Write-Output " » Beginning SPT Build Process" # Check for required environment variables if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:MODULE_DOMAIN)) { Write-Output " » FAIL: The MODULE_DOMAIN environment variable can not be empty." exit 1 # Fail the build } $MODULE_DOMAIN = $env:MODULE_DOMAIN # TODO: This is dynamic, based on the incoming commit information. $RELEASE_TAG = "3.8.0-BE" # TODO: Validate that the tag exists in all three repositories before continuing the build. #$BEPINEX_RELEASE = "https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx/releases/download/v5.4.21/BepInEx_x64_5.4.21.0.zip" $OUTPUT_DIR = ".\output" if (Test-Path -Path $OUTPUT_DIR) { Write-Output " » Removing Previous Output Directory" Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $OUTPUT_DIR } # Build the projects pwsh .\project\build_server.ps1 $RELEASE_TAG pwsh .\project\build_modules.ps1 $RELEASE_TAG $MODULE_DOMAIN pwsh .\project\build_launcher.ps1 $RELEASE_TAG