
582 lines
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Raw Normal View History

namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Models\License;
use App\Models\Mod;
use App\Models\ModVersion;
use App\Models\SptVersion;
use App\Models\User;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use CurlHandle;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeUnique;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
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use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter;
use Stevebauman\Purify\Facades\Purify;
class ImportHubData implements ShouldBeUnique, ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public function handle(): void
// Stream some data locally so that we don't have to keep accessing the Hub's database. Use MySQL temporary
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// tables to store the data to save on memory; we don't want this to be a hog.
// Begin to import the data into the permanent local database tables.
// Ensure that we've disconnected from the Hub database, clearing temporary tables.
// Reindex the Meilisearch index.
Artisan::call('scout:import', ['model' => '\App\Models\Mod']);
* Bring the file options from the Hub database to the local database temporary table.
protected function bringFileOptionsLocal(): void
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DB::statement('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_option_values');
DB::statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_file_option_values (
fileID INT,
optionID INT,
optionValue VARCHAR(255)
->chunk(200, function ($options) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
'fileID' => (int) $option->fileID,
'optionID' => (int) $option->optionID,
'optionValue' => $option->optionValue,
* Bring the file content from the Hub database to the local database temporary table.
protected function bringFileContentLocal(): void
2024-06-16 21:40:00 -04:00
DB::statement('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_content');
DB::statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_file_content (
fileID INT,
subject VARCHAR(255),
teaser VARCHAR(255),
message LONGTEXT
->chunk(200, function ($contents) {
foreach ($contents as $content) {
'fileID' => (int) $content->fileID,
'subject' => $content->subject,
'teaser' => $content->teaser,
'message' => $content->message,
* Bring the file version labels from the Hub database to the local database temporary table.
protected function bringFileVersionLabelsLocal(): void
2024-06-16 21:40:00 -04:00
DB::statement('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_version_labels');
DB::statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_file_version_labels (
labelID INT,
objectID INT
->where('objectTypeID', 387)
->chunk(200, function ($options) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
'labelID' => (int) $option->labelID,
'objectID' => (int) $option->objectID,
* Bring the file version content from the Hub database to the local database temporary table.
protected function bringFileVersionContentLocal(): void
2024-06-16 21:40:00 -04:00
DB::statement('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_version_content');
DB::statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_file_version_content (
versionID INT,
description TEXT
->chunk(200, function ($options) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
'versionID' => (int) $option->versionID,
'description' => $option->description,
* Import the users from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importUsers(): void
2024-06-16 21:40:00 -04:00
->select('userID', 'username', 'email', 'password', 'registrationDate', 'banned', 'banReason', 'banExpires')
->chunkById(250, function (Collection $users) {
$insertData = [];
2024-06-16 21:40:00 -04:00
$bannedUsers = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
$insertData[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $user->userID,
'name' => $user->username,
'email' => mb_convert_case($user->email, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'),
'password' => $this->cleanPasswordHash($user->password),
'created_at' => $this->cleanRegistrationDate($user->registrationDate),
'updated_at' => now('UTC')->toDateTimeString(),
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// If the user is banned, add them to an array of banned users.
if ($user->banned) {
$bannedUsers[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $user->userID,
'comment' => $user->banReason ?? '',
'expired_at' => $this->cleanUnbannedAtDate($user->banExpires),
if (! empty($insertData)) {
2024-06-16 21:40:00 -04:00
DB::table('users')->upsert($insertData, ['hub_id'], [
// Ban the users in the new local database.
if (! empty($bannedUsers)) {
foreach ($bannedUsers as $bannedUser) {
$user = User::whereHubId($bannedUser['hub_id'])->first();
'comment' => $bannedUser['comment'],
'expired_at' => $bannedUser['expired_at'],
}, 'userID');
* Clean the password hash from the Hub database.
protected function cleanPasswordHash(string $password): string
// The hub passwords are hashed sometimes with a prefix of the hash type. We only want the hash.
// If it's not Bcrypt, they'll have to reset their password. Tough luck.
$clean = str_ireplace(['invalid:', 'bcrypt:', 'bcrypt::', 'cryptmd5:', 'cryptmd5::'], '', $password);
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// At this point, if the password hash starts with $2, it's a valid Bcrypt hash. Otherwise, it's invalid.
return str_starts_with($clean, '$2') ? $clean : '';
* Clean the registration date from the Hub database.
protected function cleanRegistrationDate(string $registrationDate): string
$date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($registrationDate);
// If the registration date is in the future, set it to now.
if ($date->isFuture()) {
$date = Carbon::now('UTC');
return $date->toDateTimeString();
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* Clean the banned_at date from the Hub database.
protected function cleanUnbannedAtDate(?string $unbannedAt): ?string
// If the input is null, return null
if ($unbannedAt === null) {
return null;
// Explicit check for the Unix epoch start date
if (Str::contains($unbannedAt, '1970-01-01')) {
return null;
// Use validator to check for a valid date format
$validator = Validator::make(['date' => $unbannedAt], [
'date' => 'date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s',
if ($validator->fails()) {
// If the date format is invalid, return null
return null;
// Validate the date using Carbon
try {
$date = Carbon::parse($unbannedAt);
// Additional check to ensure the date is not a default or zero date
if ($date->year == 0 || $date->month == 0 || $date->day == 0) {
return null;
return $date->toDateTimeString();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// If the date is not valid, return null
return null;
* Import the licenses from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importLicenses(): void
->chunkById(100, function (Collection $licenses) {
$insertData = [];
foreach ($licenses as $license) {
$insertData[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $license->licenseID,
'name' => $license->licenseName,
'link' => $license->licenseURL,
if (! empty($insertData)) {
DB::table('licenses')->upsert($insertData, ['hub_id'], ['name', 'link']);
}, 'licenseID');
* Import the SPT versions from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importSptVersions(): void
->where('groupID', 1)
->chunkById(100, function (Collection $versions) {
$insertData = [];
foreach ($versions as $version) {
$insertData[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $version->labelID,
'version' => $version->label,
'color_class' => $this->translateColour($version->cssClassName),
if (! empty($insertData)) {
DB::table('spt_versions')->upsert($insertData, ['hub_id'], ['version', 'color_class']);
}, 'labelID');
* Translate the colour class from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function translateColour(string $colour = ''): string
return match ($colour) {
'green' => 'green',
'slightly-outdated' => 'lime',
'yellow' => 'yellow',
'red' => 'red',
default => 'gray',
* Import the mods from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importMods(): void
// Initialize a cURL handler for downloading mod thumbnails.
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
->chunkById(100, function (Collection $mods) use ($curl) {
foreach ($mods as $mod) {
$modContent = DB::table('temp_file_content')
->where('fileID', $mod->fileID)
->orderBy('fileID', 'desc')
$optionSourceCode = DB::table('temp_file_option_values')
->select('optionValue as source_code_link')
->where('fileID', $mod->fileID)
->whereIn('optionID', [5, 1])
->whereNot('optionValue', '')
$optionContainsAi = DB::table('temp_file_option_values')
->select('optionValue as contains_ai')
->where('fileID', $mod->fileID)
->where('optionID', 7)
->whereNot('optionValue', '')
$optionContainsAds = DB::table('temp_file_option_values')
->select('optionValue as contains_ads')
->where('fileID', $mod->fileID)
->where('optionID', 3)
->whereNot('optionValue', '')
$versionLabel = DB::table('temp_file_version_labels')
->where('objectID', $mod->fileID)
->orderBy('labelID', 'desc')
// Skip the mod if it doesn't have a version label attached to it.
if (empty($versionLabel)) {
$insertData[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $mod->fileID,
'user_id' => User::whereHubId($mod->userID)->value('id'),
'name' => $modContent?->subject ?? '',
'slug' => Str::slug($modContent?->subject ?? ''),
'teaser' => Str::limit($modContent?->teaser ?? ''),
'description' => $this->cleanHubContent($modContent?->message ?? ''),
'thumbnail' => $this->fetchModThumbnail($curl, $mod->fileID, $mod->iconHash, $mod->iconExtension),
'license_id' => License::whereHubId($mod->licenseID)->value('id'),
'source_code_link' => $optionSourceCode?->source_code_link ?? '',
'featured' => (bool) $mod?->isFeatured,
'contains_ai_content' => (bool) $optionContainsAi?->contains_ai,
'contains_ads' => (bool) $optionContainsAds?->contains_ads,
'disabled' => (bool) $mod?->isDisabled,
'created_at' => Carbon::parse($mod->time, 'UTC'),
'updated_at' => Carbon::parse($mod->lastChangeTime, 'UTC'),
if (! empty($insertData)) {
Mod::upsert($insertData, ['hub_id'], [
}, 'fileID');
// Close the cURL handler.
* Convert the mod description from WoltHub flavoured HTML to Markdown.
protected function cleanHubContent(string $dirty): string
// Alright, hear me out... Shut up.
$converter = new HtmlConverter();
$clean = Purify::clean($dirty);
return $converter->convert($clean);
* Fetch the mod thumbnail from the Hub and store it anew.
protected function fetchModThumbnail(CurlHandle $curl, string $fileID, string $thumbnailHash, string $thumbnailExtension): string
// If any of the required fields are empty, return an empty string.
if (empty($fileID) || empty($thumbnailHash) || empty($thumbnailExtension)) {
return '';
// Build some paths/URLs using the mod data.
$hashShort = substr($thumbnailHash, 0, 2);
$fileName = $fileID.'.'.$thumbnailExtension;
$hubUrl = ''.$hashShort.'/'.$fileName;
$relativePath = 'mods/'.$fileName;
// Determine the disk to use based on the environment.
$disk = match (config('app.env')) {
'production' => 'r2', // Cloudflare R2 Storage
default => 'public', // Local
// Check to make sure the image doesn't already exist.
if (Storage::disk($disk)->exists($relativePath)) {
return $relativePath; // Already exists, return the path.
// Download the image using the cURL handler.
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $hubUrl);
$image = curl_exec($curl);
if ($image === false) {
Log::error('There was an error attempting to download a mod thumbnail. cURL error: '.curl_error($curl));
return '';
// Store the image on the disk.
Storage::disk($disk)->put($relativePath, $image);
return $relativePath;
* Import the mod versions from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importModVersions(): void
->chunkById(500, function (Collection $versions) {
foreach ($versions as $version) {
$versionContent = DB::table('temp_file_version_content')
->where('versionID', $version->versionID)
->orderBy('versionID', 'desc')
$optionVirusTotal = DB::table('temp_file_option_values')
->select('optionValue as virus_total_link')
->where('fileID', $version->fileID)
->whereIn('optionID', [6, 2])
->whereNot('optionValue', '')
$versionLabel = DB::table('temp_file_version_labels')
->where('objectID', $version->fileID)
->orderBy('labelID', 'desc')
$modId = Mod::whereHubId($version->fileID)->value('id');
// Skip the mod version if it doesn't have a mod or version label attached to it.
if (empty($versionLabel) || empty($modId)) {
$insertData[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $version->versionID,
'mod_id' => $modId,
'version' => $version->versionNumber,
'description' => $this->cleanHubContent($versionContent->description ?? ''),
'link' => $version->downloadURL,
'spt_version_id' => SptVersion::whereHubId($versionLabel->labelID)->value('id'),
'virus_total_link' => $optionVirusTotal?->virus_total_link ?? '',
'downloads' => max((int) $version->downloads, 0), // At least 0.
'disabled' => (bool) $version->isDisabled,
'created_at' => Carbon::parse($version->uploadTime, 'UTC'),
'updated_at' => Carbon::parse($version->uploadTime, 'UTC'),
if (! empty($insertData)) {
ModVersion::upsert($insertData, ['hub_id'], [
}, 'versionID');
* The job failed to process.
public function failed(Exception $exception): void
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// Drop the temporary tables.
DB::unprepared('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_option_values');
DB::unprepared('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_content');
DB::unprepared('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_version_labels');
DB::unprepared('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_version_content');
// This *should* drop the temporary tables as well, but I like to be sure.
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