using CliFx; using CliFx.Attributes; using CliFx.Infrastructure; using dnlib.DotNet; namespace ReCodeItCLI.Commands; [Command("GenRefCountList", Description = "Generates a print out of the most used classes. Useful to prioritize remap targets")] public class GenRefList : ICommand { [CommandParameter(0, IsRequired = true, Description = "The absolute path to your de-obfuscated and remapped dll.")] public required string AssemblyPath { get; init; } private static readonly List Match = new() { "Class", "GClass", "GControl", "GInterface", "Interface", "GStruct" }; public ValueTask ExecuteAsync(IConsole console) { var references = CountTypeReferences(AssemblyPath); // Sort and display the top 10 most referenced types foreach (var pair in references.OrderByDescending(p => p.Value).Take(100)) { console.Output.WriteLine($"{pair.Key}: {pair.Value}"); } return default; } private static Dictionary CountTypeReferences(string assemblyPath) { var typeReferenceCounts = new Dictionary(); using var module = ModuleDefMD.Load(assemblyPath); foreach (var type in module.GetTypes()) { CountReferencesInType(type, typeReferenceCounts); } return typeReferenceCounts; } private static void CountReferencesInType(TypeDef type, Dictionary counts) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (Match.Any(item => method.ReturnType.TypeName.StartsWith(item))) IncrementCount(method.ReturnType.TypeName, counts); CountReferencesInMethod(method, counts); } foreach (var field in type.Fields) { if (field.FieldType.IsValueType || field.FieldType.IsPrimitive) continue; if (!Match.Any(item => field.FieldType.TypeName.StartsWith(item))) continue; IncrementCount(field.FieldType.FullName, counts); } foreach (var property in type.Properties) { if (property.PropertySig.RetType.IsValueType || property.PropertySig.RetType.IsPrimitive) continue; if (!Match.Any(item => property.PropertySig.RetType.TypeName.StartsWith(item))) continue; IncrementCount(property.PropertySig.RetType.FullName, counts); } } private static void CountReferencesInMethod(MethodDef method, Dictionary counts) { if (!method.HasBody) return; foreach (var instr in method.Body.Instructions) { if (instr.Operand is FieldDef fieldDef && Match.Any(item => fieldDef.FieldType.TypeName.StartsWith(item))) { IncrementCount(fieldDef.FieldType.FullName, counts); } if (instr.Operand is PropertyDef propDef && Match.Any(item => propDef.PropertySig.RetType.FullName.StartsWith(item))) { IncrementCount(propDef.PropertySig.RetType.FullName, counts); } if (instr.Operand is MethodDef methodDef && Match.Any(item => methodDef.DeclaringType.FullName.StartsWith(item))) { if (methodDef.ReturnType.IsValueType || methodDef.ReturnType.IsPrimitive || methodDef.ReturnType.IsCorLibType) continue; IncrementCount(methodDef.ReturnType.FullName, counts); } } } private static void IncrementCount(string typeName, Dictionary counts) { counts[typeName] = counts.GetValueOrDefault(typeName, 0) + 1; } }