providers)) { return redirect()->route('login')->withErrors(__('Unsupported OAuth provider.')); } return Socialite::driver('discord') ->scopes([ 'identify', 'email', ]) ->redirect(); } /** * Obtain the user information from the provider. */ public function callback(string $provider): RedirectResponse { if (! in_array($provider, $this->providers)) { return redirect()->route('login')->withErrors(__('Unsupported OAuth provider.')); } try { $providerUser = Socialite::driver($provider)->user(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return redirect()->route('login')->withErrors('Unable to login using '.$provider.'. Please try again.'); } $user = $this->findOrCreateUser($provider, $providerUser); Auth::login($user, remember: true); return redirect()->route('dashboard'); } protected function findOrCreateUser(string $provider, ProviderUser $providerUser): User { $oauthConnection = OAuthConnection::whereProvider($provider) ->whereProviderId($providerUser->getId()) ->first(); if ($oauthConnection) { $oauthConnection->update([ 'token' => $providerUser->token, 'refresh_token' => $providerUser->refreshToken ?? '', 'nickname' => $providerUser->getNickname() ?? '', 'name' => $providerUser->getName() ?? '', 'email' => $providerUser->getEmail() ?? '', 'avatar' => $providerUser->getAvatar() ?? '', ]); return $oauthConnection->user; } // If the username already exists in the database, append a random string to it to ensure uniqueness. $username = $providerUser->getName() ?? $providerUser->getNickname(); $random = ''; while (User::whereName($username.$random)->exists()) { $random = '-'.Str::random(5); } $username .= $random; // The user has not connected their account with this OAuth provider before, so a new connection needs to be // established. Check if the user has an account with the same email address that's passed in from the provider. // If one exists, connect that account. Otherwise, create a new one. return DB::transaction(function () use ($providerUser, $provider, $username) { $user = User::firstOrCreate(['email' => $providerUser->getEmail()], [ 'name' => $username, 'password' => null, ]); $connection = $user->oAuthConnections()->create([ 'provider' => $provider, 'provider_id' => $providerUser->getId(), 'token' => $providerUser->token, 'refresh_token' => $providerUser->refreshToken ?? '', 'nickname' => $providerUser->getNickname() ?? '', 'name' => $providerUser->getName() ?? '', 'email' => $providerUser->getEmail() ?? '', 'avatar' => $providerUser->getAvatar() ?? '', ]); $this->updateAvatar($user, $connection->avatar); return $user; }); } private function updateAvatar(User $user, string $avatarUrl): void { // Determine the disk to use based on the environment. $disk = match (config('app.env')) { 'production' => 'r2', // Cloudflare R2 Storage default => 'public', // Local }; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $avatarUrl); $image = curl_exec($curl); if ($image === false) { Log::error('There was an error attempting to download the image. cURL error: '.curl_error($curl)); return; } // Generate a random path for the image and ensure that it doesn't already exist. do { $relativePath = User::profilePhotoStoragePath().'/'.Str::random(40).'.webp'; } while (Storage::disk($disk)->exists($relativePath)); // Store the image on the disk. Storage::disk($disk)->put($relativePath, $image); // Update the user's profile photo path. $user->forceFill([ 'profile_photo_path' => $relativePath, ])->save(); } }