{{ __('Connected Accounts') }} {{ __('Manage your connected OAuth accounts.') }}

{{ __('You can manage your OAuth connections here') }}

@if ($user->password === null)

{{ __('Before you can remove a connection you must have an account password set.') }}

@endif @if (session()->has('status'))
{{ session('status') }}
@endif @if (session()->has('error'))
{{ session('error') }}
@forelse ($user->oauthConnections as $connection)
@switch ($connection->provider) @case ('discord') @break @default @endswitch
{{ ucfirst($connection->provider) }} - {{ $connection->name }} - {{ $connection->email }}
{{ __('Connected') }} {{ $connection->created_at->format('M d, Y') }}
@can('delete', $connection) {{ __('Remove') }} @endcan
{{ __('You have no connected accounts.') }}
{{ __('Remove Connected Account') }} {{ __('Are you sure you want to remove this connected account? This action cannot be undone.') }} {{ __('Cancel') }} {{ __('Remove') }}