- {{-- dropdown select, for small screens --}}
+ {{-- Mobile Dropdown --}}
- {{-- tab buttons --}}
+ {{-- Desktop Tabs --}}
- {{-- tab panels --}}
- {{-- description --}}
+ {{-- Mod Description --}}
{{-- The description below is safe to write directly because it has been run though HTMLPurifier during the import process. --}}
{!! Str::markdown($mod->description) !!}
+ {!! Str::markdown($mod->description) !!}
- {{-- versions --}}
- @foreach($mod->versions as $version)
- @if(!$version->disabled)
- Created {{ Carbon::parse($version->created_at)->format("M d, h:m a") }}
- Last Updated {{ Carbon::parse($version->updated_at)->format("M d, h:m a") }}
+ {{-- Mod Versions --}}
+ @foreach ($mod->versions as $version)
{{ Number::forhumans($version->downloads) }} {{ __('Downloads') }}
+ {{ __('Created') }} {{ $version->created_at->format("M d, h:m a") }}
+ {{ __('Updated') }} {{ $version->updated_at->format("M d, h:m a") }}
{{-- The description below is safe to write directly because it has been run though HTMLPurifier during the import process. --}}
{!! Str::markdown($version->description) !!}
+ {!! Str::markdown($version->description) !!}
- @endif
{{-- Comments --}}
The comments go here
{{ __('The comments go here.') }}
- {{-- right side panel area --}}
+ {{-- Right Column --}}