window.abortControllers = {}; function cacheAuthValue() { // Whenever the auth header is set for one endpoint, cache it for the others window.lastAuthValue = ''; let authInputs = document.querySelectorAll(`.auth-value`) authInputs.forEach(el => { el.addEventListener('input', (event) => { window.lastAuthValue =; authInputs.forEach(otherInput => { if (otherInput === el) return; // Don't block the main thread setTimeout(() => { otherInput.value = window.lastAuthValue; }, 0); }); }); }); } window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cacheAuthValue); function getCookie(name) { if (!document.cookie) { return null; } const cookies = document.cookie.split(';') .map(c => c.trim()) .filter(c => c.startsWith(name + '=')); if (cookies.length === 0) { return null; } return decodeURIComponent(cookies[0].split('=')[1]); } function tryItOut(endpointId) { document.querySelector(`#btn-tryout-${endpointId}`).hidden = true; document.querySelector(`#btn-canceltryout-${endpointId}`).hidden = false; const executeBtn = document.querySelector(`#btn-executetryout-${endpointId}`).hidden = false; executeBtn.disabled = false; // Show all input fields document.querySelectorAll(`input[data-endpoint=${endpointId}],label[data-endpoint=${endpointId}]`) .forEach(el => = 'block'); if (document.querySelector(`#form-${endpointId}`).dataset.authed === "1") { const authElement = document.querySelector(`#auth-${endpointId}`); authElement && (authElement.hidden = false); } // Expand all nested fields document.querySelectorAll(`#form-${endpointId} details`) .forEach(el => = true); } function cancelTryOut(endpointId) { if (window.abortControllers[endpointId]) { window.abortControllers[endpointId].abort(); delete window.abortControllers[endpointId]; } document.querySelector(`#btn-tryout-${endpointId}`).hidden = false; const executeBtn = document.querySelector(`#btn-executetryout-${endpointId}`); executeBtn.hidden = true; executeBtn.textContent = executeBtn.dataset.initialText; document.querySelector(`#btn-canceltryout-${endpointId}`).hidden = true; // Hide inputs document.querySelectorAll(`input[data-endpoint=${endpointId}],label[data-endpoint=${endpointId}]`) .forEach(el => = 'none'); document.querySelectorAll(`#form-${endpointId} details`) .forEach(el => = false); const authElement = document.querySelector(`#auth-${endpointId}`); authElement && (authElement.hidden = true); document.querySelector('#execution-results-' + endpointId).hidden = true; document.querySelector('#execution-error-' + endpointId).hidden = true; // Revert to sample code blocks document.querySelector('#example-requests-' + endpointId).hidden = false; document.querySelector('#example-responses-' + endpointId).hidden = false; } function makeAPICall(method, path, body = {}, query = {}, headers = {}, endpointId = null) { console.log({endpointId, path, body, query, headers}); if (!(body instanceof FormData) && typeof body !== "string") { body = JSON.stringify(body) } const url = new URL(window.tryItOutBaseUrl + '/' + path.replace(/^\//, '')); // We need this function because if you try to set an array or object directly to a URLSearchParams object, // you'll get [object Object] or the array.toString() function addItemToSearchParamsObject(key, value, searchParams) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { value.forEach((v, i) => { // Append {filters: [first, second]} as filters[0]=first&filters[1]second addItemToSearchParamsObject(key + '[' + i + ']', v, searchParams); }) } else if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) { Object.keys(value).forEach((i) => { // Append {filters: {name: first}} as filters[name]=first addItemToSearchParamsObject(key + '[' + i + ']', value[i], searchParams); }); } else { searchParams.append(key, value); } } Object.keys(query) .forEach(key => addItemToSearchParamsObject(key, query[key], url.searchParams)); window.abortControllers[endpointId] = new AbortController(); return fetch(url, { method, headers, body: method === 'GET' ? undefined : body, signal: window.abortControllers[endpointId].signal, referrer: window.tryItOutBaseUrl, mode: 'cors', credentials: 'same-origin', }) .then(response => Promise.all([response.status, response.statusText, response.text(), response.headers])); } function hideCodeSamples(endpointId) { document.querySelector('#example-requests-' + endpointId).hidden = true; document.querySelector('#example-responses-' + endpointId).hidden = true; } function handleResponse(endpointId, response, status, headers) { hideCodeSamples(endpointId); // Hide error views document.querySelector('#execution-error-' + endpointId).hidden = true; const responseContentEl = document.querySelector('#execution-response-content-' + endpointId); // Prettify it if it's JSON let isJson = false; try { const jsonParsed = JSON.parse(response); if (jsonParsed !== null) { isJson = true; response = JSON.stringify(jsonParsed, null, 4); } } catch (e) { } responseContentEl.textContent = response === '' ? responseContentEl.dataset.emptyResponseText : response; isJson && window.hljs.highlightElement(responseContentEl); const statusEl = document.querySelector('#execution-response-status-' + endpointId); statusEl.textContent = ` (${status})`; document.querySelector('#execution-results-' + endpointId).hidden = false; statusEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center"}); } function handleError(endpointId, err) { hideCodeSamples(endpointId); // Hide response views document.querySelector('#execution-results-' + endpointId).hidden = true; // Show error views let errorMessage = err.message || err; const $errorMessageEl = document.querySelector('#execution-error-message-' + endpointId); $errorMessageEl.textContent = errorMessage + $errorMessageEl.textContent; const errorEl = document.querySelector('#execution-error-' + endpointId); errorEl.hidden = false; errorEl.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center"}); } async function executeTryOut(endpointId, form) { const executeBtn = document.querySelector(`#btn-executetryout-${endpointId}`); executeBtn.textContent = executeBtn.dataset.loadingText; executeBtn.disabled = true; executeBtn.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center"}); let body; let setter; if (form.dataset.hasfiles === "1") { body = new FormData(); setter = (name, value) => body.append(name, value); } else if (form.dataset.isarraybody === "1") { body = []; setter = (name, value) => _.set(body, name, value); } else { body = {}; setter = (name, value) => _.set(body, name, value); } const bodyParameters = form.querySelectorAll('input[data-component=body]'); bodyParameters.forEach(el => { let value = el.value; if (el.type === 'number' && typeof value === 'string') { value = parseFloat(value); } if (el.type === 'file' && el.files[0]) { setter(, el.files[0]); return; } if (el.type !== 'radio') { if (value === "" && el.required === false) { // Don't include empty optional values in the request return; } setter(, value); return; } if (el.checked) { value = (value === 'false') ? false : true; setter(, value); } }); const query = {}; const queryParameters = form.querySelectorAll('input[data-component=query]'); queryParameters.forEach(el => { if (el.type !== 'radio' || (el.type === 'radio' && el.checked)) { if (el.value === '') { // Don't include empty values in the request return; } _.set(query,, el.value); } }); let path = form.dataset.path; const urlParameters = form.querySelectorAll('input[data-component=url]'); urlParameters.forEach(el => (path = path.replace(new RegExp(`\\{${}\\??}`), el.value))); const headers = Object.fromEntries(Array.from(form.querySelectorAll('input[data-component=header]')) .map(el => [, el.value])); // When using FormData, the browser sets the correct content-type + boundary let method = form.dataset.method; if (body instanceof FormData) { delete headers['Content-Type']; // When using FormData with PUT or PATCH, use method spoofing so PHP can access the post body if (['PUT', 'PATCH'].includes(form.dataset.method)) { method = 'POST'; setter('_method', form.dataset.method); } } let preflightPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (window.useCsrf && window.csrfUrl) { preflightPromise = makeAPICall('GET', window.csrfUrl).then(() => { headers['X-XSRF-TOKEN'] = getCookie('XSRF-TOKEN'); }); } return preflightPromise.then(() => makeAPICall(method, path, body, query, headers, endpointId)) .then(([responseStatus, statusText, responseContent, responseHeaders]) => { handleResponse(endpointId, responseContent, responseStatus, responseHeaders) }) .catch(err => { if ( === "AbortError") { console.log("Request cancelled"); return; } console.log("Error while making request: ", err); handleError(endpointId, err); }) .finally(() => { executeBtn.disabled = false; executeBtn.textContent = executeBtn.dataset.initialText; }); }