name: SPT Release Build on: schedule: - cron: '* 13 * * *' # Every day at 2pm ET push: # main can be removed when actions are available in the sub-project repos branches: [ main, trigger ] jobs: prepare: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: refringe/spt-build-node:1.0.6 outputs: proceed: ${{ steps.check-existence.outputs.proceed }} is_nightly: ${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.is_nightly }} branch_server: ${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.branch_server }} branch_modules: ${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.branch_modules }} branch_launcher: ${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.branch_launcher }} target_tag: ${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.target_tag }} build_type: ${{ steps.determine-build-type.outputs.build_type }} client_version: ${{ steps.versions.outputs.client_version }} spt_version: ${{ steps.versions.outputs.spt_version }} mod_enabled_bleeding: ${{ steps.mod-config.outputs.bleeding }} mod_enabled_bleedingmods: ${{ steps.mod-config.outputs.bleedingmods }} mod_enabled_debug: ${{ steps.mod-config.outputs.debug }} mod_enabled_release: ${{ steps.mod-config.outputs.release }} steps: - name: Determine Build Context id: determine-context run: | echo "Determining build context..." if [[ "${{ github.event_name }}" == "schedule" ]]; then echo "::set-output name=is_nightly::true" echo "::set-output name=branch_server::3.8.0" echo "::set-output name=branch_modules::3.8.0" echo "::set-output name=branch_launcher::3.8.0" else echo "::set-output name=is_nightly::false" echo "::set-output name=target_tag::3.8.0-BEM-20240323" fi shell: bash - name: Determine Build Type id: determine-build-type run: | if [[ "${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.is_nightly }}" == "true" ]]; then # Nightly builds are currently considered a "bleedingmods" type build BUILD_TYPE="bleedingmods" else TARGET_TAG="${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.target_tag }}" TARGET_TAG_UPPER="${TARGET_TAG^^}" # Debug build by default # BleedingMods builds have "-BEM" in the target tag # Bleeding builds have "-BE" in the target tag # Release tags follow basic semantic versioning BUILD_TYPE="debug" if [[ "$TARGET_TAG_UPPER" =~ -BEM ]]; then BUILD_TYPE="bleedingmods" elif [[ "$TARGET_TAG_UPPER" =~ -BE ]]; then BUILD_TYPE="bleeding" elif [[ "$TARGET_TAG_UPPER" =~ ^(v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$ ]]; then BUILD_TYPE="release" fi fi echo "::set-output name=build_type::${BUILD_TYPE}" shell: bash - name: Check Existence id: check-existence run: | PROCEED="true" if [[ "${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.is_nightly }}" == "true" ]]; then declare -A BRANCHES=( [Server]="${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.branch_server }}" [Modules]="${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.branch_modules }}" [Launcher]="${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.branch_launcher }}" ) for REPO_NAME in "${!BRANCHES[@]}"; do REPO_URL="${BRANCHES[$REPO_NAME]%@*}" BRANCH="${BRANCHES[$REPO_NAME]##*@}" echo "Checking for branch $BRANCH in $REPO_NAME..." if ! git ls-remote --heads $REPO_URL $BRANCH | grep -q $BRANCH; then echo "Branch $BRANCH not found in $REPO_URL" PROCEED="false" break fi done else TAG="${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.target_tag }}" REPOS=("" "" "") for REPO in "${REPOS[@]}"; do echo "Checking for tag $TAG in $REPO..." if ! git ls-remote --tags $REPO $TAG | grep -q $TAG; then echo "Tag $TAG not found in $REPO" PROCEED="false" break fi done fi echo "::set-output name=proceed::${PROCEED}" shell: bash - name: Halt Workflow if Necessary if: steps.check-existence.outputs.proceed == 'false' run: | echo "Required branch/tag not found in one or more repositories, halting workflow." exit 1 shell: bash - name: Extract Versions id: versions run: | rm -rf /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server-core git init /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server-core cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server-core git remote add origin git config core.sparseCheckout true echo "project/assets/configs/core.json" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout if [[ "${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.is_nightly }}" == "true" ]]; then REF=${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.branch_server }} else REF=${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.target_tag }} fi # Fetch and checkout the specific reference (branch or tag) git fetch --depth=1 origin "${REF}" git checkout FETCH_HEAD ls -la project/assets/configs # Extract versions from core.json cd project/assets/configs SPT_VERSION=$(jq -r '.akiVersion' core.json) FULL_VERSION=$(jq -r '.compatibleTarkovVersion' core.json) CLIENT_VERSION=${FULL_VERSION##*.} echo "::set-output name=client_version::${CLIENT_VERSION}" echo "::set-output name=spt_version::${SPT_VERSION}" shell: bash - name: Extract Mod Configurations id: mod-config run: | rm -rf /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server-mods-config git init /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server-mods-config cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server-mods-config git remote add origin git config core.sparseCheckout true echo "project/src/ide/BleedingEdgeEntry.ts" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout echo "project/src/ide/BleedingEdgeModsEntry.ts" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout echo "project/src/ide/DebugEntry.ts" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout echo "project/src/ide/ReleaseEntry.ts" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout if [[ "${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.is_nightly }}" == "true" ]]; then REF=${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.branch_server }} else REF=${{ steps.determine-context.outputs.target_tag }} fi # Fetch and checkout the specific reference (branch or tag) git fetch --depth=1 origin "${REF}" git checkout FETCH_HEAD ls -la project/src/ide # Function to parse G_MODS_ENABLED value parse_mods_enabled() { grep 'G_MODS_ENABLED' $1 | sed -e 's/.*G_MODS_ENABLED\s*=\s*\(.*\);/\1/' } # Extract the configuration options MODS_BLEEDING=$(parse_mods_enabled "project/src/ide/BleedingEdgeEntry.ts") MODS_BLEEDINGMODS=$(parse_mods_enabled "project/src/ide/BleedingEdgeModsEntry.ts") MODS_DEBUG=$(parse_mods_enabled "project/src/ide/DebugEntry.ts") MODS_RELEASE=$(parse_mods_enabled "project/src/ide/ReleaseEntry.ts") echo "::set-output name=bleeding::${MODS_BLEEDING}" echo "::set-output name=bleedingmods::${MODS_BLEEDINGMODS}" echo "::set-output name=debug::${MODS_DEBUG}" echo "::set-output name=release::${MODS_RELEASE}" shell: bash build-server: needs: [prepare] if: needs.prepare.outputs.proceed == 'true' runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: refringe/spt-build-node:1.0.6 outputs: server_commit: ${{ steps.clone.outputs.server_commit }} steps: - name: Clone id: clone run: | rm -rf /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server if [[ "${{ needs.prepare.outputs.is_nightly }}" == "true" ]]; then BRANCH=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.branch_server }} echo "Cloning branch $BRANCH" git clone --branch "$BRANCH" --depth 1 /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server else TAG=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.target_tag }} echo "Cloning tag $TAG" git clone --branch "$TAG" --depth 1 /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server fi cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server echo "::set-output name=server_commit::$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" shell: bash - name: Pull LFS Files run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server git lfs pull && git lfs ls-files shell: bash - name: Runner Debug Information run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server echo "Git version: $(git --version)" echo "Git LFS version: $(git-lfs --version)" echo "Node.js version: $(node --version)" echo "NPM version: $(npm --version)" echo "Latest Commit Hash: $(git rev-parse HEAD)" echo "Associated Tags: $(git tag --contains HEAD)" echo "Last Commit Message:" && git log -1 --pretty=%B shell: bash - name: Install Dependencies run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server/project rm -rf package-lock.json node_modules npm cache clean --force npm install shell: bash - name: Build Server run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server/project BUILD_TYPE="${{ needs.prepare.outputs.build_type }}" echo "Running build for $BUILD_TYPE" npm run build:$BUILD_TYPE -- --arch=x64 --platform=win32 printf "\nBuilt!\n\n" tree -C /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server/project/build shell: bash - name: Artifact Server uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: server-artifact path: /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/server/project/build/ compression-level: 0 retention-days: 1 overwrite: true build-modules: needs: [prepare] if: needs.prepare.outputs.proceed == 'true' runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: refringe/spt-build-dotnet:1.0.0 steps: - name: Clone run: | if [[ "${{ needs.prepare.outputs.is_nightly }}" == "true" ]]; then BRANCH=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.branch_modules }} echo "Cloning modules from branch $BRANCH" git clone --branch "$BRANCH" --depth 1 /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/modules else TAG=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.target_tag }} echo "Cloning modules from tag $TAG" git clone --branch "$TAG" --depth 1 /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/modules fi shell: bash - name: Download Client Module Package run: | DIR_MANAGED="/workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/modules/project/Shared/Managed" DOWNLOAD_PATH="$DIR_MANAGED/${{ needs.prepare.outputs.client_version }}.zip" DOWNLOAD_URL="${{ secrets.MODULE_DOMAIN }}/${{ needs.prepare.outputs.client_version }}.zip" echo "Downloading Client Module Package from $DOWNLOAD_URL to $DOWNLOAD_PATH" mkdir -p "$DIR_MANAGED" wget -q -O "$DOWNLOAD_PATH" "$DOWNLOAD_URL" || { echo "Failed to download the module package." exit 1 } if [ ! -s "$DOWNLOAD_PATH" ]; then echo "The module package does not exist or is empty." exit 1 fi echo "Download Successful: $DOWNLOAD_PATH" shell: bash - name: Decompress Client Module Package run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/modules/project/Shared/Managed 7z x ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.client_version }}.zip -aoa echo "Client module package decompressed." shell: bash - name: Delete Client Module Package run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/modules/project/Shared/Managed rm -f ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.client_version }}.zip echo "Client module package deleted." shell: bash - name: Build Modules run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/modules/project dotnet build -c Release -p:Version=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.spt_version }} printf "\nBuilt!\n\n" tree /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/modules/project/Build shell: bash - name: Artifact Modules uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: modules-artifact path: /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/modules/project/Build compression-level: 0 retention-days: 1 overwrite: true build-launcher: needs: [prepare] if: needs.prepare.outputs.proceed == 'true' runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: refringe/spt-build-dotnet:1.0.0 steps: - name: Clone run: | if [[ "${{ needs.prepare.outputs.is_nightly }}" == "true" ]]; then BRANCH=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.branch_launcher }} echo "Cloning launcher from branch $BRANCH" git clone --branch "$BRANCH" --depth 1 /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/launcher else TAG=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.target_tag }} echo "Cloning launcher from tag $TAG" git clone --branch "$TAG" --depth 1 /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/launcher fi shell: bash - name: Build Launcher run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/launcher/project dotnet build printf "\nBuilt!\n\n" tree /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/launcher/project/Build shell: bash - name: Artifact Launcher uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: launcher-artifact path: /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/launcher/project/Build compression-level: 0 retention-days: 1 overwrite: true assemble-release: needs: [prepare, build-server, build-modules, build-launcher] runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: refringe/spt-build-node:1.0.6 outputs: base_name: ${{ steps.generate-filename.outputs.base_name }} build_name: ${{ steps.generate-filename.outputs.build_name }} steps: - name: Clean Directory run: | rm -rf /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/build mkdir -p /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release shell: bash - name: Download Server Artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: server-artifact path: /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release/ - name: Download Modules Artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: modules-artifact path: /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release/ - name: Download Launcher Artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: launcher-artifact path: /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release/ - name: Clone Build Project uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: path: /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/build - name: Merge Static Assets and Dynamic Files run: cp -rvf /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/build/static-assets/* /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release/ shell: bash - name: List Release Contents run: tree /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release shell: bash - name: Generate Release Filename id: generate-filename run: | BUILD_TYPE=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.build_type }} SPT_VERSION=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.spt_version }} CLIENT_VERSION=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.client_version }} SERVER_COMMIT=${{ }} TARGET_TAG=${{ needs.prepare.outputs.target_tag }} DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) # Conditionally format the BASE_NAME based on BUILD_TYPE and if it's a nightly build if [[ "${{ needs.prepare.outputs.is_nightly }}" == "true" ]]; then BASE_NAME="SPT-NIGHTLY-${SPT_VERSION}-${CLIENT_VERSION}-${SERVER_COMMIT}-${DATE}" else # Make BUILD_TYPE and TARGET_TAG uppercase UPPER_BUILD_TYPE=$(echo "$BUILD_TYPE" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') UPPER_TARGET_TAG=$(echo "$TARGET_TAG" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" = "release" ]; then BASE_NAME="SPT-${SPT_VERSION}-${CLIENT_VERSION}-${SERVER_COMMIT}" else # For debug and non-nightly-bleeding builds, include either TAG_PART or DATE, but not both # Determine TAG_PART based on TARGET_TAG structure TAG_PART="" if [[ "$UPPER_TARGET_TAG" == *-*-* ]]; then SUFFIX="${UPPER_TARGET_TAG##*-}" if [ "$SUFFIX" != "$UPPER_TARGET_TAG" ]; then TAG_PART="-${SUFFIX}" fi fi if [ -n "$TAG_PART" ]; then BASE_NAME="SPT-${UPPER_BUILD_TYPE}-${SPT_VERSION}-${CLIENT_VERSION}-${SERVER_COMMIT}${TAG_PART}" else BASE_NAME="SPT-${UPPER_BUILD_TYPE}-${SPT_VERSION}-${CLIENT_VERSION}-${SERVER_COMMIT}-${DATE}" fi fi fi echo "::set-output name=base_name::${BASE_NAME}" echo "::set-output name=build_name::${BASE_NAME}.7z" shell: bash - name: Artifact Release uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: release-artifact path: /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release compression-level: 0 retention-days: 1 overwrite: true publish-release: needs: [prepare, assemble-release, build-server] runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: refringe/spt-build-node:1.0.6 steps: - name: Download Release Artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: release-artifact path: /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release - name: Compress Release run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/release 7z a -mx=9 -m0=lzma2 "../${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }}" ./* echo "Release compressed as ${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }}." shell: bash - name: Upload Release to HTTPS Source id: upload-https-7z run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/ echo "${{ secrets.SFTP_HOST_KEY }}" > /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts sshpass -p "${{ secrets.SFTP_PASSWORD }}" scp -v -o "Port=${{ secrets.SFTP_PORT }}" -o "ConnectTimeout=20" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=yes" "/workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }}" ${{ secrets.SFTP_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.SFTP_HOST }}:/public/builds echo "::set-output name=link_https::${{ secrets.SFTP_MIRROR_LINK }}/builds/${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }}" shell: bash - name: Create Torrent File if: needs.prepare.outputs.build_type == 'release' id: torrent_create run: | BASE_NAME="${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.base_name }}" BUILD_NAME="${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }}" TORRENT_NAME="${BASE_NAME}.torrent" TORF_OUTPUT=$(/opt/venv/bin/torf --yes --out "/workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/${TORRENT_NAME}" \ --webseed "${{ steps.upload-https-7z.outputs.link_https }}" \ --tracker ",,,udp://,udp://" \ --comment "Official ${BASE_NAME} release, built by the team at Have fun!" \ --creator "" \ --verbose \ "/workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }}") MAGNET_LINK=$(echo "${TORF_OUTPUT}" | grep -oP 'Magnet\t\K.*') echo "::set-output name=link_magnet::${MAGNET_LINK}" echo "::set-output name=torrent_name::${TORRENT_NAME}" shell: bash - name: Upload Torrent to HTTPS Source if: needs.prepare.outputs.build_type == 'release' id: upload-https-torrent run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/ echo "${{ secrets.SFTP_HOST_KEY }}" > /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts sshpass -p "${{ secrets.SFTP_PASSWORD }}" scp -v -o "Port=${{ secrets.SFTP_PORT }}" -o "ConnectTimeout=20" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=yes" "/workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/${{ steps.torrent_create.outputs.torrent_name }}" ${{ secrets.SFTP_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.SFTP_HOST }}:/public/builds echo "::set-output name=link_torrent::${{ secrets.SFTP_MIRROR_LINK }}/builds/${{ steps.torrent_create.outputs.torrent_name }}" shell: bash - name: Clean Old HTTPS Source Releases run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/ echo "${{ secrets.SFTP_HOST_KEY }}" > /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts # Creating a script for sftp to execute echo "cd /public/builds" > sftp_commands.txt echo "ls" >> sftp_commands.txt # Fetch a remote list of files FILE_LIST=$(sshpass -p "${{ secrets.SFTP_PASSWORD }}" sftp -oBatchMode=no -oPort=${{ secrets.SFTP_PORT }} -oUserKnownHostsFile=/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts -oStrictHostKeyChecking=yes -b sftp_commands.txt ${{ secrets.SFTP_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.SFTP_HOST }}) echo "Files listed:" echo "$FILE_LIST" # Filtering and processing the file list echo "$FILE_LIST" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -E 'SPT-(NIGHTLY|DEBUG|BLEEDING|BLEEDINGMODS).*\.(7z|torrent)$' | while read filename; do echo "Processing file: $filename" # Extract date from filename if [[ "$filename" =~ ([0-9]{8})\.(7z|torrent)$ ]]; then file_date="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" file_date_fmt=$(date -d "${file_date:0:4}-${file_date:4:2}-${file_date:6:2}" +%s) current_date=$(date +%s) limit_date=$(date -d "@$((current_date - 14 * 24 * 3600))" +%s) if [[ "$file_date_fmt" -lt "$limit_date" ]]; then echo "Marked for deletion: $filename" echo "rm \"/public/builds/$filename\"" >> delete_commands.txt fi fi done # Check if there are files to delete and execute if [ -s delete_commands.txt ]; then echo "Running deletion task..." sshpass -p "${{ secrets.SFTP_PASSWORD }}" sftp -oBatchMode=no -oPort=${{ secrets.SFTP_PORT }} -oUserKnownHostsFile=/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts -oStrictHostKeyChecking=yes -b delete_commands.txt ${{ secrets.SFTP_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.SFTP_HOST }} else echo "No old files to delete." fi shell: bash - name: Upload Release to Mega id: upload-mega run: | mega-https on mega-login "${{ secrets.MEGA_EMAIL }}" "${{ secrets.MEGA_PASSWORD }}" mega-put -c "/workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }}" "/spt-release/${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }}" # Generate link and save it. EXPORT_OUTPUT=$(mega-export -a "/spt-release/${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }}" -f) LINK_MEGA=$(echo "$EXPORT_OUTPUT" | grep -o '[A-Za-z0-9#_\-]*') echo "::set-output name=link_mega::${LINK_MEGA}" mega-logout shell: bash - name: Clean Old Mega Releases run: | mega-https on mega-login "${{ secrets.MEGA_EMAIL }}" "${{ secrets.MEGA_PASSWORD }}" # List files and filter out old NIGHTLY, DEBUG, or BLEEDING files mega-ls /spt-release | grep -E 'SPT-(NIGHTLY|DEBUG|BLEEDING|BLEEDINGMODS).*\.7z$' | while read -r filename; do # Extract date from filename if [[ "$filename" =~ ([0-9]{8})\.7z$ ]]; then file_date="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" file_date_fmt=$(date -d "${file_date:0:4}-${file_date:4:2}-${file_date:6:2}" +%s) # Get current date minus 14 days current_date=$(date +%s) limit_date=$(date -d "@$((current_date - 14 * 24 * 3600))" +%s) # Compare dates and delete old files if [[ "$file_date_fmt" -lt "$limit_date" ]]; then echo "Deleting old file: $filename" mega-rm "/spt-release/$filename" fi fi done # Remove old file versions to save space. mega-deleteversions -f /spt-release/* mega-logout shell: bash - name: Post Build Info to Discord env: DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL }} BUILD_TYPE: ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.build_type }} BASE_NAME: ${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.base_name }} BUILD_NAME: ${{ needs.assemble-release.outputs.build_name }} LINK_MEGA: ${{ steps.upload-mega.outputs.link_mega }} LINK_HTTPS: ${{ steps.upload-https-7z.outputs.link_https }} LINK_TORRENT: ${{ steps.upload-https-torrent.outputs.link_torrent }} MODS_ENABLED_BLEEDING: ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.mod_enabled_bleeding }} MODS_ENABLED_BLEEDINGMODS: ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.mod_enabled_bleedingmods }} MODS_ENABLED_DEBUG: ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.mod_enabled_debug }} MODS_ENABLED_RELEASE: ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.mod_enabled_release }} run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Build/ UPPER_BUILD_TYPE=$(echo "$BUILD_TYPE" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') FOOTER_MESSAGES=("You look great today!" "Don't ban me, Phantom!" "Powered by coffee" "Life's too short to remove USB safely" "Did you remember to hydrate today?" "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" "There's no place like" "In Chomp we trust" "Beep boop, I'm a bot" "Keep calm and commit your code" "This isn't a bug, it's an undocumented feature." "May the source be with you" "Go to bed, Terk" "Please direct all support requests to Drakia" "Meaw") FOOTER_MESSAGE="${FOOTER_MESSAGES[$RANDOM % ${#FOOTER_MESSAGES[@]}]}" TIMESTAMP=$(date --iso-8601=seconds) FILE_SIZE_MB=$(stat -c %s "$BUILD_NAME" | awk '{printf "%.2f MB", $1 / 1024 / 1024}') FILE_HASH=$(md5sum "$BUILD_NAME" | awk '{print $1}' | xxd -r -p | base64) MODS="" if [[ "${{ needs.prepare.outputs.is_nightly }}" == "true" ]]; then EMBED_COLOR=16705372 EMBED_DESCRIPTION='A new nightly build is available. These are untested and considered unstable. Absolutely no support is provided. **If you ask for help you will be banned from the #dev-builds channel without explanation.** 7-Zip is *required* to extract the release.' MODS="$MODS_ENABLED_BLEEDINGMODS" else if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" == "bleeding" ]; then EMBED_COLOR=15548997 EMBED_DESCRIPTION='A new bleeding edge build is available. These are strictly for testing issues *and not for general gameplay*. 7-Zip is *required* to extract the release.' MODS="$MODS_ENABLED_BLEEDING" elif [ "$BUILD_TYPE" == "bleedingmods" ]; then EMBED_COLOR=15548997 EMBED_DESCRIPTION='A new bleeding edge build is available. These are strictly for testing issues *and not for general gameplay*. 7-Zip is *required* to extract the release.' MODS="$MODS_ENABLED_BLEEDINGMODS" elif [ "$BUILD_TYPE" == "debug" ]; then EMBED_COLOR=2123412 EMBED_DESCRIPTION=$'A new debug build is available. These have extra-verbose logging enabled *for testing*. 7-Zip is *required* to extract the release.' MODS="$MODS_ENABLED_DEBUG" else EMBED_COLOR=5763719 EMBED_DESCRIPTION=$'A new stable build is now ready for download. 7-Zip is *required* to extract the release. Have fun! 🎉' MODS="$MODS_ENABLED_RELEASE" fi fi fields_json='[ {"name": "Name", "value": "'"$BASE_NAME"'"}, {"name": "Type", "value": "'"$BUILD_TYPE"'", "inline": true}, {"name": "Mods Enabled", "value": "'"$MODS"'", "inline": true}, {"name": "File Size", "value": "'"$FILE_SIZE_MB"'", "inline": true}, {"name": "File Hash", "value": "'"$FILE_HASH"'"}, {"name": "Primary Download Link", "value": "'"$LINK_MEGA"'"} ]' if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" = "release" ]; then fields_json=$(echo "$fields_json" | jq --arg LINK_TORRENT "$LINK_TORRENT" '. += [{"name": "Torrent Link", "value": $LINK_TORRENT}]') fi fields_json=$(echo "$fields_json" | jq --arg LINK_HTTPS "$LINK_HTTPS" '. += [{"name": "Fallback Mirror", "value": $LINK_HTTPS}]') payload=$(jq -n \ --argjson fields "$fields_json" \ --arg EMBED_DESCRIPTION "$EMBED_DESCRIPTION" \ --argjson EMBED_COLOR "$EMBED_COLOR" \ --arg FOOTER_MESSAGE "$FOOTER_MESSAGE" \ --arg TIMESTAMP "$TIMESTAMP" \ '{ "content": $EMBED_DESCRIPTION, "embeds": [ { "title": "Build Information", "color": $EMBED_COLOR, "fields": $fields, "footer": {"text": $FOOTER_MESSAGE, "icon_url": ""}, "timestamp": $TIMESTAMP } ], "username": "BuildBot", "avatar_url": "" }') echo "$payload" > payload_discord.json echo "Payload Generated:" cat payload_discord.json echo "Sending Payload..." curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST \ --data-binary @payload_discord.json \ -v \ $DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL shell: bash