using CliFx; using CliFx.Attributes; using CliFx.Infrastructure; using ReCodeItLib.Models; using ReCodeItLib.ReMapper; using ReCodeItLib.Utils; namespace ReCodeItCLI.Commands; [Command("AutoMatch", Description = "Automatically tries to generate a mapping object with the provided arguments.")] public class AutoMatchCommand : ICommand { [CommandParameter(0, IsRequired = true, Description = "The absolute path to your obfuscated assembly or exe file, folder must contain all references to be resolved.")] public required string AssemblyPath { get; init; } [CommandParameter(1, IsRequired = true, Description = "Full old type name including namespace")] public required string OldTypeName { get; init; } [CommandParameter(2, IsRequired = true, Description = "The name you want the type to be renamed to")] public required string NewTypeName { get; init; } [CommandParameter(3, IsRequired = false, Description = "Path to your mapping file so it can be updated if a match is found")] public string MappingsPath { get; init; } public ValueTask ExecuteAsync(IConsole console) { DataProvider.IsCli = true; DataProvider.LoadAppSettings(); Logger.LogSync("Finding match..."); var remaps = new List(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MappingsPath)) { Logger.LogSync("Loaded mapping file", ConsoleColor.Green); remaps.AddRange(DataProvider.LoadMappingFile(MappingsPath)); } new AutoMatcher(remaps, MappingsPath) .AutoMatch(AssemblyPath, OldTypeName, NewTypeName); // Wait for log termination Logger.Terminate(); while(Logger.IsRunning()) {} return default; } }