{{ __('Mods') }}

{!! __('Explore an enhanced SPT experience with the mods available below. Check out the featured mods for a tailored solo-survival game with maximum immersion.') !!}

{{ __('Filters') }}

{{ __('Loading...') }}

@php $totalVersions = count($activeSptVersions); $half = ceil($totalVersions / 2); @endphp
{{ __('SPT Versions') }}
@foreach ($activeSptVersions as $index => $version) @if ($index < $half) {{ $version->version }} @endif @endforeach
@foreach ($activeSptVersions as $index => $version) @if ($index >= $half) {{ $version->version }} @endif @endforeach
{{ __('Featured') }}
{{ __('Include') }} {{ __('Exclude') }} {{ __('Only') }}
{{-- Results Per Page Dropdown --}}
{{-- Large display can show full text --}} {{-- Only show selected number on smaller screens --}}
{{-- Sort Dropdown --}}
{{ $mods->onEachSide(1)->links() }} {{-- Mod Listing --}} @if ($mods->isNotEmpty())
@foreach ($mods as $mod) @endforeach

{{ __('There were no mods found with those filters applied. ') }}

@endif {{ $mods->onEachSide(1)->links() }}