activeSptVersions = $this->activeSptVersions ?? Cache::remember('active-spt-versions', 60 * 60, function () { return SptVersion::getVersionsForLastThreeMinors(); }); $this->sptVersions = $this->sptVersions ?? $this->getLatestMinorVersions()->pluck('version')->toArray(); } /** * Get all patch versions of the latest minor SPT version. */ public function getLatestMinorVersions(): Collection { return $this->activeSptVersions->filter(function (SptVersion $sptVersion) { return $sptVersion->isLatestMinor(); }); } /** * The component mount method. */ public function render(): View { // Fetch the mods using the filters saved to the component properties. $filters = [ 'query' => $this->query, 'featured' => $this->featured, 'order' => $this->order, 'sptVersions' => $this->sptVersions, ]; $mods = (new ModFilter($filters))->apply()->paginate(16); // Check if the current page is greater than the last page. Redirect if it is. if ($mods->currentPage() > $mods->lastPage()) { $this->redirectRoute('mods', ['page' => $mods->lastPage()]); } return view('livewire.mod.index', compact('mods')); } /** * The method to reset the filters. */ public function resetFilters(): void { $this->query = ''; $this->sptVersions = $this->getLatestMinorVersions()->pluck('version')->toArray(); $this->featured = 'include'; } /** * Compute the count of active filters. */ #[Computed] public function filterCount(): int { $count = 0; if ($this->query !== '') { $count++; } if ($this->featured !== 'include') { $count++; } $count += count($this->sptVersions); return $count; } }