733e86f774602332fc84": "Shortage",
+ "59689ee586f7740d1570bbd5": "Sanitary Standards, p. 1",
+ "59689fbd86f7740d137ebfc4": "Operation Aquarius",
+ "5968eb3186f7741dde183a4d": "Operation Aquarius, p. 2",
+ "5969f90786f77420d2328015": "Painkiller",
+ "5969f9e986f7741dde183a50": "Pharmacist",
+ "596a0e1686f7741ddf17dbee": "Supply plans",
+ "596a101f86f7741ddb481582": "Kind of sabotage",
+ "596a1e6c86f7741ddc2d3206": "General wares",
+ "596a204686f774576d4c95de": "Sanitary Standards, p. 2",
+ "596a218586f77420d232807c": "Car repair",
+ "596b36c586f77450d6045ad2": "Supplier",
+ "596b43fb86f77457ca186186": "The Extortionist",
+ "596b455186f77457cb50eccb": "Stirrup",
+ "5979ed3886f77431307dc512": "What’s on the flash drive?",
+ "5979eee086f774311955e614": "Golden swag",
+ "5979f8bb86f7743ec214c7a6": "Polikhim hobo",
+ "5979f9ba86f7740f6c3fe9f2": "Chemical, p.1",
+ "597a0b2986f77426d66c0633": "Chemical, p. 2",
+ "597a0e5786f77426d66c0636": "Chemical, p. 3",
+ "597a0f5686f774273b74f676": "Chemical, p. 4",
+ "597a160786f77477531d39d2": "Out of curiosity",
+ "597a171586f77405ba6887d3": "Big customer",
+ "59c124d686f774189b3c843f": "BP depot",
+ "59c50a9e86f7745fef66f4ff": "The Punisher",
+ "59c50c8886f7745fed3193bf": "The Punisher. Part 2.",
+ "59c512ad86f7741f0d09de9b": "The Punisher. Part 3.",
+ "59c9392986f7742f6923add2": "Trust regain",
+ "59c93e8e86f7742a406989c4": "Loyalty buyout",
+ "59ca1a6286f774509a270942": "No offence",
+ "59ca264786f77445a80ed044": "The Punisher. Part 4.",
+ "59ca29fb86f77445ab465c87": "The Punisher. Part 5.",
+ "59ca2eb686f77445a80ed049": "The Punisher. Part 6.",
+ "59f9da6786f774714230d751": "",
+ "5a03153686f77442d90e2171": "Spa Tour. Part 1",
+ "5a03173786f77451cb427172": "Spa Tour. Part 2",
+ "5a0327ba86f77456b9154236": "Spa Tour. Part 3",
+ "5a03296886f774569778596a": "Spa Tour. Part 4",
+ "5a0449d586f77474e66227b7": "Spa Tour. Part 5",
+ "5a27b75b86f7742e97191958": "Fishing Gear",
+ "5a27b7a786f774579c3eb376": "Tigr Safari",
+ "5a27b7d686f77460d847e6a6": " Scrap Metal",
+ "5a27b80086f774429a5d7e20": "Eagle Eye",
+ "5a27b87686f77460de0252a8": "Humanitarian Supplies",
+ "5a27b9de86f77464e5044585": "The Cult. Part 1",
+ "5a27ba1c86f77461ea5a3c56": "The Cult. Part 2",
+ "5a27ba9586f7741b543d8e85": "Spa Tour. Part 6",
+ "5a27bafb86f7741c73584017": "Spa Tour. Part 7",
+ "5a27bb1e86f7741f27621b7e": "Cargo X. Part 1",
+ "5a27bb3d86f77411ea361a21": "Cargo X. Part 2",
+ "5a27bb5986f7741dfb660900": "Cargo X. Part 3",
+ "5a27bb8386f7741c770d2d0a": "Wet Job. Part 1",
+ "5a27bbf886f774333a418eeb": "Wet Job. Part 2",
+ "5a27bc1586f7741f6d40fa2f": "Wet Job. Part 3",
+ "5a27bc3686f7741c73584026": "Wet Job. Part 4",
+ "5a27bc6986f7741c7358402b": "Wet Job. Part 5",
+ "5a27bc8586f7741b543d8ea4": "Wet Job. Part 6",
+ "5a27c99a86f7747d2c6bdd8e": "Friend from the West. Part 1",
+ "5a27d2af86f7744e1115b323": "Friend from the West. Part 2",
+ "5a5642ce86f77445c63c3419": "Hippocratic Vow",
+ "5a68661a86f774500f48afb0": "Health Care Privacy. Part 1",
+ "5a68663e86f774501078f78a": "Health Care Privacy. Part 2",
+ "5a68665c86f774255929b4c7": "Health Care Privacy. Part 3",
+ "5a68667486f7742607157d28": "Health Care Privacy. Part 4",
+ "5a68669a86f774255929b4d4": "Health Care Privacy. Part 5",
+ "5ac23c6186f7741247042bad": "Gunsmith. Part 1",
+ "5ac2426c86f774138762edfe": "Gunsmith. Part 2",
+ "5ac2428686f77412450b42bf": "Gunsmith. Part 3",
+ "5ac242ab86f77412464f68b4": "Gunsmith. Part 5",
+ "5ac244c486f77413e12cf945": "Gunsmith. Part 6",
+ "5ac244eb86f7741356335af1": "Gunsmith. Part 4",
+ "5ac345dc86f774288030817f": "Farming. Part 1",
+ "5ac3460c86f7742880308185": "Farming. Part 2",
+ "5ac3462b86f7741d6118b983": "Farming. Part 3",
+ "5ac3464c86f7741d651d6877": "Farming. Part 4",
+ "5ac3467986f7741d6224abc2": "Signal. Part 1",
+ "5ac346a886f7744e1b083d67": "Signal. Part 2",
+ "5ac346cf86f7741d63233a02": "Signal. Part 3",
+ "5ac346e886f7741d6118b99b": "Signal. Part 4",
+ "5ac3475486f7741d6224abd3": "Bad habit",
+ "5ac3477486f7741d651d6885": "Scout",
+ "5ac3479086f7742880308199": "Insider",
+ "5ae3267986f7742a413592fe": "Gunsmith. Part 7",
+ "5ae3270f86f77445ba41d4dd": "Gunsmith. Part 8",
+ "5ae3277186f7745973054106": "Gunsmith. Part 9",
+ "5ae327c886f7745c7b3f2f3f": "Gunsmith. Part 10",
+ "5ae3280386f7742a41359364": "Gunsmith. Part 11",
+ "5ae448a386f7744d3730fff0": "Only business",
+ "5ae448bf86f7744d733e55ee": "Make ULTRA Great Again",
+ "5ae448e586f7744dcf0c2a67": "Big sale",
+ "5ae448f286f77448d73c0131": "The Blood of War",
+ "5ae4490786f7744ca822adcc": "Dressed to kill",
+ "5ae4493486f7744efa289417": "Database. Part 1",
+ "5ae4493d86f7744b8e15aa8f": "Database. Part 2",
+ "5ae4495086f77443c122bc40": "Sew it good. Part 1",
+ "5ae4495c86f7744e87761355": "Sew it good. Part 2",
+ "5ae4496986f774459e77beb6": "Sew it good. Part 3",
+ "5ae4497b86f7744cf402ed00": "Sew it good. Part 4",
+ "5ae4498786f7744bde357695": "The key to success",
+ "5ae4499a86f77449783815db": "Charisma brings success",
+ "5ae449a586f7744bde357696": "No fuss needed",
+ "5ae449b386f77446d8741719": "Gratitude",
+ "5ae449c386f7744bde357697": "Sales Night",
+ "5ae449d986f774453a54a7e1": "Supervisor",
+ "5b47749f86f7746c5d6a5fd4": "Gunsmith. Part 12",
+ "5b47799d86f7746c5d6a5fd8": "Gunsmith. Part 13",
+ "5b477b6f86f7747290681823": "Gunsmith. Part 14",
+ "5b477f7686f7744d1b23c4d2": "Gunsmith. Part 15",
+ "5b47825886f77468074618d3": "Gunsmith. Part 16",
+ "5b47876e86f7744d1c353205": "The Blood of War Part 2",
+ "5b47891f86f7744d1b23c571": "Living high is not a crime",
+ "5b478b1886f7744d1b23c57d": "Hot delivery",
+ "5b478d0f86f7744d190d91b5": "Minibus",
+ "5b478eca86f7744642012254": "\"Vitamins\" p.1",
+ "5b478ff486f7744d184ecbbf": "\"Vitamins\" p. 2",
+ "5b47926a86f7747ccc057c15": "Informed means armed",
+ "5b4794cb86f774598100d5d4": "Lend lease",
+ "5b4795fb86f7745876267770": "Chumming",
+ "5bc4776586f774512d07cf05": "\"The Tarkov shooter\" Part 1",
+ "5bc479e586f7747f376c7da3": "\"The Tarkov shooter\" Part 2",
+ "5bc47dbf86f7741ee74e93b9": "\"The Tarkov shooter\". Part 3",
+ "5bc480a686f7741af0342e29": "\"The Tarkov shooter\". Part 4",
+ "5bc4826c86f774106d22d88b": "\"The Tarkov shooter\". Part 5",
+ "5bc4836986f7740c0152911c": "\"The Tarkov shooter\". Part 6",
+ "5bc4856986f77454c317bea7": "\"The Tarkov shooter\". Part 7",
+ "5bc4893c86f774626f5ebf3e": "\"The Tarkov shooter\". Part 8",
+ "5c0bbaa886f7746941031d82": "Bullshit",
+ "5c0bc91486f7746ab41857a2": "Silent caliber",
+ "5c0bd01e86f7747cdd799e56": "Insomnia",
+ "5c0bd94186f7747a727f09b2": "Test drive. Pt. 1",
+ "5c0bdb5286f774166e38eed4": "Flint",
+ "5c0bde0986f77479cf22c2f8": "A Shooter Born in Heaven",
+ "5c0be13186f7746f016734aa": "Psycho Sniper",
+ "5c0be5fc86f774467a116593": "Private clinic",
+ "5c0d0d5086f774363760aef2": "Athlete",
+ "5c0d0f1886f77457b8210226": "Lend lease. Part 2",
+ "5c0d190cd09282029f5390d8": "Grenadier",
+ "5c0d1c4cd0928202a02a6f5c": "Decontamination service",
+ "5c0d4c12d09282029f539173": "Peacekeeping mission",
+ "5c0d4e61d09282029f53920e": "The guide",
+ "5c10f94386f774227172c572": "The Blood of War Pt. 3",
+ "5c1128e386f7746565181106": "Fertilizers",
+ "5c112d7e86f7740d6f647486": "Scavenger",
+ "5c1141f386f77430ff393792": "Living high is not a crime Pt.2",
+ "5c1234c286f77406fa13baeb": "Setup",
+ "5c12452c86f7744b83469073": "Perfect mediator",
+ "5c139eb686f7747878361a6f": "Import",
+ "5c51aac186f77432ea65c552": "Collector",
+ "5d2495a886f77425cd51e403": "Introduction",
+ "5d24b81486f77439c92d6ba8": "Acquaintance",
+ "5d25aed386f77442734d25d2": "The survivalist path. Unprotected, but dangerous",
+ "5d25b6be86f77444001e1b89": "The survivalist path. Thrifty",
+ "5d25bfd086f77442734d3007": "The survivalist path. Zhivchik",
+ "5d25c81b86f77443e625dd71": "The survivalist path. Wounded beast",
+ "5d25cf2686f77443e75488d4": "The survivalist path. Tough guy",
+ "5d25d2c186f77443e35162e5": "The survivalist path. Cold blooded",
+ "5d25dae186f77443e55d2f78": "The survivalist path. Zatoichi",
+ "5d25e29d86f7740a22516326": "The survivalist path. Eagle-owl",
+ "5d25e2a986f77409dd5cdf2a": "The survivalist path. Combat medic",
+ "5eaaaa7c93afa0558f3b5a1c": "The survivalist path. Junkie",
+ "5d25e2b486f77409de05bba0": "Huntsman path. Secured perimeter",
+ "5d25e2c386f77443e7549029": "Huntsman path. The trophy",
+ "5d25e2cc86f77443e47ae019": "Huntsman path. Woods cleaning",
+ "5d25e2d886f77442734d335e": "Huntsman path. Controller",
+ "5d25e2e286f77444001e2e48": "Huntsman path. Sell-out",
+ "5d25e2ee86f77443e35162ea": "Huntsman path. Woods keeper",
+ "5d25e43786f7740a212217fa": "Huntsman path. Justice",
+ "5d25e44386f77409453bce7b": "Huntsman path. Evil watchman",
+ "5d25e44f86f77443e625e385": "Huntsman path. Eraser",
+ "5d25e45e86f77408251c4bfa": "Huntsman path. Eraser pt. 2",
+ "5d25e46e86f77409453bce7c": "Ambulance",
+ "5d25e48186f77443e625e386": "Courtesy visit",
+ "5d25e48d86f77408251c4bfb": "Shady business",
+ "5d25e4ad86f77443e625e387": "Nostalgia",
+ "5d25e4b786f77408251c4bfc": "Fishing place",
+ "5d25e4ca86f77409dd5cdf2c": "Hunting trip",
+ "5d25e4d586f77443e625e388": "Reserv",
+ "5d4bec3486f7743cac246665": "Regulated materials",
+ "5d6fb2c086f77449da599c24": "An apple a day - keeps the doctor away",
+ "5d6fbc2886f77449d825f9d3": "Mentor",
+ "5dc53acb86f77469c740c893": "The stylish one",
+ "5e381b0286f77420e3417a74": "Textile. Part 1",
+ "5e4d515e86f77438b2195244": "Textile. Part 2",
+ "5ede55112c95834b583f052a": "Bunker. Part 1",
+ "5ede567cfa6dc072ce15d6e3": "Bunker. Part 2",
+ "5eda19f0edce541157209cee": "Anesthesia",
+ "5edab4b1218d181e29451435": "Huntsman path. Sadist",
+ "5edab736cc183c769d778bc2": "Colleagues. Pt.1",
+ "5edaba7c0c502106f869bc02": "Colleagues. Pt.2",
+ "5edac34d0bb72a50635c2bfa": "Colleagues. Pt.3",
+ "5edabd13218d181e29451442": "Rigged game",
+ "5edac020218d181e29451446": "Samples",
+ "5edac63b930f5454f51e128b": "TerraGroup employee",
+ "5f04886a3937dc337a6b8238": "The chemistry closet"
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+# Installing SPT-Aki
+> This guide covers the installation process for any of the releases of SP-Tarkov.
+## Requirements
+### Redistributables
+- A legal copy of the game ([link](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page)).
+- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 ([link](https://www.microsoft.com/en-ie/download/details.aspx?id=49982)).
+- Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 ([link](https://www.microsoft.com/en-ie/download/details.aspx?id=40784)).
+- DirectX End-User Runtimes ([link](https://www.microsoft.com/en-ie/download/details.aspx?id=8109)).
+### Project files
+- SP-Tarkov modules ([link](https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/sp-tarkov/modules/releases)).
+- SP-Tarkov server ([link](https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/sp-tarkov/server/releases)).
+## Installation
+### Checking compatibility
+- Open BSG Launcher and check your game version (bottom right corner).
+![BSG Launcher](./assets/img/sp-tarkov/install_sp-tarkov/001.webp)
+- On the project page, check if one of SP-Tarkov's versions is compatible with your client version.
+![SP-Tarkov modules and server releases pages](./assets/img/sp-tarkov/install_sp-tarkov/002.webp)
+> If no version is available for your client version, wait for the project to make a new release.
+### Installing
+Download the server and module releases matching your client version. The archives are `SPTarkov-Server.zip` and `SPTarkov-Modules.zip`.
+![SP-Tarkov modules and server releases pages](./assets/img/sp-tarkov/install_sp-tarkov/003.webp)
+#### Server
+#### Client
+### Running
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+## Explanation
+This tutorial is going to explain you how to add new bundles to the game, and make them useable for your new weapon/items or any kind of shit you want to add.
+You need at least 0.12.7-R4 of SP-Tarkov in order to get this tutorial working.
+## Requirements
+In order to edit weaons textures, you will need some specific softwares. The software you need are :
+* [UnityAssetBundleExtractor](https://github.com/DerPopo/UABE/releases)
+* [HxD Hex editor](https://hxd-hex-editor.soft32.com/)
+* [SP-Tarkov 0.12.7-R4 minimum](https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/sp-tarkov/server/src/branch/master)
+## How to start ?
+Well, first of all, we are going to create a specific mod for our work, i will call it *Ereshkigal-TestMod-1.0.0*. In this folder i will create another folder called *db* in wich i will add the folder *res*
+I'm going to add this mod as a separate weapon: https://mods.offline-tarkov.com/file/178-stickers-t-h-i-c-c-items-case/
+1. **First step: Creating the mod directory path.**
+Well, it's a part of modding no one know yet, and we're going to explain it here.
+For a bundle mod, you need to have this following structure in your **Blabl-modname-version/db/res/**:
+- WeaponName(any kind of name, it's free to your choice)
+ - manifet.json*
+ - StreamingAssets
+ - Windows
+ - assets
+ - content
+ - From here goes to your bundle path.
+ - Your bundle file.bundle
+*The manifest.json file contain the new bundle path and his dependencies, for our tutorial and the mod exemple, the manifest.json looks like this:
+The dependencies of your bundle (if it's a original game copied bundle) can be found at: *YourBundlepath/yourbundlename.manifest* at the end of the file **Dependencies:**. Copy the path starting after **Windows/** and add it in *"dependencyKeys"*
+ "manifest": [
+ {
+ "key": "assets/content/items/containers/item_container_items_thicc/item_container_items_thicc_sticker.bundle",
+ "dependencyKeys": [
+ "assets/commonassets/physics/physicsmaterials.bundle",
+ "cubemaps",
+ "shaders"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+Now add into your mod.config.json this:
+"res": {
+ "bundles": {
+ "ThiccItemSticker": {
+ "manifest" : "res/bundles/ThiccItemSticker/manifest.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+For avoiding any conflict, we are either renaming the bundle name, or changing his full path in the game directory by adding a folder like **assets/content/items/containers/item_container_items_thicc/modded**
+2. **Step two : Changing the bundle CAB name.**
+Here comes the hard part. For this part we will need **HxD Hex editor**. Open the software and you will ends up on this page:
+Click on *File* -> *Open* and select **yourFile.bundle** in your mod directory, for our exemple we will open **item_container_items_thicc_sticker.bundle** click "open". After doing it, this window should pop up :
+**You will have to ignore this part:**
+Now find in the text, a part that start like this: **CAB-**. For our exemple, it will be: **CAB-b95e5ac0045a8d1817e666d364199d47**.
+Now, go into search => replace screen.
+In the **search for** box, paste the CAB-thingy name in it.
+For the **replace with** box, we will paste a new CAB name.
+The CAB name must contain the same number of characters and numbers and the full length must not be different than the original. That means you can't switch a number to a character, or a number to a character.
+For our exemple, we will replace it with this CAB name: **CAB-p95e5aj0045g8d1817e666d364199d47**.
+After pasting the new CAB name, hit "replace all" and confirm when it say **"replacing X occurences"**
+Now you can **save** the file and close the software.
+3. **Step three: Change the referencing bundle path.**
+For this step, we will use **UABE**(AssetBundleExtractor). So open the UABE software and you will end up on this screen:
+We're going to open the new edited bundle file. Se we open **item_container_items_thicc_sticker.bundle** by going into File => Open
+The screen now is this:
+Click on the **Info** button and this screen will appear:
+Now we will have to search to the line that contain a path to a bundlefile for which the **Type** Column have **AssetBundle** as result. Exemple:
+Click on that path, and click on **export dump** button.
+It will prompt you to save a file in a directory, save it anywhere you want.
+After saving the file, we are going to open it with NP++ or if the file doesn't open with NP++ Use [VSCodium](https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/releases).
+After opening the file you will ends up with something like this:
+The line we need to find is this one : **1 string m_Name = "assets/content/items/containers/item_container_items_thicc/item_container_items_thicc.bundle"**. We are going to change this path to the new file path. For our exemple, it will change to : **1 string m_Name = "assets/content/items/containers/item_container_items_thicc/item_container_items_thicc_sticker.bundle"**.
+You can now save the file and go into UABE again. This time you will click on **Import dump** button and select the file we just edited.
+After importing the file, you will have to press **Ok** button and it will prompt you if you want to save the file, press **Yes**. Now go into *File* -> **Save** and save the file in the same folder as your bundle file. Name it like you want we will rename it later.
+You can now close UABE and go into your bundle folder, and delete the original bundle, rename the new bundle you just saved with the name you used for your mod with the bundle extension. So it should be renamed into: *item_container_items_thicc_sticker.bundle*.
+4. **Step four: Adding the server items files.**
+Now we will add the required items files for being able to use your new item.
+For this we need the following files to be created :
+* db/items/youritem.json
+* db/locales/yourlanguage/templates/youritem.json
+These both files are enough to make the item working. But it wont be available anywhere. You will have to add it into a trader, or flea market, or any other kind of way you want to give this item. This wont be explained here on how to mod these files.
+## Thanks
+- **Craink** for introducing the code for custom bundles
+- **砂糖蜂蜜锡红茶 "Theresia"** for the Hex editing and UABE part.
+- **Ereshkigal** for writing in english the tutorial
+## Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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+## Requirements
+- An account on https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/
+- Certainty that its a unique SP-Tarkov bug
+:::warning ALERT: This is only for reporting SP-Tarkov bugs, not issues with your game install
+Always ask your questions in #eft, and if it turns out to be an SP-Tarkov bug then report it on our issue tracker.
+Also, make sure that the bug hasn't already been reported!
+### Already reported?
+If the bug is already reported, add a reaction emoji to the issue, and provide any additional information if required.
+## Creating the issue
+1. Go to the repository page of the project that you have the issue with (e.g., https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/SP-Tarkov/Server).
+2. Click on the `Issues` tab below the repository name.
+3. Click on the `New Issue` button on the right top side.
+4. In the body, write information about the issue (follow the template provided below), optionally add screenshots or a youtube video.
+5. Submit the issue with the `Create Issue` button.
+### Issue closed?
+This either means that the issue has been fixed, or is invalid.
+## Issue Template
+## **General information**:
+### Server:
+### Launcher:
+### Assembly:
+### Client:
+## **The issue**:
+## **How to reproduce**
+## Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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+## Requirements:
+You will need these requirements in order to successfully create your mod.
+* [VSCodium](https://vscodium.com/)
+* [SP-Tarkov server](https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/sp-tarkov/server)
+* A little bit of logic
+## Why making my changes as a mod ?
+By using a mod for your changes, it make it easier for you to manage your edits, and avoid any issue with base DB files. That's for this reason we recommend you to make it as mod, for not overwritting base files. It will avoid you to loose them when you upgrade your server too.
+## The main topic.
+Well, modding is simple : Overwritting loaded files by the one you added to your mod without editing the default one located in `ServerDir/db/`.
+* Create your mod folder, the name need to match like this : **author-name-Version** depending on what you put in the *server.config.json*.
Your mod folder name should absolutely match the mod.config.json values: Author-Name-Version otherwise the mod wont load
+* In this mod folder, create a file called **mod.config.json** and put the following code in :
+ "name": "NameOfTheMod",
+ "author": "AuthorOfTheMod",
+ "license": "License",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "dependencies": {},
+### Some explanations :
+Note that you now have 3 main "folders". **src**,**res**,**db**:
+**src** is made for adding **scripts** mods to the game, everything that is in /src/ folder.
+**res** is made for adding or editing games images (traders images for example), everything that is in /res/ folder.
+**db** is made for edit or add servers items, quest, locale and so on, everything that is in /db/ folder.
+As you can see, there's the filepath for each moddable part, we will edit this part when we have edited what we want, for our case, it's an item. I want to edit my sicc item case to have more slots, the item ID is : *5d235bb686f77443f4331278*. So i copy the file `5d235bb686f77443f4331278.json` in `ServerDir/db/items` and i paste it in `ServerDir/user/mods/Author-MyModName-version/db/items/`. The file path must be the same as where you copy the file you want to mod.
+* I open my file up with any IDE, i prefer VScodium personnaly, and make my changes. After that i save and close the file.
+* Now that i edited my file, i go back to my *mod.config.json* and i go into the items brackets for adding my item. For me it will looks like this :
+* Save your mod.config.json and start the server. It should recache and your mod is working ! Good job comrade !
If any of the ModName, author or version number isn't the same in mod.config.json and the folder name, the server wont start and will crash.
+### License
+It's important to tell which license your mod uses, as this also tells other modders what they can do with your work.
+Do you use a license? If none, set this to MIT (which basically says that others can use your work for anything but you are not responsible if you break something in your mod). If you do, set this to the short code of your license (MPL-2.1 instead of Mozilla Public License 2.1).
+### The end
+Good job, you made your first mod for SP-Tarkov, all other parts to be modded work the same way. Just reproduce it with the desired part !
+## Thanks
+**Thanks to @InNoHurryToCode for making modding possible on SP-Tarkov !**
+**Tutorial made by : Sorata-Senpai**
+## Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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+1. We will need a text editor, it is recommended:
+ ·Notepad++
+ ·Visual Studio Core
+2. The files to be modified are located inside the folder
+ **\db\weather**
+3. Within this WEATHER folder, we have weather files. (We will study the sun.json as an example)
+ **\db\weather\sun.json**
+4. Modify sun.json file:
+ You can modify existing files or create new ones.
+4.1. Open sun.json file
+ `"timestamp": 1577890800,
+ "cloud": -0.99,
+ "wind_speed": 1,
+ "wind_direction": 3,
+ "wind_gustiness": 0.022,
+ "rain": 0,
+ "rain_intensity": 0,
+ "fog": 0.004,
+ "temp": 18,
+ "pressure": 763,
+ "date": "2020-01-01",
+ "time": "16:00:00"`
+4.2. The range of maximum values and minimum values be used:
+ **cloud:**
+ -1 to -0.4 Sunny
+ -0.4 to 0.8 lightclouds
+ 0.8 to 1 heavyclouds
+ 1.1 to 2 thunder
+ **wind\_speed:**
+ 0 calm
+ 1 lightwind
+ 1 – 4 heavywind
+ **wind\_direction:**
+ 0 to 8
+ **rain:**
+ 0 no rain
+ 1 to 3 lightrain
+ 3 to 4 heavyrain
+ **rain\_intensity:**
+ 0 to 1
+ **fog:**
+ 0 to 0.001 no fog
+ 0.001 to 0.01 lightfog
+ 0.01 to 0.1 fog
+ 0.1 to 1 heavyfog
+ **acceleration:**
+ 1 to 7. Velocity weather in raid
+ The combinations of these parameters will give us the different types of weather.
+ See below for examples on how the values above affect weather progression in raid.
+## Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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+## Requirements
+* [Visual Studio 2017/2019](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/en/vs/community/)
+* [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) or [VSCodium](https://vscodium.com/)
+* [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads)
+* [NodeJS v12.16.3 (Installer/.msi)](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v12.16.3/)
+* A supported version of Escape From Tarkov
+* A working internet connection
+Make sure to follow **all the steps** below before asking help. Carefully read **everything**.
+## 1. Installing dependencies
+### 1.1 Visual Studio 2019
+1. Download the Community edition of Visual Studio 2019.
+2. Run the installer, and install it with the `.NET Desktop (C#)` workload.
+### 1.2 NodeJS
+1. Download the NodeJS v12.16.3 **installer**.
+2. Run the installer.
+3. **Make sure** to select `Add to PATH`.
+4. Deselect installation of chocolatey.
+5. Install.
+For rest of the requirements install with the default settings.
+## 2. Obtaining required files
+### 2.1 Preparation *(Recommended)*
+1. Create a folder and name it something like `EFT-` (preferably somewhere on your fastest drive). **This folder will be referenced to as the prep folder.**
+2. Inside this folder, create a `Client` folder.
+3. Find your official game client install folder (by default, `C:\Battlestate Games\EFT (live)\`) and copy all of its contents into the `Client` folder from before.
+4. Remove the following unnecessary files from the `Client` folder:
+ - BattleEye/
+ - Logs/
+ - ConsistencyInfo
+ - EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe
+ - Uninstall.exe
+ - UnityCrashHandler64.exe
+ - WinPixEventRuntime.dll
+### 2.2 Obtaining the server
+Go with either steps, but take note that 2.2.1 will take a lot longer.
+#### 2.2.1 With git
+1. Open a PowerShell window inside the prep folder.
+2. Run `git clone --depth 1 https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/sp-tarkov/Server.git` (this will take a while).
+3. Verify that it has created a folder called `Server`.
+#### 2.2.2 As .zip
+1. Open https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/sp-tarkov/Server in your browser.
+2. Right above the file list, there should be buttons saying `HTTPS`/`SSH`, to the very right of that box will be a download icon. Click it and then download as ZIP.
+3. Extract the downloaded file and move the `server` folder inside the prep folder. Rename it to `Server` (capital S).
+### 2.3 Obtaining the modules
+Go with either steps.
+#### 2.3.1 With git
+1. Open a PowerShell window inside the prep folder.
+2. Run `git clone --depth 1 https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/sp-tarkov/Modules.git`.
+3. Verify that it has created a folder called `Modules`.
+#### 2.3.2 As .zip
+1. Open https://dev.offline-tarkov.com/sp-tarkov/Modules in your browser.
+2. Right above the file list, there should be buttons saying `HTTPS`/`SSH`, to the very right of that box will be a download icon. Click it and then download as ZIP.
+3. Extract the downloaded file and move the `modules` folder inside the prep folder. Rename it to `Modules` (capital M).
+## 3. Building required files
+### 3.1 Building the server
+Go with either steps.
+#### 3.1.1 Through CLI
+1. Open a PowerShell window inside the `Server\project\` folder (inside prep).
+2. Install the project dependencies using `npm install`.
+3. Build the project using `npm run build`.
+4. A file called `SP-Tarkov-Server.exe` should appear. This is the built server file.
+#### 3.1.2 Through Visual Studio Code/VSCodium
+1. Open the `Server\project` folder in Visual Studio Code/VSCodium.
+2. Install the project dependencies using `Menu Bar => Terminal => Run Task... => npm => npm: install`.
+3. Build the project using `Menu Bar => Terminal => Run Build Task...`.
+4. A file called `SP-Tarkov-Server.exe` should appear. This is the built server file.
+### 3.2 Building the modules
+1. Open the `Modules\Modules.sln` file with Visual Studio 2019.
+2. Build the solution using `Menu Bar => Build => Rebuild Solution`.
+3. Copy the contents of `Modules\Build` to your `Client` folder (from step 2.1), and OVERWRITE any files.
+### 4. Finished
+You have successfully built SP-Tarkov from source.
+Run the server by running the `SP-Tarkov-Server.exe` file that should now be in your `Server\project` folder.
+Play SP-Tarkov by launching the `SP-Tarkov-Launcher.exe` file that should now be in your `Client` folder.
+If you encounter an error, consult the FAQ before asking on the Guilded.
+## Thanks
+**Tutorial made by: Senko-San**
+## Revisions
+1. added instructions for assembly-charp, slight wording change
+2. changed the instruction to reflect the new build procedure
+3. rewrote the tutorial to match latest changes
+## Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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+## Requirements
+For doing **any** edits in SP-Tarkov, i higly recommend you to use this software :
+* [VSCodium](https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/releases)
+* Actual SP-Tarkov server
+This software is free and very helpfull for a lot of things, like missing comas and everything about the syntax.
+* Make a backup of the profile you're using.
+For this, head to `ServerFolder/db/` make a backup of **globals.json** file and [create a mod](create_a_mod) with the **globals.json** file in it.
+If you want to make any changes, close both the game and the server, none of these should run.
+## Table :
+* [Change minimum level for flea market](#change-minimum-level-for-flea-market)
+* [Change exp related stuff](#change-exp-related-stuff)
+* [Change stamina stuff](#change-stamina-stuff)
+* [Change weight stuff](#change-weight-stuff)
+* [Change health effect stuff](#change-health-effect-stuff)
+* [Increase how much money i can carry in a raid](#increase-how-much-money-i-can-carry-in-a-raid)
+* [Remove the fatigue effect on skills](#remove-the-fatigue-effect-on-skills)
+## Change minimum level for flea market
+We are going to change the minimum level requirement in order to access the flea market in SP-Tarkov. Head to this file : **ServerFile/db/globals.json** and open it.
+Search this variable in the file: *minUserLevel* and when you've found it, the only thing you have to do is to change the number to the desired level you want the flea market available. Nothing more.
+Don't forget to save the file and recache after editing !
+## Change exp related stuff
+## Change stamina stuff
+## Change weight stuff
+## Change health effect stuff
+## Increase how much money i can carry in a raid
+## Remove the fatigue effect on skills
+We are going to change the skill fatigue exhaustion in order to be more limited on skill leveling, or removing it completely, for our example we will remove it completely. Head to this file : **ServerFile/db/globals.json** and open it.
+Then search for **SkillFatigue**, as a search result you should find below stuff:
+"SkillMinEffectiveness": 0.0001,
+"SkillFatiguePerPoint": 0.5,
+"SkillFreshEffectiveness": 1.3,
+"SkillFreshPoints": 1,
+"SkillPointsBeforeFatigue": 1,
+"SkillFatigueReset": 300,
+**What these variables means ?**
+First of all, you need to know that the "skill fatigue" is a value incremented depending on your skill's gain. It's a number from 0 to any.
+* **SkillMinEffectiveness**
+ * That's the multiplier applied to the skill when in fatigue state
+* **SkillFatiguePerPoint**
+ * This is the number of fatigue points you get per skill point you've got in the raid
+* **SkillFreshEffectiveness**
+ * That's the multiplier that decides how much exp you get in the skill when it's "fresh"
+* **SkillFreshPoints**
+ * ?
+* **SkillPointsBeforeFatigue**
+ * This is the number of points before the skill enter into the "fatigue" state and get its progression stopped
+* **SkillFatigueReset**
+ * How much points from other skills for the skill fatigue being reset
+In order to not having a skill in a fatigue state, we will simply change the **SkillFatiguePerPoint** variable value by *0*. After that save your change, [recache](/docs/faq/FAQ#how-do-i-recache-my-server-) the server and that's good !
+## Thanks
+**Tutorials made by : Sorata-Senpai**
+## Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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+1. We will need a text editor, it is recommended:
+ ·Notepad++
+ ·Visual Studio Core
+2. The files to be modified are located inside the folder
+ **\db\locations**
+3. Within this LOCATIONS folder, we have each subfolder with each map. (We will study the WOODS map as an example)
+ **\db\locations\woods**
+4. Modify bosses folder:
+ You can modify existing boss\_.json files or create new ones.
+4.1. Open **boss\_0.json**
+ "BossName": "bossKojaniy",
+ "BossChance": 39,
+ "BossZone": "ZoneWoodCutter",
+ "BossPlayer";: false,
+ "BossDifficult": "normal",
+ "BossEscortType": "followerKojaniy",
+ "BossEscortDifficult": "normal",
+ "BossEscortAmount": "2&",
+ "Time": 1
+4.2. The values to be used:
+ **BossName:** bossBully, bossKilla, bossGluhar, bossKojaniy, bossSanitar, pmcBot, assault, marksman
+ **BossChance:** 0 to 100 (0 No spawn. 100 always spawn)
+ **BossZone** : spawn zones can be obtained from bot waves files.
+ **BossDifficult and BossEscortDifficult:** easy, normal, hard, impossible
+ **BossEscortType:** followerBully,followerGluharAssault, followerGluharSecurity, followerGluharScout, followerKojaniy, followerSanitar, pmcBot
+ **BossEscortAmount:** can be a number (4) or a sequence (1,2,0,2,1,1,3)
+ **Time:** Time in raid when bots will spawn, in seconds.
+ **Note: Assault and Marksman do not spawn if they are set as followers**
+5. Modify waves folder:
+ You can modify existing wave\_.json files or create new ones.
+5.1. Open **wave\_0.json**
+ "number": 0,
+ "time\_min": 55,
+ "time\_max": 100,
+ "slots\_min": 1,
+ "slots\_max": 2,
+ "SpawnPoints": "ZoneWoodCutter",
+ "BotSide": "Savage",
+ "BotPreset": "normal",
+ "WildSpawnType": "assault",
+ "isPlayers": false,
+ "OpenZones": ""
+5.2. The values to be used:
+ "number": number wave,
+ "time\_min": 55, spawn bots in the range 55 and 100.
+ "time\_max": 100, (range in seconds)
+ "slots\_min": 1, minimum number of bots in this wave
+ "slots\_max": 2, maximum number of bots in this wave
+ "SpawnPoints": "ZoneWoodCutter", Spawn area.
+ "BotPreset": "normal", difficulty of wave bots. Values (easy, normal, hard, impossible)
+ "WildSpawnType": "assault", Type of bots (assault, marksman, boss, follower, pmcBot)
+**Note: Looking at the SpawnPoints, we can find the spawn areas for use with boss or waves**
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+## Requirements
+For doing **any** edits in SP-Tarkov i higly recommend you to use this software :
+* [VSCodium](https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/releases)
+This software is free and alot more helpfull for alot of things, like missing coma and everything about the syntax.
+* Make a backup of the profile you're using.
+For this, heads to `ServerFolder/user/profiles` and create a copy of the profile you're using (you should have only one if you don't know what you're doing, and need this tutorial).
+If you want to make any changes, close both the game and the server, none of these should run.
+## Table :
+* [Change your character level](#editing-my-character-level)
+* [Change your skills level](#changing-my-skills-level)
+* [Change your quests status](#change-quest-status)
+* [Change your hideouts areas status](#changing-hideout-areas-status)
+* [Change your traders loyalty level](#editing-traders)
+* [Add money in your stash](#adding-money-to-your-character)
+## Editing my character level
+In this part, we are going to change your character level in SP-Tarkov. For doing this we are going to make edits in the following file : `ServerFolder/user/profiles/accountID/character.json`.
+Open the file with VSCodium or Notepad++ and find the following line : **"Experience": 0,**.
+This line is defining how much experience your character have, and will define wich level he have, we wont change the line **"Level": 1,** because it's not needed, and not read by the server.
+The only thing we will have to do is change this number, by one of the selected level you want. You can know wich experience you need for each level there : [Escape From Tarkov Wiki](https://escapefromtarkov.gamepedia.com/Character_skills) at the end of the page.
+The column we want to take the number from is : *Cumulative Total*.
+Copy this number and replace the number "0" in your profile and remove the extra coma in the number and keep the last one. For being level 30 for exemple, it should be this :
+**"Experience": 781760,**.
+Save your changes and start the server, you now have the desired level !
+## Changing my skills level
+In this part, we are going to change our skills level, for having the master level of each skill. For this, heads to `ServerFolder/user/profiles/accountID/character.json` and search for this in the file : **"Skills":**.
+When you will be at this point, you will face this :
+"Common": [
+ {
+ "Id": "BotReload",
+ "Progress": 0,
+ "PointsEarnedDuringSession": 0,
+ "LastAccess": -2147483648
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "Endurance",
+ "Progress": 0,
+ "PointsEarnedDuringSession": 0,
+ "LastAccess": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "Strength",
+ "Progress": 0,
+ "PointsEarnedDuringSession": 0,
+ "LastAccess": 0
+ },
+ [...]
+Some explanations :
+* **"Id":**
+ * Determine the name of the skill.
+* **"Progress":**
+ * Determine the number of points you learned for this skill.
+* **"PointsEarnedDuringSession":**
+ * Determine how much points you got from the last session.
+* **"LastAccess":**
+ * Determine the last time you earned a point in this skill (it's a timestamp).
+So you gessed right ~~or not~~ that we will have to change the **"Progress":** part of each skill **EXCEPT** the skill **BotReload**.
+How to know wich level is your skill, here is some easy math :
+* 1 Level = 100 points
+* 10 Levels = 1000 points
+* 15 Levels = 1500 points
+According that the master level of the skill is **51** we will need to have **5100** points in **"Progress":**.
+At the end, the line for each skill you want to max out looks like this : **"Progress": 5100,**.
+[Back at the top](#requirements)
+## Change quest status
+Well, in this part you will learn how to change your quest status, that means, make it finished without having done the requirements for it (you mainly need to do this when a specific quest is bugged).
+For doing this heads to `ServerFolder/user/profiles/accountID/character.json` and search for this in the file : **"Quests":**.
+You're going to face something like this when found :
+"Quests": [
+ {
+ "qid": "5936d90786f7742b1420ba5b",
+ "startTime": 0,
+ "completedConditions": [],
+ "statusTimers": {
+ "1": 1585993679.6069999
+ },
+ "status": "AvailableForStart"
+ },
+ {
+ "qid": "5936da9e86f7742d65037edf",
+ "startTime": 0,
+ "completedConditions": [
+ "59a9269486f7747aab09a77c"
+ ],
+ "statusTimers": {},
+ "status": "Locked"
+ },
+Let me explain you these :
+* **"qid"**
+ * This is the quest ID wich will give you the name of the quest.
+* **"startTime"**
+ * This is the timestamp when you started the quest.
+* **"CompletedConditions"**
+ * This is where the requirements for completing the quests are stored. These are ID's.
+* **"statusTimers"**
+ * This is the timestamp since when the quest is available.
+* **"status"**
+ * This define the status of the quest, decide if it's locked, completed, not started etc.
+*How do i find the correct quest ID for the quest i look for ?* You can find all quests ID here : [Quest list](/docs/resources/quests_resources).
+I think you guessed what we are gonna change ~~or maybe you didn't~~ wich is kinda self explanatory. This is **"status"** part.
+Here are all available status for quests :
+* Locked
+* AvailableForStart
+* Started
+* AvailableForFinish
+* Success
+* Fail
+* FailRestartable
+* MarkedAsFailed
+So, if you want to finish the quest you will need to change the status to : **"AvailableForFinish"**, but if you want to re-do a quest you already did, you will need to change the status to : **"AvailableForStart"**.
+Don't forget to save your changes !
+[Back at the top](#requirements)
+## Changing hideout areas status
+Well, in this part you will learn how to change anything related to the hideout areas, that means, make it max level without having done the requirements for it.
+For doing this heads to `ServerFolder/user/profiles/accountID/character.json` and search for this in the file : **"Hideout":**.
+When found, you will see something like this, don't be scared ! :
+"Production": {},
+ "Areas": [
+ {
+ "type": 3,
+ "level": 4,
+ "active": true,
+ "passiveBonusesEnabled": true,
+ "completeTime": 0,
+ "constructing": false,
+ "slots": []
+ },
+Let's explain what all this mean :
+* **"Production":**
+ * This is the list of all current productions in your hideout, scav cases, crafting meds etc...
+* **"Areas":**
+ * This is the list of all area of the hideout.
+* **"type":**
+ * This is the area ID for each specific thing in the hideout like *Scav case*, *Christmas tree*, *Stash*, *Workbench* etc...
+* **"level":**
+ * This is the level of the selected area.
+* **"active":**
+ * It define if the actual area is active or not.
+* **"passiveBonusesEnabled":**
+ * This define if the bonuses that the area should apply to the player are active or not.
+* **"completeTime":**
+ * The timestamp of when the constructions should be completed.
+* **"constructing":**
+ * Define if the area is actually under construction or not.
+* **"slots":**
+ * This list all objects stored by the area, mainly used for generators and bitcoin farm.
+The two things that are important for us is : **"type":** and **"level":**. **Type** for knowning wich area we are editing and **Level** for setting it's level. You can find all area types and their max level here : [Hideout Areas list](/docs/resources/locations_resources)
+The only thing you will have to do is changing the level to the max level number for selected area type and save your changes ! After that you can start your server and check your hideout !
+[Back at the top](#requirements)
+## Editing traders
+Well, in this part you will learn how to change your quest status, that means, make it finished without having done the requirements for it (you mainly need to do this when a specific quest is bugged)..
+For doing this heads to `ServerFolder/user/profiles/accountID/character.json` and search for this in the file : **"TraderStandings":**.
+You're going to face something like this when found :
+"54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571": {
+ "currentLevel": 1,
+ "currentSalesSum": 368974,
+ "currentStanding": 0.2,
+ "NextLoyalty": null,
+ "loyaltyLevels": {
+ "0": {
+ "minLevel": 1,
+ "minSalesSum": 0,
+ "minStanding": 0
+ },
+ "1": {
+ "minLevel": 15,
+ "minSalesSum": 1000000,
+ "minStanding": 0.2
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "minLevel": 22,
+ "minSalesSum": 1500000,
+ "minStanding": 0.35
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "minLevel": 33,
+ "minSalesSum": 2300000,
+ "minStanding": 0.5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+Time to explain you everything !
+* **"54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571":**
+ * That's the trader ID.
+* **"currentLevel":**
+ * This is the current the trader is (yes it's kinda self explanatory).
+* **"currentSalesSum":**
+ * This is the total money you got for selling and buying to the trader.
+* **"currentStanding":**
+ * This is the total Standing points you got from quests for the trader.
+* **"NextLoyalty":**
+ * Don't pay attention to this.
+* **"loyaltyLevels":**
+ * This is all the Loyalty levels for the trader and their requirements.
+So, for making all traders at their max loyalty level, we are going to take values from the Loyalty Level list, and take the last number values, and you will replace :
+* **currentStanding** value by **minStanding** value.
+* **currentSalesSum** value by **minSalesSum** value.
+* Set **currentLevel** to **4**.
+Only last thing is to save the changes ! And you're done, the trader is LL4 now. You can find the list of all traders ID here : [Traders ID List](/docs/resources/other_resources).
+[Back at the top](#requirements)
+## Adding money to your character
+In this part, we are going to add some cash in your inventory. For doing this we are going to make edits in the following file : `ServerFolder/user/profiles/accountID/character.json`.
+First of all, make a stack of rouble, with a defined number, for an easier way, put it at **25666**, you now have a 25.666 stack of any money you choosed (can be lower number too, just make it a obvious number like 666 or 222 etc...). Now close the game **and** the server.
+Open the file with VSCodium or Notepad++ and find the following line : **"StackObjectsCount": 25666** (for our exemple, but change the number with the stack you made).
+This line is defining how much money the stack contain, and this is this line we are going to change. Now change the number **25666* by any number, like **99999999**. This will give you 99.999.999 $/€/Roubles
+Save your changes and start the server, you now have a stack of 99.999.999 money !
+[Back at the top](#requirements)
+## Thanks
+**Tutorials made by : Sorata-Senpai**
+## Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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+## Requirements
+For doing **any** edits in SP-Tarkov i higly recommend you to use this software :
+* [VSCodium](https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/releases)
+This software is free and alot more helpfull for alot of things, like missing coma and everything about the syntax.
+* Make a backup of the profile you're using.
+For this, heads to `ServerFolder/db/assort/` choose the trader your want to modify ([Here's a list of each trader ID](/docs/resources/other_resources)) and [create a mod](create_a_mod) with the trader folder.
+For all next tutorials, we will change only one trader, and always the same, this is *Prapor* and his ID is : **54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571**
+If you want to make any changes, close both the game and the server, none of these should run.
+## Table :
+* [Change traders avatars](#change-traders-avatars)
+* [Change insurance return time and max storage time](#change-insurance-return-time-and-the-storage-time-in-mail)
+* [Change repair quality and currency](#change-repair-quality-and-currency)
+* [Change traders Loyalty levels requirements](#change-traders-ll-requirements)
+## Change traders avatars
+We will here learn how to change the return time of your insured items. For this heads to `/ServerFolder/user/mods/Author-YouModName-1.0.0/db/assort/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571/base.json`.
+And heads to this following line : **"avatar":**
+This is defining the avatar path for the trader, you will need to add to your mod the new avatar your to use, for this, you can see [create a mod](create_a_mod) tutorial.
+`"/files/trader/avatar/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571.jpg"` files is defining the "res" folder, wich for us it's most likely /res/trader/avatar/id.jpg. So you need to put in your mod, a new folder at the same place as the **db** folder, called **res** and add the following path **trader/avatar/** into the **res** folder. Add your picture here, add it to your mod.config.json too and save the files ! You can use whatever name you want for the picture, you can replace the default one, or add a new one and change its path into base.json. You can now save all your files and start the server !
+## Change insurance return time and the storage time in mail
+We will here learn how to change the return time of your insured items. For this heads to `/ServerFolder/user/mods/Author-YouModName-1.0.0/db/assort/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571/base.json`.
+You need to search for this line : `"insurance":` and will face to this code :
+"insurance": {
+ "availability": true,
+ "min_payment": 0,
+ "min_return_hour": 24,
+ "max_return_hour": 36,
+ "max_storage_time": 72,
+ "excluded_category": []
+ },
+What does all this shit means ? Here we go, i tell you :
+* **"availability":**
+ * This define if the trader can insure your items or not.
+* **"min_payment":**
+ * This is used to not allow people to insure their items under a certain price.
+* **"min_return_hour":**
+ * This define the minimum time before an insured item to be sent you to your mail list.
+* **"max_return_hour":**
+ * This define the maximum time for an insured item to be sent you to your mail list.
+* **"max_storage_time":**
+ * This define how much time the mail will be available to be claim.
+* **"excluded_category":**
+ * This define wich items can't be insured to this trader.
+So, what we want is to make the insured items to be sent immediatly after dying to your mail. For this we are going to change both **min_return_hour** and **max_return_hour** value to **0**.
+And for being sure we wont loose them because we forgot to take the items from the mail, we will change **max_storage_time** value to **300**.
+Note that values can't have decimals, because this is **hour** and 1.5 hour doesn't exist. The game will most likely get broke if you put a decimals in these values.
+So no you can save your changes, remove all other unused files from your mods (aka all files except base.json) add the base.json to your mod.config.json, save and you can now restart the game ! At next raid, if you die, items will be imediatly sent back to your mail list.
+[Back at the top](#requirements)
+## Change repair quality and currency
+We will here learn how to change the return time of your insured items. For this heads to `/ServerFolder/user/mods/Author-YouModName-1.0.0/db/assort/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571/base.json`.
+You need to search for this line : `"repair":` and will face to this code :
+"repair": {
+ "availability": true,
+ "quality": "1.2",
+ "excluded_id_list": [],
+ "excluded_category": [],
+ "currency": "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f",
+ "currency_coefficient": 1,
+ "price_rate": 0
+ },
+Again, i'm going to tell you each variables uses:
+* **"availability":**
+ * This define if the trader have the repair option available or not.
+* **"quality":**
+ * This define the quality of the repair. The lower the number is, better the armor will be repaired.
+* **"excluded_id_list":**
+ * This is a list of all excluded items that can't be repaired.
+* **"excluded_category":**
+ * This is a list of items cagetories that can't be repaired.
+* **"currency":**
+ * This define the actual currency to use for repairing.
+* **"currency_coefficient":**
+ * Multiplier used in the repair price calculation
+* **"price_rate":**
+ * This is actually not used.
+So we are going to make prapor repair the entire armor value and having to pay with dollars instead of roubles. For this we are going to modify these both values : **quality** and **currency**. We will change tha **quality** value by **0** to make it repair the entire armor points. As said in the explaination, the lower the number is, the better the armor will be repaired. If i increased this number, the armor would get less armors points when repairing.
+And for changing the currency to dollars, we are going to change the value of **currency** variable by this one : **5696686a4bdc2da3298b456a** wich is the ID of dollar currency. You can find all currency ID's here : [Currency ID List](/docs/resources/traders_ids)
+You can now save your file base.json, remove all unused files in your mods (so only keep base.json for this tutorial) add it to the mod.config.json and save !
+You can now restart your server and see the changes in game !
+[Back at the top](#requirements)
+## Change traders LL requirements
+We will here learn how to change the return time of your insured items. For this heads to `/ServerFolder/user/mods/Author-YouModName-1.0.0/db/assort/54cb50c76803fa8b248b4571/base.json`.
+You need to search for this line : `"loyalty":` and will face to this code :
+"loyalty": {
+ "currentLevel": 1,
+ "currentStanding": 0,
+ "currentSalesSum": 0,
+ "loyaltyLevels": {
+ "0": {
+ "minLevel": 1,
+ "minSalesSum": 0,
+ "minStanding": 0
+ },
+ "1": {
+ "minLevel": 15,
+ "minSalesSum": 1000000,
+ "minStanding": 0.2
+ },
+Let me explain you all these variables we get :
+* **"currentLevel":**
+ * This is the actual level the of the trader, it's not used by the server.
+* **"currentStanding":**
+ * This is the actual standing you have for this trader, it's not used by the server.
+* **"currentSalesSum":**
+ * This is the total of all purchased and sold items for this trader, it's not used by the server.
+* **"loyaltyLevels":**
+ * This define the list of all loyalty levels for the traders.
+* **"0":**
+ * This is the loyalty level (0 = LL1).
+* **"minLevel":**
+ * This is the minimum level requirements for the user to unlock this loyalty level.
+* **"minSalesSum":**
+ * This is the minimum amount of money spent in a trader to unlock this loyalty level.
+* **"minStanding":**
+ * This is the minimum standing you need to have with a trader to unlock this loyalty level.
+For the exemple we will now increase the requirements for unlocking Prapor LL2. So heads to the **loyaltyLevels** **1**(as 0 = LL1, 1 = LL2), and let's increase the minimum level to 20 instead of 15. For this change the value of **"minLevel":** under **"1":** to 20.
+After increasing the minimum level, let's increase the standing requirement, so let's say we want the player to have 0.40 in standing with the trader to unlock the level. Look for **"minStanding":** and change its value to 0.4 instead of 0.2 (we are not forced to put 0.40 because if not specified, the server will read 0.40 even if you type 0.4).
+We will now increase the minimum amount of cash the player spent into a trader. We want the player to have spent 4M500K roubles to prapor in order to get him to LL2. Let's change **"minSalesSum":** then and replace *1000000* by *4500000* and that's all ! We're good, you can now save your changes, remove all unused files in your mods (so only keep base.json for this tutorial) add it to the mod.config.json and save !
+Restart your server and see the changes in game !
+[Back at the top](#requirements)
+## Thanks
+**Tutorials made by : Sorata-Senpai**
+## Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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+## Explanation
+What we are going to do, is editing base gamefiles textures of a weapon, for making it a camo texture.
+Always make a backup of the file you're editing.
+## Requirements
+In order to edit weaons textures, you will need some specific softwares. The software you need are :
+* AssetBundleExtractor - https://github.com/DerPopo/UABE/releases
+* Photoshop
+## How to start ?
+Well, first of all, we are going to create a specific folder for our work, i will call it *EditTutorial*. In this folder i will create another folder called *TexturesFiles* in wich i will save my texture in a editable format.
+I'm going to edit the *DT MDR .308* weapon for this tutorial.
+1. **First step: Finding the weapon textures bundle files.**
+For this, go in your gamedir `GameDir\EscapeFromTarkov_Data\StreamingAssets\Windows\assets\content\weapons\mdr\textures` and copy the file **client_assets.bundle** to your previously made folder */EditTutorial/*. We now have the file needed to make our camo weapon.
+2. **Step two : Extracting the desired texture file.**
+For this step, we will use AssetBundleExtractor, then open AssetBundleExtractor.exe where you extracted it, you should have this window open :
+Click on *File* -> *Open* and select **client_assets.bundle** in */EditTutorial/* folder and click "open". After doing it, this window should pop up :
+Click on "yes" and name the file to save like you want. I will call it *extracted* and save.
+After doing this, click on the "Info" box on the main window
+and this window will pop up on the screen :
+We need to find in the list, these files :
+- *weapon_dt_mdr_556x45_upper_LOD0_diff_blk*
+- *weapon_dt_mdr_556x45_lower_LOD0_diff_blk*
+You only need to edit **_diff** files for replacing the textures.
+When you found them, select each file, click on "Plugins" at the right and choose **Export to .tga** then click "OK".
+The soft will ask you to save the file, save it in `/EditTutorial/TexturesFiles`.
+3. **Step three: Edit the textures file to add the camo.**
+We are now gonna add our desired camo to the weapon. For this, open up *Photoshop* and open one of the file we extracted earlier.
+For this, download any camo pattern you find, and drag the camo image into your image editing software, and put it in a new layer. Make sure it cover up the entire file like this :
+When it's done, save the file, and keep the .tga extension. Overwrite the one you extracted earlier.
+Do the same thing for the second file !
+4. **Step four: Replacing the texture in the bundle.**
+For this step, we go back into AssetBundleExtractor and select again the files in the **#Step2** and click again on *Plugins* but now you choose **Edit** and click on *OK*. This window should pop up :
+Click on **Load** in front of *"Texture"* and select the same .tga file as the one you selected. After that, click on "OK" on the both window (included the new little one that pop up after the first one). Click again on "OK" and on "YES" for saving the changes.
+**Redo this step for each file you need to replace in the bundle file.**
+5. **Step five: Saving the new file.**
+Now that we have replacing the base texture by our camo, it's time to save the file, and replace the in game one !
+On the UABE* window, select *File* and *Save* and save the file in */EditTutorial/* named like this : **MDR_Texture** *(The name is not important !)*.
+When it's done, you can close the UABE soft, and go to your EditTutorial folder, copy the *MDR_Texture* file and paste it in `GameDir\EscapeFromTarkov_Data\StreamingAssets\Windows\assets\content\weapons\mdr\textures`.
+When it's done, rename the original *client_assets.bundle* file to **client_assets.bundle.old** and rename the *MDR_Texture* file to *client_assets.bundle*.
+6. **Step six: Launch the game!**
+Now we have done every step of this tutorial, you can start the game, and see how your gun looks !
+Final result : ![image](https://i.imgur.com/VZUbL9n.jpg)
+## The end
+You now, know how to edit files textures on Escape From Tarkov ! This works for every textures on the game. Feel free to share your work on guilded !
+## Thanks
+**Thanks to @KandaSoranyan alias Sorata-sempai on guilded for making this tutorial**
+## Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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+id: index_tutorials
+title: Index - SP-Tarkov Tutorial
+sidebar_label: Tutorial - Index
+> You will find here all available tutorials for SP-Tarkov
+## All available tutorials :
+### [How to do a bug report](bug-report)
+### [Create a mod](create_a_mod)
+### [Edit player's profile informations](edit_the_player_profile)
+#### What can be found in:
+* How to change your character's level
+* How to change your skills level
+* How to change your quests status
+* How to change your hideout areas status
+* How to change your trader's loyalty level
+* How to add money in your stash
+### [Edit trader's behaviour](edit_traders_values)
+#### What can be found in:
+* How to Change trader's avatars
+* How to change insurance return time and max storage time
+* How to change repair quality and currency
+* How to change trader's loyalty level requirements
+### [Change global values](edit_globals_values)
+#### What can be found in:
+* How to change minimum level for flea market
+* How to change exp related stuff
+* How to change stamina stuff
+* How to change weight stuff
+* How to change health effect stuff
+* How to increase how much money i can carry in a raid
+* How to remove the fatigue effect on skills
+### [How to change weapon textures](edit_weapons_texture)
+#### Image only version:
+* [How to change weapon textures](photoshop_texture_editing)
+### [Create a weather preset](create_weather)
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+# Thanks
+**Thanks to @enhausser for making these screenshots**
+# Official links
+**Guilded link**: https://www.guilded.gg/senkospub
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