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![Single Player Tarkov Logo](logo.spt.png)
+The Forge
+## Development Environment Setup
+This is a Laravel project that uses Laravel Sail, which provides a Docker-based development environment. Ensure Docker is installed and running on your machine before proceeding.
+### **Clone the Repository:**
+git clone https://github.com/sp-tarkov/forge.git
+cd forge
+### **Start Laravel Sail:**
+Laravel Sail is a light command-line interface for interacting with Laravel's default Docker environment. Start the Docker containers using the following command:
+vendor/bin/sail up -d
+### **Accessing the Application:**
+Once the Docker containers are running, you can access the application at `http://localhost`.
+### **Using Services:**
+| Service | Access Via Application | Access Via Host |
+| MySQL | `mysql:3306` | `localhost:3306` |
+| Redis | `redis:6379` | `localhost:6379` |
+| Meilisearch | `meilisearch:7700` | `http://localhost:7700` |
+| Mailpit | `mailpit:1025` | `http://localhost:8025` |
+| Horizon | `N/A` | `http://localhost/horizon/` |
+| Nova | `N/A` | `http://localhost/nova/` |
+| Pulse | `N/A` | `http://localhost/pulse/` |
+Most of these connection settings should already be configured in the `.env.example` file. Simply save the `.env.example` file as `.env` and adjust further settings as needed.
+### Basic Usage Examples
+Here are some basic commands to get started with Forge:
+#### Migrate and Seed the Database:
+The following command will run the database migrations and seed the database with test data:
+vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate:fresh –seed
+### More Information
+For more information on Laravel development, please refer to the [official documentation](https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/).
+## Development Discussion
+*__Please note__, we are very early in development and will likely not accept work that is not discussed beforehand through the following channels...*
+You may propose new features or improvements of existing Forge behavior in the repository's GitHub discussion board. If you propose a new feature, please be willing to implement at least some of the code that would be needed to complete the feature.
+Informal discussion regarding bugs, new features, and implementation of existing features takes place in the `#website-general` channel of the Single Player Tarkov Discord server. Refringe, the maintainer of Forge, is typically present in the channel on weekdays from 9am-5pm Eastern Time (ET), and sporadically present in the channel at other times.
+## Which Branch?
+The `main` branch is the default branch for Forge. This branch is used for the latest stable release of the site. The `develop` branch is used for the latest development changes. All feature branches should be based on the `develop` branch. All pull requests should target the `develop` branch.
+## Security Vulnerabilities
+If you discover a security vulnerability within Forge, please email Refringe at me@refringe.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
+## Coding Style
+Forge follows the PSR-2 coding standard and the PSR-4 autoloading standard. We use an automated Laravel Pint action to enforce the coding standard, though it's suggested to run your code changes through Pint before contributing.
+## Code of Conduct
+The Forge code of conduct is derived from the Ruby code of conduct. Any violations of the code of conduct may be reported to Refringe at me@refringe.com.
+- Participants will be tolerant of opposing views.
+- Participants must ensure that their language and actions are free of personal attacks and disparaging personal remarks.
+- When interpreting the words and actions of others, participants should always assume good intentions.
+- Behavior that can be reasonably considered harassment will not be tolerated.
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-# The Forge