![](./assets/img/headers/tutorials_mods.png) 1. We will need a text editor, it is recommended: ·Notepad++ ·Visual Studio Core 2. The files to be modified are located inside the folder **\db\locations** 3. Within this LOCATIONS folder, we have each subfolder with each map. (We will study the WOODS map as an example) **\db\locations\woods** 4. Modify bosses folder: You can modify existing boss\_.json files or create new ones. 4.1. Open **boss\_0.json** "BossName": "bossKojaniy", "BossChance": 39, "BossZone": "ZoneWoodCutter", "BossPlayer";: false, "BossDifficult": "normal", "BossEscortType": "followerKojaniy", "BossEscortDifficult": "normal", "BossEscortAmount": "2&", "Time": 1 4.2. The values to be used: **BossName:** bossBully, bossKilla, bossGluhar, bossKojaniy, bossSanitar, pmcBot, assault, marksman **BossChance:** 0 to 100 (0 No spawn. 100 always spawn) **BossZone** : spawn zones can be obtained from bot waves files. **BossDifficult and BossEscortDifficult:** easy, normal, hard, impossible **BossEscortType:** followerBully,followerGluharAssault, followerGluharSecurity, followerGluharScout, followerKojaniy, followerSanitar, pmcBot **BossEscortAmount:** can be a number (4) or a sequence (1,2,0,2,1,1,3) **Time:** Time in raid when bots will spawn, in seconds. **Note: Assault and Marksman do not spawn if they are set as followers** 5. Modify waves folder: You can modify existing wave\_.json files or create new ones. 5.1. Open **wave\_0.json** "number": 0, "time\_min": 55, "time\_max": 100, "slots\_min": 1, "slots\_max": 2, "SpawnPoints": "ZoneWoodCutter", "BotSide": "Savage", "BotPreset": "normal", "WildSpawnType": "assault", "isPlayers": false, "OpenZones": "" 5.2. The values to be used: "number": number wave, "time\_min": 55, spawn bots in the range 55 and 100. "time\_max": 100, (range in seconds) "slots\_min": 1, minimum number of bots in this wave "slots\_max": 2, maximum number of bots in this wave "SpawnPoints": "ZoneWoodCutter", Spawn area. "BotPreset": "normal", difficulty of wave bots. Values (easy, normal, hard, impossible) "WildSpawnType": "assault", Type of bots (assault, marksman, boss, follower, pmcBot) **Note: Looking at the SpawnPoints, we can find the spawn areas for use with boss or waves**