mirror of https://github.com/sp-tarkov/assembly-tool.git synced 2025-02-13 09:50:44 -05:00
Archangel 77a24319b1 Update de4dot to use dnlib 4.4.0 and x64
Adds the source code used for this modification, this de4dot source code has been cleaned of any things not needed for deobfuscating the tarkov assembly

Co-authored-by: 静穏靄 <170472707+seionmoya@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-12-30 16:01:39 +01:00

281 lines
8.7 KiB

Copyright (C) 2011-2015 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of de4dot.
de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with de4dot. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using dnlib.DotNet;
using dnlib.DotNet.Emit;
namespace de4dot.blocks.cflow {
public abstract class MethodCallInlinerBase : IBlocksDeobfuscator {
// We can't catch all infinite loops, so inline methods at most this many times
const int MAX_ITERATIONS = 10;
protected Blocks blocks;
protected Block block;
int iteration;
AccessChecker accessChecker;
public bool ExecuteIfNotModified { get; set; }
public void DeobfuscateBegin(Blocks blocks) {
this.blocks = blocks;
iteration = 0;
public bool Deobfuscate(List<Block> allBlocks) {
if (iteration++ >= MAX_ITERATIONS)
return false;
bool modified = false;
foreach (var block in allBlocks) {
this.block = block;
modified |= DeobfuscateInternal();
return modified;
protected abstract bool DeobfuscateInternal();
protected class InstructionPatcher {
readonly int patchIndex;
public readonly int afterIndex;
public readonly Instruction lastInstr;
readonly Instr clonedInstr;
public InstructionPatcher(int patchIndex, int afterIndex, Instruction lastInstr) {
this.patchIndex = patchIndex;
this.afterIndex = afterIndex;
this.lastInstr = lastInstr;
clonedInstr = new Instr(lastInstr.Clone());
public void Patch(Block block) => block.Instructions[patchIndex] = clonedInstr;
protected bool InlineLoadMethod(int patchIndex, MethodDef methodToInline, Instruction loadInstr, int instrIndex) {
if (!IsReturn(methodToInline, instrIndex))
return false;
int methodArgsCount = DotNetUtils.GetArgsCount(methodToInline);
for (int i = 0; i < methodArgsCount; i++)
block.Insert(patchIndex++, OpCodes.Pop.ToInstruction());
block.Instructions[patchIndex] = new Instr(loadInstr.Clone());
return true;
protected bool InlineOtherMethod(int patchIndex, MethodDef methodToInline, Instruction instr, int instrIndex) =>
InlineOtherMethod(patchIndex, methodToInline, instr, instrIndex, 0);
protected bool InlineOtherMethod(int patchIndex, MethodDef methodToInline, Instruction instr, int instrIndex, int popLastArgs) =>
PatchMethod(methodToInline, TryInlineOtherMethod(patchIndex, methodToInline, instr, instrIndex, popLastArgs));
protected bool PatchMethod(MethodDef methodToInline, InstructionPatcher patcher) {
if (patcher == null)
return false;
if (!IsReturn(methodToInline, patcher.afterIndex))
return false;
return true;
protected InstructionPatcher TryInlineOtherMethod(int patchIndex, MethodDef methodToInline, Instruction instr, int instrIndex) =>
TryInlineOtherMethod(patchIndex, methodToInline, instr, instrIndex, 0);
protected virtual Instruction OnAfterLoadArg(MethodDef methodToInline, Instruction instr, ref int instrIndex) => instr;
protected InstructionPatcher TryInlineOtherMethod(int patchIndex, MethodDef methodToInline, Instruction instr, int instrIndex, int popLastArgs) {
int loadIndex = 0;
int methodArgsCount = DotNetUtils.GetArgsCount(methodToInline);
bool foundLdarga = false;
while (instr != null && loadIndex < methodArgsCount) {
bool isLdarg = true;
switch (instr.OpCode.Code) {
case Code.Ldarg:
case Code.Ldarg_S:
case Code.Ldarg_0:
case Code.Ldarg_1:
case Code.Ldarg_2:
case Code.Ldarg_3:
case Code.Ldarga:
case Code.Ldarga_S:
foundLdarga = true;
isLdarg = false;
if (!isLdarg)
if (instr.GetParameterIndex() != loadIndex)
return null;
instr = DotNetUtils.GetInstruction(methodToInline.Body.Instructions, ref instrIndex);
instr = OnAfterLoadArg(methodToInline, instr, ref instrIndex);
if (instr == null || loadIndex != methodArgsCount - popLastArgs)
return null;
switch (instr.OpCode.Code) {
case Code.Call:
case Code.Callvirt:
if (foundLdarga)
return null;
var callInstr = instr;
var calledMethod = callInstr.Operand as IMethod;
if (calledMethod == null)
return null;
if (!IsCompatibleType(-1, calledMethod.MethodSig.RetType, methodToInline.MethodSig.RetType))
return null;
if (!CheckSameMethods(calledMethod, methodToInline, popLastArgs))
return null;
if (!HasAccessTo(instr.Operand))
return null;
return new InstructionPatcher(patchIndex, instrIndex, callInstr);
case Code.Newobj:
if (foundLdarga)
return null;
var newobjInstr = instr;
var ctor = newobjInstr.Operand as IMethod;
if (ctor == null)
return null;
if (!IsCompatibleType(-1, ctor.DeclaringType, methodToInline.MethodSig.RetType))
return null;
var methodArgs = methodToInline.Parameters;
var calledMethodArgs = DotNetUtils.GetArgs(ctor);
if (methodArgs.Count + 1 - popLastArgs != calledMethodArgs.Count)
return null;
for (int i = 1; i < calledMethodArgs.Count; i++) {
if (!IsCompatibleType(i, calledMethodArgs[i], methodArgs[i - 1].Type))
return null;
if (!HasAccessTo(instr.Operand))
return null;
return new InstructionPatcher(patchIndex, instrIndex, newobjInstr);
case Code.Ldfld:
case Code.Ldflda:
case Code.Ldftn:
case Code.Ldvirtftn:
case Code.Ldlen:
case Code.Initobj:
case Code.Isinst:
case Code.Castclass:
case Code.Newarr:
case Code.Ldtoken:
case Code.Unbox_Any:
var ldInstr = instr;
if (methodArgsCount != 1)
return null;
if (instr.OpCode.OperandType != OperandType.InlineNone && !HasAccessTo(instr.Operand))
return null;
return new InstructionPatcher(patchIndex, instrIndex, ldInstr);
return null;
bool HasAccessTo(object operand) {
if (operand == null)
return false;
accessChecker.UserType = blocks.Method.DeclaringType;
return accessChecker.CanAccess(operand) ?? GetDefaultAccessResult();
protected virtual bool GetDefaultAccessResult() => true;
protected virtual bool IsReturn(MethodDef methodToInline, int instrIndex) {
var instr = DotNetUtils.GetInstruction(methodToInline.Body.Instructions, ref instrIndex);
return instr != null && instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Ret;
protected bool CheckSameMethods(IMethod method, MethodDef methodToInline) =>
CheckSameMethods(method, methodToInline, 0);
protected bool CheckSameMethods(IMethod method, MethodDef methodToInline, int ignoreLastMethodToInlineArgs) {
var methodToInlineArgs = methodToInline.Parameters;
var methodArgs = DotNetUtils.GetArgs(method);
bool hasImplicitThis = method.MethodSig.ImplicitThis;
if (methodToInlineArgs.Count - ignoreLastMethodToInlineArgs != methodArgs.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < methodArgs.Count; i++) {
var methodArg = methodArgs[i];
var methodToInlineArg = GetArgType(methodToInline, methodToInlineArgs[i].Type);
if (!IsCompatibleType(i, methodArg, methodToInlineArg)) {
if (i != 0 || !hasImplicitThis)
return false;
if (!IsCompatibleValueThisPtr(methodArg, methodToInlineArg))
return false;
return true;
static TypeSig GetArgType(MethodDef method, TypeSig arg) {
if (arg.GetElementType() != ElementType.MVar)
return arg;
var mvar = (GenericMVar)arg;
foreach (var gp in method.GenericParameters) {
if (gp.Number != mvar.Number)
foreach (var gpc in gp.GenericParamConstraints)
return gpc.Constraint.ToTypeSig();
return arg;
protected virtual bool IsCompatibleType(int paramIndex, IType origType, IType newType) =>
new SigComparer().Equals(origType, newType);
static bool IsCompatibleValueThisPtr(IType origType, IType newType) {
var newByRef = newType as ByRefSig;
if (newByRef == null)
return false;
if (!IsValueType(newByRef.Next) || !IsValueType(origType))
return false;
return new SigComparer().Equals(origType, newByRef.Next);
protected static bool IsValueType(IType type) {
if (type == null)
return false;
var ts = type as TypeSig;
if (ts == null)
return type.IsValueType;
return ts.IsValueType && ts.ElementType != ElementType.Void;