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synced 2025-02-13 09:50:44 -05:00
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337 lines
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using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using dnlib.DotNet;
using dnlib.DotNet.Emit;
using ReCodeIt.Utils;
namespace ReCodeItLib.Dumper;
public class DumperClass
private ModuleDefMD? _gameModule { get; set; }
private ModuleDefMD? _checkerModule { get; set; }
private string _assemblyPath { get; set; }
private string _fileCheckerPath { get; set; }
private string _managedPath { get; set; }
private List<TypeDef>? _gameTypes { get; set; }
private List<TypeDef>? _checkerTypes { get; set; }
public DumperClass(string managedPath)
_managedPath = managedPath;
_assemblyPath = Path.Combine(managedPath, "Assembly-Csharp-cleaned.dll"); // TODO: must be the cleaned one
_fileCheckerPath = Path.Combine(managedPath, "FilesChecker.dll");
if (!File.Exists(_assemblyPath))
Logger.Log($"File Assembly-CSharp-cleaned.dll does not exist at {_assemblyPath}", ConsoleColor.Red);
if (!File.Exists(_fileCheckerPath))
Logger.Log($"File FilesChecker.dll does not exist at {_fileCheckerPath}", ConsoleColor.Red);
// will explode if they are not there?
_gameModule = DataProvider.LoadModule(_assemblyPath, _managedPath);
_checkerModule = DataProvider.LoadModule(_fileCheckerPath, _managedPath);
_gameTypes = _gameModule.GetTypes().ToList();
_checkerTypes = _checkerModule.GetTypes().ToList();
public void CreateDumper()
if (_gameModule == null || _gameTypes == null)
Logger.Log($"_gameModule or _gameTypes in DumpyRemake was null", ConsoleColor.Red);
if (_checkerModule == null || _checkerTypes == null)
Logger.Log($"_checkerModule or _checkerTypes in DumpyRemake was null", ConsoleColor.Red);
// get required types
var backRequestType = _gameTypes.Where(DumpyTypeHelper.GetBackRequestType).ToList();
var validateCertType = _gameTypes.Where(DumpyTypeHelper.GetValidateCertType).ToList();
var runValidationType = _gameTypes.Where(DumpyTypeHelper.GetRunValidationType).ToList();
var dumpyTaskType = _gameTypes.Where(DumpyTypeHelper.GetMenuscreenType).ToList();
// check types
CheckNullOrMulti(backRequestType, "BackRequest");
CheckNullOrMulti(validateCertType, "ValidateCertificate");
CheckNullOrMulti(runValidationType, "RunValidation");
CheckNullOrMulti(dumpyTaskType, "DumpyTask");
// apply code changes
// TODO: Write game assembly to file
_gameModule.Write(Path.Combine(_managedPath, "Assembly-CSharp-dumper.dll"));
// get types
var ensureConsistencyTypes = _checkerTypes.Where(DumpyTypeHelper.GetEnsureConsistencyType).ToList();
// check types
CheckNullOrMulti(ensureConsistencyTypes, "EnsureConsistency");
// apply code changes
// TODO: Write fileChecker assembly to file
_checkerModule.Write(Path.Combine(_managedPath, "FilesChecker-dumper.dll"));
public void CreateDumpFolders()
// create dumper folders
/// <summary>
/// Checks for null or multiple types
/// </summary>
/// <param name="types">ICollection</param>
/// <param name="name">string</param>
private void CheckNullOrMulti(ICollection types, string name = "")
if (types == null)
Logger.Log($"{name} was null");
if (types.Count > 1)
Logger.Log($"{name} count was more than 1");
/// <summary>
/// <para>Finds the method with backRequest and bResponse as params.</para>
/// <para>Checks the method instructions before modification has a count of 269,</para>
/// <para>if this is not the case, this needs to be checked.</para>
/// <para>This type passed in is the only type with this method.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldAssembly"></param>
/// <param name="type"></param>
private void SetBackRequestCode(TypeDef type)
// find method
var method = type.Methods.First(x => x.Parameters.Any(p => p.Name is "backRequest" && x.Parameters.Any(p => p.Name == "bResponse")));
if (method == null || method.Body.Instructions.Count != 269)
Logger.Log($"BackRequest Instructions count has changed from 269 to {method.Body.Instructions.Count}", ConsoleColor.Red);
var startOfInstructions = 252;
var liList = DumpyInstructionsHelper.GetBackRequestInstructions(_gameModule, method);
var index = method.Body.Instructions[startOfInstructions];
foreach (var li in liList)
// something along these lines, this needs to be tested
method.Body.Instructions.InsertBefore(index, li);
// create instruction
var ins = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, method.Body.Instructions[startOfInstructions]);
// replace instruction at 220 with this
method.Body.Instructions[220] = ins;
/// <summary>
/// <para>Finds the method called ValidateCertificate.</para>
/// <para>Checks that we found two of these methods,</para>
/// <para>if this is not the case, this needs to be checked.</para>
/// <para>This type passed in is the only type with this method.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldAssembly"></param>
/// <param name="type"></param>
private void SetValidateCertCode(TypeDef type)
var methods = type.Methods.Where(x =>
x.Name == "ValidateCertificate"); // should be 2
// check make sure nothing has changed
var firstMethod = methods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Parameters.Any(p => p.Name == "certificate"));
var secondMethod = methods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Parameters.Any(p => p.Name == "certificateData"));
if (firstMethod?.Body.Instructions.Count != 55 || secondMethod?.Body.Instructions.Count != 14)
Logger.Log($"Instruction count has changed, method with 'certificate' as a param - before: 51, now: {firstMethod.Body.Instructions.Count}, " +
$"method with 'certificateData' as a param - before: 14, now: {secondMethod.Body.Instructions.Count}", ConsoleColor.Red);
if (methods.Count() != 2)
Logger.Log($"ValidateCertificate should be found twice, count was: {methods.Count()}", ConsoleColor.Red);
foreach (var method in methods)
// clear these from the body.
// return true;
var ins = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
var ins1 = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ret);
// add instructions
/// <summary>
/// <para>Finds the method called RunValidation and MoveNext.</para>
/// <para>Checks that we found two of these methods,</para>
/// <para>if this is not the case, this needs to be checked.</para>
/// <para>This type passed in is the only type with this method.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldAssembly"></param>
/// <param name="type"></param>
private void SetRunValidationCode(TypeDef type)
var importer = new Importer(_gameModule);
var method = type.Methods.First(x => x.Name == "RunValidation");
var method2 = type.NestedTypes[0].Methods.First(x => x.Name == "MoveNext");
if (method == null || method.Body.Instructions.Count != 25)
Logger.Log($"RunValidation Instructions count has changed from 25 to {method.Body.Instructions.Count}");
if (method2 == null || method2.Body.Instructions.Count != 171)
Logger.Log($"RunValidation's MoveNext Instructions count has changed from 171 to {method2.Body.Instructions.Count}");
// Clear these from the body of each method respectively
var liList = DumpyInstructionsHelper.GetRunValidationInstructions(_gameModule, method);
var liList2 = DumpyInstructionsHelper.GetRunValidationInstructionsMoveNext(_gameModule, method2);
foreach (var instruction in liList)
foreach (var instruction in liList2)
var ins = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Leave_S, method2.Body.Instructions[14]); // Create instruction to jump to index 14
var ins1 = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Leave_S, method2.Body.Instructions[method2.Body.Instructions.IndexOf(method2.Body.Instructions.Last())]); // Create instruction to jump to last index
method2.Body.Instructions.InsertAfter(method2.Body.Instructions[5], ins); // Instruction to jump from 5 to 14
method2.Body.Instructions.InsertAfter(method2.Body.Instructions[14], ins1); // Instruction to jump from 14 to last index
// Create exception handler with defined indexes
var handler = new ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerType.Catch)
TryStart = method2.Body.Instructions[3],
TryEnd = method2.Body.Instructions[7],
HandlerStart = method2.Body.Instructions[7],
HandlerEnd = method2.Body.Instructions[16],
CatchType = importer.Import(typeof(Exception)),
// Add exception handler to method body
private void SetDumpyTaskCode(TypeDef type)
var method = type.Methods.First(x => x.Name == "Awake");
if (method == null || method.Body.Instructions.Count != 62)
Logger.Log($"MainMenu is null or isnt 62 instructions, SOMETHING HAD CHANGED!", ConsoleColor.Red);
var liList = DumpyInstructionsHelper.GetDumpyTaskInstructions(_gameModule, method);
var index = method.Body.Instructions.First(x => x.OpCode == OpCodes.Ret);
foreach (var item in liList)
method.Body.Instructions.InsertBefore(index, item);
/// <summary>
/// <para>Finds the method called EnsureConsistency.</para>
/// <para>if this is not the case, this needs to be checked.</para>
/// <para>This type passed in is the only type with this method.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldFileChecker"></param>
/// <param name="type"></param>
private void SetEnsureConsistencyCode(TypeDef type)
var method = type.Methods.First(x => x.Name == "EnsureConsistency");
if (method == null || method.Body.Instructions.Count != 152)
Logger.Log($"EnsureConsistency Instructions count has changed from 152 to {method.Body.Instructions.Count}", ConsoleColor.Red);
// clear these from the method body
var liList = DumpyInstructionsHelper.GetEnsureConsistencyInstructions(_gameModule, _checkerModule, method);
foreach (var li in liList)
/// <summary>
/// <para>Finds the method called EnsureConsistencySingle.</para>
/// <para>if this is not the case, this needs to be checked.</para>
/// <para>This type passed in is the only type with this method.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldFileChecker"></param>
/// <param name="type"></param>
private void SetEnsureConsistencySingleCode(TypeDef type)
var method = type.Methods.First(x => x.Name == "EnsureConsistencySingle");
if (method == null || method.Body.Instructions.Count != 101)
Logger.Log($"EnsureConsistencySingle Instructions count has changed from 101 to {method.Body.Instructions.Count}", ConsoleColor.Red);
// clear these from the method body
var liList = DumpyInstructionsHelper.GetEnsureConsistencyInstructions(_gameModule, _checkerModule, method);
foreach (var li in liList)
} |