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synced 2025-03-12 22:56:59 -04:00
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3255 lines
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
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" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.locale.Name).to.eql('Can of condensed milk');\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.locale.ShortName).to.eql('Cond. milk');\r",
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" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
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" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
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" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" var id = pm.request.toJSON().url.query[0].value;\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData[id].item._id).to.eql(id);\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" var id = pm.request.toJSON().url.query[0].value;\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData[id].locale.Name).to.eql('Can of condensed milk');\r",
"pm.test('Check we get all the hierarchy', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(Object.keys(jsonData).length).to.eql(4);\r",
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"body": "{\n \"5734773724597737fd047c14\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"5734773724597737fd047c14\",\n \"_name\": \"condensed_milk\",\n \"_parent\": \"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569\"\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Description\": \"Condensed milk, also called \\\"Sguschyonka\\\" in Russia, once was a part of field ration for the Union soldiers in Civil War, but later reached unprecedented popularity in post-Soviet countries, becoming almost a staple product. Canned, it can be stored for decades and remain just as sweet, tasty and nutritious.\",\n \"Name\": \"Condensed milk\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Cond. milk\"\n }\n },\n \"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569\",\n \"_name\": \"Food\",\n \"_parent\": \"543be6674bdc2df1348b4569\"\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Description\": \"Item\",\n \"Name\": \"Food\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Item\"\n }\n },\n \"543be6674bdc2df1348b4569\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"543be6674bdc2df1348b4569\",\n \"_name\": \"FoodDrink\",\n \"_parent\": \"54009119af1c881c07000029\"\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Description\": \"Item\",\n \"Name\": \"Food and drink\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Item\"\n }\n },\n \"54009119af1c881c07000029\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"54009119af1c881c07000029\",\n \"_name\": \"Item\",\n \"_parent\": \"\"\n },\n \"locale\": \"\"\n }\n}"
"name": "Search item by ID",
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"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Can of condensed milk');\r",
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"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
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"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Can of condensed milk');\r",
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"host": [
"path": [
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"name": "Search Milk by internal name",
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"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Can of condensed milk');\r",
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"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Search item by ShortName",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Can of condensed milk');\r",
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"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
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"listen": "test",
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"exec": [
"name": "French locale",
"item": [
"name": "Get item by ID",
"event": [
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"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
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"key": "id",
"value": "5734773724597737fd047c14"
"key": "locale",
"value": "{{LOCALE}}"
"response": []
"name": "Get item hierarchy",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" var id = pm.request.toJSON().url.query[0].value;\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData[id].item._id).to.eql(id);\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" var id = pm.request.toJSON().url.query[0].value;\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData[id].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
"pm.test('Check we get all the hierarchy', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(Object.keys(jsonData).length).to.eql(4);\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
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"header": [],
"url": {
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"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "id",
"value": "5734773724597737fd047c14"
"key": "locale",
"value": "fr"
"response": [
"name": "Get Condensed Milk hierarchy",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "http://{{SPT_API}}/api/item/5734773724597737fd047c14",
"protocol": "http",
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"body": "{\n \"5734773724597737fd047c14\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"5734773724597737fd047c14\",\n \"_name\": \"condensed_milk\",\n \"_parent\": \"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569\"\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Description\": \"Condensed milk, also called \\\"Sguschyonka\\\" in Russia, once was a part of field ration for the Union soldiers in Civil War, but later reached unprecedented popularity in post-Soviet countries, becoming almost a staple product. Canned, it can be stored for decades and remain just as sweet, tasty and nutritious.\",\n \"Name\": \"Condensed milk\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Cond. milk\"\n }\n },\n \"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569\",\n \"_name\": \"Food\",\n \"_parent\": \"543be6674bdc2df1348b4569\"\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Description\": \"Item\",\n \"Name\": \"Food\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Item\"\n }\n },\n \"543be6674bdc2df1348b4569\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"543be6674bdc2df1348b4569\",\n \"_name\": \"FoodDrink\",\n \"_parent\": \"54009119af1c881c07000029\"\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Description\": \"Item\",\n \"Name\": \"Food and drink\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Item\"\n }\n },\n \"54009119af1c881c07000029\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"54009119af1c881c07000029\",\n \"_name\": \"Item\",\n \"_parent\": \"\"\n },\n \"locale\": \"\"\n }\n}"
"name": "Search item by ID",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
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"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Search item by Name",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
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"raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"Lait concentré\",\r\n \"locale\": \"{{LOCALE}}\"\r\n}",
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"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Search Milk by internal name",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
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"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Search item by ShortName",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
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"raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"Lait conc.\",\r\n \"locale\": \"{{LOCALE}}\"\r\n}",
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"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Get item Name by ID",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
"pm.test('Item short name is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.locale.ShortName).to.eql('Lait conc.');\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/item/nameByID?id=5734773724597737fd047c14&locale={{LOCALE}}",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "id",
"value": "5734773724597737fd047c14"
"key": "locale",
"value": "{{LOCALE}}"
"response": [
"name": "Get Condensed Milk by ID",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "http://{{SPT_API}}/api/item/5734773724597737fd047c14",
"protocol": "http",
"host": [
"path": [
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": null,
"cookie": [],
"body": "{\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"5734773724597737fd047c14\",\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Name\": \"Condensed milk\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Cond. milk\"\n }\n}"
"name": "Get item Names",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Returns more than one result', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData).length.to.greaterThan(0);\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/item/names?locale={{LOCALE}}",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "locale",
"value": "{{LOCALE}}"
"response": [
"name": "Get Item Names",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "http://{{SPT_API}}/api/item/5734773724597737fd047c14",
"protocol": "http",
"host": [
"path": [
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": null,
"cookie": [],
"body": "[\n {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"5734773724597737fd047c14\",\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Name\": \"Condensed milk\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Cond. milk\"\n }\n }\n]"
"event": [
"listen": "prerequest",
"script": {
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"exec": [
"pm.environment.set(\"LOCALE\", \"fr\");"
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"exec": [
"name": "RefreshAll",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.code).to.be.oneOf([200,204]);\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/refresh",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Get all locales",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('At least one locale is present', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData).length.greaterThan(0);\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/locales/",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"event": [
"listen": "prerequest",
"script": {
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"exec": [
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"script": {
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"exec": [
"name": "Deployed",
"item": [
"name": "Default locale",
"item": [
"name": "Get item by ID",
"event": [
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"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
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" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.locale.Name).to.eql('Condensed milk');\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
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" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
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" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Condensed milk');\r",
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"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
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" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.locale.Name).to.eql('Condensed milk');\r",
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" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" var id = pm.request.toJSON().url.query[0].value;\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData[id].item._id).to.eql(id);\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" var id = pm.request.toJSON().url.query[0].value;\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData[id].locale.Name).to.eql('Condensed milk');\r",
"pm.test('Check we get all the hierarchy', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(Object.keys(jsonData).length).to.eql(4);\r",
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"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Condensed milk');\r",
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"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Condensed milk');\r",
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"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Condensed milk');\r",
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"name": "Search item by ShortName",
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" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
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"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Condensed milk');\r",
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"response": []
"event": [
"listen": "prerequest",
"script": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"exec": [
"pm.environment.set(\"LOCALE\", \"en\");"
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"exec": [
"name": "French locale",
"item": [
"name": "Get item by ID",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/item?id=5734773724597737fd047c14&locale={{LOCALE}}",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "id",
"value": "5734773724597737fd047c14"
"key": "locale",
"value": "{{LOCALE}}"
"response": []
"name": "Get item hierarchy",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" var id = pm.request.toJSON().url.query[0].value;\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData[id].item._id).to.eql(id);\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" var id = pm.request.toJSON().url.query[0].value;\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData[id].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
"pm.test('Check we get all the hierarchy', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(Object.keys(jsonData).length).to.eql(4);\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
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"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/item/hierarchy?id=5734773724597737fd047c14&locale=fr",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "id",
"value": "5734773724597737fd047c14"
"key": "locale",
"value": "fr"
"response": [
"name": "Get Condensed Milk hierarchy",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "http://{{SPT_API}}/api/item/5734773724597737fd047c14",
"protocol": "http",
"host": [
"path": [
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": null,
"cookie": [],
"body": "{\n \"5734773724597737fd047c14\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"5734773724597737fd047c14\",\n \"_name\": \"condensed_milk\",\n \"_parent\": \"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569\"\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Description\": \"Condensed milk, also called \\\"Sguschyonka\\\" in Russia, once was a part of field ration for the Union soldiers in Civil War, but later reached unprecedented popularity in post-Soviet countries, becoming almost a staple product. Canned, it can be stored for decades and remain just as sweet, tasty and nutritious.\",\n \"Name\": \"Condensed milk\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Cond. milk\"\n }\n },\n \"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"5448e8d04bdc2ddf718b4569\",\n \"_name\": \"Food\",\n \"_parent\": \"543be6674bdc2df1348b4569\"\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Description\": \"Item\",\n \"Name\": \"Food\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Item\"\n }\n },\n \"543be6674bdc2df1348b4569\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"543be6674bdc2df1348b4569\",\n \"_name\": \"FoodDrink\",\n \"_parent\": \"54009119af1c881c07000029\"\n },\n \"locale\": {\n \"Description\": \"Item\",\n \"Name\": \"Food and drink\",\n \"ShortName\": \"Item\"\n }\n },\n \"54009119af1c881c07000029\": {\n \"item\": {\n \"_id\": \"54009119af1c881c07000029\",\n \"_name\": \"Item\",\n \"_parent\": \"\"\n },\n \"locale\": \"\"\n }\n}"
"name": "Search item by ID",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"5734773724597737fd047c14\",\r\n \"locale\": \"{{LOCALE}}\"\r\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Search item by Name",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
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"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"Lait concentré\",\r\n \"locale\": \"{{LOCALE}}\"\r\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Search Milk by internal name",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"condensed_milk\",\r\n \"locale\": \"{{LOCALE}}\"\r\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Search item by ShortName",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('Content-Type is application/json', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.eql('application/json');\r",
"pm.test('Access-Control-Allow-Origin is present', function () {\r",
" pm.expect(pm.response.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')).to.eql('*');\r",
"pm.test('Found one item', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items.length).to.eql(1);\r",
"pm.test('Item id is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].item._id).to.eql('5734773724597737fd047c14');\r",
"pm.test('Locale is correct', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData.items[0].locale.Name).to.eql('Conserve de lait concentré');\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"Lait conc.\",\r\n \"locale\": \"{{LOCALE}}\"\r\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/search",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"event": [
"listen": "prerequest",
"script": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"exec": [
"pm.environment.set(\"LOCALE\", \"fr\");"
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"exec": [
"name": "RefreshAll",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/refresh",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"name": "Get all locales",
"event": [
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"pm.test('Status code is 200', function () {\r",
" pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r",
"pm.test('At least one locale is present', function () {\r",
" var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
" pm.expect(jsonData).length.greaterThan(0);\r",
"type": "text/javascript"
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"url": {
"raw": "{{SPT_API}}/api/locales/",
"host": [
"path": [
"response": []
"event": [
"listen": "prerequest",
"script": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"exec": [
"pm.environment.set(\"SPT_API\", \"https://db.sp-tarkov.com\");"
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"exec": [