using dnlib.DotNet; using dnlib.DotNet.Emit; using ReCodeIt.Enums; using ReCodeIt.Models; using ReCodeIt.ReMapper.Search; using ReCodeIt.Utils; using ReCodeItLib.Remapper.Search; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using ReCodeItLib.Remapper; namespace ReCodeIt.ReMapper; public class ReCodeItRemapper { public ReCodeItRemapper() { } private ModuleDefMD? Module { get; set; } public static bool IsRunning { get; private set; } = false; public delegate void OnCompleteHandler(); public event OnCompleteHandler? OnComplete; private static readonly Stopwatch Stopwatch = new(); private RemapperSettings? Settings => DataProvider.Settings?.Remapper; private string OutPath { get; set; } = string.Empty; private List _remaps = []; private List _alreadyGivenNames = []; /// /// Start the remapping process /// public void InitializeRemap( List remapModels, string assemblyPath, string outPath, bool validate = false) { _remaps = []; _remaps = remapModels; _alreadyGivenNames = []; Module = DataProvider.LoadModule(assemblyPath); OutPath = outPath; if (!Validate(_remaps)) return; IsRunning = true; Stopwatch.Start(); var types = Module.GetTypes(); if (!types.Any(t => t.Name.Contains("GClass"))) { Logger.Log("Assembly is obfuscated, running de-obfuscation...\n", ConsoleColor.Yellow); Module.Dispose(); Module = null; Deobfuscator.Deobfuscate(assemblyPath); var cleanedName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyPath); cleanedName = $"{cleanedName}-cleaned.dll"; var newPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath); newPath = Path.Combine(newPath!, cleanedName); Console.WriteLine($"Cleaning assembly: {newPath}"); Module = DataProvider.LoadModule(newPath); types = Module.GetTypes(); GenerateDynamicRemaps(newPath, types); } else { GenerateDynamicRemaps(assemblyPath, types); } Logger.LogSync("Finding Best Matches...", ConsoleColor.Green); var tasks = new List(remapModels.Count); foreach (var remap in remapModels) { tasks.Add( Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { ScoreMapping(remap, types); }) ); } while (!tasks.TrueForAll(t => t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)) { Logger.DrawProgressBar(tasks.Where(t => t.IsCompleted)!.Count(), tasks.Count, 50); } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); ChooseBestMatches(); // Don't go any further during a validation if (validate) { new Statistics(_remaps, Stopwatch, OutPath) .DisplayStatistics(true); return; } Logger.LogSync("\nRenaming...", ConsoleColor.Green); var renameTasks = new List(remapModels.Count); foreach (var remap in remapModels) { renameTasks.Add( Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { RenameHelper.RenameAll(types, remap); }) ); } while (!renameTasks.TrueForAll(t => t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)) { Logger.DrawProgressBar(renameTasks.Where(t => t.IsCompleted)!.Count(), tasks.Count - 1, 50); } Task.WaitAll(renameTasks.ToArray()); // Don't publicize and unseal until after the remapping, so we can use those as search parameters if (Settings!.MappingSettings!.Publicize) { Logger.LogSync("\nPublicizing classes...", ConsoleColor.Green); SPTPublicizer.PublicizeClasses(Module); } // We are done, write the assembly WriteAssembly(); } private bool Validate(List remaps) { var duplicateGroups = remaps .GroupBy(m => m.NewTypeName) .Where(g => g.Count() > 1) .ToList(); if (duplicateGroups.Count() > 1) { Logger.Log($"There were {duplicateGroups.Count()} duplicated sets of remaps.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); foreach (var duplicate in duplicateGroups) { var duplicateNewTypeName = duplicate.Key; Logger.Log($"Ambiguous NewTypeName: {duplicateNewTypeName} found. Cancelling Remap.", ConsoleColor.Red); } return false; } return true; } /// /// First we filter our type collection based on simple search parameters (true/false/null) /// where null is a third disabled state. Then we score the types based on the search parameters /// /// Mapping to score private void ScoreMapping(RemapModel mapping, IEnumerable types) { var tokens = DataProvider.Settings?.Remapper?.TokensToMatch; if (mapping.UseForceRename) { HandleDirectRename(mapping, ref types); return; } // Filter down nested objects if (mapping.SearchParams.IsNested is false or null) { types = types.Where(type => tokens!.Any(token => type.Name.StartsWith(token))); } // Run through a series of filters and report an error if all types are filtered out. if (!FilterTypesByGeneric(mapping, ref types)) return; if (!FilterTypesByMethods(mapping, ref types)) return; if (!FilterTypesByFields(mapping, ref types)) return; if (!FilterTypesByProps(mapping, ref types)) return; if (!FilterTypesByEvents(mapping, ref types)) return; if (!FilterTypesByNested(mapping, ref types)) return; types = CtorTypeFilters.FilterByParameterCount(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.ConstructorParameterCount); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return; } mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); } private static bool FilterTypesByGeneric(RemapModel mapping, ref IEnumerable types) { types = GenericTypeFilters.FilterPublic(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.IsPublic); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = GenericTypeFilters.FilterAbstract(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (types.Count() == 1) return true; if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.IsPublic); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = GenericTypeFilters.FilterSealed(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (types.Count() == 1) return true; if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.IsSealed); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = GenericTypeFilters.FilterInterface(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (types.Count() == 1) return true; if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.IsInterface); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = GenericTypeFilters.FilterStruct(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (types.Count() == 1) return true; if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.IsStruct); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = GenericTypeFilters.FilterEnum(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (types.Count() == 1) return true; if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.IsEnum); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = GenericTypeFilters.FilterAttributes(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (types.Count() == 1) return true; if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.HasAttribute); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = GenericTypeFilters.FilterDerived(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (types.Count() == 1) return true; if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.IsDerived); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = GenericTypeFilters.FilterByGenericParameters(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.HasGenericParameters); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } return true; } private static bool FilterTypesByMethods(RemapModel mapping, ref IEnumerable types) { types = MethodTypeFilters.FilterByInclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.MethodsInclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = MethodTypeFilters.FilterByExclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.MethodsExclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = MethodTypeFilters.FilterByCount(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.MethodsCount); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } return true; } private static bool FilterTypesByFields(RemapModel mapping, ref IEnumerable types) { types = FieldTypeFilters.FilterByInclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.FieldsInclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = FieldTypeFilters.FilterByExclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.FieldsExclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = FieldTypeFilters.FilterByCount(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.FieldsCount); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } return true; } private static bool FilterTypesByProps(RemapModel mapping, ref IEnumerable types) { types = PropertyTypeFilters.FilterByInclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.PropertiesInclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = PropertyTypeFilters.FilterByExclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.PropertiesExclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = PropertyTypeFilters.FilterByCount(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.PropertiesCount); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } return true; } private static bool FilterTypesByNested(RemapModel mapping, ref IEnumerable types) { types = NestedTypeFilters.FilterByInclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.NestedTypeInclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = NestedTypeFilters.FilterByExclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.NestedTypeExclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = NestedTypeFilters.FilterByCount(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.NestedTypeCount); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } return true; } private static bool FilterTypesByEvents(RemapModel mapping, ref IEnumerable types) { types = EventTypeFilters.FilterByInclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.EventsInclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } types = EventTypeFilters.FilterByExclude(types, mapping.SearchParams); if (!types.Any()) { AllTypesFilteredOutFor(mapping, ENoMatchReason.EventsExclude); mapping.TypeCandidates.UnionWith(types); return false; } return true; } private void HandleDirectRename(RemapModel mapping, ref IEnumerable types) { foreach (var type in types) { if (type.Name == mapping.OriginalTypeName) { mapping.TypePrimeCandidate = type; mapping.OriginalTypeName = type.Name.String; mapping.Succeeded = true; _alreadyGivenNames.Add(mapping.OriginalTypeName); return; } } } private void GenerateDynamicRemaps(string path, IEnumerable types) { // HACK: Because this is written in net8 and the assembly is net472 we must resolve the type this way instead of // filtering types directly using GetTypes() Otherwise, it causes serialization issues. // This is also necessary because we can't access non-compile time constants with dnlib. var templateMappingTypeDef = types.SingleOrDefault(t => t.FindField("TypeTable") != null); if (templateMappingTypeDef is null) { Logger.Log("Could not find type for field TypeTable", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(path); var templateMappingClass = assembly.Modules .First() .GetType(templateMappingTypeDef.Name); if (templateMappingClass is null) { Logger.Log($"Could not resolve type for {templateMappingTypeDef.Name}", ConsoleColor.Red); return; } var typeTable = (Dictionary)templateMappingClass .GetField("TypeTable") .GetValue(templateMappingClass); BuildAssociationFromTable(typeTable!, "ItemClass"); var templateTypeTable = (Dictionary)templateMappingClass .GetField("TemplateTypeTable") .GetValue(templateMappingClass); BuildAssociationFromTable(templateTypeTable!, "TemplateClass"); } private void BuildAssociationFromTable(Dictionary table, string extName) { foreach (var type in table) { if (DataProvider.ItemTemplates!.TryGetValue(type.Key, out var template)) { if (!type.Value.Name.StartsWith("GClass")) continue; var remap = new RemapModel { OriginalTypeName = type.Value.Name, NewTypeName = $"{template._name}{extName}", UseForceRename = true }; _remaps.Add(remap); continue; } // Logger.Log($"Found no association for key: {type.Key} Type: {type.Value}", ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } /// /// Choose the best possible match from all remaps /// private void ChooseBestMatches() { foreach (var remap in _remaps) { ChooseBestMatch(remap); } } /// /// Choose best match from a collection of types on a remap /// /// private void ChooseBestMatch(RemapModel remap) { if (remap.TypeCandidates.Count == 0 || remap.Succeeded) { return; } var winner = remap.TypeCandidates.FirstOrDefault(); if (winner is null) { return; } remap.TypePrimeCandidate = winner; remap.OriginalTypeName = winner.Name.String; if (_alreadyGivenNames.Contains(winner.FullName)) { remap.NoMatchReasons.Add(ENoMatchReason.AmbiguousWithPreviousMatch); remap.AmbiguousTypeMatch = winner.FullName; remap.Succeeded = false; return; } _alreadyGivenNames.Add(remap.OriginalTypeName); remap.Succeeded = true; remap.OriginalTypeName = winner.Name.String; } /// /// Write the assembly back to disk and update the mapping file on disk /// private void WriteAssembly() { var moduleName = Module?.Name; var dllName = "-cleaned-remapped.dll"; if (Settings!.MappingSettings!.Publicize) { dllName = "-cleaned-remapped-publicized.dll"; } OutPath = Path.Combine(OutPath, moduleName?.Replace(".dll", dllName)); try { Module!.Write(OutPath); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e); throw; } Logger.Log("\nCreating Hollow...", ConsoleColor.Yellow); Hollow(); var hollowedDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(OutPath); var hollowedPath = Path.Combine(hollowedDir!, "Assembly-CSharp-hollowed.dll"); try { Module.Write(hollowedPath); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e); throw; } if (DataProvider.Settings?.Remapper?.MappingPath != string.Empty) { DataProvider.UpdateMapping(DataProvider.Settings!.Remapper!.MappingPath.Replace("mappings.", "mappings-new."), _remaps); } new Statistics(_remaps, Stopwatch, OutPath, hollowedPath) .DisplayStatistics(); Stopwatch.Reset(); Module = null; IsRunning = false; OnComplete?.Invoke(); } /// /// Hollows out all logic from the dll /// private void Hollow() { foreach (var type in Module!.GetTypes()) { foreach (var method in type.Methods.Where(m => m.HasBody)) { if (!method.HasBody) continue; method.Body = new CilBody(); method.Body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ret.ToInstruction()); } } } /// /// This is used to log that all types for a given remap were filtered out. /// /// remap model that failed /// Reason for filtering private static void AllTypesFilteredOutFor(RemapModel remap, ENoMatchReason noMatchReason) { Logger.Log($"All types filtered out after `{noMatchReason}` filter for: `{remap.NewTypeName}`", ConsoleColor.Red); } }