# SPT Items
* You can use either of the two drone pipeline types:
* [docker](.drone-docker.yml)
* [kubernetes](.drone-kubernetes.yml)
* Some enhancement ideas can be found [here](#some-enhancement-ideas)
## Required secrets
| secret name | description | example |
| :----------------- | :---------- | :------- |
| spt_items_hostname | The remote server where spt-items-finder will be reachable
used for the frontend resolution | spt-items.my.server.com |
| deploy_path | The path to deploy to in the remote machine | `/var/www/html/aki/Website/items` |
| deploy_hostname | The remote server where to deploy
used by Ansible SSH | my.server.com |
| deploy_username | The default username to use on the remote server
used by Ansible SSH | www-data |
| deploy_user_group | The default user group to use on the remote server
used to set permission on the website folder | www-data |
| deploy_ssh_key | The **content** of the ssh private key used to connect to the remote server
The key needs to be in RSA in "RSA PRIVATE KEY" format
The ssh publick key needs to already be in the user used in the remote server ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
The key
| deploy_ssh_key_passphrase | The passphrase to decrypt the SSH private key | test |
## ⚠ Important notes for the deployment ⚠
* Add all required secrets in Drone
* Server permissions:
1. The server must be able to use `apt` package manager
1. The *deploy_usernam* must exists, be part of the group *deploy_user_group* and be able to SSH into the server
1. If the parent folder of *deploy_path* already exists, *deploy_username* must have read and write permissions on it
* PHP:
1. `php8.0-fpm` and all its dependencies must already be installed
1. `php8.0-fpm` must be configured to use *deploy_username* (to ensure the cache created by Laravel can be deleted before every new deployment)
* Nginx:
1. Nginx must be using uses the user group *deploy_user_group*
1. Nginx must be configured to use HTTPS
1. Nginx must be configured to listen to *spt_items_hostname* and to point to the *deploy_path*
## The pipeline summary
1. Each push will:
1. Test the frontend
2. IF on `development` or `master`/`main` branch
1. Builds the frontend
3. IF pushed from `master` or `main` main branch
1. Move the build frontend in the backend `public` folder
2. Deploys to the server
## The pipeline walkthrough
see [Walkthrough.md](./docs/Walkthrough.md)
## Some enhancement ideas
- Store the build so that it is not rebuilt on any `promote` event
- Use a volume or a cache for Yarn install