*/ #[Locked] public Collection $followUsers; /** * The maximum number of users to display on the card. */ #[Locked] public int $limit = 5; /** * Whether to show all users in a model dialog. */ public bool $showFollowDialog = false; /** * The user whose profile is being viewed. */ #[Locked] public User $profileUser; /** * Called when the component is initialized. */ public function mount(): void { $this->profileUser = User::select(['id', 'name', 'profile_photo_path', 'cover_photo_path']) ->findOrFail($this->profileUserId); $this->setTitle(); $this->setEmptyMessage(); $this->setDialogTitle(); } /** * Set the title of the card based on the relationship. */ private function setTitle(): void { $this->title = match ($this->relationship) { 'followers' => __('Followers'), 'following' => __('Following'), default => __('Users'), }; } /** * Set the empty message based on the relationship. */ private function setEmptyMessage(): void { $this->emptyMessage = match ($this->relationship) { 'followers' => __('No followers yet.'), 'following' => __('Not yet following anyone.'), default => __('No users found.'), }; } /** * Set the dialog title based on the relationship. */ private function setDialogTitle(): void { $this->dialogTitle = match ($this->relationship) { 'followers' => 'User :name has these followers:', 'following' => 'User :name is following:', default => 'Users:', }; } /** * Render the component. */ public function render(): View { $this->populateFollowUsers(); return view('livewire.user.follow-card'); } /** * Called when the user follows or unfollows a user. */ #[On('user-follow-change')] public function populateFollowUsers(): void { // Fetch IDs of all users the authenticated user is following. $followingIds = auth()->user()->following()->pluck('following_id'); // Load the profile user's followers (or following) and map the follow status. $this->followUsers = $this->profileUser->{$this->relationship} ->map(function (User $user) use ($followingIds) { // Add the follow status based on the preloaded IDs. $user->follows = $followingIds->contains($user->id); return $user; }); } /** * Toggle showing the follow dialog. */ public function toggleFollowDialog(): void { $this->showFollowDialog = ! $this->showFollowDialog; } }