Refringe 49fd8b83df
Search SPT Version & Homepage Queries
The global search results now include the SPT version number the latest version of the mod is compatible with. Additionally, mod thumbnails and the SPT version numbers

Homepage queries have been further optimized and are now cached for 5 minutes.
2024-07-15 23:17:53 -04:00

722 lines
26 KiB

namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Models\License;
use App\Models\Mod;
use App\Models\ModVersion;
use App\Models\SptVersion;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\UserRole;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use CurlHandle;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeUnique;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter;
use Stevebauman\Purify\Facades\Purify;
class ImportHubData implements ShouldBeUnique, ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public function handle(): void
// Stream some data locally so that we don't have to keep accessing the Hub's database. Use MySQL temporary
// tables to store the data to save on memory; we don't want this to be a hog.
// Begin to import the data into the permanent local database tables.
// Ensure that we've disconnected from the Hub database, clearing temporary tables.
// Reindex the Meilisearch index.
Artisan::call('scout:import', ['model' => '\App\Models\Mod']);
Artisan::call('scout:import', ['model' => '\App\Models\User']);
* Bring the file authors from the Hub database to the local database temporary table.
protected function bringFileAuthorsLocal(): void
DB::statement('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_author');
DB::statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_file_author (
fileID INT,
userID INT
->chunk(200, function ($relationships) {
foreach ($relationships as $relationship) {
'fileID' => (int) $relationship->fileID,
'userID' => (int) $relationship->userID,
* Bring the file options from the Hub database to the local database temporary table.
protected function bringFileOptionsLocal(): void
DB::statement('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_option_values');
DB::statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_file_option_values (
fileID INT,
optionID INT,
optionValue VARCHAR(255)
->chunk(200, function ($options) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
'fileID' => (int) $option->fileID,
'optionID' => (int) $option->optionID,
'optionValue' => $option->optionValue,
* Bring the file content from the Hub database to the local database temporary table.
protected function bringFileContentLocal(): void
DB::statement('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_content');
DB::statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_file_content (
fileID INT,
subject VARCHAR(255),
teaser VARCHAR(255),
message LONGTEXT
->chunk(200, function ($contents) {
foreach ($contents as $content) {
'fileID' => (int) $content->fileID,
'subject' => $content->subject,
'teaser' => $content->teaser,
'message' => $content->message,
* Bring the file version labels from the Hub database to the local database temporary table.
protected function bringFileVersionLabelsLocal(): void
DB::statement('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_version_labels');
DB::statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_file_version_labels (
labelID INT,
objectID INT
->where('objectTypeID', 387)
->chunk(200, function ($options) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
'labelID' => (int) $option->labelID,
'objectID' => (int) $option->objectID,
* Bring the file version content from the Hub database to the local database temporary table.
protected function bringFileVersionContentLocal(): void
DB::statement('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_version_content');
DB::statement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_file_version_content (
versionID INT,
description TEXT
->chunk(200, function ($options) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
'versionID' => (int) $option->versionID,
'description' => $option->description,
* Import the users from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importUsers(): void
->table('wcf1_user as u')
->select('u.userID', 'u.username', '', 'u.password', 'u.registrationDate', 'u.banned', 'u.banReason', 'u.banExpires', 'u.rankID', 'r.rankTitle')
->leftJoin('wcf1_user_rank as r', 'u.rankID', '=', 'r.rankID')
->chunkById(250, function (Collection $users) {
$userData = $bannedUsers = $userRanks = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
$userData[] = $this->collectUserData($user);
$bannedUserData = $this->collectBannedUserData($user);
if ($bannedUserData) {
$bannedUsers[] = $bannedUserData;
$userRankData = $this->collectUserRankData($user);
if ($userRankData) {
$userRanks[] = $userRankData;
}, 'userID');
protected function collectUserData($user): array
return [
'hub_id' => (int) $user->userID,
'name' => $user->username,
'email' => mb_convert_case($user->email, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'),
'password' => $this->cleanPasswordHash($user->password),
'created_at' => $this->cleanRegistrationDate($user->registrationDate),
'updated_at' => now('UTC')->toDateTimeString(),
* Clean the password hash from the Hub database.
protected function cleanPasswordHash(string $password): string
// The hub passwords sometimes hashed with a prefix of the hash type. We only want the hash.
// If it's not Bcrypt, they'll have to reset their password. Tough luck.
$clean = str_ireplace(['invalid:', 'bcrypt:', 'bcrypt::', 'cryptmd5:', 'cryptmd5::'], '', $password);
// At this point, if the password hash starts with $2, it's a valid Bcrypt hash. Otherwise, it's invalid.
return str_starts_with($clean, '$2') ? $clean : '';
* Clean the registration date from the Hub database.
protected function cleanRegistrationDate(string $registrationDate): string
$date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($registrationDate);
// If the registration date is in the future, set it to now.
if ($date->isFuture()) {
$date = Carbon::now('UTC');
return $date->toDateTimeString();
* Build an array of banned user data ready to be inserted into the local database.
protected function collectBannedUserData($user): ?array
if ($user->banned) {
return [
'hub_id' => (int) $user->userID,
'comment' => $user->banReason ?? '',
'expired_at' => $this->cleanUnbannedAtDate($user->banExpires),
return null;
* Clean the banned_at date from the Hub database.
protected function cleanUnbannedAtDate(?string $unbannedAt): ?string
// If the input is null, return null
if ($unbannedAt === null) {
return null;
// Explicit check for the Unix epoch start date
if (Str::contains($unbannedAt, '1970-01-01')) {
return null;
// Use validator to check for a valid date format
$validator = Validator::make(['date' => $unbannedAt], [
'date' => 'date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s',
if ($validator->fails()) {
// If the date format is invalid, return null
return null;
// Validate the date using Carbon
try {
$date = Carbon::parse($unbannedAt);
// Additional check to ensure the date is not a default or zero date
if ($date->year == 0 || $date->month == 0 || $date->day == 0) {
return null;
return $date->toDateTimeString();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// If the date is not valid, return null
return null;
* Build an array of user rank data ready to be inserted into the local database.
protected function collectUserRankData($user): ?array
if ($user->rankID && $user->rankTitle) {
return [
'hub_id' => (int) $user->userID,
'title' => $user->rankTitle,
return null;
* Insert or update the users in the local database.
protected function upsertUsers($usersData): void
if (! empty($usersData)) {
DB::table('users')->upsert($usersData, ['hub_id'], [
* Fetch the hub-banned users from the local database and ban them locally.
protected function handleBannedUsers($bannedUsers): void
foreach ($bannedUsers as $bannedUser) {
$user = User::whereHubId($bannedUser['hub_id'])->first();
'comment' => $bannedUser['comment'],
'expired_at' => $bannedUser['expired_at'],
* Fetch or create the user ranks in the local database and assign them to the users.
protected function handleUserRoles($userRanks): void
foreach ($userRanks as $userRank) {
$roleName = Str::ucfirst(Str::afterLast($userRank['title'], '.'));
$roleData = $this->buildUserRoleData($roleName);
UserRole::upsert($roleData, ['name'], ['name', 'short_name', 'description', 'color_class']);
$userRole = UserRole::whereName($roleData['name'])->first();
$user = User::whereHubId($userRank['hub_id'])->first();
* Build the user role data based on the role name.
protected function buildUserRoleData(string $name): array
if ($name === 'Administrator') {
return [
'name' => 'Administrator',
'short_name' => 'Admin',
'description' => 'An administrator has full access to the site.',
'color_class' => 'sky',
if ($name === 'Moderator') {
return [
'name' => 'Moderator',
'short_name' => 'Mod',
'description' => 'A moderator has the ability to moderate user content.',
'color_class' => 'emerald',
return [
'name' => $name,
'short_name' => '',
'description' => '',
'color_class' => '',
* Import the licenses from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importLicenses(): void
->chunkById(100, function (Collection $licenses) {
$insertData = [];
foreach ($licenses as $license) {
$insertData[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $license->licenseID,
'name' => $license->licenseName,
'link' => $license->licenseURL,
if (! empty($insertData)) {
DB::table('licenses')->upsert($insertData, ['hub_id'], ['name', 'link']);
}, 'licenseID');
* Import the SPT versions from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importSptVersions(): void
->where('groupID', 1)
->chunkById(100, function (Collection $versions) {
$insertData = [];
foreach ($versions as $version) {
$insertData[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $version->labelID,
'version' => $version->label,
'color_class' => $this->translateColour($version->cssClassName),
if (! empty($insertData)) {
DB::table('spt_versions')->upsert($insertData, ['hub_id'], ['version', 'color_class']);
}, 'labelID');
* Translate the colour class from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function translateColour(string $colour = ''): string
return match ($colour) {
'green' => 'green',
'slightly-outdated' => 'lime',
'yellow' => 'yellow',
'red' => 'red',
default => 'gray',
* Import the mods from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importMods(): void
// Initialize a cURL handler for downloading mod thumbnails.
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
->chunkById(100, function (Collection $mods) use ($curl) {
foreach ($mods as $mod) {
// Fetch any additional authors for the mod.
$modAuthors = DB::table('temp_file_author')
->where('fileID', $mod->fileID)
$modAuthors[] = $mod->userID; // Add the primary author to the list.
$modAuthors = User::whereIn('hub_id', $modAuthors)->pluck('id')->toArray(); // Replace with local IDs.
$modContent = DB::table('temp_file_content')
->where('fileID', $mod->fileID)
->orderBy('fileID', 'desc')
$optionSourceCode = DB::table('temp_file_option_values')
->select('optionValue as source_code_link')
->where('fileID', $mod->fileID)
->whereIn('optionID', [5, 1])
->whereNot('optionValue', '')
$optionContainsAi = DB::table('temp_file_option_values')
->select('optionValue as contains_ai')
->where('fileID', $mod->fileID)
->where('optionID', 7)
->whereNot('optionValue', '')
$optionContainsAds = DB::table('temp_file_option_values')
->select('optionValue as contains_ads')
->where('fileID', $mod->fileID)
->where('optionID', 3)
->whereNot('optionValue', '')
$versionLabel = DB::table('temp_file_version_labels')
->where('objectID', $mod->fileID)
->orderBy('labelID', 'desc')
// Skip the mod if it doesn't have a version label attached to it.
if (empty($versionLabel)) {
$modData[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $mod->fileID,
'users' => $modAuthors,
'name' => $modContent?->subject ?? '',
'slug' => Str::slug($modContent?->subject ?? ''),
'teaser' => Str::limit($modContent?->teaser ?? ''),
'description' => $this->cleanHubContent($modContent?->message ?? ''),
'thumbnail' => $this->fetchModThumbnail($curl, $mod->fileID, $mod->iconHash, $mod->iconExtension),
'license_id' => License::whereHubId($mod->licenseID)->value('id'),
'source_code_link' => $optionSourceCode?->source_code_link ?? '',
'featured' => (bool) $mod?->isFeatured,
'contains_ai_content' => (bool) $optionContainsAi?->contains_ai,
'contains_ads' => (bool) $optionContainsAds?->contains_ads,
'disabled' => (bool) $mod?->isDisabled,
'created_at' => Carbon::parse($mod->time, 'UTC'),
'updated_at' => Carbon::parse($mod->lastChangeTime, 'UTC'),
if (! empty($modData)) {
// Remove the user_id from the mod data before upserting.
$insertModData = array_map(fn ($mod) => Arr::except($mod, 'users'), $modData);
Mod::upsert($insertModData, ['hub_id'], [
foreach ($modData as $mod) {
}, 'fileID');
// Close the cURL handler.
* Convert the mod description from WoltHub flavoured HTML to Markdown.
protected function cleanHubContent(string $dirty): string
// Alright, hear me out... Shut up.
$converter = new HtmlConverter();
$clean = Purify::clean($dirty);
return $converter->convert($clean);
* Fetch the mod thumbnail from the Hub and store it anew.
protected function fetchModThumbnail(CurlHandle $curl, string $fileID, string $thumbnailHash, string $thumbnailExtension): string
// If any of the required fields are empty, return an empty string.
if (empty($fileID) || empty($thumbnailHash) || empty($thumbnailExtension)) {
return '';
// Build some paths/URLs using the mod data.
$hashShort = substr($thumbnailHash, 0, 2);
$fileName = $fileID.'.'.$thumbnailExtension;
$hubUrl = ''.$hashShort.'/'.$fileName;
$relativePath = 'mods/'.$fileName;
// Determine the disk to use based on the environment.
$disk = match (config('app.env')) {
'production' => 'r2', // Cloudflare R2 Storage
default => 'public', // Local
// Check to make sure the image doesn't already exist.
if (Storage::disk($disk)->exists($relativePath)) {
return $relativePath; // Already exists, return the path.
// Download the image using the cURL handler.
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $hubUrl);
$image = curl_exec($curl);
if ($image === false) {
Log::error('There was an error attempting to download a mod thumbnail. cURL error: '.curl_error($curl));
return '';
// Store the image on the disk.
Storage::disk($disk)->put($relativePath, $image);
return $relativePath;
* Import the mod versions from the Hub database to the local database.
protected function importModVersions(): void
->chunkById(500, function (Collection $versions) {
foreach ($versions as $version) {
$versionContent = DB::table('temp_file_version_content')
->where('versionID', $version->versionID)
->orderBy('versionID', 'desc')
$optionVirusTotal = DB::table('temp_file_option_values')
->select('optionValue as virus_total_link')
->where('fileID', $version->fileID)
->whereIn('optionID', [6, 2])
->whereNot('optionValue', '')
$versionLabel = DB::table('temp_file_version_labels')
->where('objectID', $version->fileID)
->orderBy('labelID', 'desc')
$modId = Mod::whereHubId($version->fileID)->value('id');
// Skip the mod version if it doesn't have a mod or version label attached to it.
if (empty($versionLabel) || empty($modId)) {
$insertData[] = [
'hub_id' => (int) $version->versionID,
'mod_id' => $modId,
'version' => $version->versionNumber,
'description' => $this->cleanHubContent($versionContent->description ?? ''),
'link' => $version->downloadURL,
'spt_version_id' => SptVersion::whereHubId($versionLabel->labelID)->value('id'),
'virus_total_link' => $optionVirusTotal?->virus_total_link ?? '',
'downloads' => max((int) $version->downloads, 0), // At least 0.
'disabled' => (bool) $version->isDisabled,
'created_at' => Carbon::parse($version->uploadTime, 'UTC'),
'updated_at' => Carbon::parse($version->uploadTime, 'UTC'),
if (! empty($insertData)) {
ModVersion::upsert($insertData, ['hub_id'], [
}, 'versionID');
* The job failed to process.
public function failed(Exception $exception): void
// Explicitly drop the temporary tables.
DB::unprepared('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_author');
DB::unprepared('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_option_values');
DB::unprepared('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_content');
DB::unprepared('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_version_labels');
DB::unprepared('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS temp_file_version_content');
// Close the connections. This should drop the temporary tables as well, but I like to be explicit.