# Website Deployment The deployment happens on commit and merge on `master` branch and it is handled by [DroneCI](https://drone.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Website) and Ansible. ## Deployment flow The deployment pipeline lives in: - [.drone-docker.yml](../.drone-docker.yml) for the official [DroneCI](https://drone.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Website) - [.drone-kubernetes.yml](../.drone-kubernetes.yml) for anyone testing this on a DroneCI in Kubernetes On development and feature branches, the deployment flow is: - Cloning the project - Replacing values for ansible inventory file using DroneCI secrets - Checking the playbook syntax - Running the playbook in dry-run mode On master, the deployment flow is: - Cloning the project - Replacing values for ansible inventory file using DroneCI secrets - Checking the playbook syntax - Running the playbook in dry-run mode - Executing the playbook ## The playbook It has only one instruction: Go to the directory in the server and `git pull` to update everything.