Refringe 348e7aa532
Saves Filter Data in Session
Adds back in the Session attribute. Apparently if you add it first, before the Url attribute, you can alter the variables in the URL and the changes will stick around.
2024-10-06 20:19:48 -06:00

135 lines
3.3 KiB

namespace App\Livewire\Mod;
use App\Http\Filters\ModFilter;
use App\Models\SptVersion;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Livewire\Attributes\Computed;
use Livewire\Attributes\Session;
use Livewire\Attributes\Url;
use Livewire\Component;
use Livewire\WithPagination;
class Listing extends Component
use WithPagination;
* The search query value.
public string $query = '';
* The sort order value.
public string $order = 'created';
* The SPT versions filter value.
public array $sptVersions = [];
* The featured filter value.
public string $featured = 'include';
* The available SPT versions.
* @var Collection<int, SptVersion>
public Collection $activeSptVersions;
* The component mount method, run only once when the component is mounted.
public function mount(): void
$this->activeSptVersions = $this->activeSptVersions ?? Cache::remember('active-spt-versions', 60 * 60, function () {
return SptVersion::getVersionsForLastThreeMinors();
$this->sptVersions = $this->sptVersions ?? $this->getLatestMinorVersions()->pluck('version')->toArray();
* Get all patch versions of the latest minor SPT version.
public function getLatestMinorVersions(): Collection
return $this->activeSptVersions->filter(function (SptVersion $sptVersion) {
return $sptVersion->isLatestMinor();
* The component mount method.
public function render(): View
// Fetch the mods using the filters saved to the component properties.
$filters = [
'query' => $this->query,
'featured' => $this->featured,
'order' => $this->order,
'sptVersions' => $this->sptVersions,
$mods = (new ModFilter($filters))->apply()->paginate(16);
return view('livewire.mod.listing', compact('mods'));
* Check if the current page is greater than the last page. Redirect if it is.
private function redirectOutOfBoundsPage(LengthAwarePaginator $mods): void
if ($mods->currentPage() > $mods->lastPage()) {
$this->redirectRoute('mods', ['page' => $mods->lastPage()]);
* The method to reset the filters.
public function resetFilters(): void
$this->query = '';
$this->sptVersions = $this->getLatestMinorVersions()->pluck('version')->toArray();
$this->featured = 'include';
* Compute the count of active filters.
public function filterCount(): int
$count = 0;
if ($this->query !== '') {
if ($this->featured !== 'include') {
$count += count($this->sptVersions);
return $count;