/* Copyright (C) 2011-2015 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System.Collections.Generic; using dnlib.DotNet; using dnlib.DotNet.Emit; using de4dot.blocks; namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators { public class ConstantsReader { protected IInstructions instructions; protected IList locals; protected Dictionary localsValuesInt32 = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary localsValuesInt64 = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary localsValuesDouble = new Dictionary(); bool emulateConvInstrs; public IEnumerable> Locals32 => localsValuesInt32; public IEnumerable> Locals64 => localsValuesInt64; public IEnumerable> LocalsDouble => localsValuesDouble; public interface IInstructions { int Count { get; } Instruction this[int index] { get; } } class ListInstructions : IInstructions { IList instrs; public int Count => instrs.Count; public Instruction this[int index] => instrs[index]; public ListInstructions(IList instrs) => this.instrs = instrs; } class ListInstrs : IInstructions { IList instrs; public int Count => instrs.Count; public Instruction this[int index] => instrs[index].Instruction; public ListInstrs(IList instrs) => this.instrs = instrs; } public bool EmulateConvInstructions { get => emulateConvInstrs; set => emulateConvInstrs = value; } ConstantsReader(IInstructions instructions) : this(instructions, true) { } ConstantsReader(IInstructions instructions, bool emulateConvInstrs) { this.instructions = instructions; this.emulateConvInstrs = emulateConvInstrs; } public ConstantsReader(IList instrs) : this(new ListInstructions(instrs)) { } public ConstantsReader(IList instrs, bool emulateConvInstrs) : this(new ListInstructions(instrs), emulateConvInstrs) { } public ConstantsReader(IList instrs) : this(new ListInstrs(instrs)) { } public ConstantsReader(IList instrs, bool emulateConvInstrs) : this(new ListInstrs(instrs), emulateConvInstrs) { } public ConstantsReader(MethodDef method) : this(method.Body.Instructions) => locals = method.Body.Variables; public ConstantsReader(IList instrs, IList locals) : this(instrs) => this.locals = locals; public void SetConstantInt32(Local local, int value) => localsValuesInt32[local] = value; public void SetConstantInt32(Local local, uint value) => SetConstantInt32(local, (int)value); public void SetConstantInt64(Local local, long value) => localsValuesInt64[local] = value; public void SetConstantInt64(Local local, ulong value) => SetConstantInt64(local, (long)value); public void SetConstantDouble(Local local, double value) => localsValuesDouble[local] = value; public bool GetNextInt32(ref int index, out int val) { for (; index < instructions.Count; index++) { var instr = instructions[index]; if (!IsLoadConstantInt32(instr)) continue; return GetInt32(ref index, out val); } val = 0; return false; } public bool IsLoadConstantInt32(Instruction instr) { if (instr.IsLdcI4()) return true; if (instr.IsLdloc()) return GetLocalConstantInt32(instr, out int tmp); if (instr.IsLdarg()) return GetArgConstantInt32(instr, out int tmp); return false; } public bool IsLoadConstantInt64(Instruction instr) { if (instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Ldc_I8) return true; if (instr.IsLdloc()) return GetLocalConstantInt64(instr, out long tmp); if (instr.IsLdarg()) return GetArgConstantInt64(instr, out long tmp); return false; } public bool IsLoadConstantDouble(Instruction instr) { if (instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Ldc_R8) return true; if (instr.IsLdloc()) return GetLocalConstantDouble(instr, out double tmp); if (instr.IsLdarg()) return GetArgConstantDouble(instr, out double tmp); return false; } public bool GetInt16(ref int index, out short val) { if (!GetInt32(ref index, out int tmp)) { val = 0; return false; } val = (short)tmp; return true; } protected struct ConstantInfo { public int index; public T constant; public ConstantInfo(int index, T constant) { this.index = index; this.constant = constant; } } protected virtual bool ProcessInstructionInt32(ref int index, Stack> stack) => false; protected virtual bool ProcessInstructionInt64(ref int index, Stack> stack) => false; protected virtual bool ProcessInstructionDouble(ref int index, Stack> stack) => false; public bool GetInt32(ref int index, out int val) { val = 0; if (index >= instructions.Count) return false; var stack = new Stack>(); int op1; ConstantInfo info1, info2; for (; index < instructions.Count; index++) { if (ProcessInstructionInt32(ref index, stack)) { index--; continue; } var instr = instructions[index]; switch (instr.OpCode.Code) { case Code.Conv_I1: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (sbyte)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_U1: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (byte)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_I2: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (short)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_U2: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (ushort)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_I4: case Code.Conv_U4: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Not: if (stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, ~stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Neg: if (stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, -stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Ldloc: case Code.Ldloc_S: case Code.Ldloc_0: case Code.Ldloc_1: case Code.Ldloc_2: case Code.Ldloc_3: if (!GetLocalConstantInt32(instr, out op1)) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, op1)); break; case Code.Ldarg: case Code.Ldarg_S: case Code.Ldarg_0: case Code.Ldarg_1: case Code.Ldarg_2: case Code.Ldarg_3: if (!GetArgConstantInt32(instr, out op1)) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, op1)); break; case Code.Ldc_I4: case Code.Ldc_I4_S: case Code.Ldc_I4_0: case Code.Ldc_I4_1: case Code.Ldc_I4_2: case Code.Ldc_I4_3: case Code.Ldc_I4_4: case Code.Ldc_I4_5: case Code.Ldc_I4_6: case Code.Ldc_I4_7: case Code.Ldc_I4_8: case Code.Ldc_I4_M1: stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, instr.GetLdcI4Value())); break; case Code.Add: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant + info2.constant)); break; case Code.Sub: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant - info2.constant)); break; case Code.Xor: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant ^ info2.constant)); break; case Code.Or: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant | info2.constant)); break; case Code.And: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant & info2.constant)); break; case Code.Mul: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant * info2.constant)); break; case Code.Div: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); if (info2.constant == 0) goto done; info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant / info2.constant)); break; case Code.Div_Un: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); if (info2.constant == 0) goto done; info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (int)((uint)info1.constant / (uint)info2.constant))); break; default: goto done; } } done: if (stack.Count == 0) return false; while (stack.Count > 1) stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); index = info1.index + 1; val = info1.constant; return true; } public bool GetInt64(ref int index, out long val) { val = 0; if (index >= instructions.Count) return false; var stack = new Stack>(); long op1; ConstantInfo info1, info2; for (; index < instructions.Count; index++) { if (ProcessInstructionInt64(ref index, stack)) { index--; continue; } var instr = instructions[index]; switch (instr.OpCode.Code) { case Code.Conv_I1: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (sbyte)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_U1: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (byte)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_I2: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (short)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_U2: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (ushort)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_I4: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (int)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_U4: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (uint)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_I8: case Code.Conv_U8: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Not: if (stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, ~stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Neg: if (stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, -stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Ldloc: case Code.Ldloc_S: case Code.Ldloc_0: case Code.Ldloc_1: case Code.Ldloc_2: case Code.Ldloc_3: if (!GetLocalConstantInt64(instr, out op1)) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, op1)); break; case Code.Ldarg: case Code.Ldarg_S: case Code.Ldarg_0: case Code.Ldarg_1: case Code.Ldarg_2: case Code.Ldarg_3: if (!GetArgConstantInt64(instr, out op1)) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, op1)); break; case Code.Ldc_I8: stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (long)instr.Operand)); break; case Code.Add: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant + info2.constant)); break; case Code.Sub: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant - info2.constant)); break; case Code.Xor: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant ^ info2.constant)); break; case Code.Or: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant | info2.constant)); break; case Code.And: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant & info2.constant)); break; case Code.Mul: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant * info2.constant)); break; case Code.Div: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); if (info2.constant == 0) goto done; info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant / info2.constant)); break; case Code.Div_Un: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); if (info2.constant == 0) goto done; info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (int)((uint)info1.constant / (uint)info2.constant))); break; default: goto done; } } done: if (stack.Count == 0) return false; while (stack.Count > 1) stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); index = info1.index + 1; val = info1.constant; return true; } public bool GetDouble(ref int index, out double val) { val = 0; if (index >= instructions.Count) return false; var stack = new Stack>(); double op1; ConstantInfo info1, info2; for (; index < instructions.Count; index++) { if (ProcessInstructionDouble(ref index, stack)) { index--; continue; } var instr = instructions[index]; switch (instr.OpCode.Code) { case Code.Conv_R4: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (float)stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Conv_R8: if (!emulateConvInstrs || stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Neg: if (stack.Count < 1) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, -stack.Pop().constant)); break; case Code.Ldloc: case Code.Ldloc_S: case Code.Ldloc_0: case Code.Ldloc_1: case Code.Ldloc_2: case Code.Ldloc_3: if (!GetLocalConstantDouble(instr, out op1)) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, op1)); break; case Code.Ldarg: case Code.Ldarg_S: case Code.Ldarg_0: case Code.Ldarg_1: case Code.Ldarg_2: case Code.Ldarg_3: if (!GetArgConstantDouble(instr, out op1)) goto done; stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, op1)); break; case Code.Ldc_R4: stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (float)instr.Operand)); break; case Code.Ldc_R8: stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (double)instr.Operand)); break; case Code.Add: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant + info2.constant)); break; case Code.Sub: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant - info2.constant)); break; case Code.Mul: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant * info2.constant)); break; case Code.Div: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, info1.constant / info2.constant)); break; case Code.Div_Un: if (stack.Count < 2) goto done; info2 = stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(new ConstantInfo(index, (int)((uint)info1.constant / (uint)info2.constant))); break; default: goto done; } } done: if (stack.Count == 0) return false; while (stack.Count > 1) stack.Pop(); info1 = stack.Pop(); index = info1.index + 1; val = info1.constant; return true; } protected virtual bool GetLocalConstantInt32(Instruction instr, out int value) { value = 0; if (locals == null) return false; if (!instr.IsLdloc() && !instr.IsStloc()) return false; var local = instr.GetLocal(locals); if (local == null) return false; if (local.Type.ElementType != ElementType.I4 && local.Type.ElementType != ElementType.U4) return false; return localsValuesInt32.TryGetValue(local, out value); } protected virtual bool GetArgConstantInt32(Instruction instr, out int value) { value = 0; return false; } protected virtual bool GetLocalConstantInt64(Instruction instr, out long value) { value = 0; if (locals == null) return false; if (!instr.IsLdloc() && !instr.IsStloc()) return false; var local = instr.GetLocal(locals); if (local == null) return false; if (local.Type.ElementType != ElementType.I8 && local.Type.ElementType != ElementType.U8) return false; return localsValuesInt64.TryGetValue(local, out value); } protected virtual bool GetArgConstantInt64(Instruction instr, out long value) { value = 0; return false; } protected virtual bool GetLocalConstantDouble(Instruction instr, out double value) { value = 0; if (locals == null) return false; if (!instr.IsLdloc() && !instr.IsStloc()) return false; var local = instr.GetLocal(locals); if (local == null) return false; if (local.Type.ElementType != ElementType.R8) return false; return localsValuesDouble.TryGetValue(local, out value); } protected virtual bool GetArgConstantDouble(Instruction instr, out double value) { value = 0; return false; } } }